Wednesday, May 31
Asbestos bill back on Senate floor
By ROGER MORRRIS Western News Publisher
USFS fields questions on forest plan
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
Joan Wallace's vehicle, body found in woods
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Margaret Bush
Margaret Bush, 81, a former resident of Libby, died April 21, 2006, in Spokane, Wash.
FAIR, the mammoth Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act, is back on the U.S. Senate floor.
Bud Huffman
Longtime resident Leslie William "Bud" Huffman, 75, died Saturday, May 27, 2006, in Libby.
Friday, May 26
Coker endorsed by former deputy, policeman
To the Editor:
The announcement Wednesday that Social Security is now recognizing Libby's brand of asbestos-related disease is a big step for the little community and the surrounding area. It's a big step for every person diagnosed with ARD as a result of the Zonolite mine.
State council gives Pat Pezzelle "Spark Plug Award"
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
State rep arrested in dispute
State representative and county commissioner candidate Rick Maedje of Fortine is facing misdemeanor domestic violence charges following an altercation Tuesday night with his live-in girlfriend.
Helpful youngsters a refreshing experience
To the Editor:
Troy museum in need of funds, volunteers
To the Editor:
Vehicle ruts make trail hard to negotiate
To the Editor:
Bill Hinrichs
Bill Hinrichs, 83, died May 20, 2006, in Tacoma, Wash.
Social Security recognizes Libby disease
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Wednesday, May 24
Family members still actively searching for Joan Wallace
To the Editor:
Shirley White
Shirley White, 72, died Thursday, May 18, 2006, in Libby.
Do something now
I'm not much of a "build it and they will come" person.
Hazel Read
Hazel M. Read, 76, a resident of Libby for the past 38 years, died May 9, 2006, in San Diego while on vacation with family and friends.

National Guardsman Carla Lott fields questions from kindgarten students at Asa Wood Friday. Lott presented a healthy lifestyle talk to the students emphasizing healthy eating and sleeping habits as well as avoiding drugs. The big attraction was the helicopter with a crew of three from the Helena National Guard station.
Special memorial planned Saturday at Libby's Riverside Park
To the Editor:
Eighteen-year-old pleads not guilty in 'gang' dispute
An 18-year-old Libby man pleaded not guilty Monday to felony assault and intimidation charges stemming from an alleged dispute between two rival "gangs."
Adrienne Riggles
Adrienne A. Riggles, 73, died Saturday, May 20, 2006, at the Libby Care Center.
Marvin Kates
Marvin Rainey Kates, 87, a resident of Troy for over 50 years, died May 18, 2006, at Boundary County Nursing Home in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Dixie Peltier
Dixie Lois Brock Peltier, 80, died Friday, May 19, 2006, in Kalispell.

Young man capitalizing on second chance
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Wildflower quilt sparks record benefit for KVCS
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Couple plead not guilty to meth charges
A Libby couple entered not-guilty pleas Monday to charges of operating a methamphetamine lab at their home at 3502 U.S. Highway 2 S.
Friday, May 19
Students donate record 61 pints at blood drive
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Something special made for annual benefit auction
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Wilderness issue continues as forest plan meetings begin
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Group forms to fight downtown plan
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
Wednesday, May 17
'Stacked flows' begin for endangered sturgeon
Releases from Libby Dam will be up to full powerhouse capacity of about 25,000 cubic-feet per second by Wednesday morning as "stacked flows" for the endangered white sturgeon begin.
Face of our future
Did anybody stop to talk with the 370 people registered to ride the Scenic Tour of the Kootenai River last weekend.

STOKR draws record riders, great weather
BY ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Ione Belden
Ione J. Belden, 85, died May 10, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital in Libby.
Loss of infrastructure makes forest plan unbalanced
To the Editor:
LATAG quizzing EPA on Superfund cleanup
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
McGinnis Meadows resident reported missing
A 74-year-old woman from the McGinnis Meadows area has been reported missing after failing to return home from a trip to Kalispell last Tuesday.
Revett, DEQ agree on reclamation bond increase
Revett Silver Co. and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality have finalized an agreement to increase the reclamation bond for Revett's Troy Mine.
Friday, May 12
Roberta James
Roberta R. James, 89, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 54 years, died Monday evening, May 8, 2006, at the Libby Care Center.
Trustees OK 7 percent teacher raise
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
It ain't easy
I think I mentioned this before but it doesn't hurt to repeat it: Managing Libby Dam ain't easy.
Lawsuit targets former deputy, sheriff, county
A Libby woman has filed a civil suit against a former sheriff's deputy, Sheriff Daryl Anderson and Lincoln County, alleging that the deputy made inappropriate advances and engaged her in a prolonged sexual relationship while manipulating her into serving as an informant in drug cases.
Does forest plan offer a balanced perspective?
To the Editor:
Stacked flow to replace sturgeon spill
BY ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Forest plan released; wilderness advocates upset
Forest plans for Kootenai and Idaho Panhandle national forests were released on Wednesday.

Sylvanite School could close
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Wednesday, May 10
Larry Hutcheson
Larry Curtis Hutcheson, 60, of Troy, died May 2, 2006.
Annual water management meeting May 10
Libby area residents have until the end of the month to comment on a final environmental impact statement about a Libby Dam operation change, which includes spilling water.
Mavis Day
Longtime Port Angeles, Wash., resident, Mavis Day, 89, died Sunday, April 30.
Cut Bank coach appreciated experience of coming to Libby
To the Editor:
Record STOKR to hit highways this weekend
A record number of riders are expected this weekend for the 12th annual STOKR — Scenic Tour of the Kootenia River bicycle ride.

Memorial pavilion rises on river
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Maximizing profits too often at odds with doing the right thing
To the Editor:

LHS students clean up local highway litter
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Friday, May 5
Commissioners clarify position
To the Editor:
Evelyn Mortenson
Evelyn Isabella Della Smith Mortenson, 84, a lifetime resident of Lincoln County, died April 25, 2006, at her home in Troy.

Zach Crace, 9, recently caught at 28 1/2-inch, 10-pound, 11-ounce Kamloops rainbow trout in Lake Koocanusa. Zach was fishing with his dad, Vic Crace.
Six arrested in gang-graffiti mess
Two 18-year-old men are facing numerous felony and misdemeanor charges — including attempted murder — stemming from altercations believed to be related to recent gang-themed graffiti around the Libby area.
Symptoms of something bad
Think about this carefully: We had a couple of juveniles stabbed by 18-year-olds — juveniles themselves in reality but treated as adults by law — because of gang-like or wannabe activity.
Two school board incumbents unseated
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Council OKs splash pad location
The Libby City Council on Monday agreed on Fireman's Park as a location for a proposed "splash pad" for children.
Elizabeth 'Betty' Bell
Elizabeth J. "Betty" Bell, 79, died Monday, May 1, 2006, at her home in Libby.
Lavina 'Louise' McNair
Lavina "Louise" McNair, 86, died March 29, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital in Libby.
Wednesday, May 3
Plans in works for Troy cell service
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Cabinet Back County Horsemen, one of the more reasonable recreation groups you're likely to run into anywhere, tell me they are not in favor of closing off Granite Creek Road or the existing access to the Granite Lake Trailhead, one of the most popular trailheads into the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness.
Evelyn Mortenson
Evelyn Isabella Della Smith Mortenson, 84, a lifetime resident of Lincoln County, died Tuesday, April 25, 2006, at her home in Troy.
Weather watchers eye runoff
Spring runoff is well under way, and the potential for flooding exists in the Yaak River drainage depending on weather, said representatives from the National Weather Service.
Audrey Siefke
Mary "Audrey" Siefke, 87, died Saturday, April 22, 2006, in Sandpoint, Idaho, at the home of her daughter Mary Baenen following a bout with cancer.
Who is responsible for hike in hunting, fishing license fees?
To the Editor:

Middle school students present "Aladdin Jr." May 4-6
Libby Middle School students are taking a whirlwind "magic carpet ride" by presenting Disney's "Aladdin Jr."

Lelm honored by quilt club
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter