Friday, November 27

Board demurs on latest local health order
Repeatedly expressing support for Dr. Brad Black, members of the Lincoln County Health Board voted narrowly against endorsing his latest pandemic-related local order during a Nov. 23 emergency meeting.
Man found guilty of vandalizing Ten Commandments monument in Kalispell
A man accused of vandalizing a Ten Commandments monument at the Flathead County Courthouse in Kalispell earlier this summer was found guilty Monday in Flathead County District Court.
Federal and state officials investigate illegal grizzly bear killing
Officials with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and game wardens with Montana, Fish, Wildlife and Parks are investigating the illegal killing of a grizzly bear near the Yaak.

Lloyd Roger Breiland, 83
Lloyd Roger Breiland, 83, of Libby, went to be with the Lord on July 26, 2020, as a result of respiratory failure caused by COVID-19.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Troy officials finalize plans for tree lighting
With just over a month until Christmas, Troy City Council finalized the municipality’s holiday celebration plans during a Nov. 12 meeting.

Where is Benjamin Earls?
Four months into the search for Benjamin Earls, his whereabouts remain a mystery.
Pandemic demands spark bidding war for health workers
DENVER — In March, Claire Tripeny was watching her dream job fall apart. She’d been working as an intensive care nurse at St. Anthony Hospital in Lakewood, Colorado, and loved it, despite the mediocre pay typical for the region. But when COVID-19 hit, that calculation changed.

Don H. Westfall, 85
Don H. Westfall, 85, passed away Nov. 22, 2020, at Libby Care Center of a broken heart.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:
Legals for November, 27 2020
Wednesday, November 25

Sheriff's Office reports new scam call
The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office has reported that a new scam call is circulating locally in which the caller attempts to impersonate a peace officer.
Tuesday, November 24

Open-hearth fireplace at Libby restaurant approved
The Shed has permission to light up its open-hearth fireplace so long as the smoke emitted does not exceed standards outlined in county environmental health regulations.

Palafox pleads guilty to aggravated animal cruelty
The Troy man accused of abusing a dog and then intimidating his neighbors in an attempt to cover it up changed his plea in Lincoln County District Court last week.
Wearing a mask protects from more than COVID-19
My husband and I have been wearing masks for a year now, since last October. Our doctors said our compromised immune systems should be protected. We got our flu vaccine and then diligently started wearing our masks when appropriate.
Kalispell care center reports six coronavirus deaths
As of Friday afternoon, six residents at Brendan House have died from COVID-19-related complications as the long-term care facility in Kalispell continues to battle an outbreak that has infected the vast majority of its residents.

Seifert tapped as Troy rep to county health board
As active coronavirus cases increase, Jim Seifert, the newest member of the Lincoln County Health Board, aims to take a firm but understanding approach in his fight against the pandemic.

Brookston Cade Timbrook
Brandon Timbrook and Brittany Niell welcomed a baby boy Oct. 7, 2020 at 3:31 p.m.

Zila Jaworski
Rylan Jaworski and Jorja Bauer welcomed a baby girl Sept. 22, 2020, at 1:41 a.m.

Aspen Marie Drury
Charles Drury and Brittany Cook welcomed a baby girl on Oct. 16, 2020, at 1:52 a.m.
Daines takes part in vaccine trial
U.S. Sen. Steve Daines said Wednesday he took part in a trial for a COVID-19 vaccine developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and later tested positive for coronavirus antibodies without becoming sick, leading him to believe he received effective doses of the vaccine and not an inert placebo.
New election administrator resigns from post
Less than a week after this year’s general election, Chris Nelson, newly appointed election administrator for Lincoln County, resigned from his post.
County records ninth coronavirus death
Local health officials reported a new coronavirus-related death Friday evening.
State parks see bump amid pandemic
With lockdown orders limiting recreation in urban centers across the county, residents headed for the hills in droves this year.
Troy schools hope to bolster ranks with returning college students
Are you a college student on break looking to make some change? Troy Public Schools might have a job for you.
Give thanks this year to the outdoors and its healing properties
I am thankful to have wild places to wander in and find the time. The natural time.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Rethinking the Trump presidency
Back in 2016, when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made fun of the disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski, I really had hope for him and the future of our country.
Legals for November, 24 2020
Friday, November 20

Sharon Kay Chumley, 63
Sharon Kay Chumley (Reed), 63, went to await her heavenly father on Nov. 11, 2020.

High school sports governing board releases winter pandemic guidelines
In hopes of flattening the coronavirus pandemic curve, the Montana High School Association executive board decided to delay the start of winter sports.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.

Ronald E. Kern, 76
Ronald E. Kern, 76, passed away at home with his loving wife of 34 years and into the arms of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Nov. 3, 2020. He was born Aug. 22, 1944, at Rockford, Ill., to Roy and Jeanette Kern.
Montana Supreme Court blocks permit for proposed copper mine
MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Supreme Court has ruled that a proposed silver and copper mine must seek new permission from the state to continue pursuing a mineral deposit near Libby.

Elementary school closed again
Libby Elementary School moved to a fully remote learning schedule Nov. 17 and will remain that way for most of the rest of the month.
Bullock expands mask mandate, tightens restrictions
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock said Tuesday he is expanding a statewide mask mandate and tightening restrictions on businesses and public gatherings as cases of COVID-19 continue to surge during the holiday season.
Businesses sue state over COVID claims
Lawsuit claims state has ‘no authority’ to enforce directives
Five Flathead County businesses accused of flouting Gov. Steve Bullock’s masking and social-distancing mandates have filed counterclaims against the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, alleging the agency selectively targeted them and hurt them financially.

Health board to meet after governor announces new measures
The Lincoln County Board of Health will meet in emergency session Nov. 23 as COVID-19 deaths increase locally and cases of the coronavirus surge across the country.

Konzen remembered as tireless educator, elected official
After nearly 50 years of public service in Lincoln County, John Konzen, 77, died Nov. 3.
Barbara Harkleroad, 84
Barbara Harkleroad, of Enterprise, Ala., and formerly of Troy, passed away Oct. 24, 2020. She was 84.

Patricia Ruth Rowberry, 91
Patricia Ruth Rowberry, 91, fell asleep in death Nov. 14, 2020, at the Libby Care Center.

Pandemic restriction opponents ask commissioners for action
Members of a loose confederacy of residents aimed at undoing pandemic restrictions locally again went before the board of commissioners Nov. 18, asking to know what Lincoln County’s top elected officials were doing to address their grievances.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:

Melvin W. Bloom, 80
Melvin W. “Mel” Bloom, 80, died Nov. 15, 2020, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center. He was born in Bozeman to Claude and Lottie (Murray) Bloom.
Legals for November, 20 2020
Tuesday, November 17

Zayden Perez
Nathan and Kristin Perez welcomed a baby boy Sept. 10, 2020, at 9:33 am.
Bullock hangs COVID inaction on lack of federal relief funds
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — As Montana's COVID-19 case toll continues to mount, Gov. Steve Bullock said Thursday he is wary of imposing stricter statewide restrictions to limit the spread of the virus without additional federal aid to unemployed individuals and small businesses.
Governor-elect Gianforte names COVID-19 task force
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — A week after winning the race to become Montana's next governor, Republican Greg Gianforte unveiled a 21-member coronavirus task force that will help him manage the COVID-19 crisis.
Judge favors businesses in COVID-19 lawsuits
After a long day of testimony, a Flathead County judge declined state requests for preliminary injunctions against five local businesses accused of violating Montana Gov. Steve Bullock’s masking and social-distancing mandates.
Declan John Ostman
Josie Nelson and Thor Ostman welcomed a baby boy Sept. 29, 2020.

Zae Spencer
Cole and Lea Spencer welcomed a baby girl Sept. 25, 2020.

Cathryne A. Burrell, 82
Cathryne A. Burrell, 82, passed away Nov. 14, 2020 in her home in Libby, surrounded by her loving family.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.

Hecla completes remediation work at Troy Mine
Four years into their restoration of the Troy Mine, Hecla Mining Co. officials say they have reached a crucial milestone.

Carol Ann Hoefner, 86
Carol Ann (Menehan) Hoefner, 86, passed away Nov. 3, 2020 at Cheney Care Center in Cheney, Wash., due to complications of a stroke that she suffered in February 2020. She was born to James V. Menehan and Ethel (Walker) Menehan on Sept. 11, 1934, in Spokane, Wash.
Distributor change leaves county food program up in the air
After more than five months of providing meals to families in need, volunteers with the Lincoln County Food Box Distribution Program announced they were halting their food drives for the foreseeable future.

Donna Benda, 76
Donna Benda, 76, a retired Libby schoolteacher, died Nov. 11, 2020, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center. Born

Wicka reaches plea deal with prosecutors
The Libby man accused of barricading himself away from law enforcement near U.S. Highway 2 in June has struck a plea deal with prosecutors.
Area businesses given clean slate for mask mandate violations
Lincoln County Health Department officials have restarted the enforcement process for any and all area businesses reported for noncompliance with state and local pandemic restrictions.
Teaching from quarantine
Headed back to school amid the coronavirus pandemic in late summer, Wally Winslow, a teacher at Libby Middle High School, knew there was a good chance he would have to instruct students in quarantine from his classroom.
Monday, November 16
Libby Elementary School to move to a remote schedule
Libby Elementary School will move to a fully remote learning schedule on Nov. 17 for most of the rest of the month.
Friday, November 13

Libby Middle High School switches to remote learning
The Libby Middle High School will move to a fully remote schedule on Nov. 12 for most of the month.
If you wear orange, why not a mask?
Why is it that many of the same people who refuse to wear masks in relation to COVID-19 will wear the state-mandated amount of orange during hunting season? Does being forced to wear orange not “infringe” upon their rights and liberties as well?
Trust the medical experts and look out for the community
This is a copy of the message I left on the phone of our commissioner, Mark Peck, on August 4, 2020: I think we need to listen to the health and science experts regarding the COVID-19 virus. They have spent their lives studying disease. I trust them.
A great venture in the Kootenai National Forest is before us
Did you know that Lincoln County ranks in the 97th percentile of all western U.S. counties in fire risk to our communities? That is the bad news, but the good news is that Lincoln County, the Kootenai National Forest (KNF), Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are working together to reduce fire risk under the Kootenai Wildland Urban Interface Shared Stewardship agreement (KSSA).
I'll look out for you if you look out for me
I’m going to ask you to do some things for me, and I’ll do the same for you in return.
Libby school board reviews draft goals
In an effort to solidify their educational and outreach goals, members of the Libby Public School Board reviewed a draft strategic plan aimed at helping guide the district for the next three years during a Nov. 2 meeting.
Judge continues trailer park health violations case
Justice Court Judge Jay Sheffield agreed to extend the status hearing on a case concerning alleged widespread environmental health violations at a local trailer park.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Ricky Oikle, 66
Ricky “Rick” Oikle, 66, a former Libby resident, died Nov.8 in Kalispell.
Carol Ann Hoefner, 86
Carol Ann (Menehan) Hoefner, 86, passed away Nov. 3, 2020 at Cheney Care Center in Cheney, Wash., due to complications of a stroke that she suffered in February.

Harold T. Torgerson, 75
Harold T. “Hal” Torgerson, 75, passed away Oct. 30, 2020, in Spokane, Wash.

Cuffe deems Basham flight risk, keeps bond set as is
Lincoln County District Judge Matthew Cuffe denied this week a request to release a man accused of absconding to Oregon with his daughter on his own recognizance.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling, with a focus on various reactions to Joe Biden’s election to the presidency.

Health board meets as coronavirus cases jump
As coronavirus cases surged ever upward this month, members of the Lincoln County Health Board amplified calls for residents to join in common cause against the pandemic’s worsening spread.
Second COVID-19 death at Libby Care Center
A second death related to COVID-19 has been linked to the Libby Care Center of Cascadia.
Retired Ranger challenges local students to become heroes for a day
When he joined the Army, retired Lt. Colonel Dr. Robert Sanchez found that many people misconstrued his reasons for signing up.
Doris J. Lundin, 84
Doris J. Lundin, 84, died Nov. 10, 2020, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.

Mary Christina Beall
Mary Christina Beall was born March 15, 1947, to Eddie and Peggy Barden in Spokane, Wash. Mary was the youngest of one brother and two sisters.
Libby schools develop plan for cafeteria staff
To bolster measures meant to keep classrooms open safely during the pandemic, Libby Public School administrators are rolling out a plan meant to safeguard a critical, but oft-overlooked branch of the district.
It's time for the community to show up
I moved to Libby in 1978. One thing soon became clear: When disaster strikes, people in this community come together and "show up."
Legals for November, 13 2020
Wednesday, November 11
Libby Middle High School switches to remote learning
The Libby Middle High School will be moving to a fully remote schedule on Nov. 12 for much of the rest of the month, according to a press release from Superintendent Ron Goodman.
Tuesday, November 10
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:

Coronavirus cases top 100 locally
Coronavirus cases in Lincoln County reached record highs over the weekend.
Montana officials offer reactions to Biden-Harris win
Montana’s U.S. senators offered starkly different reactions to announcements Saturday that former Vice President Joe Biden had won the presidential election.

Beverly Jean Hamann
Beverly Jean Hamann was born Feb. 7, 1932, in Froid and passed away Oct. 29, 2020, after a long illness with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Robert LeRoy Stevens, 85
Robert "Bob" LeRoy Stevens, 85, of Baker City, Ore., and a former resident of Hermiston, Ore., passed away Oct. 7, 2020, at his residence.
Sheriff's Office blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Plea deal negotiations underway for man arrested after flouting face mask rules
Judge Jay Sheffield rescheduled a pretrial conference for a man arrested after refusing to wear a mask or leave a Libby farmers market event in the hopes that attorneys can reach a deal without taking the case to trial.
Peck: 'The enemy is the virus'
Commissioner calls on residents to be good neighbors, follow basic precautions
Mark Peck wants to hit the reset button on the debate surrounding measures meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
City zoning commission prepares to tackle new issues
Along with updates from various subcommittees and public agencies, Libby City Council may soon get regular reports from the municipality’s relatively new zoning commission.

Loggers, Trojans fall short in an unforgettable season
After two months of battling injuries, adjusting their rosters to coronavirus quarantines and facing a slew of other adversities, the Libby Loggers and Troy Trojans ended their seasons on Oct. 23.
Troy man faces slew of charges after allegedly brandishing firearm
A Troy man pleaded not guilty to a slew of charges stemming from an incident where he allegedly flashed a gun after being asked to leave his former girlfriend’s home in October.
Legals for November, 10 2020
Friday, November 6
Duram, Gunderson headed back to Helena; Brooks, Peck secure reelection
While the presidential election still hangs in the balance, Lincoln County officials completed tallying a record amount of local ballots in the early morning hours following Election Day.

Russell "Gene" Eugene Wise
Russell “Gene” Eugene Wise fell asleep in death Nov. 1, 2020, surrounded by family. Gene was born Oct. 4, 1939, in Sandpoint, Idaho, to Russell and Gayle (Armstrong) Wise.
New measures in place after Libby schools reopen
Following a two-week closure owing to concerns that the coronavirus was spreading within the Libby Elementary School, officials have instituted more precautions to avoid an outbreak or future quarantine orders.

Richard "Rick" Wilkonski, 69
Richard “Rick” Wilkonski, 69, a longtime resident of Libby, passed away Oct. 17, 2020.
High stakes races drove voters to the ballot box
Regardless of how they filled out their ballots, Lincoln County voters agreed the stakes for this year’s election were higher than in years past.
Libby police chief contracts COVID-19
Libby Chief of Police Scott Kessel has taken ill with COVID-19.
Sheriff's Office Blotter
The law roundup is compiled from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office incident log. It is not meant to serve as an exhaustive account.
Legals for November, 6 2020
Wednesday, November 4
Gunderson, Duram secure reelection
While the presidential election still hangs in the balance, Lincoln County officials completed tallying a record amount of local ballots in the early morning hours following Election Day.
Tuesday, November 3
Foresters, officials boast big plans for Kootenai National Forest
A top-rated multi-agency management program for the Kootenai National Forest is on its way to Washington, D.C., where local officials hope it will receive approval.
One coronavirus death linked to Libby Care Center
The Libby Care Center of Cascadia reported its first resident death from the coronavirus on Oct. 29.
Waiting until the last minute? Here's how to vote on Election Day
While more than 60 percent of Lincoln County’s active voters have already submitted their ballots, there is still time to register and cast your vote.
Bits 'n pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:
Wildlife officials collect over 170 chronic wasting disease samples
Through opening weekend of the general hunting season, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has collected more than 170 samples from harvested deer, elk and moose to test for chronic wasting disease across Northwest Montana.
Constituents rely on accurate and timely information about commissioners meetings
I was very confused by the recent articles in The Western News about the county commissioner’s meetings, in specific the discussion about voting procedures. They appeared to contradict each other. This prompted me to look up the meeting notes online.
Residents again lobby commissioners to reject pandemic measures
A mixed group of civil libertarians, anti-vaxxers and pandemic deniers again pushed county commissioners last week to dissolve the health board, dismiss the public health officer and publicly defy statewide COVID-19 restrictions.

Roger D. French, 80
Roger D. French, 80, died Oct. 29, 2020, at Libby Care Center. He was born March 29, 1940, in Kalispell to Merle and Beth (Ricker) French, the youngest of four boys.
Father and son injured in grizzly attack
A Flathead Valley father and son were hospitalized with significant injuries after being attacked by a grizzly bear on timberland located near Smith Lake, north of Whitefish Lake, on Saturday morning.
Counties have differing results with COVID compliance
As Montana rounds into its eighth month battling a pandemic experts say is likely to rage on well into 2021, the question of how to enforce state and local public health orders designed to curb the spread of COVID-19 is one that remains largely unanswered, though some counties have been more successful than others.
Montana voters cast record number of ballots this election
HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Montanans have cast a record number of votes in this year's general election, in part because of close races that could change the political direction of the state and the country.
Daines joins other GOP candidates for Libby rally
In a final push to raise support before Election Day, Republican candidates from up and down the ballot rallied the rank-and-file during a last-minute Nov. 1 stop in Libby.
We have a long history of caring for each other in Libby
The Sally Sauer Community Medical Fund was established in the early 1990s when Sally Sauer had a sudden illness that damaged her heart. Our community stepped up and did what we do best: We rallied together to help someone with a health need.
Adults could stand to learn a thing or two from Mr. Rogers
If the challenge left behind for us from Mister (Fred) Rogers was for us to "be kind, be kind, be kind" and to "make goodness attractive," then why do we spend so much time fighting with one another over who is right and who is wrong? How about hating someone who doesn’t agree with our way of thinking? If we are truly spending our time loving each other, as we should, kindness should become a natural quality to our character.