Friday, October 30
Federal aid underwriting law enforcement, public safety, health department expenses amid pandemic
Reimbursement dollars meant to support coronavirus-related expenses
The county already has received roughly $472,605 in federal pandemic reimbursement funds and officials estimate taking in up to another $680,000 from Washington, D.C., by the New Year, with the lion’s share likely going to law enforcement.
High demand for vaccinations as flu season approaches
As public health officials anticipate a spike in coronavirus cases this winter, getting a flu shot has become more important than ever.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Popular food distribution program renewed
The line outside the Libby Assembly of God started to form an hour before dawn on Oct. 28. By 10:30 a.m., when volunteers with Lincoln County Food Box Distribution began doling out meal crates, rows of cars parked bumper-to-bumper filled the lot.
Troy balances Christmas with coronavirus
With the holiday season approaching, Troy City Council mulled over Christmas celebration plans during an Oct. 22 meeting.

EPA closes Libby office as state inks funding deal for ARP
After overseeing more than 20 years of asbestos cleanup in Lincoln County, EPA officials are closing their Libby field office.

David M. Colclough, 86
On Oct. 3, 2020, David M. Colclough passed away at the age of 86, surrounded by his family.

Ardith Christine (Hutton) Myhre, 90
Ardith Christine (Hutton) Myhre, 90, passed away Oct. 21, 2020, in Libby at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center. She was born Feb. 21, 1930, in Libby to Harold (Happy) Hutton and Evelyn (Mauer) Hutton on the family homestead.

Nathaniel Timothy Charles Britton, 21
Nathaniel Timothy Charles Britton, 21, passed away Oct. 20, 2020, in Havre. A cremation has taken place and a celebration of his life will be held at a later time.
Along with COVID-19, local physicians struggle with disinterest, disinformation and insults
After decades of tending to Libby’s residents, delivering their children and treating their ailments, Dr. Gregory Rice finds himself labeled a socialist, accused of pushing Marxist propaganda on local schoolchildren.
Kendall case now headed toward trial
A high profile felony aggravated assault case is headed toward a jury trial after the defendant, Jeremiah Kendall, withdrew his guilty plea in Lincoln County District Court.

Ferguson sentenced
While handing down two partially suspended 20-year sentences to a Eureka man who sexually assaulting underage girls for years, District Judge Matthew Cuffe said he hoped the victims felt some measure of justice.
Legals for October, 30 2020
Tuesday, October 27
The Supreme Court doesn't need reforming
With Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the Supreme Court all but certain, Democrats are toying with ways to reform the court. Former Vice President Joe Biden plans to suggest a bipartisan commission to study the options. Unfortunately, the proposals all have serious flaws. Either their constitutionality is doubtful or they would undercut the tremendously valuable role that the court plays in protecting liberty and equality.
COVID-19 infections causing health care worker shortages
COVID-19 cases are surging in rural places across the Mountain States and Midwest, and when it hits health care workers, ready reinforcements aren't easy to find.
State calls on local hunters to help track CWD
On the eve of the general hunting season, Fish, Wildlife and Park officials again urged hunters to help the state track the spread of chronic wasting disease.
State sues 4 Flathead businesses over lack of COVID protocols
The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services has lodged complaints against four Flathead County businesses alleging the entities violated COVID-19 directives by failing to ensure employees and patrons wore masks and that the establishments displayed proper signage related to COVID-19 protocols.

Team 56 launches coronavirus awareness campaign
A grassroots effort aimed at killing the coronavirus with kindness and neighborly care is gearing up in Lincoln County.
Activists urge an end to pandemic restrictions, citing concerns about a possible vaccine
Activists packed the North Lincoln County Annex to protest perceived government overreach in public health responses to the coronavirus pandemic during an Oct. 21 meeting of the board of commissioners.
Mask up for Halloween this year
Wearing a mask this Halloween means more than just donning a festive disguise.
Don't be fooled, the NRA already weighed in on Bullock
In response to Brian H. Walsh (“Bullock will protect our right to bear arms,” Oct. 2): If Gov. Steve Bullock has as good a record on the Second Amendment, as you claim, why does the NRA give him an "F" rating?
Whatever happened to critical thinking?
What is most alarming about these times? We each have our answer. For me it has to be the utter lack of critical thinking displayed by our citizenry and the dumbing down of the mass of Americans. I was reminded of this as I read the current batch of “Letters to the Editor.”
Selenium is a threat and efforts to mitigate it are to be applauded
I have caught westslope cutthroat trout in the Elk River with gill plate damage from excessive selenium exposure. The explanation for the defects in these fish was first given to me at one of the fishing shops in Fernie. They described what the damage looked like and how selenium caused it. They also asked me, as I fish there often, to document when and where I caught other cutthroats with the same damage.
Minority rule has led to political divisiveness
Our country has two infections. One is a pandemic and the other — though not as deadly but just as destructive — is extreme divisiveness.
Vote for the workingman, vote for Bullock
We need a senator who represents the working class, middle-class, seniors and veterans. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines is one of the richest senators in the senate. He has sold out to China and given tax breaks to the rich as well as subsidies to corporate America.

Brycen Thom
Ryan and Ashley Thom welcomed a baby boy Sept. 1, 2020 at 1:47 p.m.

Ivy DeLynn Hartsock
Adam Hartsock and Savanah McMillan welcomed a baby girl Sept. 19, 2020 at 7:40 p.m.

Baylor McHugh
Christopher McHugh and Natasha Williams welcomed a baby girl Sept. 24, 2020 at 5:26 p.m.

John Wesley DeYoung
John Wesley DeYoung passed away Sept. 27, 2020, in Mesa, Ariz.
County attorney's office seeks software upgrade
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners gave the county attorney’s office the go-ahead Oct. 21 to update its management software using federal dollars.
Citing discrepancies, city councilors table vault toilet approval
Libby City Council held off on giving its blessing to the construction of a proposed restroom for the Flower Creek cross country ski area after learning the facility deviated from its original proposal.
End of the road for golf cart proposal
A resident-spurred effort to legalize golf carts on Libby’s streets broke down last week.
After 16 years, it's time for a Republican administration in Helena
We don’t have to look very hard to know how the Mike Cooney Administration would work. For the past 16 years, Democrats have controlled the governor’s office. What do we have to show for it?

Bonnie Ann Barney Westfall, 80.
Bonnie Ann Barney Westfall, 80.
Gianforte raises red flags when he wields his wealth
Greg Gianforte’s campaign for governor should be flying an ethics caution flag.
Fielder: Look beyond the political falsehoods to my platform and record
When the Missoulian endorsed me for Montana Public Service Commissioner, their bold headline declared: “Fielder is who PSC needs now.”
This November, vote the team our children deserve
As two lifelong Montanans, we are grateful to have grown up in a state as beautiful, welcoming and close-knit as ours. Together, we feel a deep responsibility to be involved in our community, so that we can protect the parts of Montana that we love most for generations to come. Teresa serves as a school board trustee and works professionally in economic development. Casey is a former public school teacher and serves as the Minority Leader in the Montana House of Representatives.
Troy schools looking for substitutes
Troy Public Schools administrators want you — if you’re qualified to serve as a substitute teacher.
Legals for October, 27 2020
Friday, October 23
Fishy behavior on the Lake Koocanusa selenium problem
How many of you like to fish or have a relative who does? Well, something’s fishy in Lincoln County and it’s not just the trout. You see, the rumor’s been confirmed. Republicans Steve Gunderson (R-Libby), running again to represent House District 1, and state Sen. Mike Cuff (R-Eureka) were up to something that did not get past the people from every single sector in our state legislature. In fact, it seems everyone was stymied by their reaction.

Banged up Troy squad will take the field one final time
After forfeiting a game due to injuries, the Trojans are set to hit the road for their final matchup of the year on Oct. 23.
Election office works to correct errors with mailed ballots
Under the county’s voting plan, election officials mailed out the bulk of ballots on Oct. 9. While most residents should have received their ballots within 10 days, Chris Nelson, election administrator, said some were not delivered because voters failed to update their address.
'Churn of information' leads to discrepancy in active case numbers
On Oct. 19, officials with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services announced that there were 136 active cases in Lincoln County. The Lincoln County Health Department, however, reported only 68 that day.
Richard H. Wilkonski, 69
Richard H. “Rick” Wilkonski, 69, formerly of Libby, died Oct. 17, 2020, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:
Christmas tree permits available for Kootenai National Forest
Halloween may not yet be upon us, but those looking forward to the holiday season can get a jump on securing a locally sourced Christmas tree.

EPA officials tour Libby, meet with elected officials
Anticipated federal dollars for the continued maintenance of the Libby Superfund site are still working their way down the pipeline, according to state and federal officials.

Betty Jane Mullins Brown-Peterson, 103
Betty Jane Mullins Brown-Peterson, 103, died on Oct. 18, 2020 in Kennewick, Wash. Betty was born on the family homestead in Anatone, Wash., on May 8, 1917, to George and Eva Mullins.
Gianforte will hold the line against the far left
Democrats are trying to make the case as to why they should be elected this fall, and if their vision for America’s future is frightening to you, you’re not alone. In the past few weeks Democrats have made defunding the police a top priority. All you need to do is see the reports that have come out of Seattle and Portland to know what a dangerous idea that would be.
Bullock's acts of kindness make him much needed in Washington
Personal acts of kindness go a long way in difficult times. We felt its healing power in 2016, when my husband and I were victims of neo-Nazi cyber attacks here in Whitefish along with two other leading Jewish families.
Sather would go a long way to healing the division in our politics
Never in my lifetime of 66 years has the state of politics in our country become so reprehensible and overwhelming in its scope that one can’t help but feel completely hopeless. But giving up is not an option if we care about our children and generations to come, so where can we begin to heal? Right here at home.
Support Amtrak by supporting Daines
I, Merlin Louis Marlow, have lived most of my life in south central Minnesota. I grew up in a conservative Republican household. When I was 13 in 1969, I fell in love with train travel. I became a railroad travel advocate.
This suburban, red-state housewife will not vote for Gianforte
As a white, suburban, red-state housewife whose comfortable lifestyle has been turned upside down since Greg Gianforte went to Washington, D.C., I oppose his latest attempt to be governor.
Williams is a progressive in disguise
Having spent the last decade in California before recently moving to Montana, I bring forth a warning about the future if Kathleen Williams is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Ferguson strikes new deal with prosecutors
The Eureka man accused of sexually abusing minors over the course of several years has struck a new plea deal with prosecutors.
Libby City Council poised to allow liquor sales on election days
After a 44-year prohibition, Libby residents are close to finally being able to buy beer, wine and liquor legally in the city on Election Day.

Cuffe: 'the contemplated sentence is going to be much harsher than in the agreement'
Kendall given a week to consider options after Cuffe indicates he will not abide by plea deal recommendations
Jeremiah Kendall was given a week to weigh his options after Lincoln County District Judge Matthew Cuffe rejected the sentencing recommendations in his plea deal with prosecutors.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Reopening planned for Libby schools temporarily closed for pandemic
Libby Middle High School is set to reopen for in-person learning on Oct. 26 after a weeklong remote learning stint. The city’s elementary school remains scheduled to reopen classrooms on Oct. 28.
Voters to decide on recreational marijuana initiative
In Montana, medical marijuana was legalized in 2004 through a ballot initiative. This time around, voters will decide if marijuana should be legalized for recreational use among adults 21 and older.
Volunteers help feed over 1,400 Lincoln County families
Volunteers with the Lincoln County Food Box Distribution group gave away over 4,000 boxes of food to feed 1,456 families on Oct. 21, according to event organizer MaryAnn Gromley.
The Last Best Place is on this November's ballot
With the most crucial Election Day in recent memory days away, I encourage my fellow Montanans to cast their votes with the following questions in mind.
Legals for October, 23 2020
Tuesday, October 20
Libby Middle High School switches to remote learning starting Oct. 19
Administrators closed the doors of both Libby Middle High School and the Libby Elementary School after health officials confirmed more coronavirus cases within the district.
Police: alleged shoplifter caught with syringes
Police officers arrested a Libby woman on multiple charges after they allegedly found syringes on her while detaining her for shoplifting.
Bryce Bennett will protect our public lands
It’s great to live in Montana. Anytime I tell someone from somewhere else where I live, they all say the same thing: “That’s beautiful country.”
These aren't the Democrats of yesteryear
Should folks who traditionally think of themselves as Democrats consider whether the party still holds to their basic values? I have.
A vote for Rosendale is a vote for free enterprise
If you are like me, you are concerned about some of the things that are happening in America.
We can choose our physician, why not our health officer?
A family story: My grandmother once explained to a neighbor why she could not help her get well, having been threatened by the town doctor to stop practicing medicine and warned to leave town or go to jail after a patient refused to buy his snake oil. Word spread faster than a fear agenda virus and the doctor left town as his traffic could not keep the dust blown off his shingle. In Lincoln County, such incompetence is rewarded with a government job with Gestapo levels of authority.
Two Troy women face drug charges in Lincoln County District Court
Two Troy women face drug charges in Lincoln County District Court after a search of their home last month turned up hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Free FASFA workshop at FVCC Lincoln County Campus
Flathead Valley Community College is hosting a free federal financial aid workshop for area college-bound students at its Lincoln County Campus on Oct. 29.
Ross Creek Cedars renovation project may get green light
U.S. Forest Service officials have received word from Washington, D.C., that a proposed renovation of Ross Creek Cedars is on the shortlist for approval.
Two area businesses face legal trouble for flouting mask mandate
Health department staff members have handed off at least two businesses to the county attorney for defying Dr. Brad Black’s pandemic-related July health order.

Libby schools closed 100 years ago this week for a different illness
History came close to repeating itself on schedule last week.
Coronavirus confirmed at Libby Care Center
Health officials have confirmed that the Libby Care Center of Cascadia is home to a positive case of the coronavirus.

Broncs trample Loggers at final home game
In their final home game of the season, the Libby Logger were bucked by the Hamilton Broncs 35-14 on Oct. 16.
Betty Jane Mullins Brown Peterson, 103
Betty Jane Mullins Brown Peterson, 103, a former longtime resident of Troy, died Sunday, Oct. 18, in Kennewick, Wash.
Voters consider concealed carry ballot measure
Referendum concerns local school officials
A measure on the November ballot would strip local governments in Montana of the power to regulate concealed firearms, except in publicly owned and occupied buildings within their jurisdictions.
State Sen. Mike Cuffe offers candidate endorsements
Lincoln County has strong representation in the Montana State Legislature. Please vote to return state Rep. Steve Gunderson to House District 1 and state Rep. Neil Duram to House District 2. This is the first time I won’t appear on the ballot in 10 years, as I am a midterm holdover in the state Senate. The three of us make a good team.

Forrest Joe Spencer, 62
Forrest Joe Spencer, 62, of Libby, passed away Oct. 16, 2020. He was born July 13, 1958, in Iraan, Texas, to Lyle R. and Martha S. Spencer.
Montanans will reap the benefits of four more years under Trump
Montanans can rest assured that President Donald Trump and Sen. Steve Daines will uphold their values. Thanks to the president’s “Promises Made, Promises Kept” pro-growth agenda, Big Sky Country is well-positioned to return to the economic boom we were experiencing before the pandemic.
Legals for October, 20 2020
Friday, October 16
Mayor reiterates city's stance on retail stores operating out of sheds
Libby Mayor Brent Teske stood by a decision to refuse a business license to a pottery shop proposed for a residential neighborhood during an Oct. 5 city council meeting.

Health department brings on Sara Alert to manage COVID-19 cases
As COVID-19 cases mount in Lincoln County, local health officials plan to adopt a nationally available and open source tool to monitor patients.
Officials close Libby Elementary School after potential outbreak
School officials closed Libby Elementary School on Oct. 14 after learning an individual became infected with the coronavirus from within the building.

Injuries sideline Troy Trojans indefinitely
The Troy Trojans fell 0-75 to Thompson Falls during an Oct. 9 home game.
Black Ram Project under fire again
After receiving a federal opinion on wildlife impacts, U.S. Forest Service officials reopened a controversial timber harvesting project for public comment.

Attendance further limited at Libby sporting events
As Libby schools face a rising number of quarantined students and staff, administrators are taking precautions to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus at sporting events.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling.
Teachers have a plan for remote learning, but does the community?
When I first started teaching in 1986, a colleague of mine said, “Teaching is the toughest job you’ll ever love.” She was right ... partly.
Support a proven legislator and prosecutor at the ballot box
I have followed Austin Knudsen since 2011, his first year in office. I have personally known Austin for several years. Austin and his wife, Christie, have a great family.

John Clivious Chewning, III, 75
John “Bud” Clivious Chewning, III, 75, passed away Sept. 18, 2020, at his home with his family by his side. He was born Sept. 28, 1944, in Washington, D.C., to John Clivious, Jr. and Helen Elizabeth Chewning.
Legals for October, 16 2020
Tuesday, October 13
Libby Elementary School closed after evidence of virus spread in the building
Education officials have announced that Libby Elementary School is closed tomorrow, Oct. 14, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stanley Dupree, 88
Stanley Dupree passed quietly at his residence in Kalispell on Oct. 3, 2020, at the age of 88. Born in Maxwell, Calif., on June 21, 1932, Stanley was the second of six children.
Former Libby city councilor calls on commissioners to rein in health department
A former Libby city councilor charged the Lincoln County Health Department with unethical behavior last week and called on county commissioners to take the local agency to task.
Coronavirus cases still climbing locally
The recent surge in confirmed coronavirus cases in Lincoln County continued over the weekend, bringing numbers to record local highs.

Frank Raymond Pival
Frank Raymond Pival, born Jan. 27, 1938, in Libby to Ray and Edith Pival, passed away peacefully Oct. 10, at home surrounded by his family.
Libby golfers struggle at states
Despite favorable weather, the Libby Loggers golf team had trouble playing up to par during the state tournament in Butte last week.

Dillon Beavers dam up Loggers
The Dillon Beavers chewed through the Libby Loggers 34-14 during their Oct. 9 matchup.

Consultant says EPA likely to favor Asa Wood project
To help secure the approximately $400,000 needed to clean up the defunct Asa Wood Elementary School, Libby Public Schools is seeking funds through a highly competitive federal program.

Volunteer first responders grapple with coronavirus
As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to climb in Lincoln County, first responder groups with already limited rosters are taking precautions to keep their members from coming in contact with the virus.
DEQ responds to commissioners' letter
Department of Environmental Quality officials responded to a letter drafted by the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners last month opposing the demolition of the Rainy Creek Dam in quick time.

Officials eye expansion for Troy library
Just months after the Troy Branch of the Lincoln County Library underwent extensive renovations, officials are looking at a possible expansion of the facility.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Legals for October, 13 2020
Friday, October 9
Maroons pale in comparison to Loggers
The Libby Loggers axed the Butte Central Catholic High School Maroons 42-14 in an Oct. 2 away game.
Coronavirus case spike worries health, school officials
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Lincoln County continued to climb throughout the week, reaching record highs locally.
Libby Police Department back at full strength
The Libby Police Department has returned to full strength following a potential outbreak of coronavirus in the agency last month.

Kenneth August Tholen, 87
Kenneth August Tholen, 87, passed away peacefully Oct. 2, 2020, at the Libby Care Center.
Williams voices support for 'responsible' natural resource extraction during Libby stop
As part of her 2,000 mile, six-day tour of Montana, Kathleen Williams, the Democrat running for congress, stopped in Libby on Oct. 5.
Fire service area nixes proposed fee hikes amid opposition
After a tumultuous public meeting, the Fisher River Fire Service Area Board nixed a proposed fee increase that could have doubled the yearly rates of residents.
Ballots headed out to county voters
With Nov. 3 less than a month away, preparations for the general election in Lincoln County are in full swing.
We must act now, together, to stop the pandemic
I woke up recently at 5 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. I could not get the recent spike in cases in Montana off my mind.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact.

Jacquiline Marie Faris
Jacquiline Marie Faris passed away at her home Sept. 30, 2020, after a courageous battle with cancer. She was born Nov. 16, 1962, in Libby to Les and Birdie Olson.

Melanie Lane Nelms, 60
Melanie Lane (Ballard) Nelms, 60, left this life to be with God and the angels Oct. 2, 2020, in Libby.
There is no selenium crisis in Lincoln County
Tony Smith got it all wrong in his Oct. 2 letter to the editor (“Selenium, and Gunderson, put our county’s waterways at risk in equal measure.”)
Gunderson, Sather contend for House District 1
For state Rep. Steve Gunderson, reelection means an opportunity to clean house and “right the ship” in Helena. For his opponent, Marv Sather, ousting an incumbent offers the chance to serve as peacemaker of sorts on the state level.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Let's show the country how Montanans settle a dispute
This letter is not political and is aimed at all Montanans, so please read on.
Giving religious schools federal aid is a mistake
The Republican religious oligarchs would lead us to believe that God is on their side.
Mining project must be weighed against the value of the Smith River
This past summer, folks from across Montana and around the country fished for wild trout while the cool, clean waters of the Smith River flowed underneath them. They sat around campfires, telling stories of good times gone by, with friends and family while their kids played nearby, making wishes on stars. They sat under the shade of massive limestone cliffs, cooling off after a hike to the canyon rim, where they passed Native American cultural sites as they climbed to some of the most picturesque views in Montana.
Socialists have overtaken one of our major political parties
Today, radical socialists control the leadership of the Democratic Party. They are vicious in their quest to demean and destroy anyone who doesn't bow to their ideology.
Democrats on the ballot support disarmament
Every Democrat running for state office and federal office are all very anti-gunownership and for full compulsory gun confiscation. Just look at their past records.
Legals for October, 9 2020
Tuesday, October 6
Coronavirus cases increase over weekend
Coronavirus cases in Lincoln County again spiked over the weekend, most being identified through contact tracing, health officials said.
Fraud concerns delay thousands of jobless claims
Thousands of Montanans are waiting to receive emergency government assistance as the Montana Department of Labor and Industry grapples with an onslaught of fraud attempts on the state’s Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program.
Rumor has it a lot is riding on this election
Rumor has it there's a critical election coming Nov. 3. Rumor has it the very fabric of our republic and Constitution is at stake. Rumor has it your vote should count only with proper validity.
Robert Pedersen, 89
Robert Pedersen, 89, passed away on Sept. 29, 2020, just short of his 90th birthday.
Jacob Russell Heimer, 38
Jacob Russell Heime died Sept. 30, 2020, at the age of 38.
Official: Demand for library service high after branch closures
After a pandemic-related shutdown and a burst pipe in Libby, circulation went down across the county’s library branches, but officials say demand for the agency’s services remains high.
Duram, Ramesz vie for House District 2 seat
Incumbent Neil Duram and challenger Lori Ramesz will face off Nov. 3 for the Montana House of Representatives District 2 seat.
Students disciplined after 'disgusting' video surfaces
Several Libby students were disciplined last week after a video showing teens abusing the corpse of a coyote circulated in the community.
County residents seek to overturn mask mandates
Nearly three months after Gov. Steve Bullock issued a statewide mask mandate, Lincoln County residents are attempting to push back against face-covering requirements with a petition.
County lobbied to aid in Libby's wildlife management plan
Local officials in Libby appear to be moving toward adopting Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ proposal for handling deer in the community instead of crafting a homegrown management proposal.
Tranel is the right person for the PSC
Did you see Monica Tranel pedaling her bike through Lincoln County? Monica is the Democratic candidate for Public Service Commission (PSC) for District 4?

Watts pleads not guilty to theft charge
A local man accused of stealing from his employer while the business was closed during the COVID-19 shutdown has pleaded not guilty in Lincoln County District Court.
Troy residents, officials brainstorm ways to promote the city
A community improvement event spearheaded by a state association brought Troy residents and local officials together in search of concrete projects to promote the city.

Vernon McCully, 83
Vernon “Jumbo” McCully, 83, a longtime resident of Libby, died Oct. 2, 2020. He was born Sept. 22, 1937, in Eureka to Alfred and Joyce McCully.
Montana adds 212 COVID-19 cases; more than 5,000 active cases statewide
Another 212 COVID-19 cases were reported Monday morning, bringing the statewide active case total to 5,008.
Legals for October, 6 2020
Friday, October 2
Marijuana question would be better answered in state legislature
Here in Montana we are granted the right to vote on ballot initiatives once they clear a number of hurdles, including having the related petition garner enough qualifying signatures. Not achieved, however, is the ability to hold public hearings on the proposed issue — such as is accomplished during legislative debate, fiscal review and the amendment process.
Bullock urges local steps to stop virus, none new from state
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock urged local officials where coronavirus cases are surging to consider stricter measures including shutting down bars in some hotspots to halt the virus' spread. But he stopped short Wednesday of any new statewide restrictions, as the state's COVID-19 caseload continues to grow dramatically.
Striking down the Affordable Care Act will put Libby at risk
Libby is facing a critical point in our health care access. Before the U.S. Supreme Court is a case that could affect the lives of our citizens like no other place in the United States.

Commissioners oppose plan to remove impoundment dam
Worried that a forthcoming permanent remedy for the former W.R. Grace mine site might include removing the Rainy Creek impoundment dam, county officials revealed an alternative plan on Sept. 30.
Libby City Council to take up golf cart proposal
A proposal to allow golf carts on certain streets is headed before Libby City Council.
Selenium, and Gunderson, put county's waterways at risk
Kudos to Troy’s Shawna Kelsey for revealing “Selenium” Steve Gunderson’s attempt to sabotage and undermine the Montana Department of Environmental Quality’s recommendation to limit Teck’s Canadian coal mines from spewing even more toxic selenium into Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River from their Elk River facilities.

Ferguson withdraws guilty plea after Cuffe rejects recommended sentence
A Eureka man accused of sexually assaulting a minor over several years withdrew his guilty plea in Lincoln County District Court on Sept. 28, setting the stage for a jury trial.
Myths and untruths employed to prop up selenium scare
Shawna Kelsey’s letter to the editor (“Gunderson appears to happily carry dirty water for Teck’s mining operations,” Sept. 25) was quite entertaining. Once again a Yaak Valley Forest Council member twists information and facts to justify the agenda of a radical group bent on rewilding northwest Montana.
Fundraising begins for new groomer as ski season approaches at Turner Mountain
With winter — and, by extension, ski season — fast approaching, volunteers at Turner Mountain Ski Area are hoping to raise enough money to secure a new groomer.

Kalispell man charged with drug possession, theft
A Kalispell man arrested for shoplifting from Libby businesses now faces a drug charge in Lincoln County District Court.
Robert G. Pedersen, 89
Robert “Bob” G. Pedersen, 89
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact.
Troy squad shows improvement in loss to Clark Fork
The Troy Trojans fell to the Clark Fork Wampus Cats 30-8 during a Sept. 26 away game.
Coronavirus cases continue to increase
Officials continued to confirm new, local cases of the novel coronavirus this week.
Four Libby golfers compete at state tourney
Following a cold and windy divisional tournament in Polson, four Libby golfers qualified for the state tournament.
Bullock will protect our right to bear arms
I’ve been seeing lots of ads lately that attack Gov. Steve Bullock on our Second Amendment rights. It’s fairly obvious that these ads are just not true and are aimed at smearing Bullock’s character.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Postal Service deliveries are vital for rural Montanans
I rely on the Postal Service to deliver several of my life-saving medications. The latest attempts by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the Trump Administration to disrupt our access to the mail may delay my latest delivery of medication.
Libby Care Center begins easing visitation rules
While the coronavirus remains a serious threat to nursing homes, administrators at the Libby Care Center of Cascadia are concerned about the toll isolation is taking on their residents.
Judge rejects Trump challenge to Montana's mailed ballots
A federal judge in Montana on Wednesday rejected an effort by President Donald Trump's re-election campaign and Republican Party groups to block Montana counties from holding the general election mostly by mail, saying claims that such a system could be marred by widespread voter fraud is "a fiction."