Friday, April 29

Bernice Ann Cox
Bernice Ann Cox

Dylan Johnson
Dylan Johnson
Lady Trojans win wild affair
Flawless play? Not exactly entertaining? There was something for everyone.
Libby and Troy clash on the tennis court
With a number of venues being postponed or canceled due to the weather, time on the tennis courts has been limited to same teams and same players.

Doris J. Kutz
Doris J. Kutz
Canada lynx protections deal sealed by US, environmentalists
U.S. wildlife officials have agreed to craft a new habitat plan for the rare, snow-loving Canada lynx that could include more land in Colorado and other western states where they would be protected.
Water projects selected for federal grants
Lincoln County was selected for two federal grants to help fund local water and wastewater projects.

Birth announcements
Birth announcements
Library book sale on May 6
The Libby Friends of the Library will have its next book sale on Friday, May 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Book Sale Room downstairs at the Library.

Fundraiser supports CHC health care program
Northwest Community Health Center’s fundraiser for its specialty care voucher program returned this year, with sponsors donating more than $50,000 during the April 22 event at The Memorial Center.

Amish Farm to Market brings community together through dinner
Amish Farm to Market on April 6 catered a dinner event inside of their market, which included a traditionally inspired Amish dish
Legals for April, 29 2022
Tuesday, April 26
Bernice A. Cox, 97
Bernice A. Cox, 97

Fundraiser for museum roof hits crunch time
Located in the heart of Libby, The Heritage Museum is no ordinary museum. The 12-sided log structure’s history and story hold a special and significant connection with local residents and the community.
State hospital administrator out after federal funding loss
The administrator of Montana's state psychiatric hospital is leaving his post amid the facility's loss of Medicare and Medicaid funding for repeated failures to meet health and safety standards, the state health department said Thursday.

$19.3M pegged for wildfire mitigation work
A swath of Northwest Montana pegged for forestry work aimed at reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire is among a handful of similar projects across the West selected for an initial surge of federal dollars.
Opencut operations
MEIC’s Anne Hedges op-ed on the proposed Fire Pit as usual, uses misinformation, innuendos and half-truths and some important facts left out of her hatchet piece.
Ann Simpson
Ann Simpson
Montana elk management group to meet April 28
The Elk Management Citizen Advisory Group will meet via Zoom on April 28 from 8 a.m. to noon. The meeting will be streamed on the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks website.
Legals for April, 26 2022
Mark your calendars for the 8th annual Kootenai Harvest Festival
The 2022 Kootenai Harvest Festival will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Riverfront Park Pavilion, on the banks of the Kootenai River, from noon to 6 p.m.

Kathy Lou James Ginter, 64
Kathy Lou James Ginter, 64
Spring migration birding day May 7 in Libby
Find, identify and enjoy local and migrating wild birds on Saturday, May 7 in Libby.
Friday, April 22
Commission OKs fire service fees, new incentives district
The Lincoln County Commission on Wednesday unanimously approved fee increases for the Trego/Fortine/Stryker Fire Service Area.
Officials mark start of CO2 pipeline used for oil recovery
State and energy officials have held a ceremony to mark completion of a carbon dioxide pipeline used to help recover more crude from older oil fields. Plano, Texas-based Denbury Resources’ pipeline runs through Slope and Bowman counties to old oil fields along the Montana-North Dakota border. The carbon dioxide is injected underground to force oil to the surface. Denbury is targeting oil fields that straddle the border. The carbon dioxide would come from Wyoming. It would travel via several pipelines in Montana before crossing into North Dakota. The North Dakota portion of the 18-mile, two-state $9.2 million line spans 9 miles.

Oregon wolf population flounders after poaching, car crashes
The growth of Oregon's wolf population slowed significantly last year because 21 animals were killed by human poaching, were hit by cars or were killed by wildlife officials after eating livestock. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says the 2021 census counted 175 wolves, up just two animals from the previous year. The number of documented packs decreased to 21 from 22 after eight wolves in eastern Oregon were illegally poisoned. It was the slowest rate of wolf growth since 2016. Agency officials also say wolves expanded their range into four new areas of activity in rural areas.
84-year-old Montana woman dies after being mauled by dogs
Police in Billings say they are investigating after an 84-year-old woman died from injuries suffered when she was attacked by three dogs earlier this month. The attack happened on April 8. Yellowstone County Deputy Coroner Rich Hoffman says Melitta Hain died on April 16. Billings Police Lt. Matt Lennick says the attack happened on private property and involved three large, mixed breed dogs. The dogs are being held at an animal shelter for now. No arrests have been made and no charges have been filed.

Elizabeth Claire Troyer
Elizabeth Claire Troyer was born at home unassisted on April 7 to David Troyer and Anna Schrock Troyer. Elizabeth weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and measured 20-1/4 inches long. She joins her two-year-old brother William.
Cabinet Peaks hosts annual health fair
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center will host its annual health fair from 9:30 a.m. to noon April 30 at the Libby Memorial Events Center.
Libby running short of water meters
Pinched by a national supply deficit, the City of Libby is now working with a limited stockpile of new water meters to bill incoming municipal customers.
Ciccone to offer sushi with a twist
Mutated sushi — that was the kick driving Frank Ciccone’s inspiration some years ago for his Kaiju Sushi and Spirits in Coeur d'Alene.
"The Wizard of Oz," twice
It never ceases to amaze me how much talent there is in Libby. I'm speaking about the latest musical production put on by the Kootenai Karacters, "The Wizard of Oz", this past week.
A local's perspective
As someone who has grown up in Montana, the wilderness has always been something that I have found profoundly beautiful.
Gunderson’s open cut law leaves neighbors in the dust
I read the story on the proposed Fire open cut mine near Libby with great interest and frustration. Libby Representative Steve Gunderson’s HB 599 is now paving the way for Thompson Contracting Inc. to develop a 14.4-acre gravel pit near his constituents’ homes, regardless of their concerns about noise, dust, or water quality impacts.
Libby Invite: Track team shines in bad weather
Rain, hail and a smattering of snow made for harsh conditions during the April 9 Libby Invitational track meet.
Lady Loggers sneak past Ronan, 12-11
The Lady Loggers softball team kicked off conference play on April 12 hosting Ronan at Remps Field.
As Eating Disorders Spike During Pandemic, Rural Treatment Options Lag
Eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder, are some of the most fatal mental illnesses. Yet treatment options are sparse, particularly in rural states such as Montana.
Legals for April, 22 2022
Tuesday, April 19
Cannabis regs move forward in Troy
Troy officials are drafting local regulations to allow at least one recreational cannabis shop in town.
Troy revists added deposit, other measures to curb electric bill nonpayments
Troy officials are vetting new application requirements for residents to obtain electrical services from the city.
Emergency responders making house calls to reduce 911 calls
It’s not an emergency, it’s a house call. Madison Valley Medical Center first responder Corey Siders recently knocked on the front door of an Ennis home, just to check on 91-year-old Robert Kensinger.
Searchers recover body of 1 of 2 missing teen kayakers
Search teams have recovered the body of one of two teenagers who went missing after their kayak capsized in a lake in northwestern Montana last week, officials said Monday.

Pitching key for Legion Loggers baseball
Dark and rainy skies awaited the American Legion Post No. 97 Loggers baseball team on its first day of practice earlier this month.
Data flag classroom sinks in school lead exposures
Nearly half of all classroom sinks tested in Lincoln County schools require action to remove unsafe levels of lead in drinking water, according to the Department of Environmental Quality.
Unemployment rate sets record low
Montana’s unemployment rate fell in March to a new record low of 2.3%.
Libby man dies in collision
A 55-year-old Libby man died Friday after colliding with a tree on Farm to Market Road.

Kenneth "Kenny" Moe
Kenneth "Kenny" Moe passed away tragically and suddenly on April 15, 2022, in a car accident.
Troy schools opt for baseball team
Troy Public Schools superintendent Jacob Francom said Wednesday the local system is looking into starting a school baseball team.
Legals for April, 19 2022
Friday, April 15
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Tip about taxes: Politician and author Stacey Abrams, a tax lawyer by training, told The Atlantic that all voters need to be better informed about tax policy. Why? “You tax the people you think can’t fight back,” she said of lawmakers. Then, “You spend the money on those you’re afraid of.”

Pine beetles, Western larch losses a concern
Pine beetle infestations appear to be picking up in Ponderosa stands north of the Kootenai River.
Hutter donates $2K for museum roof
The Heritage Museum recently received $2,000 in donations from Rich Hutter, owner of NAPA Auto Parts in Libby, toward its roof replacement project.
Troy sets public hearing on water updates
Troy officials are holding a hearing April 20 on a proposed application for federal funding for municipal water updates.

Assance gets 5 years in state prison
The man shot in January by a local sheriff’s deputy during a domestic disturbance call has been sentenced to five years in state prison.
Second-inning power surge zaps Lady Trojans
Mission trounces Troy softball team, 23-1.
Judge says Montana officials unlawfully approved copper mine
State environmental officials unlawfully approved a large copper mine in central Montana despite worries that mining waste would pollute a river that’s popular among boaters, a state judge ruled.
Biden administration announces boost for rural health care in midterm election push
As the midterm election season ramps up, the Biden administration wants rural Americans to know it’ll be spending a lot of money to improve health care in rural areas.
Blizzard in North Dakota, tornado in SE Minnesota
A tornado tore up a small Minnesota town and a blizzard forced the closure of the North Dakota Capitol, schools and roads, as spring storms wreaked havoc across the Upper Midwest.
Researcher studies winter canola in Flathead Valley
A Montana State University researcher is looking into the benefits of planting an uncommon variety of a common crop, winter canola.

Clearwater Montana Properties donates to local heros
Josie Hermes and Sharon S. Denton of Clearwater Montana Properties presented a check for $7,710 to local community heroes on March 8.
Legals for April, 15 2022
Tuesday, April 12
Montana marijuana sales total $73M so far this year
Montana’s recreational cannabis sales through the first quarter of the market’s first year are outpacing projections and it’s not even tourism season yet.
State says Washington's wolf population grew 16% last year
Washington’s wolf population grew in 2021 for the 13th consecutive year, showing a 16% increase from the previous year, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife said Saturday.

Harvey “Dale” Vinson, 82
Harvey “Dale” Vinson, 82, passed away at his home on April 5, 2022, in Libby shortly after celebrating his 82nd birthday.
Lynda Marie Garrison, 64
Lynda Marie Garrison, 64, died on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at her home in Troy of natural causes.

Kelly "Woods" Jellesed, 62
Kelly "Woods" Jellesed, 62, of Troy passed away on April 4, 2022, at the age of 62 after a courageous fight with cancer.

DEQ sets hearing, seeks comment on Koocanusa selenium limit
Again backing a new limit to selenium at Lake Koocanusa, state environmental officials seek input on a procedural cleanup concerning Montana imposing the stricter standard.

Annual poetry contest draws near
The Lincoln County Library is gearing up for its 15th annual poetry contest.
Larry Ford Cripe, 79
Larry Ford Cripe, 79, passed away March 27, 2022, of natural causes at his home in Troy.

CPMC collaborates with FVCC
The Cabinet Peaks Medical Center and Flathead Community College partnered to help educate and train employees for the center's Laboratory Department.

Kootenai Muzzleloaders host Rock River Rendezvous
The three-day spring Rock River Rendezvous kicked off Friday at Fawn Creek Campground near Libby.
USFS looks to add 200 private acres, public Falls Creek Falls access
Kootenai National Forest officials look to tap the Land and Water Conservation Fund to acquire about 200 now-private acres adjoining Savage Lake and Cabinet Mountains Wilderness.
Legals for April, 12 2022
Friday, April 8

Russell “Rusty” Bache, 71
Russell “Rusty” Bache, 71, passed away of natural causes on April 5, 2022, at his home.
Wind energy company kills 150 eagles in US, pleads guilty
A subsidiary of one of the largest U.S. providers of renewable energy pleaded guilty to criminal charges and was ordered to pay over $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 eagles were killed at its wind farms in eight states, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
Montana judge temporarily blocks new election laws
A Montana judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked four laws passed by the 2021 Legislature that the state Democratic Party, tribal organizations and youth groups argued were meant to make it more difficult for Native Americans, new voters, the elderly and those with disabilities to vote.
Blackfeet Council removes chairman after family drug arrests
The Blackfeet Tribal Council in Montana voted Thursday to remove its chairman after nine people were arrested on drug-related charges following a search at a residence the chairman owns.
NOAA: Potent heat-trapping methane increases at record pace
Global atmospheric levels of the potent but short-lived greenhouse gas methane increased a record amount last year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday, worrying scientists because of the large role methane has in climate change.
Justin Michael Schlabach
Justin Michael Schlabach was born to David and Mary Schlabach on March 8.

Jay Garver Jameson
Jay Garver Jameson was born to Joseph and Morgan Jameson on March 14.
USFS road closures
In reference to the road closure(s) by the Forest Service, is it management or control? A tank trap or gate is so close to the approach you can't park one vehicle, much less a horse trailer.

Community donations received for Fireman's Park
Efforts to update playground equipment at Fireman's Park secured additional community funding.
Senior commodities distribution set for April
Local senior commodities packages will be distributed from 10 a.m. until noon Thursday, April 14, at VFW Post 1548 in Libby.

Libby stays water hookups at Cabinet Heights
Landowners looking to tap municipal water in the budding Cabinet Heights area will have to wait until the city main is replaced there to allow more flow to the housing development.
Deceptive Practices, Measures and Messages
As election time draws near, we are about to be inundated with political ads to no end.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
East, west or beyond, sooner or later events elsewhere may have a local impact. A recent sampling:
Gray wolf recovery significant in wildlife conservation
Idaho and Montana’s successful recovery of the gray wolf was a significant achievement in species conservation.
Blackfeet Council removes chairman after family drug arrests
BROWNING, Mont. (AP) — The Blackfeet Tribal Council in Montana voted Thursday to remove its chairman from his leadership role after nine people were arrested on drug-related charges following a search at a residence the chairman owns.
Legals for April, 8 2022
Thursday, April 7

Class-action lawsuit filed following Kalispell hospital data breach
Former patients of Logan Health allege in a new class-action lawsuit that the medical provider’s November data breach left them open to identity theft and represented negligence, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty.
Tuesday, April 5

Cabinet View's front 9 opens for play
The front nine at Cabinet View Golf Club is open for the season.
Montana’s fastest-growing city last year? It wasn’t Bozeman.
Bozeman may be Montana’s most expensive major city, with the median single-family home price in Gallatin County approaching $900,000 as of February, but population data released March 24 by the U.S. Census Bureau indicates it has forfeited another title: fastest-growing urban area.
Input sought on underground Town Pump tankage
State environmental officials seek public input on 11 underground storage tanks proposed for the new 8,000-square-foot Town Pump convenience store underway in Troy.
Battle heats up over remaining federal rental assistance
Karen Rathke routinely encounters residents still stung by the pandemic and hoping to get help with their rent.
Yellowstone park fundraiser offers entry pass good for 2172
Yellowstone National Park's fundraising arm is seeking $1,500 donations in exchange for an annual entry pass that can be used by carloads of the donor's descendants to visit the park in 150 years.
Area trail projects selected for federal funding
A number of trail projects in Northwest Montana are set to receive a shot of funding through the federal Recreational Trails Program.

Dan Hanson
On March 3, 2022, after a fiercely fought battle against Covid, husband, dad and brother Dan Hanson went home to the Lord.

Connie Sue Lowe, 69
In the early morning hours of March 16, 2022, Connie Sue Lowe passed away at the age of 69 and went to meet the Lord after struggling valiantly for nearly nine months from brain injuries resulting from a fall.

Teck appears in Libby, fights back on troubling fish data
Canada’s premier steelmaking-coal miner says fish tissue flagging dangerous doses of an otherwise trace mineral remain bloated downstream in Northwestern Montana and beyond.
Trojans start track season in Bonners Ferry
The Troy Trojans opened their 2022 track season March 26 competing in the Bonners Ferry Invitational.

Feds, DEQ propose deleting OU6 as national priority
Federal and state officials have proposed deleting from the National Priorities List a portion of the Libby Asbestos Superfund site containing BNSF-owned and operated railyards in Libby and Troy.
Legals for April, 5 2022
Friday, April 1
Water advisory lifted
County officials have lifted a health advisory for municipal water use.

Tommy Martin makes three rounds in state spelling bee
Libby seventh-grader Tommy Martin advanced this year through three rounds of Montana’s Treasure State Spelling Bee.
US approves bison grazing on Montana prairie amid criticism
U.S. officials on Wednesday announced approval of a conservation group's proposal to expand bison grazing on prairies in north-central Montana as part of a vast nature reserve over objections from some ranchers and elected officials.
Russian forces leaving Chernobyl after radiation exposure
Russian troops began leaving the Chernobyl nuclear plant after soldiers got “significant doses" of radiation from digging trenches at the highly contaminated site.
Kootenai Karacters open 'The Wizard of Oz'
The Kootenai Karacters’ cast and crew opened its production Thursday of “The Wizard of Oz.”
Youthful Loggers show promise in opening tennis matches
The Libby Loggers tennis teams hit the courts March 25 for their season opening match against the Polson Pirates and Hamilton Broncs.
Environmental group sues over new water quality law
A measure lawmakers passed last year that relaxed nutrient standards is now before a federal court.

Dispensaries secure initial approval for locales in Libby commercial districts
The Libby Zoning Commission voiced unanimous initial approval this week to allow cannabis dispensaries within the city's downtown and highway commercial districts.
Forums set for city growth plan
Meetings are set in May for residents to comment on a master plan for Libby growth.

Spring turkey hunting draws near, bird numbers appear strong
Montana’s spring hunt for nonnative wild turkey starts five days later this season.
Ernest Richard Barnes, 88
Dick Barnes went home to be with Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior on Dec. 23, 2021, in Whitefish at the age of 88.
Lady Loggers softball drops first game
The Libby Lady Loggers kicked off their 2022 softball season on March 20.