Monday, May 30

Memorial Eight
Amanda Marcum raises the flag over Troy Cemetery during Memorial Day ceremonies Monday.

Memorial Seven
Members of John E. Freeman Post 5514 of the VFW, Memorial Day 2016.

Memorial Two
John E. Freeman Post 5514 members Bud Priest, left, Dan Savage and Tom Rowe.

Memorial One
Honoring veterans and the fallen this Memorial Day 2016 were Molly Markel, left, Signe Moser and Billie Jo Brue, members of the Ladies Auxiliary of John E. Freeman Post 5514 at Troy Cemetery.

Grads Six
Co-Valedictorian Ashley Walker, left, and Co-Valedictorian Zander Petersen.

Grads Five
Tina Smith, left, and Ashley Walker.

Grads Four
Dani Hawthorne, left, and Jonny Cielak.

Grads Three
Kaylene Hudson, left, Bryce Moeller, Zander Petersen and Raffael Weber.

Grads Two
Assistant Principal Jim Germany, left, and Krysten Mossburg.

Grads One
Class president India Croucher, left, and Salutatorian Jenna Barrick.
Tuesday, May 24
Confusion dominates review commission

Eureka man to avoid prison in shooting incident
Troy man killed in ATV crash
Memorial Day event planned in Libby
Troy students awarded scholarships
Assets frozen in investment case
Residency complaint against council member rejected
A fake third party campaign won't save the GOP
VFW offers scholarships to local students
A matter of clarification
US military trains eclectic group of anti-IS fighters
Success is made by people, between people, for people

Wages, jobs lead governor's race as campaign reports filed

Tennis Champs

State champions! Loggers deliver one-two punch at state tennis meet

Lady Loggers end season at divisionals
Loggers hit personal bests at divisionals
Hecla to acquire Mines Management
Hecla Mining Company and Mines Management Inc. announced a merger agreement May 24, 2016. The agreement is pending Mines Management shareholder approval and other undisclosed closing conditions.
Friday, May 20

Lower Geiger Lake
Lower Geiger Lake, May 17

Baseball Johnson
Shortstop Collin Johnson puts the tag on Skeeter Johnston as he tries to steal second top of the fourth vs. the Clark Fork Cougs May 19. Cougs over Loggers 6-3.

Candidates for commissioner debate in Libby
Libby man facing more federal prison time

Clerk candidates discuss job, qualifications

Carol Griner
Dona Etienne
Burdette Taylor
Controversy surrounds Troy teacher dismissal
My thanks to Cabinet Peaks
Our thanks to a generous community
Petition signers should apologize
The trees are growing every day
Explore the world outside your comfort zone
Overtime pay may become reality for more U.S. workers
State officials will seek stay on campaign ruling
Libby graduates recognized for academic excellence


Lady Trojans win play-in game
Lady Loggers thrash Thompson Falls
Libby brings busload to State B/C tennis tourney
In Brief
Thursday, May 19

Obit Griner
Carole Lynn Griner, 56

Cecil McDougall, Ignite the Nites 2014.

Cartoon 052016
Jeff Koterba cartoon for May 10, 2016 "Polling Place Election Vote"

Softball Bradeen
A bobbled ball by third baseman Tamara Brubaker allows Sammee Bradeen to steal third base with two out bottom of first inning vs. Thompson Falls Tuesday, May 17.

Softball Hageness
Khalyn Hageness takes one to the elbow for a free trip to first base bottom of first inning vs. Thompson Falls May 17. (11-0 Libby)

Forum Two
Jerry Bennett, left, Rhoda Cargill, Tony Brown, Larry Dolezal and Jim Hammons.

Forum One
Tricia Brooks, left, Cyndi Miller and Robin Schieferl.

Golf Group
Coach Dann Rohrer, Jonny Cielak, Lily Feeback, Ryggs Johnston and Miss Campbell.

Golf Trio
Jonny Cielak, left, Lily Feeback and Ryggs Johnston.

Golf Ryggs One
Ryggs Johnston

Fish Derby One
From left to right Blair Miller, 1st place winner; Marvin Dickinson, 4th place; John Henry, 5th place; Paul Garrison, 2nd place; Than Winder, 3rd place; John Scott, 6th place.
Tuesday, May 17

Birth Burke
Tyler Burke

Birth Friss
Logan Friss

Bullock, Juneau visit Libby schools

Spady sentenced to one year in jail
State office approves charter program

Charles Tapia

Robert Clemons

Cabinet Peaks adds two new doctors

Libby resident honored by governor
Religious freedom doesn't give license to discriminate
Pay attention to public lands
A student's thoughts on the levy
We need community; life is too hard alone

Cyclists flock to Libby for STOKR

Champs! Libby boys and girls tennis claim divisional titles

Lady Loggers win district track meet

Troy's Opland dominates boys' track divisionals

Lady Trojans thump T-Falls
Monday, May 16

Doc Woydick
Daniel Woydick, MD

Doc Huddleston
Sara Huddleston, MD

Tennis Brown
Allie Brown vs. Breanna Turpin at No. 1 singles vs. Ronan, April 30, 2016.

Track Opland
District track meet with Sean Opland, May 14, 2016.

Track Freund
Brylee Freund competes in the 800-meter, district track meet May 14.

Track Roach
District track meet with Olivia Roach competing in the long jump May 14, 2016.

Track Leighty
District track meet with Hunter Leighty, 400-meter May 14.

Track Walker
Dominic Voorhies hands off to Cole Walker in the boys 4x100 Saturday during the district track meet May 14.

Track Pierce
Sarah Pierce competes in the high jump, district track meet May 14, 2016.

Track Shadden
Sarah Shadden, 100-meter, district meet.

Track Reny
Shannon Reny, District track meet, May 14, 2016.

Track Gruber
Emma Gruber, 110 hurdles, District Meet.

Head Start Gov
Governor Steve Bullock/Head Start

Tennis Martineau
Isabelle Martineau tennis divisionals.

Obit Clemons
Robert L. Clemons

Tennis Brant Hudson
Jason Brant, left, and Kaylene Hudson.

Baseball Lane
Dylan Lane with the first pitch of the 2016 season. Broken bat, foul ball, strike one. Wood Bat Classic vs. the Missoula Pioneers Friday, May 13.

Softball Carr
Kylie Carr with a base hit on the 1-0 pitch bottom of third inning with two out vs. Thompson Falls Friday, May 13.

Softball Lewis
Shortstop Alyssa Lewis second out top of third inning vs. Thompson Falls Friday, May 13. Lady Trojans 17-7 in five innings.

Court Spady
Robert "Buddy" Earl Spady
Friday, May 13

Engaged Grotjohn
Engaged, Holzhauser and Grotjohn

Obit Tapia
Charles Tapia, 79, of Libby died on Monday, May 9, 2016 at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

Bob Awarded
At a recent conference of the Society of American Foresters (SAF), Governor Steve Bullock conveyed the Montana Citizen of the Year Award to Libby resident, Bob Castaneda.

Softball Cannon
Sophomore Haylee Cannon base hit scores Ashley Walker bottom of sixth inning, makes it 6-4 Lady Loggers vs. Florence May 12.

Judge rejects plea deal in partner assault case

EPA defines study area for mine site

School board prepares for 2016-17

Lorenz Johnson

Pegge McDaniel

Leejay Leighty

Randall steps down as head of Troy's Close Up program
We decide how to handle change in our lives
Crime can pay, if it's big enough
Government and technology: A modest proposal
We need to do better for our veterans

Troy schools receive national award
In Brief

Archie Roe track meet

May Logging Out

Loggers open season tonight at annual Wood Bat Classic

Johnston takes Western B golf title

Visiting Lady Loggers trample Lady Trojans, 19-0
Remp's jumps into league lead
Thursday, May 12

Rewerts Diane
Diane Rewerts, principal, W.F. Morrison Elementary.

Track Parish
Dylan Parish running the 100 meter, Archie Roe track meet May 7, 2016.

Track Walker
Cole Walker running the 4x400 relay, Archie Roe track meet.

Big Fish Orr
Carson Orr caught this lunker at the Troy Fish Pond Friday, May 6.

Track Gout
Clancy Gout throwing the javelin, Archie Roe track meet.

Track Voorhies
Dominic Voorhies, left and Logan Nelson running the 200 meter, Archie Roe track meet May 17, 2016.

Track Hollingsworth
Isabella Hollingsworth running the 110m hurdles, Archie Roe track meet.

Track Stevenson
Sidney Stevenson, left and Emily Mossburg running the 200, Archie Roe track meet.

School Board Baker
Wayne Baker

School Board Leigh
Alida Leigh

School Board Carlson
John Carlson

Baseball Haggerty
Luke Haggerty pitching vs. Missoula Pioneers during the Wood Bat Tournament May 8, 2015.

Softball Tunison
Lexi Tunison catching the strike three pitch for the second out top of third inning vs. Libby May 10.

Softball Walker
Ashley Walker at first with the third bottom of second inning vs. Troy May 10.

Softball Rosling
Senior Bailie Rosling smacks a double to center field top of third inning vs. Troy May 10.

Hoops May
Abby Ennenga, left, and Lady Loggers basketball Coach Jim May. Senior night vs. Columbia Falls, Feb. 21, 2015.
Wednesday, May 11

Birth Stephens
Sullivan Stephens

Birth Striplin
Felix Striplin

Obit McDaniel
Pegge J. McDaniel (Bitterman)

Randall Kay
Ms. Kay Randall resigns as Close Up sponsor after many years sponsoring students from Troy High School.

Obit Johnson
Lorenz "Larry" C. Johnson, 72

Obit Leighty
LeeJay Leighty
Tuesday, May 10
Second petition to recall Libby mayor denied

Deferred sentence given in cop assault

County to consider response to alleged violations

Albert Bartel

Jim Cornwell

Ray Nixon

Photographs from Opening Day in Libby
Congress must ratify the CSKT Water Compact
'We the people' matter more than 'We the party'
Is the GOP dying or just shifting gears?
Let go of the things that no longer serve you
In Brief

Cyclists raise funds for Habitat for Humanity
Records fall early on the track

Loggers win St. Regis Invitational

Lady Trojans lose doubleheader at home

Lady Loggers drub Thompson Falls

Bigfork defeats Troy tennis

Libby tennis wins, ties against Bigfork
Monday, May 9

Parade Marauders
Little League baseball parade.

Callahan Creek
Excavators in Callahan Creek, Dec. 31, 2015.

The brother sister team of Heidi Kaminski and Todd Graham smile as they approach pie stop at mile marker 13 on Pipe Creek Road Saturday during last year's STOKR tour.

Jennifer Joss and Ken Anderson get set for the last 14 miles of the STOKR tour after fueling up at the pie stop on Pipe Creek Road Saturday, May 12, 2012.

Golf Cielak
Jonny Cielak tees off on par 4 No. 5, Libby Invite April 29.

Court Norman
Charles Ray Norman

Obit Bartel
Albert Arthur Bartel, 96

Obit Cornwell
E. Jim Cornwell

Obit Nixon
Ray H. Nixon, 86

Parade Giants
Little League parade May 7, 2016.

Tennis Hennsley
Liam Hennsley vs. Bigfork's Michael Bedford at No. 2 singles May 6.

Tennis Sykes
Mehki Sykes teamed with Dani Hawthorne vs. Bigfork's Wilson Vogt and Xiao Xiao Strong at No. 1 doubles May 6.

Tennis Boardner
Cloie Boardner teamed with Jenna Barrick vs. Stacey Paulson and Maria Zavata of Bigfork in No. 2 singles May 6.

Court Ellsworth
Thomas Joe Ellsworth

Softball Carvey
Emily Carvey reaches second on a hit to left field bottom of fourth inning vs. Thompson Falls May 7, 2016.

Softball Cannon
Haylee Cannon's sacrifice fly to center field scores one, bottom of first inning vs. Thompson Falls May 7. Lady Loggers over T-Falls 13-1 in five innings.

Softball Tunison
Lexi Tunison catching top of second inning with one out, first of a doubleheader vs. Loyola May 7, 2016.

Softball Downey
Kaitlyn Downey pitching top of first inning, first of a doubleheader vs. Loyola May 7, 2016.
Friday, May 6

City attorney resigns under pressure

Libby woman facing 20 years
District voters approve school levy

Gordon Disney

Gordon Lindsey

Rita Startin

Charles James

Dennis Yeager
Sen. Conrad Burns: A Montanan to the core
Our thanks to Cabinet Peaks
Here's to a safe summer
Thank you from Hecla Mining
Moms, it's time to take time for your health
Trump's open path to nomination causes agony for some in GOP

The kids of summer

Loggers triumph in Eureka

Rotary aims to eradicate polio 'in our lifetime'
In Brief
Youth center grand opening May 18

Mireley joins FSPW staff
Fish 'n' Golf jumps into men's league lead

Local bowlers compete at state tournament in Missoula
Thursday, May 5

Obit Yeager
Dennis Yeager

Kootenai Drone
A drone's-eye view up river from haul bridge. Sean Benefields boat with Mike Benefield standing on the side of the boat.

Scotch Peaks Britta
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness recently welcomed a new staff member in their effort to achieve Wilderness designation for their proposal on the Idaho-Montana border northeast of Clark Fork. As Nathan Mynatt moves on (to South America), Britta Mireley moves in to replace him. Britta began work on April 13 and will be a permanent full-time employee.

Baseball Two
Cody Evans paints bleachers at the little league fields May 4.

Baseball One
Ken Lafont shoots foul line stripes at the little league fields Wed. May 4.

Baseball Little League
Little League game May 7, 2013.

Baseball Little
Little League game May 7, 2013.

Court Lockman
Alissa Page Lockman

Obit James
Charles R. "Chuck" James, 70

Youth Bowlers
Montana State Youth Bowling Tournament in Missoula for the Libby-Troy Youth Bowlers

Obit Startin
Rita Mae Waldo Coon Startin, born January 7, 1947

Obit Lindsey
Gordon Alfred Lindsey, 93

Obit Disney
Gordon Donald Disney
Tuesday, May 3

Track Kaiser
Anna Kaiser, triple jump, Lincoln County meet in Eureka May 3.

Kootenai Drone
A drone's-eye view up river from haul bridge. Sean Benefields boat with Mike Benefield standing on the side of the boat.

Former Montana Sen. Burns dies at 81
Timber project moves one step closer

Troy woman facing more than 50 years in prison

Charles Thomson

Community raises $30,000 for health care assistance
The trouble with Trump's 'America First' vision
Timeless advice handed down from Sen. Metcalf
Failure to fund special education impacts all students
We all need to take the time to reconnect
Trojan Lanes scores big in men's league opener

Group seeks to preserve, restore lookouts

Libby boys defeat Ronan 4-2

Ronan netters defeat Troy

Lady Loggers blank Ronan

Three Loggers place at Cabinet View Invitational

Rapids tie, lose in Stevensville

Pool league wraps up season with tournament
In Brief

Ben Graham Memorial set for May 20 - 22
Monday, May 2

Golf Mee
Jackie Mee during the Ben Graham tourney May 18, 2013.

Golf Graham
Overcast and 61 degrees, a pleasant day for the Ben Graham Golf Tournament. The Graham brothers John, Steve and Jim teed off at 10:10 Saturday morning.

Swede Lookout
Swede Mountain Lookout

Swede Lookout View
View from Swede Mountain lookout Sept. 27, 2015.

Birth Baldwin
Kayanna Baldwin

Burns Conrad
FILE - In this Nov. 7, 2006 file photo, Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., watches returns at a victory party in Billings, Mont. Burns, a former cattle auctioneer whose folksy demeanor and political acumen earned him three terms and the bitter disdain of his opponents, has died. Montana Republican Party Executive Director Jeff Essmann said Burns died Thursday, April 28, 2016, of natural causes at his home in Billings. He was 81. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)

Obit Thomson
Chuck Thomson

Tennis Hawthorne
Dani Hawthorne teamed with Mehki Sykes in doubles tennis vs. Ronan April 30.

Golf Johnston
Ryggs Johnston tees off on No. 1, Libby Invite April 29, 2016.

Court Fellows
Brandy Kay Fellows

Tennis Haggerty
Ben Haggerty vs. Ronan's Fisher Shima at No. 1 singles April 30.

Tennis Sykes
Jhamaal Sykes vs. Ronan's Fisher Shima at No. 1 singles April 30.

Tennis Maloney C
Colin Maloney vs. Ronan's Bailey Moss at No. 3 singles April 30.

Birth Rebos
Rylie and Andrew Rebo

Birth Webber
Samuel Webber

Birth Covey
Reuben Skinner Covey

Tennis Maloney
Colin Maloney vs. Ronan's Bailey Moss at No. 3 singles April 30.