Sunday, September 29

Trojans trounce Plains, 63-16
Homecoming proved sweet for the Trojan (2-2) football team.
Saturday, September 28

Loggers score six TDs to beat Indians, 40-19
Libby High School Offensive Coordinator Kyle Hannah believes his team has emerged from the offensive funk that plagued the squad during its previous four contests.

Kootenai Disposal
Friday, September 27
Formula Fabrication plans big Saturday
Formula Fabrication is sponsoring a Customer Appreciation Day at its new location of 31936 U.S. Highway 2.
Still time to join mixed pool league
It’s not too late to join the winter Mixed Pool League.
Bridge club still seeks new players
The Libby Bridge Club needs new players.

Loggers cruise on links, head to state championship
Logger golf made a strong showing Thursday during the conference divisional tournament at Whitefish. Seven of the team’s eight golfers qualified for the state championship tournament.
Troy faces Plains for homecoming
Things changed in Troy last week. The invigorating energy of a come-from-behind 32-26 overtime victory against Cut Bank on the gridiron sparked new energy into the Trojans.

Loggers redeem early-season loss
In a rematch of an early season contest that ended in a 3-3 draw, the Loggers boys soccer team held their lead this time for an important conference win against Bigfork.

Loggers seek to taste victory at homecoming Friday
Moments after being named Libby High School homecoming king, senior Jason Schnackenberg sat in the cafeteria surrounded by yellow banners, blue balloons and posters urging the football team to “Tame the Broncs.”
Law-Enforcement Blotter
Lincoln County
Larry Birge, 92, of Libby
Larry Cordell Luvern Birge, 92, passed away at the Libby Care Center on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013.

Joann Jungst, 70, of Libby
Joann Jungst, 70, of Libby, passed away at home on Monday, Sept. 23, 2013, with family and friends by her side.

Teresa Mazza, 48, of Libby
Teresa Joyce (Carr) Mazza died Sept. 25, 2013, at her home in Park Ridge, Ill. She was 48.

Gage Collier
Gage Lane Collier, son of Brandon Collier and Amanda Reeves of Libby, was born at 1:13 a.m. Sept. 11, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Clayton Ratcliff
Clayton Michael Allen Ratcliff, son of Jon Ratcliff and Stephanie Fodge of Libby, was born at 1:52 p.m. Sept. 11, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Kinley Hammer
Kinley Hammer, daughter of Logan and Destinie Hammer of Troy, was born at 7:02 a.m. on Aug. 20, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Glade Bernall
Glade Ryder Bernall, son of Ben and Shana Bernall of Troy, was born at 4:15 a.m. on Sept. 1, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Scarlett Mysse
A daughter, Scarlett Rose Mysse, was born July 23, 2013, to Louis and Kristen Mysse of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene.

Homeowner still seeks removal of asphalt from backfill
During Bert Ward’s 32 years working as a forester for the U.S. Forest Service, he was used to things a certain way.
There are no silver bullets in the timbering wars
Counting only my Evergreen years, this is my 28th year at war. If I count my family’s heritage in sawmilling, it can then be said that I was born into this war more than 69 years ago.

Libby student is sole county scholar semifinalist
Like most high-schoolers, Cody Barrick drives his parents nuts by occasionally waiting until the later hours of night before starting an important homework assignment.
Neoliberalism: Breaking legs, taking crutches
Libertarian Harry Browne wrote that government “knows how to break your legs, hand you a crutch, and say, ‘See, if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.’” But with deficits and recessions looming, governments have been getting stingier when it comes to handing out crutches. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill cutting billions of dollars from food-stamp programs.

Savage fights extradition
Dan James Savage, Jr., the 36-year-old Troy man who was arrested Sept. 9 at a Portland, Ore., laundry for the Aug. 29 assault of a Troy woman, is fighting extradition to Lincoln County.

Soccer Leggiins
Holly Leggins struggles for control with Polson's Alana Fox 9-19-13.

Soccer Davidson
Sophomore forward Johnny Davidson gets a celebratory hug from teammate Colin Maloney after scoring his second goal of the day vs. Bigfork Tuesday afternoon. (first half action) The Loggers went on to defeat the Vikings 2-0.

Little Library
Visiting World Herald photographer Kent Sievers checks out the Little Free Library on Fifth Street Extension Aug. 4. A second Little Library is located on Mineral Avenue in Troy near the high school.

Homecoming Two
Homecoming Queen Keeli Green and King Jason Schnackenberg.

Golf Jager
Libby golfer Erin Jager

Homecoming One
Skylar Higareda, left, Taylor Quinn, Josh Bowers, Brooklyn Rosling, Queen Keeli Green, King Jason Schnackenberg, Kari Lindgren, Dalton Brown, Cassidy McCoy and Patrick Faulkner. Crown bearers center front, Gabrielle Rose and Ian Thom.

Football Robertson
Hard-charging Nic Robertson vs. Bonners Ferry 8-31-13

Birth Ratcliff
Clayton Ratcliff

Birth Mysse
Scarlett Rose Mysse
Tuesday, September 24
Lady Trojan spikers drop two
The Lady Trojans volleyball team lost matches against Florence and Loyola this weekend while hosting a tournament.
Lady Logger spikers start strong, taper off
The Lady Loggers took the first set in their home conference volleyball match with Polson, but the Lady Pirates stormed back to win 3-1 on Friday.
Libby's Wilkins shines on the links
Morgan Wilkins of Libby prevented a clean sweep for the Polson golfers at the Libby Invitational on Friday at Cabinet View Golf Course.
Yellowjackets sting Loggers, 33-25
The Libby Loggers (0-4) played their best game of the football season, but fell short, 33-25, on the road against the Stevensville Yellowjackets (2-1).

Trojans stun the Wolves with 32-26 overtime victory
It took a fourth-quarter comeback and a Montana overtime, but the Troy Trojans (1-2) earned their first football win in dramatic fashion Friday.
Troy to dig own cemetery burial plots
Future burial lots in Troy Cemetery will be dug by the city, adding a few dollars to a depleted Cemetery Fund.
Resident grateful for city's business meeting
Letter to the Editor,
Fighting fires: Sometimes it's better and safer to back away from disaster
• On the Dude fire in Arizona, 1990, six firefighters died in their fire shelters while trying to save homes.
Child development tip: Stages of speech development
“Should I worry if my two-year-old is not talking?” This is a question frequently heard by speech language pathologists. There are many aspects about talking that need to be addressed when this question is answered.
It's a new era for Glacier National Park
It’s a time of significant changes in Glacier National Park, and our hope is that new people and programs on the park scene will be productive in years to come.

Cummings-Roy make home in Casper, Wyo.
The parents of Danielle LouAnne Cummings and Levi Lewis Roy announce the marriage of their children on June 22, 2013, at Sky Ridge Ranch in Ronan.

Yahvahs celebrate 65th wedding anniversary
Bernice and Gene Yahvah of Libby celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Sept.12.
Larry Birge, 92, of Libby
Larry Cordell Luvern Birge, 92, passed away at Libby Care Center on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013.

Lois E. Skranak, 62, of Libby
Lois E. (McNulty) Skranak, 62, passed away Friday, Sept. 20, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Some critical of construction timing
While the organizers of Nordicfest agree the event was a success, many attendees commented on the nuisance of the ongoing curb construction along Lincoln Boulevard that streches eight blocks between Minnesota Avenue and Idaho Avenue.
KNF Forest Plan complete, ready for final process
The Kootenai National Forest has completed the revised Forest Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Record of Decision and now are subject to a predecisional objection process.

Two busloads tour Flower Creek Dam
Two buses of about 85 people interested in the Flower Creek Dam took a 75-minute tour of the 67-year-old dam Saturday. Many of them were surprised at the poor condition of concrete arch structure.
Bullet ricochets into home
The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department is reviewing its protocol for discharging a weapon, specifically for euthanizing an injured animal, after one of three shots fired by a deputy pierced a metal door and entered a home in Libby.

Soccer Leggins
Holly Leggins struggles for control with Polson's Alana Fox 9-19-13.

Soccer Johnson
Junior midfielder Collin Johnson header off of a Jason Schnackenberg inbound pass in first half vs. Polson 9-19-13.

Soccer Goldston
Justus Goldston, center, gets a celebratory hug from teammates Colin Maloney, left, and Isaiah Sickler after scoring in the second half vs. Polson Thursday afternoon. The Loggers went on to win the contest 2-0.

Old Photo 9-24-13
Logger Lettermen Three backs and four linemen are returning to the current version of the Libby Loggers football team as lettermen. From the left in front are linemen Scott Welch, Larry Urdahl, Dave Williams and David Christiansen. From the left in the rear are backs Wally McElmurry, Chuck Lisle and Duane Lindsey. Coach Chuck Thorstenson has 45 gridders practicing for their opening game Sept. 7 Photo from the Aug. 30, 1973, files of The Western News.

Football Miller
Fifty-eight yard pass complete to Michael Miller first quarter vs Cut Bank 9-20-13.

Football Haggerty
Luke Haggerty kickoff return to the Troy 45-yard line vs. Cut Bank 9-20-13.
Sunday, September 22
Loggers fall just short to Stevensville
The Libby Loggers (0-4) played their best game of the football season, but fell short, 33-25, on the road against the Stevensville Yellowjackets (2-1).
Trojans stun Cut Bank for first win
It took a fourth-quarter comeback and a Montana Playoff, but the Troy Trojans (1-2) earned their first football win in dramatic fashion last Friday. Overcoming six turnovers, the Trojans prevailed 32-26 over Cut Bank (1-3) in a game that included back-to-back 70-yard touchdown passes and enough dramatic turns to earn a spot on Broadway.

Hav A Java
Friday, September 20

Libby spikers take matchup with Troy
2013 Nordicfest Runnerfell Results
City memo warns Councilman Olsen of censure
We all bear some responsibility for Spanky's death
Ticks are a problem for our pets, and they can be for humans, too

Robert L. Knickerbocker, formerly of Libby

Wildlife Recapture gets national contract
Local taxidermist plans building expansion, hiring 20 additional
Wildlife Recapture, a local taxidermist studio co-owned by two Libby men, has received a contract from a national sporting goods chain that will bring both expansion of the business and new jobs to Libby.

Downtown 'mascot' killed
Widely photographed mule-deer buck 'dispatched' as precaution
More than a year ago, people around town noticed a particularly friendly and majestic mule-deer buck. Residents took pictures and closely followed the deer’s exploits. Oftentimes, the buck liked to pick apples from the tree behind Gene’s Body Shop. Sometimes, he stood on cars for a boost to higher hanging fruit.

Volleyball Walker
Sophomore Ashley Walker serves up her third of 5 straight aces in the second game vs. Troy Tuesday evening. Her total aces for the evening numbered 10.

Volleyball Lundin
Senior Katie Lundin sends the ball over in first game vs. Libby 9-17-13.

Runnerfell Kurle
Jacquelin Kurle, winner of the 2013 Youth Runnerfell T-shirt design contest.

Runnerfell Benner
Annika Benner, 7, received a little advice and exchanged "knucks" with her father, Monty, prior to her Runnerfell race last Friday.

Wildlife Recapture
Employees of Wildlife Recapture who traveled to Cranberry, Pa., to complete the dioramas include from left, Wade Wright, Colton Cannon, Tatum Haines, Co-owners Kevin Neidigh and Mel Siefke, Jay Ritchie, Steven Schmidt and John Hayes. The moose at left is one of the largest ever taken in Alaska.

Class 58
Members of the Libby High School Class of 1958 recently held a reunion. Members of the class attending include, from front left, Dixie Smith Sichting, Judy Simurdak Lenmark, Sallee Myhr Pinkard, Pat Brunett Schoonmaker, Delores Davidson Sena, Peggy Troyer Albright, Carol Beth Risley VanZyverden, Nancy Adkins Harlow. In the second row are Ruth Sleizer Norris Miller, Minnie Edwards Boothman, Dorothy Williams Snyder Berg, Marilyn Johnson Edwards, Sharon Cooley Keeney, Dixie Leir Lewis, Effie Wilkes Thompson, Valerie Endicott Crabtree, Marlys Barr and Jeanne Decker Howard. In the back row, from left, are Jack Whitmarsh, Jim Reedy, Al Fantozzi, Evelyn McAllister Maxfield, John Vick, Brian Corbett, Sharon Halvorson Mills, Boake Carter, Bonnie Barney Westfall, Kurt McGraw Kelley, Mary Lee Little Cole, Jeannette Sanders Maki Kelley, Birdie Beasley Williams and Bill Taylor.

LHS Class of 1957 Reunion
Members of the Libby High School Class of 1957 recently held their 55-year class reunion. Pictured members include, from left, Bennett Reedy, Kermit Leir, Willie Schikora, Janice Crabtree Hafner, Marlene McAlear Herreid, Allen Rice, Jim Crabtree and Bruce Kessel. They had their reunion last month in Libby.

Buck Garrison
First Montana Bank's Jackson Garrison spotted this buck atop a car last Wednesday, July 3. The vantage point was good for attaining those hard to reach apples.

Wildlife Kevin
Co-owner Kevin Neidigh prepares an African nyala.

Spanky at Ambulance Barn
Spanky visits the ambulance barn.
Wednesday, September 18

Concern for public cited as FWP reason for taking popular mule buck
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks wardens “dispatched” a mature mule deer buck from the city limits of Libby Monday evening, according to a release from the agency.
Tuesday, September 17

Trial to examine reclusive copper heiress' will to begin
NEW YORK — She had wealth few could boast and used it to finance a life few would choose — an heiress to the fortune of the founder of Las Vegas spending 20 years voluntarily in New York hospital rooms.

Butte: An old mining town fills with elite business leaders
HELENA — Butte, a mining town almost a century removed from its heyday, is the unlikely landing spot this week for some of the business world’s biggest names.
Libby spikers come up short
The Lady Logger volleyball squad lost 3-0 to Columbia Falls on Thursday night in a hotly contested match marked by several shifts in momentum.
Online registration for wolf trapping in area, Region 1
Online registration is now open for wolf trapper certification classes in northwest Montana. Certification is required in order to use a wolf license to trap wolves. The classes will be held:
Cross-country teams get fifth
The Libby boys’ and girls’ cross-country teams participated in a 3.1-mile meet in Coeur d’Alene on Saturday. Both teams finished fifth of six teams.
Billings Rams buck Loggers with offensive onslaught, 6-2
The Libby Loggers boys’ soccer team fell 6-2 to the Billings Central Rams last Friday in a grueling road test. The Loggers stormed off an 11-hour bus ride to an early 1-0 lead when Johnny Davidson scored on a Cody Wood assist in the 10th minute.
Loggers bow to Locomotives, next face the Pirates at home
Mired in sloppy conditions and down three players, including a key goal scorer, due to injuries sustained the day before, the Libby Loggers boys’ soccer team fell 2-0 to the Laurel Locomotives on Saturday.
City dam tour Saturday
The public is invited to an informational tour of the Flower Creek Dam and Reservoir on Saturday, Sept. 21.
U.S. needs to establish Middle East equilibrium
Letter to the Editor,
Letters to editor by candidates only seem to come when they seek re-election
Letter to the Editor,
Why is Jefferson's party so Hamiltonian?
Robert Reich (“Syria and the Reality at Home in America,” Nation of Change, Sept. 7), noting that the share of the population either working or seeking work was at a 30-year low, writes “A decent society would put people to work — even if this required more government spending on roads, bridges, ports, pipelines, parks and schools.” The column is illustrated with the picture of a guy holding a sign that reads “need work.”
No excuses: Judge Baugh should resign
District Judge G. Todd Baugh has said he’s sorry about the crass comments he made regarding a 14-year-old rape victim who later committed suicide, but that’s hardly enough.
Troy considers heat pumps for its court, museum
Troy City Council members will vote to install ductless heat pumps into the town courtroom and museum. The total projected cost is $7,595, which includes a $750 rebate from Bonneville Power Administration.

LaDee Knight, 82, of Troy
LaDee Peterson Knight, 82, died peacefully in her home of 17 years Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013.
County begins removal of Troy landfill debris pile
The saga of the minimally contaminated wood-chip pile at the Troy city landfill will very soon be a thing of the past.

McLeod trial in final throes
The uncertain future of Robert McLeod as Troy’s police chief will soon be decided.

Libby school district and country discuss land swap
Libby School District and Lincoln County officials will meet next month to discuss a land swap that allows for a combined 55-acre tract near Libby High School that could provide one large mega-campus building site.

Runnerfell Folk
A smiling Westin Folk, 5, speeds toward the finish line Friday at Libby Elementary during Runnerfell 2013.

Regional Clark
FILE- In this Aug. 11, 1930 photo, copper heiress Huguette Clark, then Hugnette Clark Gower, poses for a photo in Reno, Nev. Jury selection is expected to begin in New York on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 in a civil trial over Clark’s will. Clark, who died in 2011, left her estimated $300 million estate largely to arts charities, her nurse and a goddaughter, but her distant relatives are challenging the will. (AP Photo)

Old Photo 9-17-13
Cow Pie Countdown Kima Burrell, Becky Owen and Stacy McDonald were all Òcow eyedÓ prior to the Nordicfest parade last weekend. The Libby High School students are promoting the Cow Pie Ala Moola fund-raiser scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 10. Photo from the Sept. 17, 1993, files of The Western News.

Nordic KQ
Nordicfest 2013 Queen and King, Barb and Dave Swenson during the Bunad Procession Friday.

Nordic Governor
Montana Governor Steve Bullock shakes hands with Stan Hauck Saturday during the Nordicfest parade.

Nordic Princess
Nordicfest 2013 princesses Annie Wilkinson, left and Keeli Greene.

Nordic Board
Ray Eanes, left, Les Nelson, Freda Howard, Jill Rayome, Noelle Gilmore, Pam Peppenger, Verna Johnson, Annie Wilkinson, Keeli Greene, Clarence Johnson. Float won first prize at Logger Days Parade.

Nordic Curtiss and Governor
Cynthia Curtiss left, and Montana Governor Steve Bullock during the Nordicfest parade lineup Saturday.

Nordic Benitz
Alvin Benitz waves to the crowd from high atop the Hyster lumber carrier during the Nordicfest parade Saturday.

Flag Pole Lundin
Kellie Lundin, left, and Allie Coldwell, right, raise the flag as Phillip Lundin, left and Katie Lundin look on during the Bobby Coldwell flagpole dedication Friday at Morrison Elementary.

Flat Pole
Phillip Lundin, left, Kellie Lundin, Katie Lundin, Allie Coldwell and Allison Lundin prepare to raise the flag Friday afternoon during the Bobby Coldwell flagpole dedication at Morrison Elementary.

Monday, September 16
Shooter kills 13 at Navy shipyard
WASHINGTON — An employee at a defense contractor used his pass to get into the Washington Navy Yard and went on a deadly shooting rampage Monday, spraying bullets in the hallways and firing from a balcony on workers in an atrium below. Thirteen people were killed, including the gunman.
Sunday, September 15
Undermanned Trojans fall to Ronan
The Troy Trojans fell to 0-2 on the football season with a 53-13 loss at Ronan. Academic and off-the-field issues cut the Troy roster from 33 to 18 players, leaving coach Jim Dasios with limited options.
Onside kick fails; Libby falls short against Hamilton
Despite playing their best game of the season, the Libby Loggers (0-3) fell 24-21 to the Hamilton Broncs (2-1) in a football game that came down to a desperation onside kick in the final minute.
Saturday, September 14

Friday, September 13
Christ Lutheran Church begins Sunday school program offers extra-special curriculum
When the tragedy at Sandy Hook School rocked the nation, people everywhere reacted quickly to give aid and support. One forward-thinking Christ Lutheran Church member decided to be pro-active and do something to promote the future safety, security and happiness of children right here through the work of our Christ Lutheran Sunday School.
Troy to face Ronan; both seek first win
The Troy Trojans will look to even their record this week against the Ronan Chiefs in a matchup of 0-1 football teams.

Libby back on the road to tackle Hamilton
The Libby Loggers (0-2) travel to Hamilton (1-1) this week in search of their first victory in the young season.
Who owns taxpayer-funded research? Some question it
Who owns taxpayer-funded science? From the way many scientists behave, it’s not the taxpayers.
Logger kickers fall to Whitefish
The Western News
Judgment excuses victim-witness advocate Ramos from case
Another defendant in former Libby resident Rob Hubbard’s conspiracy case has been granted summary judgment by U.S. Magistrate Jeremiah C. Lynch in Missoula.
William L. Duggins, 82, of Libby

Thomas D. Thoreson, Jr., 80, formerly of Libby
Thomas D. Thoreson, Jr., went to fly with the angels on Sept. 1, 2013 in Kalispell.
Edna A. Johnson, 78, formerly of Libby
Edna Arsceil Johnson, 78, died Friday, Sept. 6, 2013, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, at the Hospice House of North Idaho.
Gov. Bullock to attend Nordicfest
Aide says Governor will walk parade route
Democratic Montana Gov. Steve Bullock is coming to Nordicfest.

Johnson joins Western News staff, will cover Troy, sports
Philip Johnson, who last month completed his masters degree in journalism from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has joined

Laffoon: Assault was a plot
Says couple schemed in retaliation for Savage's previous arrests
In the days since the arrest of D.J. Savage, there have been widely conflicting accounts of events that led up to his arrest at a Portland, Ore., laundry.
Newlywed released pending trial in her husband's death
MISSOULA — A federal judge ordered a Montana newlywed released from jail Thursday as she awaits trial on charges that she pushed her husband to his death over a cliff in Glacier National Park because she was having second thoughts about marriage.
Councilman Olsen investigated by game warden for taking deer
Libby City Councilman and mayoral candidate Allen Olsen is under investigation for a hunting incident.
W.F. Morrison to dedicate new flag pole
A pair of new flagpoles is in the works in area schools.

Nordic Steele
Libby's Candy Steele pauses while readying her "Glass Artery" booth Thursday afternoon in preparation for Nordicfest. Steele has been making stained glass items for the past 33 years.

Governor Steve Bullock
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock talks about the state's Labor Day report on Friday, Aug. 30, 2013, in Helena, Mont. The report says Montana this year should regain all the jobs it lost during the recession, but lower productivity and an aging workforce are cause for concern. (AP Photo/Matt Volz)

Philip Johnson
Philip Johnson

Montanore Minerals' water plant manager Jared Waxbom, left, explains the inner workings of the facility to Ron and Mary Downey during Tuesday's tour.

Bakie and Voves
Louise Voves and Arnold Bakie have had claims near the present-day Montanore Mine for decades. They recently won a case against Mines Management, Inc., in District Judge James Wheelis’ courtroom.

Football Krisanov
Tarasik Krisanov tackling Dylan Flack 2nd quarter action vs. Anaconda 9-6-13

Laffoon Mug
Sandra Laffoon

Fishin' Blackburn
Dave Blackburn guides the Kootenai Saturday, Aug. 31.

Thursday, September 12

Managhan's Furniture
Wednesday, September 11
Senior Center Menu - September
Flower Creek Dam and Reservoir tour set Sept. 21
The public is invited to an informational tour of the Flower Creek Dam and Reservoir on Saturday, Sept. 21.
Troy Mine efforts re-establish mining route
Tuesday, September 10

Trojans drop season opener to Conrad Cowboys, 34-13
The breaks refused to go Troy High School’s way Friday night as the football Trojans dropped their season opener 34-13 to Conrad.

Copperheads beat Loggers, 28-0
Libby High School football coach Neil Fuller was upbeat after his team fell to 0-2 Friday after a 28-0 home field loss to the Anaconda Copperheads.
August police reports surge, chief says
While the number of Libby Police case reports increased during August, Libby Police Chief Jim Smith said the surge last month was in line with past years.
Immune deficiencies have been around a long time in the animal kingdom
Acquired immune deficiency — AIDS — is a well-recognized, deadly disease of man. Acquired immune deficiency in the animal kindom is an old, but equally deadly problem.
Wastewater Treatment Plant cares for our dirty water
The following is an overview of the process of the water flow from residents’ homes and businesses to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and its process before re-entering the environment via the Kootenai River. The intent is to communicate information and communicate to city residents this vital part of your city infrastructure.
Retired seniors could be tonic for community
I enjoyed Mr. Gruber’s series on Libby’s economy but believe his assumption that “...pretending we can go forward without utilizing over two-thirds of our land base is a non-starter” is unneccessarily pessimistic. I would love to see a sustained-yield timber harvest. I would love to see an active local mill. Better yet, I would love to see a value-added wood products industry in Libby. But I don’t think we have to just stand around until that happens.
Edna Johnson, 78, of Post Falls, Idaho
Edna Johnson, 78, of Post Falls, Idaho, died Sept. 6, 2013, in the Hospice House of North Idaho in Coeru d’Alene.
Mother hurriedly makes trip to bring her daughter home
Sandra Stapley knows a mother’s anguish at even the thought of losing a child.
Impressed with Yaak beauty, disappointed in trash
Letter to the Editor,
The school-family partnership is necessary
In the past, there was a tendency to believe that families should leave the education of the children up to the schools. Families didn’t expect regular communication with the schools and if the school would contact them it was because there was a problem.
Still much to address from Rev. King's 'I have a dream' speech
In the 50 years since the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., articulated the dream of a generation, the United States has seen significant progress toward the ideal of racial equality. But the other half of King’s vision – economic equity for all Americans – remains sadly unfulfilled.
Lauer: Establishing budget was an orchestrated effort
Trimming expenses expected to get more difficult
Few things are as difficult as developing a county budget, especially with diminishing revenues, but that’s what Lincoln County Clerk and Recorder Tammy Lauer has been dealing with the last six weeks.

Woman escapes sinking car
compact rolls down Osprey Landing ramp into the river
Like so many, Julia Long and William Marshall were enjoying their Labor Day weekend. The couple had just finished floating one of the most-popular stretches of the Kootenai River — from River Bend Restaurant to Osprey Landing.
City says no to water rate hikes
Roll: Recalculated rate structure will prevent increases
A new dam in the design and permitting phase and a water-main repair effort are two projects with a combined cost of more than $12.2 million that could translate into a rate increase, but that won’t happen this year.

Troll Wilkinson
Nordicfest Princess Annie Wilkinson reads from "Trouble with Trolls" to the combined third grade classes of Miss Coy and Mrs. MacKay Monday afternoon at Morrison Elementary. Casey Kansler, center, seems especially mesmerized.

Troll Saloman
Gabe Saloman, third-grader from Miss Coy's class shows off the troll mask he made Monday afternoon at Morrison Elementary. Freda Howard and Nordicfest Princess Annie Wilkinson kept the third grade classes of Miss Coy and Mrs. MacKay entertained Monday making troll face masks, a bit of troll mythology, a short skit and a reading of "Trouble with Trolls."

Old Photo 9-10-13
Winners of the 1963 Punt, Pass and Kick Contest posed Monday afternoon in front of Higdem Ford Sales where they received their trophies. They are front row, Ralph Lippert, left, first place, age 8; Walter Mason, second place, age 8; Rusty Scow, third place, age 8. Second row, Kurt Spencer, left, third place, age 9; Robert Hinrichs, first place, age 9; Dwight Cloutier, third place, age 11; John Johnson, second place, age 9. Back row, Craig Solem, left, third place, age 10; Keith Spencer, first place, age 10; Mitch Fahland, second place, age 11; Jim Engebretson, first place, age 11; and Jim Roberts, second place, age 10. Photo from the Oct. 17, 1963, files of The Western News.

Mine Lindsey
Tim Lindsey

Football Winslow
Senior quarterback Jared Winslow on a keeper for a first down in fourth quarter vs. Anaconda.

Football Opland
Sophomore running back Sean Opland first quarter vs. Conrad.

Football Maefau
Senior D.J. Maefau tackles Dylan Flack in second quarter action vs. Anaconda Friday.

Football Hickman
Senior quarterback Gabe Hickman down to the Cowboy 4 yard line during second quarter action Friday.
Sunday, September 8

Anaconda Copperheads blank football Loggers, 28-0
Libby High School football coach Neil Fuller was upbeat after his team fell to 0-2 Friday after a 28-0 home field loss to the Anaconda Copperheads.

Hilda M. Miner, 91, formerly of Libby
Hilda Mabel (Kyostaja) Miner, 91, went to be with her Lord and Savior on Aug. 6, 2013.
Trojans open season with 34-13 loss to Conrad Cowboys
The breaks refused to go Troy High School’s way Friday night as the football Trojans dropped their season opener 34-13 to Conrad.
Saturday, September 7

Carousel Roller Rink
Friday, September 6

Laffoon and Savage
Sandra Laffoon and Dan (DJ) Savage.

Manhunt for Savage ends with capture
Savage, Laffoon found at Portland laundry
Troy Police, working with law-enforcement officers in Portland, Ore., have arrested fugitive Dan James “DJ” Savage at a laundry.

Volleyball Garrison
Brenna Garrison passing in first game vs. Libby 9-3-13

Volleyball Craig
Junior Hailey Craig serving third game vs. Troy 9-3-13

Rapist Stacey Rambold
FILE - In this Aug. 26, 2013 file photo shows Stacey Rambold standing in a courtroom after sentencing by Judge G. Todd Baugh in Billings, Mont. Rambold received sentence of 15 years in prison, with all but 31 days suspended, for sexual intercourse without consent. A Montana judge has ordered a new sentencing hearing for a former teacher who received just 30 days in prison for raping a student who later killed herself. District Judge G. Todd Baugh said Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013, that a two-year mandatory minimum prison term for Rambold appears to be required under state law. Baugh has faced widespread condemnation from women's rights activists, elected officials and others for saying Rambold's 14-year-old victim was "older than her chronological age." He later apologized. Prosecutors had been considering an appeal, citing the two-year minimum requirement. (AP Photo/Billings Gazette, Paul Ruhter, File)

Regional Montana Pot
FILE - In this May 3, 2013, file photo, U.S. Attorney Mike Cotter discusses the end of a three-year investigation into Montana medical marijuana in a news conference in Helena, Mont. With the number of registered pot providers in the state topping 4,800, with billboard ads and huge greenhouses operating in the open, the feds stepped in with a series of raids across the state in 2011, leading to convictions of 33 providers and, coupled with a major rewrite of the state law, the demise of most commercial sales. (AP Photo/Matt Volz)

Rape Case Judge Todd Baugh
This undated photo shows District Judge G. Todd Baugh presiding at a hearing in Great Falls, Mont. Protesters are calling for the resignation of Baugh, who said a 14-year-old rape victim was "older than her chronological age" and had "as much control of the situation" as her rapist.(AP Photo/Billings Gazette, Larry Mayer)

Second Hand Store fire March 19, 2004

Birth Kellogg
Mother: Cassie Doubek Father: James Kellogg Baby: Rebel Jo Kellogg Time: 9:01 AM WT: 6 lbs 5 oz Date: 8-2-13 HT: 19 inches

Thursday, September 5

Birth Zajanc
Gatlin Gary Zajanc
Tuesday, September 3

Loggers grab early lead but can't hold on, bow 35-14
The Libby Loggers jumped out to an early 14-0 lead against the Bonners Ferry Badgers on Saturday, but they could not hold on as the Badgers scored five unanswered touchdowns to win the season football opener for both teams.
Turner ski patrol plans training
The Turner Mountain Ski Patrol will conduct a training session from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at Turner Mountain.
LDS church invites others to participate in service day
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints encourages a charitable spirit and unity in remembrance of the attacks of Sept. 11.
Runnerfell race scheduled for Sept. 13
The 24th annual youth Runnerfell for boys and girls ages 3 to 16 will be held at 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, at Libby Elementary School track.

Logger Cross Country Results

State Disc Golf Results
Observing, caring for our pet's nails is worth the time
The claws or nails of the hunting dog may serve him as they do the wolf. They aid in traction when traversing such slick surfaces as frozen ground or wet, grassy knolls.

Low-cost medicines lead to ill-gotten gains
Some major American healthcare providers are padding their bottom lines by exploiting a federal program meant to help low-income patients.
Local artists fare well at county fair
Women invite other artists to compete, say there is room for all
Two Libby women, who have earned consecutive titles for Exhibitor of the Year at the Lincoln County Fair, are urging other residents of south Lincoln County to compete at the annual event.

Lennyxx Foote
Lennyxx Foote, daughter of Chris and Brandy Foote, was born at 3:23 p.m. on Aug. 5, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Avery Wallace
Avery Wallace, daughter of Mike and Dulci Wallace, was born at 7:07 a.m. Aug. 17, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Nathan Mata
Nathan Mata, son of Nichole Mata, was born at 8:42 a.m. Aug. 13, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Kayleigh Dewitt
Kayleigh Dewitt, daughter of Cody Dewitt and Kiersten Brown of Libby, was born at 11:27 p.m., Aug. 23, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Gatlin celebrates his 1st birthday
Gatlin Gary Zajanc celebrated his first birthday on July 23, 2013, in Columbus.

Taya Grant
Taya Camren Grant, daughter of Nick and Kerri Grant of Troy, was born at 5 p.m. Aug. 22, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Tyus Sykes

Summer Brickey
Summer Rayne Brickey, daughter of Stu Brickey and Raylene Miller of Libby, was born at 9:13 a.m., Aug. 20, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.

Marvin G. Mackey, 88 of Libby
Marvin George Mackey, 88, passed away from complications of lung cancer on Aug. 27, 2013, at his home in Libby.

Wrong tint in concrete leads to partial nonpayment by city
Chuck Riley is out $325 for doing what he thought was right.

Hopfingers take possession of 10th Habitat home
Labor Day 2013 is one holiday weekend Shannon and Justin Hopfinger and their three sons will remember for the rest of their lives.
Monday, September 2

Regional John McCain
In this photo provided by CBS News, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., talks about the U.S. response to Syria on CBS's "Face the Nation" in Washington Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013. McCain said he and others on Capitol Hill would want to see a plan and a strategy, that will achieve some goals that the country needs achieved. (AP Photo/CBS News, Chris Usher)

Park Restroom Concrete
Mike Thorne, left , and Ryan Sadewasser of Riley Excavating, remove the concrete forms from the newly poured Riverfront Park restroom sidewalk in August. The contractor was not paid for the tint of the concrete because it was determined to be the wrong color.

Old Photo 9-3-13
Countdown to Electric It takes five kerosene lamps to keep the David J. Winn family going on a Yaak Valley farm. Their valley is one of the last settled places in the nation to be without central station electric power. The lamps will become souvenirs this fall when the first section of a new power line is built. Left to right are Bryant, 15; Glenda, 12; Naomi, 9; Clifton, 7; David, 16, and Mr. and Mrs. Winn. The Winns will be among the Yaak Valley residents who will get central station electrical power from the line which Northern Lights, Inc., rural electric cooperative will bring to the area. Photo from the Oct. 10, 1963, files of The Western News.

Football Bowers
Josh Bowers post game vs. Bonners Ferry.

Football Jones
Quarterback Jared Winslow finds Isaak Jones for a touchdown pass in the first quarter to put the Loggers up by 6 vs. Bonners Ferry Saturday night.

Drug Illustration
Program 340B was meant to provide low-cost pharmaceuticals for low-income patients. There are indications some of these benefits are not being passed along to the people who need them most.

Disc Golf Swanson
Cole Swanson of Spokane, Wash., takes his final shot at No. 3 during the Montana Disc Golf State Championships held in Libby and Troy last weekend.

Disc Golf Green
Open Pro disc golfer Brandon Green of Spokane, Wash., hits the 260-foot, par 3 No. 2 basket during the Montana Disc Golf State Championships held in Libby and Troy Saturday. Mr. Green took home $165.

Disc Golf Brumbaugh
Libby's Richard Brumbaugh takes his second shot on No. 1, a par 3, during the Montana Disc Golf State Championships Saturday at Libby Dam.

Disc Golf
The tools of a disc golfer.

Cross Country Topaz
Junior Billy Topaz competing during the Libby Invitational cross country meet at Airfield Park Saturday. The meet included teams from Timberlake, Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry, Columbia Falls, Whitefish, Glacier and Libby.

A Home for the Holiday
As Justin Hopfinger cuts the ribbon for his family’s new home at 519 W. First St., he is joined by his wife, Shannon, and their three children, Justin, Anthony and James. Lined up behind the Hopfingers are members of the Kootenai Family Partners, the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The Hopfingers have chosen “live, love and laugh” as the theme for their home. In the adjacent photo, Constructon Manager Mick Shea gives the family the front-door keys.

Football Robertson
Hard-charging Nic Robertson plows through the Badger line during the opening kickoff to start the 2013 football season.