Stories for May 2008


Friday, May 30

May 30, 2008 midnight

Train collides with maintenance truck on Fisher River Road, no one hurt

An eastbound Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway train collided with a maintenance truck at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, a few miles north along Fisher River Road.

May 30, 2008 midnight

Yard sale signs need to come with instructions

To the Editor:

May 30, 2008 midnight

Democrats limited in commissioner vote

Since there are no Democrats running in the Lincoln County Commissioner race this year, voting in the June 3 primary will present a conundrum: Do you vote on a Republican ballot for county commissioner or on the Democrat ballot for the presidential nominee?

May 30, 2008 midnight

Stranger helps businessman nab burglar

To the Editor:

Libby athletes honored
May 30, 2008 midnight

Libby athletes honored

Several Libby High School students were recently honored for their achievements during a program at the Ralph Tate Gymnasium.

Garbage truck topples, destroys car
May 30, 2008 midnight

Garbage truck topples, destroys car

The driver of a Kootenai Valley Disposal garbage truck lost control of his rig, which toppled onto a Libby woman’s parked car and destroyed it.

May 30, 2008 midnight

Hillary leads in votes

Would you believe Hillary Clinton leads in popular vote? The media isn't telling you, but she is.

May 30, 2008 midnight

Thanks to very special lady from Libby

To the Editor:

Cielak, Randall tourney
May 30, 2008 midnight

Cielak, Randall tourney


May 30, 2008 midnight

Lincoln County Commissioner candidates discuss issues related to local natural resources

Lincoln County’s natural resources were the focus of a debate among the six Republican candidates for commissioner held Tuesday night at Elks Lodge. Don Cox, Dennis Souther, Lee Disney, Mike Munro, Jerry Okonski and Mayor Anthony Berget argued for a greater independence from federal and state governments that limit public access to local forests.

9-pound trout catches $2,514 prize
May 30, 2008 midnight

9-pound trout catches $2,514 prize

A Post Falls, Idaho, man took first place in the rainbow trout division during the 6th Annual Trout and Salmon Derby hosted by Koocanusa Resort and Marina.

May 30, 2008 midnight

Obama's stance on gun rights speaks for itself

To the Editor:

May 30, 2008 midnight

Libby, Troy graduations Saturday

Libby High School and Troy Junior/Senior High School will hold their graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May 31.

May 30, 2008 midnight

Timber Beast Disc Golf Tournament June 21 in Troy

The third annual Troy Timber Beast Disc Golf Tournament will take place Saturday, June 21, at Troy Disc Golf Park.

Wednesday, May 28

May 28, 2008 midnight

Libby, Troy residents graduate from Montana State University

Several Lincoln County residents graduated on May 3 from Montana State University in Billings.

Saturday, May 24

May 24, 2008 midnight

Venereal disease rampant in county

Several cases of Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, have been reported with the Lincoln County Public Health Department.

THS seniors awarded local and state scholarships
May 24, 2008 midnight

THS seniors awarded local and state scholarships

The Western News

May 24, 2008 midnight

Streetscape project stopped in its tracks

Although the Libby City Council voted on a resolution of intent to authorize up to $40,000 to begin the streetscapes' lighting and sidewalk improvements in their last meeting, May 6, concerns raised at a meeting last Tuesday have halted the project before it began.

May 24, 2008 midnight

Judicial Commission Hearing set for Hicks

The Montana Judicial Standards Commission set a date for the hearing of Judge Gary D. Hicks, who is accused of making inappropriate sexual comments to several women.

Thursday, May 22

May 22, 2008 midnight

Streetscape project stopped in its tracks

Although the Libby City Council voted on a resolution of intent to authorize up to $40,000 to begin the streetscapes’ lighting and sidewalk improvements in their last meeting, May 6, concerns raised at a meeting last Tuesday have halted the project before it began.

May 22, 2008 midnight

Judicial Commission Hearing set for Hicks

The Montana Judicial Standards Commission set a date for the hearing of Judge Gary D. Hicks, who is accused of making inappropriate sexual comments to several women.

Evelyn I. Decker
May 22, 2008 midnight

Evelyn I. Decker

Long-time Libby resident Evelyn I. Decker passed away at her home on Monday, May 19, 2008. She was born Oct. 20, 1917 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to George G.C. Earle of England and America and Edith Ranous Earle of Ann Arbor, Mich.

Four Trojans head to state track competition
May 22, 2008 midnight

Four Trojans head to state track competition

In the Western B track divisionals last Saturday in the Missoula County Stadium, Trojans Scott Harper, Allie Maestas, Aaron Palmer and Dalton Powell qualifed for the Class B State tournament in Bozeman, placing in the top five of their events.

George W. Salzer
May 22, 2008 midnight

George W. Salzer

George W. Salzer, great-grandson of Centralias Salzer Valley pioneers Joseph and Anna Salzer, passed away May 17, 2008 at his home in Rochester, Wash.

Mee takes singles crown at divisionals
May 22, 2008 midnight

Mee takes singles crown at divisionals

At the Western A divisional tennis tournament in Kalispell, Libby’s Jackie Mee repeated last year’s performance to win the championship match against Whitefish’s Brielle Menegazzi (no. 2), 6-3, 6-1.

May 22, 2008 midnight

The Western News

Troy Jr./Sr. High School held their annual academic awards assembly on Wednesday, May 21 honoring the graduating seniors.

Linden O. "Fuzzy" Edwards
May 22, 2008 midnight

Linden O. "Fuzzy" Edwards

Linden O. "Fuzzy" Edwards took his place in heaven on April 27, 2008. Born Sept. 3, 1938 to Gilbert and Alice Swanke Edwards in Coeur d"Alene, Idaho.

Wednesday, May 14

Spring weather brings studded tire removal deadline
May 14, 2008 midnight

Spring weather brings studded tire removal deadline

The deadline to remove your studded tires is rapidly approaching as the weather warms.

Linden O. “Fuzzy” Edwards
May 14, 2008 midnight

Linden O. “Fuzzy” Edwards

Linden O. “Fuzzy” Edwards took his place in heaven on April 27, 2008. Born Sept. 3, 1938 to Gilbert and Alice Swanke Edwards in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

LHS graduate inspires students to work hard and further education
May 14, 2008 midnight

LHS graduate inspires students to work hard and further education

A Libby High School graduate came back to his old stomping grounds Thursday to give a few LHS seniors a leg up in furthering their education.

Holly J. Lang
May 14, 2008 midnight

Holly J. Lang

Holly J. Lang, 68, of Libby died Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at her home in Libby from natural causes.

May 14, 2008 midnight

The weight of the government

To the Editor:

Loggers control non-conf action
May 14, 2008 midnight

Loggers control non-conf action

After pulling out a win against AA Glacier at home last week (3-0), Libby stopped Corvallis in its tracks last Saturday at the Butte tourney, breaking their eight game winning streak and upping their losses to two, and raising the Loggers’ overall record to 16-3.

Friday, May 9

May 9, 2008 midnight

Loggers play first home game today

The Libby Loggers will play their first home game today, Friday, May 9 at Lee Gehring field in Libby at 6 p.m.

May 9, 2008 midnight

Price of postage stamps increase on Monday

The Western News

Nicholas L. Stewart
May 9, 2008 midnight

Nicholas L. Stewart

Nicholas L. Stewart, 63, died Sunday, May 4, 2008, at St. John Lutheran Hospital in Libby. He was born on July 21, 1944 at Wichita, Kan., the son of Robert J. and Lucille L. (Tucker) Stewart.

May 9, 2008 midnight

New EPA data shows surprises for asbestos exposure

New data from the Environmental Protection Agency suggests that soil is a prominent source of exposure to vermiculite. Such a conclusion has the potential to reshape how the EPA assesses risk for remediation, as well as definitions for what it considers a “clean site.”

May 9, 2008 midnight

Grace settlements' impact on CARD

To the Editor:

Helen L. Fisher
May 9, 2008 midnight

Helen L. Fisher

Helen Lucille Fisher, 83, of Troy died May 5, 2008 at the Libby Care Center from natural causes. She was born July 21, 1924 in Goldendale, Wash. to Marshall (Ben) and Ruth B. Hurst Collins.

Darko-Hensler, Rebo elected to Libby School Board
May 9, 2008 midnight

Darko-Hensler, Rebo elected to Libby School Board

The newly-elected Libby School Board members will be sworn in during the Tuesday, May 13 school board meeting.

Juanita M. Curtiss
May 9, 2008 midnight

Juanita M. Curtiss

Juanita M. Curtiss, 85, died April 7, 2008 in Seattle. She was born on March 8, 1923 in Brownsville, Texas to Cymon and Petra (Perez) Montez.

May 9, 2008 midnight

STOKR bicycle ride coming this weekend

STOKR starts Saturday and there are a few new things this year for the two-day bicycling event.

May 9, 2008 midnight

Response to Highwood Drive residents' concerns

To the Editor:

May 9, 2008 midnight

Thanks to hard working volunteers

To the Editor:

Orville “Pappy” Parker
May 9, 2008 midnight

Orville “Pappy” Parker

Orville “Pappy” Parker, 100, passed away on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell. He was born on March 31, 1908 in Knowles, Okla. to James and Delphia (Erhard) Parker. He was one of eight children.

May 9, 2008 midnight

Voicing concern over shooting range

To the Editor:

May 9, 2008 midnight

Libby Loggers American Legion Baseball 2008 schedule

The Libby Loggers American Legion Baseball program starts at 6 p.m. on Friday against the Glacier AA.

Friday, May 2

Juanita “Nita” Lamey
May 2, 2008 midnight

Juanita “Nita” Lamey

Juanita “Nita” Lamey, 92, passed away early Friday, April 25, 2008 at the Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.

May 2, 2008 midnight

David Thompson and the Fur Trade in NW Montana

May 5, 2008 marks the 200th anniversary of the arrival of David Thompson of the Northwest Fur Company and his men to what would later be the site of Libby, Montana.

Leslie E. Rose
May 2, 2008 midnight

Leslie E. Rose

Leslie E. Rose, 97, died Jan. 12, 2008 at the Libby Care Center. He was born Jan. 7, 1911 in Houser Lake, Idaho to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rose.

May 2, 2008 midnight

Meetings set to plan future of Asa Wood

Members of the community met Wednesday evening to discuss the possibility of closing Asa Wood Elementary School.

Dr. Theodore (Ted) F. Pacheco
May 2, 2008 midnight

Dr. Theodore (Ted) F. Pacheco

Dr. Theodore F. (Ted) Pacheco, 74, a longtime Libby dentist, died Sunday, April 27 in Mesa, Ariz. He was born Nov. 27, 1933 in Butte to Ted and Mary (Hoye) Pacheco.

May 2, 2008 midnight

School Board elections Tuesday

The Libby School District #4 will be holding elections on Tuesday, May 6 for two three-year term trustee vacancies.

Leroy E. Booth
May 2, 2008 midnight

Leroy E. Booth

Leroy Earl Booth, 90, of Troy, died Sunday, April 27, 2008 at his home in Troy. He was born June 23, 1917 in Cucamonga, Calif. to Leroy and Ina Mae Booth.

Dorothy J. Holmes, 81
May 2, 2008 midnight

Dorothy J. Holmes, 81

Dorothy J. Holmes, 81, of Troy died April 30, 2008 at her home in the Yaak.