Friday, May 29
Lost hikers rescued from Kootenai National Forest
Officials with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office announced via social media the safe return of three missing hikers in the early morning hours of May 26.

Leland B. Varney, 89
Leland B. Varney, 89, passed away May 12, 2020, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center after a brief hospitalization. He was born July 5, 1930, in Reardon, Wash.

John Kujawa, 60
John Kujawa, 60, passed away May 22, 2020. He was born and raised in Libby by his parents, Loren and Gynell Kujawa.

Albert C. Anderson, 81
Albert C. “Andy” Anderson, 81, passed away May 18, 2020, at his home in Libby. He was born July 14, 1938, to Swend and Ina Anderson in Preston, Idaho.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Maintenance department chief lobbies for new hire
With the acquisition of a new building, Lincoln County’s maintenance chief wants to expand his workforce.

Library branch reopening weeks away
Libby librarians plan to serve patrons in an alternative location as officials assess the damage wreaked on the organization’s building by a burst pipe earlier this month.
Troy woman pleads not guilty to distribution charges
A Troy woman faces multiple charges after authorities allegedly found methamphetamine and “drug distribution kits” in her home during a probation home check on her boyfriend in March.
Legals for May, 29 2020
Tuesday, May 26
Kimberly Dudik has the credentials to serve as Montana’s top law enforcement official
POW-MIA recovery efforts have fallen by the wayside for too long
To the editor:
Rosendale is a fiscal conservative to the core
Stemming the flow of Canadian pollution
An international group of science and policy experts from the United States and Canada recently published a letter in the prestigious journal Science voicing concern for the poisoning of U.S. rivers stemming from Canadian headwaters. The source of the contamination? Hard-rock and coal mining.
Rosendale understands private property rights

Russell E. Fuhlendorf, 70
Russell E. Fuhlendorf, 70, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 66 years, died May 20 at his home. He had been a longtime employee of the St. Regis Paper Co. and Champion International in Libby until his retirement.
Al Olszewski represents a chance to examine the CSKT Compact afresh
Election staff collecting primary ballots
Of the more than 11,500 ballots mailed out for the June 2 primary, Lincoln County election officials have received about 3,700.
Federal coronavirus aid trickles down to local schools
Libby Public Schools District is slated to receive about $402,371 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securites Act.
Visitation rules relaxed at medical center
Officials at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center announced the easing of visitor restrictions on the facility beginning May 26.

Eugene Thomas Lockhart, 75
On May 1, 2020, the love of Arlene Lockhart’s life became an angel in heaven. Eugene Thomas Lockhart, 75, was born Aug. 20, 1944. He was a twin, and his brother, Michael, was born a few minutes later to Eugene and Eleanor Lockhart in San Francisco, Calif.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Survey posted for elementary school families
Libby educators are casting an eye toward what the coming school year might look like and asking parents for help.
After complaints, officials revist rules for issuing burn permits
Environmental health officials want to amend county ordinances to require that those planning larger burns notify their neighbors ahead of time.
Legals for May, 26 2020
Friday, May 22

Burst pipe dampens plan for reopening library branch
A roadmap to reopen the county’s libraries got soaked — in Libby, at least — early this week.
Republican leadership will revitalize the economy
On the eve of the Treasure State’s most bustling season, Montanans are looking with uncertainty at the road ahead. An additional 15,000 Montanans filed unemployment claims during the week ending on April 25 due to coronavirus-related restrictions. That brought the total of newly unemployed Montanans to nearly 100,000. It sent our unemployment rate per capita soaring.

Graduation festivities tweaked in Troy amid pandemic
The lack of handshakes and hugs at this year’s Troy High School graduation ceremony might end up the biggest departure from past observations of the rite of passage for the senior class.
Bits ‘n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact, which COVID-19 has illustrated so well. A recent sampling:

George Rhoads Jamison, 91
George Rhoads Jamison, 91, of Taylorville, Ill., passed away May 17, 2020, at Lewis Memorial Christian Village in Springfield, Ill. He was born April 15, 1929, in Taylorville, the fifth child of James Calvin and Editha Marie (Rhoads) Jamison.

Patricia May Haynes, 64
Patricia May Haynes, 64, of Libby, passed away peacefully May 15, 2020, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center. She was born Aug. 11, 1955, in Oak Harbor, Wash., to George and Beulah C. Potts.

Asbestos cleanup looms large over Asa Wood sale
The fate of the former Asa Wood Elementary School may hinge on the cost of removing asbestos from the defunct building.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Fielder is the right choice for the Public Service Commission
Olszewski would offer a steady hand in a time of crisis
More than a good politician, Rosendale is a good neighbor
Big thanks to Flathead Electric
Legals for May, 22 2020
Tuesday, May 19

Carrying the torch
They wheeled into Troy at precisely 9:30 on a crisp, sun-washed spring morning. The four cyclists, escorted by law enforcement cruisers, had started their ride at about 8 a.m. at the border with Idaho.
CPMC launches limited resumption of services
As the state eases pandemic restrictions, officials with Cabinet Peaks Medical Center announced May 6 plans for the resumption of medical services.
Quarantine directive irks county officials
County Health Department officials say they are inundated with complaints regarding the state’s voluntary self-quarantine protocol for out-of-state travelers.
The Shed gets variance for pizza oven, testing needed for fireplace
Owners of The Shed restaurant received the county’s blessing to operate a wood-fired pizza oven, but must show its open-hearth fireplace meets air quality standards before October.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Libby police remind firewood peddlers to get license
Libby police officials reminded residents last week to obtain a hawkers or peddlers license prior to selling firewood within city limits or risk running afoul of the law.
Legals for May, 19 2020
Friday, May 15

Hecla Charitable Foundation donates to local food banks, emergency services amid COVID-19 pandemic
Local food banks hit hard by a surge in demand from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis got a boost from Hecla Mining in recent weeks.

Libby officials hold fast to graduation plans
Despite mounting pressure to loosen restrictions surrounding high school graduation, Superintendent Craig Barringer said the Libby Public School District would keep the cap on the number of tickets given to each senior at four.
Pandemic restrictions further eased
The owner of Pure North Athletic Club felt pure joy when she heard the news.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
EPA, Teck Resources differ on definition of ‘comprehensive’
The adjectives “comprehensive” and “limited” lean more toward being antonyms than synonyms. The words cropped up recently in separate references to the same information by a mining company and an environmental agency.
Use every election to promote climate action
Voting by mail has many potential upsides
Cast a ballot in defense of democracy during this year’s November election
Kimberly Dudik the right choice for Montana’s next attorney general
Matt Rosendale has worked hard to earn your support as our next U.S. Rep.
To the editor:
It is time for public health officials to start naming names for the greater good
Why Congress needs to support your local news sources during a crisis where information is critical
During this coronavirus pandemic, access to accurate and trustworthy information in your community is as critical to life under quarantine and as sought after as hand sanitizer and face masks.

Kenneth Holcomb, 82
Kenneth “Ken” Holcomb, 82, died May 9, 2020, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center after a short battle with cancer. He was born on April 19, 1938, to Joe and Eula Holcomb in Corning, Ark.

Lorissa Jean Kier
In the early hours of April 26, 2020, my mom, Lorissa Jean Kier, passed away after a six-month battle with cancer. She passed quietly in her home, surrounded by family in Santa Monica, Calif.

Peggy Joyce Countryman Petersen, 77
Peggy Joyce Countryman Petersen, 77, of Troy, passed away May 9, 2020. She was born on March 4, 1943, in Chewelah, Wash.
Eureka fish pond rehabilitation project moves ahead with FWP grant funds
Josh Letcher wasn’t hooked at first on the idea of tapping state and county resources to build a fish pond near Eureka.
Bits ‘n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact, which COVID-19 has illustrated so well. A recent sampling:
Deputies: Ferguson admitted to sexual assault of juvenile
A Eureka man faces multiple charges in Lincoln County District Court after allegedly admitting to sexually assaulting a minor over the course of several years.
Makeup of school board unchanged
Four members of the Libby Public School Board were sworn back into office May 11.
Legals for May, 15 2020
Tuesday, May 12

A family that bakes together
A history of the landmark Polebridge Mercantile in Montana’s wild North Fork highlights the lingering impact of onetime owner Dan Kaufman.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Libby school board passes on pandemic policy guidelines
The Libby Public School Board opted against adopting a set of policies recommended by the Montana School Boards Association for weathering the COVID-19 pandemic on May 4.
Feds to cover bill for Libby Airport snowplow
A new snowplow for the Libby Airport — originally expected to come with a price tag of $300,000 — will now come at no cost to local coffers.
Accused of taking grandson without permission, Olney pleads not guilty
Rebecca Ruth Olney pleaded not guilty to a single count of custodial interference in her first appearance in Lincoln County District Court on May 4.

Workable agreement for future asbestos abatement seems likely
After months of acrimony, Lincoln County Commissioner Mark Peck (D-1) says local officials are close to an agreement with Helena for the handoff of Libby Superfund site oversight to the state Department of Environmental Quality.

West reaches agreement with prosecutors after originally pleading not guilty to assault charge
A Eureka man caught on surveillance camera clubbing another man in a local convenience store in December changed his plea in Lincoln County District Court on May 4.
Legals for May, 12 2020
Friday, May 8

Troy celebrates local legend’s 103rd with a parade
Loss forever altered Betty Mullins’ life before she was five days old.
Libby School Board takes first look at possible graduation plan
Members of the Libby Public School Board on May 4 got a first look at a potential plan to use a streaming service, tickets and the high school track and football field to host graduation ceremonies this year.

Barry Allen Boothman, 69
Barry Allen Boothman died April 10, 2020, at his home in Libby. He was 69 years old.

Roberta Carabin Havens Profitt
We lost our beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend to a lengthy battle with renal failure. Roberta “Bobbie” Carabin Havens Profitt passed away in Libby on April 25, 2020.
Bits ‘n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact, which COVID-19 has illustrated so well. A recent sampling:

James Stephen Werfelmann, 69
James Stephen Werfelmann, 69, loving husband and father, passed away peacefully in Spokane, Wash., on Easter Sunday.
Voters again nix Libby resource officer proposal
For the second year in a row, Libby voters rejected raising taxes to pay for a school resource officer.

Troy’s Fourth of July bash called off
Uncertainty ultimately doomed Troy’s Fourth of July extravaganza.

Library branches embrace the curbside delivery approach
A mandate to stay home could have been a book lover’s dream.
Norvell to serve 24-year sentence at state mental health facility for 2016 assault
Lincoln County District Judge Matthew Cuffe sentenced a man who admitted to running down a cyclist unprovoked in 2016 to 24 years at a state mental health facility on May 4.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Legals for May, 8 2020
Wednesday, May 6
School resource office proposal fails again at ballot box
For the second year in a row, Libby voters rejected raising taxes to pay for a school resource officer.
Tuesday, May 5

Gentry strikes deal with county prosecutors
A Libby man brought up on a slew of charges after allegedly assaulting an ex-girlfriend in October changed his plea in Lincoln County District Court on April 27 as part of a deal with prosecutors.
Trail route restricts logging and invites many otherwise avoidable lawsuits
County health officials seek cooperation from hotels
During times rife with vulnerability people sometimes call law enforcement simply because they’ve seen a vehicle with out-of-state plates whose occupants the caller believes might be lingering instead of moving on.

Richard Baeth, 88
Richard “Dick” Baeth, 88, of Libby, passed away April 14, 2020, in Yuma, Ariz. He was born Aug. 19,1931, in Libby to George and Myrtle Baeth and was the 11th of 13 children.

Charles John Bresee III
Charles John Bresee III, perhaps better known as Chick, passed away in his home Nov. 25, 2019. He was born in Great Falls on Dec. 9, 1936.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.

Connie May Kelso, 63
It is with great sadness the family of Connie May Kelso announces her passing in her Troy home April 6, 2020. She was 63.

Virginia Mae Petrusha Becker
Virginia Mae Petrusha Becker passed away peacefully April 15, 2020. Virginia was born in Ironwood, Mich., on Jan. 26, 1924, to Michael and Elizabeth Petrusha.

Ronald Allen Gregg, 60
Ronald Allen Gregg, 60, died April 22, 2020, at Libby Care Center. He was born in San Antonio, Texas, on Sept. 23, 1959, to Phyllis and Larry Gregg.
As warm weather returns, so to will the cyclists to the roads
With the beginning of nice weather, many of us are heading outside to recreate on bicycles. Now seems like a good time to remind all of us how to safely and courteously share the road. The Montana Driver Manual and state law provide excellent guidance.
Coronavirus threatens to erode our liberties
Trump isn’t to blame for the pandemic, just the terrible response to the crisis

Legion coach hopeful for season
Residents of the region who savor the nuances and sights and sounds of America’s pastime need not despair that spring and summer will pass without baseball in Lincoln County.
Legals for May, 5 2020
Friday, May 1

Resisting status as ‘Canada’s settling pond’
One study published last year found elevated levels of selenium in the eggs of mountain whitefish collected from three sites on the Kootenai River downstream of the Libby Dam.
Kelso pleads not guilty to distribution charge
A Troy man has pleaded not guilty to a drug distribution charge after authorities allegedly arrested him with methamphetamine and other narcotics in mid-March.
Sheriff’s Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.

Paul Wise, 79
Paul Wise, 79, fell asleep in death April 24, 2020, surrounded by his family.

Yaak-based Linehan Outfitting wins outfitter award from Orvis
Orvis quoted the rave review of a customer of Linehan Outfitting when the sporting goods retailer announced it had named the Yaak-based business the 2020 Fly-Fishing Outfitter of the Year.

Charles Augusta Judkins, 80
On April 26, 2020, after a long fight with various medical issues, Charles Augusta Judkins, 80, passed away at Schneidmiller Hospice House in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Local officials frustrated by lack of say in reopening
Meeting inside the Lincoln County Courthouse in person for the first time in weeks, commissioners blasted state and federal officials’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

Allen Donald Bivins, 57
Allen Donald Bivins, 57, of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., passed away far too soon April 10, 2020, surrounded by loved ones in his home after a hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer.

EPA plan for Superfund upkeep raises concerns in Lincoln County
The drum beat pounded by Lincoln County officials thumped one consistent theme in recent months.
Troy, Libby plan to continue with remote learning
Students in Libby and Troy will continue doing schoolwork remotely for the remainder of the year.