Friday, November 30

Mule Deer Tom
Tom Lawson with a 4x4 mule deer

Vets Park Committee

Jerry Brown
Checkpoint Highway 37 State wildlife biologist Jerry brown of Libby measures a whitetailÕs antlers at the Canoe Gulch checkpoint on Sunday. Roger Morris photo from the Nov. 13, 1992, files of The Western News.

Taylor Quinn dives for a loose ball before it can go out of bounds last season, as a sophomore. Quinn is back as a junior and is poised to help lead Libby to a more successful season. It will all depend on how the young players work together as a team, with Quinn included.

GBL Time Out
Lady Loggers time out during the matchup with Columbia Falls

GBL Huddle
Lady Loggers' pre game huddle before the tip against the Columbia Falls Wildkats.

Water Trio
State Sen. Chas Vincent, left, confers with State Rep. Jerry Bennett, right, during the water-rights meeting as State Rep. Mike Cuffe, center, listens in.

Water Rights Speaker
Missoula Attorney and Chairman of the DNRC Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission Chris Tweeten, right, addresses the crowd as Tribe Attorney Rhonda Sweeney, left, looks on.
Thursday, November 29
A differing opinion
Grateful for assistance
Wednesday, November 28
Second Amendment guarantee is as necessary now as ever
Letter to the Editor,
City Councilman is disappointed at Park Committee's treatment of veterans
Letter to the Editor,

Dorothy A. Parr, 60, formerly of Libby
Dorothy Ann (Dee) Parr, 60, passed away on Nov. 13, 2012, at her home.

Purple Heart
Soldier son of Libby couple injured by Taliban suicide bomber

Turkey Dash 5-K draws 58 runners
The Montana Athletic Club helped local charities by putting on a fun-run for 58 runners.
City Council rescinds its OK of 'City of Eagles' monument
When City Council members gave the go-ahead Nov. 5 for the Chamber of Commerce and sculptor Todd Berget to proceed with plans to build on the world’s largest eagle, that approval elated Libby Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Shanda Jennings.
Are water rights next?
Water-rights compact decision will have far-reaching impact for all of state
Dialogue, willingness to compromise led to agreement
Tuesday, November 27
Convicted killer Forsyth waives parole hearing
A parole hearing for convicted murderer Jerry Forsyth of Kalispell will not be held until this spring.
Outcry: District 1 abandons 4-day week
Wendt says idea is gone, for now
It was a well-intentioned idea that seemed to be doomed from the start.

Square Dance Kehn
Spinning Squares' Deanna Kehn, left, and Flatheader Roger Jones of Kalispell enjoy an evening of square dancing Saturday at Kootenai Valley Christian School.

Square Dance Jones
Kootenai Valley Christian School gymnasium was the place to be Saturday evening as folks from Sandpoint, Columbia Falls, Kalispell, Thompson Falls, Bonners Ferry, Spokane and Libby gathered for a bit of old fashioned square dancin'. Kalispell Flatheaders Karen Lee and Roger Jones, center, tear up the dance floor.

Square Dance Christman
Caller for the evening was the ever-popular Adam Christman of Spokane. Adam has been involved with square dancing since the tender age of three.

Old Photo 11-28
Troy Community Theater Troupe Here are the members of the Troy Community TheaterÕs first production of ÒMy Three Angels:Ó (sitting) B.J. Rice, Waveland King, (standing) Travis Winslow, Janea Erickson, (in WinslowÕs arms), Alberta Savage, Jim Carney, Bonnie Franke and Jeff Matsushita. (not pictured: Jim Chance) Photo from the Nov. 25, 1999, edition of The Western News.

RP Kilbrennan Lake
Kilbrennan Lake

Local Shooting Kids
Local members of the club are, from left, Dameon Kelch, Colton Moore and Roy Hyde. The boys are coached by Mike Cirian and Tom Bailey.

Sawmill grant is secured
Businessman seeks to build mill on Port Authority property
Kootenai River Development Council of Libby has received $17,800 in grant funding from the Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund of the Montana Department of Commerce for the purpose of bringing a sawmill to Libby.

Beaty Family
Army Specialist Steve Beaty holds the Purple Heart he received while serving in Afghanistan. His nieces, Emily, 4, and Allie, 6, hold the Purple Heart Citation. To Beaty’s right is step-mother Debbie, and to his left is his father, Mike, who holds nephew Ben. A Taliban suicide bomber sent shrapnel flying, which injured Beaty’s foot, requiring surgery.
Monday, November 26

Wrestle Leir
Kyle Leir pins a Whitefish grappler last season in the 145-pound weight class. Leir, and Mitch Haugen, a junior, were two state winners last season.

Wrestle Chapel
Referee Dean Thompson slaps the mat signifying a pin by Garret Chapel over Mat Cat Adam Richardson at 140

5K Start
Runners and walkers mill around before the gun signals the start of the Turkey Dash 5K next to City Hall. There were 58 participants.

5K Runner
Cody Pate, in his award-winning costume, holds his turkey fork before the 5K. Pate won a $25 gift certificate to Mountain Meadows for the costume.

Joel Fuller vs. Timberlake 8-30-08

Chamber project highlights Libby
Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Shanda Jennings, right, and Chamber Officer Robin Benson hold a new promotional sign that highlights the attractions in Libby and Lincoln County. The signs will be mounted in various sites in the county. This sign is headed for Kootenai Falls.
Sunday, November 25

Ford effort garners $600 for Koats 4 Kids
Program aids needy children, families
Few charities in Libby had the recognition and widespread support as the Kiwanis’ Koats 4 Kids effort that provides winter clothing for Lincoln County youth and needy families.
Greenchain Wrestling Schedule
Nov.30-Dec. 1 Havre Tournament TBA

Birth: Paul Rigg
Paul Elias Allen Rigg, son of James Rigg and Alicia Long of Spokane, Wash., was born Sept. 13 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane.

Dahm-Paul Wedding
Timberlane campground was the setting for the Aug. 25 wedding of John Dahm and Mary Paul with Michael Willoughby, Sr., officiating at the 5 p.m. ceremony.

Military: Kelly Lennard
Kelly graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics with a minor in math from the University of Montana in May 2012.

Rod and Gun Club make plans for pistol range
The Libby Rod and Gun Club has begun the process to add a pistol range to the Lincoln County Shooting Range facilities.
MSU students battling wheat mite
A microscopic mite and the disease it carries — wheat streak mosaic — are destroying wheat fields throughout the western Great Plains.

Three-day trial is set to hear Savage assault, tampering case
Dan James Savage, who was charged with partner/family assault earlier this year, will soon get his day in court. Actually, he’ll get three days in court.
MSF to pay $10 million to customers
More than 23,800 qualifying policyholders will receive a part of a $10 million dividend from Montana State Fund.
Police Blotter: Nov. 14 - 15
Wednesday, November 21
Petition to secede gains names
In the wake of President Barack Obama’s re-election, all 50 states have filed “secession petitions” to the White House’s official petition Website, We The People, including one from Montana that had 13,253 signatures Monday, Nov. 19.

Peter R. Beaulieu, 56, of Libby
Peter Raymond “Pete” Beaulieu, 56, died unexpectedly at his home in Libby Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012.
Tuesday, November 20

Anthony Colandrea, 70, of Libby
Anthony Colandrea, 70, of Libby, went to be with his heavenly Father Nov. 11, 2012.

Woman attends to naked, wounded man on her front porch
Answers door after 3 a.m. Thursday
Cecelia Dolezal is a retired LPN, and she said it was her duty to answer her door early Thursday morning when she saw a bleeding, naked man standing on the front porch of her home at 809 Crotteau Road.
Diane Sloan Whitson, 75, formerly of Troy
Diane Sloan Whitson (Nana) passed peacefully on Nov. 12, 2012, in Missoula.
Scotchman Peaks sponsors biologist
Social evening to discuss wildlife
The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness group is hosting a special evening with a retired biologist on Friday, Nov. 30.
DEQ launches asbestos website
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has launched a new Asbestos Project Permit and Demolition Notification online service.
Tree of Life to be held Nov. 30 at LCC
The staff and volunteers of Home Options Hospice are delighted to announce that their annual Hospice Tree of Life will be held on Friday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Libby Christian Church.
Craft brewing having big effect on state economy
Montana’s 33 craft brewers represent a growing sector of manufacturing activity in the state, according to a new survey and economic impact study by researchers Colin Sorenson and Todd Morgan of The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research.
Schools to pursue elevated status
District begins steps to seek regional accreditation
Troy School District is taking the first steps in a long process to become regionally accredited, and the way it is going about it would make it first in Montana.

Council delays vets' site OK
Details of agreement will be determined during Nov. 27 meeting
All is right between the Veterans Memorial Committee and the Park Committee, and pending an agreement on a site lease, the Veterans Memorial will have a home.

Renowned pianist to perform at Center
Get ready for a rare treat this holiday season when concert pianist Christopher Johnson comes all the way from New York City to perform a blockbuster piano recital on Saturday, Nov. 24, for his friends and family in Libby.

Koats 4 Kids
Pam Peppenger accepts a check from the folks at Timberline Auto Center. At left is Ryan Andreessen, vice president and general manager, and Chris Selle, sales consultant.

Wedding Dahm
John Dahm and Mary Paul

Vault Peterson
Mark Peterson checks the level of the door during installation of Glacier Bank's brand new Diebold modular vault Tuesday afternoon.

Wrestle Haugen
Mitch Haugen over Mat Cat Colton Grove 16-3 at 130

Dan James Savage sits in court Monday with his attorney Lane K. Bennett.

Old Photo 11-21
Checkpoint Highway 37 State wildlife biologist Jerry brown of Libby measures a whitetailÕs antlers at the Canoe Gulch checkpoint on Sunday. Roger Morris photo from the Nov. 13, 1992, files of The Western News.

Obit Colandrea
Anthony Colandrea

Cecelia Dolezal
Cecelia Dolezal, a retired licensed practical nurse, called police at 3:15 a.m. Thursday when a naked man came beating on her door for assistance.

Chinook Pozdol
Melanie Pozdol

Chinook Nelson
Mike Nelson

Chinook Crawford
Elizabeth Crawford

Chinook Gonzalez
Chinook Winds' flautist Norman Gonzalez

Chinook Choi
Useon Choi

Birth Rigg
Paul Elias Allen Rigg

Chinook Winds members Norman Gonzales, left, Melanie Pozdol, Elizabeth Crawford, Useon Choi and Mike Nelson
Monday, November 19
Reader agrees with opinion supporting Veterans Memorial
Letter to the Editor,

Wayne Siefke, 57, formerly of Libby
Wayne Siefke, known by his friends as “Buddy,” died at his home in Rockport, Wash., on Oct. 17, 2012, two days before his 58th birthday.

Ian celebrates first birthday
Ian Willam Buell, son of Mariah Larsh and Josh Buell of Libby, celebrated his first birthday Nov. 13.
Accept change; America, it's time to come together, reader says
Letter to the Editor,
Police Blotter: Nov. 8 - Nov. 13

Birth: Alison Anne Irwin
Alison Anne Irwin, daughter of Cliff and Lindsay Larson Irwin of Missoula, was born July 4.

City makes headway in repairing water-main breaks
Sewer rates still likely to increase
In just a few short weeks, Troy may have solved up to 90 percent of its leaking water-main problem. But utility rates still are going to change to help bail Troy out of debt.
Libby man receives an 8-year sentence
Daily Inter Lake
Basket winner thanks businesses
Letter to the Editor,
Birth: Kyndall and Kolter Snow
Kyndall and Kolter Snow, twin daughter and son of KJ and Cara Snow of Troy, were born Sept. 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center,

Nora Sperry, 88, of Libby
Nora Sperry, 88, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 44 years, died Wednesday morning at the Libby Care Center.
Rehberg has done little to help the people of our state
Letter to the Editor,
Sunday, November 18
Opportunities abound to participate in the Great American Smokeout
Letter to the Editor,

Novella E. Riddel, 100, of California
Novella Emma (Kalbaugh) Riddel passed away on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012, at her home in Leisure World, Seal Beach, Calif.
Birth: Jacob Crowley
Jacob Crowley, son of Christine and Jerry Crowley of Kalispell, was born Sept. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Operation Christmas Child continues this weekend to reach overseas children
While most people in the U.S. are preparing for holiday activities, Libby volunteers with Operation Christmas Child — the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind — are filling shoe box gifts with toys, school supplies and hygiene items for needy children overseas.
Mine, agencies plan for the worst
Protocol established for potential disaster
Emergency responders from the Revett Mine in Troy, St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, Troy and Libby ambulance services and the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department gathered Tuesday to review emergency protocol for responsiveness to an accident at the Troy Mine.

Hotel Libby is selected as horror film site
Hotel Libby’s spooky interior and storied history have attracted the attention of a local filmmaker and will be the set of a horror movie set to shoot in February.
Luke celebrates first birthday
Luke Owen Huntsberger celebrated his first birthday Nov. 2.

Billy Don Norman, 29, of Troy
Billy Don Norman, 29, joined our Lord on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012.

Birth: Sarai Marie Nygren
Sarai Marie Nygren, daughter of Jeremiah and Nicole (nee Grabinski) Nygren of Dillon, was born Oct. 23.

On the Fly: Christmas tree hunting is sport for the whole family
It hardly seems possible, but the holiday season is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to begin decorating inside and outside our homes.
MHP still investigating accident that killed 29-year-old man
The Western News

Improving Radios
County purchases two sites for repeater radio transmission towers
Lincoln County Commissioners on Wednesday, acting upon the recommendation of Emergency Management Director Vic White, agreed to purchase two mountaintop towers for radio repeater-relay stations to improve countywide telecommunications for emergency services.
District OKs tax request
Volunteer steps forward to lead district’s pro mill-levy effort
Libby School District 4 Board members on Monday voted without dissent to ask residents during the May 7 election for a $350,000 tax increase to further fund the district.
Friday, November 16

Turkey Troy Cummings
Mrs. Cummings' first grade class Morrison Elementary Troy

Turkey Turkey
Great use of natural feathers and twigs.

Turkey Sophia
Six-year-old Sophia of Mrs. Cummings first grade class at Morrison Elementary explains how to cook a turkey.

Turkey Martineau
Mrs. Martineau's first grade class Libby Elementary

Turkey Marcus
Six-year-old Marcus of Mrs. Cummings first grade class at Morrison Elementary explains how to cook a turkey.

Turkey KVCS Walters
Mrs. Walters kindergarten class at KVCS pose with their Thanksgiving art.

Turkey Kelanna
Six-year-old Keianna of Mrs. Cummings first grade class at Morrison Elementary explains how to cook a turkey.

Turkey Hannah
Mr. Hannah's first grade class Libby Elementary.

Turkey Gier
Mrs. Gier's first grade class Libby Elementary.

Turkey Foss
Mrs. Foss's first grade class Libby Elementary.

Turkey Derek
Seven-year-old Derek of Mrs. Cummings first grade class at Morrison Elementary explains how to cook a turkey.

Turkey Baerlocher
Mrs. Baerlocher's first grade class, Libby Elementary

Neil Kerzman, left, Ryker Ford, Cole Walker, Andy Williamson, Dan Rose, Aydan Williamson

One Year Old Buell
Ian William Buell

Obit Siefke
Wayne "Buddy" Siefke

Hotel Movie Head
From high atop a third floor window a blonde, blue-eyed woman observes the eastern skyline.

Hotel Libby Crowd
Sixty visitors were expected Wednesday for Hotel Libby's trick-or-treat night, but at final count there were 865. All manner of ghosts and goblins lined the sidewalk on both sides of the hotel and all the way to the alley on the north side. And when all was done at 9 p.m. there were still people trying to get in for a peek.

Birth Nygren
Sarai Marie Nygren
Wednesday, November 14

High school students honor veterans on their day
Troy, Libby High Schools honor those that have served.
Dr. Koval joins staff at CARD clinic
The Center for Asbestos Related Diseases announces the addition of Dr. Alisa Koval, from National Jewish Health in Denver in the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.

Energy Share aids needy with utilities
Energy Share helps Montanta families.
Bain is new director for Recreation, Lands for Forest Service
George Bain is the new director of Recreation, Lands, Minerals, Heritage and Wilderness for the Northern Region.
Asbestos-exposure victims have until Nov. 20 to enroll in plan
Victims of asbestos exposure from the W.R. Grace and Co. vermiculite mine in Libby have until Nov. 20 to enroll in the Libby Medical Trust Plan, an off-shoot of the Libby Medical Program, voluntarily created by Grace to provide coverage for particular asbestos-related illnesses.
Police Blotter: Nov. 5 - Nov. 7
Veterans deserve a prominent place in Libby's showcase park
When a group of veterans in Lincoln County started making plans to build a memorial at Riverfront Park, they thought their biggest challenge would be raising enough money to pay for the project. They had no idea that they would face resistance from community leaders.
MSU president cites extension's importance
Montana State University President Waded Cruzado recently said that Extension will remain important to America’s destiny if it eliminates the traditional classifications between rural and urban programs and serves all people who need its services.
Program helps students add to savings
An educational savings program available at Kootenai Valley Federal Credit Union matches five-to-one for those who qualify.
Learn about hibernating animals, Thanksgiving this month
The Lincoln County Library in Libby is offering one-on-one technology sessions; one hour set aside to help with any computer skills needed, from basic computer use to Microsoft Word, using your new Nook, Kindle, or iPad, or searching on the Internet.

Water-rights compact meeting Nov. 26 at Ponderosa Room
Concerns Tribes water sharing
The Western News
Tuesday, November 13
County, DEQ await decision on LAA wood-chip piles
In Libby and Troy, large piles of debris from nearby flora have tested positive for Libby amphibole asbestos.

Veterans consider alternative
Vets Memorial Committee says it is looking at sites outside park
Lincoln County Veterans Memorial Committee members, given five site options within Riverfront Park for a veterans monument by the Park Committee, have narrowed their choice to two — one within the park and that of others outside the park.

Evelyn M. Gilkison, 94, formerly of Libby
Evelyn May Gilkison, 94, formerly of Libby, passed away Nov. 7, 2012, at the Bitterroot Valley Living Center in Stevensville, Mont.

About 60 attend wildlife meeting
Nearly 60 Libby residents and City Council members filled the Ponderosa Room on Thursday to hear wildlife biologists’ insights and testify why residents should and should not be concerned about wildlife within city limits.
Troy man, 29, dies in car crash
A Troy man was killed in a car crash on Highway 56 on Sunday night when his car rolled over several times after leaving the road.

Water Panel
Tribal attorney John Carter answers questions about the tribes’ role and motives in the water meeting in Polson in June.

Vets Day Speakers
Guest speakers Jim Shadle, left, Ed Croucher and John Alex during the National Anthem.

Vets Day Nolop
The Veterans Day ceremony in Libby was in memoriam and gratitude to Robert E. Nolop, of the U.S. Navy who died in December 1944. Handbell performers rang a bell for each of the 23 veterans memorialized.

Vets Day Julson
Artist Alee Julson of the 8th grade advanced art class.

Vets Day McCoy
Artist Crystal McCoy of the eighth grade advanced art class rendered this drawing.

Vets Day Croucher
Veteran Ed Croucher urged students to honor and respect veterans and what they have passed on to them. Croucher is a 30-year Marine Corps veteran.

Vets Day Band
LHS Band plays "Chimes of Liberty" Monday during the Veteran's Day assembly at Ralph Tate Gymnasium.

Old Photo 11-14
Troy residents make use of the facilities of the town's new post office. At upper left, Postmaster Juanita Lyons assists Mrs. Myrtle Fewkes to open one of the new boxes. Mrs. Fewkes was the landlord of the post office in its old location prior to the move last Saturday. At upper right, Postmaster Lyons and Mrs. Mamie Blanchard are at the counter in the business lobby waiting on Charles Cone and Gene Pattie. At lower left, Mrs. Frank Cummings and Glenn Frisbie open their new boxes. These rows of gleaming boxes greet you as you enter the front door into the box lobby. At lower right, Bill Dolan and Mrs. Floyd Smithson are at the counter in the business lobby. In the background is the door connecting the business lobby with the box lobby.

Mohr Moose
Brad Mohr is all smiles Monday morning after downing a moose in Area 101 with a 30-06.

Tonya Chilton-Radandt
Fish, Wildlife & Parks Biologist Tonya Chilton-Radandt explains the varied species residents see.

Energy Share
As America’s average age continues to get older, more seniors depend on programs such as Energy Share for assistance during winter heating months.
Monday, November 12
Libby and Troy basketball schedules
Chamber grateful for downtown eagle effort
Letter to the Editor,
Crime against humanity: Organ harvesting
Letter to the Editor,
Sunday, November 11

Socialism, communism has failed; Obama must know this
Letter to the Editor,

JJ Harrison is selected for National Rodeo contest
Rodeo clown at Las Vegas during Dec. 6 to 15 event
SADD student: Legislation gives teens a voice in traffic safety programming
Letter to the Editor,

2012 County Election Results

Turner Mountain Ski Area acquires new snow groomer
The Western News
Thompson takes reins of SJLH Chemotherapy Infusion Center
A changing of the guard is taking place at the St. John’s Lutheran Hospital Chemotherapy and Infusion Center.
Kiwanis backpack effort helps children
The Western News
Pass the Agent Orange Equity Act
Letter to the Editor,
It could have been the unkindest cut of all, Dr. Conkel says
Mr. Sells called one afternoon to say that he had a large boar that he wanted to have “cut.”

Scouting for Food helps needy neighbors, benefits boys
Scouting for Food bags, left, last Saturday will be picked up on Saturday morning.
Just what will proposed $350K mill levy cost homeowners?
When Libby School District 4 Board members on Monday agreed to put a resolution on their next agenda for a $350,000 mill-levy request, they inquired as to what the cost would be for homeowners.

Coleman E. Metts, 86, of Columbus, Ga.
Coleman Edward Metts, Sr., 86 of Columbus, Ga., a resident of Brookside Glen passed away Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012, at the Columbus Hospice House.

Eloise Imogene Montgomery, 88, formerly of Libby
Our beloved “Grandma Imo” passed away peacefully Oct. 30, 2012, at her Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, home surrounded by her loving family.

Meeting Mike
Commissioner-elect Mike Cole discusses county
Saturday, November 10

Senior Soccer Showcase
Libby’s senior striker, Sarah Nash, dribbles the ball upfield at the Senior Soccer Showcase in Whitefish on Saturday afternoon.

Low-seeds upset Libby (and others)
Despite coming together to be competitive in the last few games, Libby missed its mark by a week.

An evening featuring diverse musical talents
Kootenai Rhythm
Stinger counters lawsuit
Port Authority attorney tries to block company building grab
Stinger Welding, the bridge- and span-building company that was sued three weeks ago by the agency that worked to bring it to Libby, last Friday counter-sued the Port Authority.
Troy misses state by a whisker
The Lady Trojans volleyball team scrapped and clawed all weekend, but went home early from the Divisional tournament, ousted by just a few sets.

Bazaar features crafts and artisan foods for holiday gifts
Museum’s big yearly fundraiser
Eight years ago, when Laurie Mari took control of the Heritage Museum’s Holiday Bazaar, there were around 13 vendors selling crafts as part of the Museum’s biggest fundraiser.
Friday, November 9

Vote One
Take you granddaughter to vote day...Jillian Stewart, 4, waits patiently as her grandparents cast their ballots Tuesday morning.

Vote Two
Jillian Stewart, 4, receives here "I Voted Today" sticker from poll worker Darlene Hammons while waiting patiently for her grandparents to finish casting their ballots Tuesday morning.

Rodeo Harrison Too
JJ Harrison, rodeo clown and family man, gives a presentation at Libby High School last January about the lasting damages of bullying. A kid at heart, the reason JJ got into rodeo clowning was to make people laugh and have a good time, especially children.

Rodeo Harrison JJ
Nationally renowned rodeo clown JJ Harrison shows off his horsemanship skills at J. Neils Park in 2010. A Libby regular, the Walla Walla, Wash. native was recently voted by his peers to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas this December. Harrison will often show off his moves in his fat suits, like above. His moonwalking, dancing and quick wit make for an engaging and family friendly show for all rodeo-goers. Harrison loves Libby’s community and the help he gets from Timberline Auto and Dusti Thompson of the CARD Clinic.

Rodeo Harrison
Rodeo funny man JJ Harrison goes "skiing" during Saturday's performance. (July 30, 2011)
Wednesday, November 7
Police blotter: Oct. 27 - Nov. 4
Satellite's anniversary is celebrated
Montana State University’s student-built satellite has now orbited the Earth for more than one year, wildly surpassing all design expectations, according to David Klumpar, director of MSU’s Space Science and Engineering Laboratory.
Record amount of internationals enrolled at University of Montana
A record 536 international students are enrolled at The University of Montana for the 2012-13 academic year. The number has increased 32 percent from last year and includes students from two more countries, according to UM International Programs.

Koats 4 Kids finding need for more jackets, gloves
With winter approaching, some less-fortunate local citizens might find warmer clothes are hard to come by.
Libby, Troy food pantries to benefit from Town Pump charity
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation hopes to raise more than $2 million in its 11th annual fundraising campaign for food banks across Montana, including the Libby Food Pantry, the Troy Food Pantry and the Community Services Fellowship in Noxon.
Birth: Kayden Lane
Kayden Lane, son of Jennifer and John Lane of Libby, was born Oct. 30 at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Birth: Paul E.A. Rigg
Paul Elias Allen Rigg, son of James Rigg and Alicia Long of Spokane, Wash., was born Sept. 13 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane.

Birth: Buckner twins
Fisher Burton Buckner and Hunter Thomas Buckner, twin sons of Deborah and Randy Buckner of Libby, were born at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.

Raymond J. Haag, 81, of Libby
Raymond James Haag, 81, passed away at his home in Libby, on Nov. 1, 2012, of natural causes with his family by his side.
District to ask for $350K
Board agrees to put mill levy resolution on November agenda
During the District 4 work meeting Monday that precedes its monthly meeting, board members agreed to move forward with a resolution to ask the public for a tax increase that will further fund the district for $350,000.

Low snow levels make for slow hunting
Hunting season has been sluggish this year, something you might have noticed if you’ve been out in the woods.

Sheriff's Department begins old drug-reclamation project
Drop-off boxes established in Libby, Troy; Eureka later
Leftover and unwanted medications sitting in a home can put families and communities at risk for prescription drug abuse, diversion and unintentional poisoning.
Tuesday, November 6

2012 Dems
Justin O'Brien, an intern with the Steve Bullock campaign, and Roxanne Parker, the Lincoln County Democratic Party Treasurer, review returns Tuesday evening at the Democratic Headquarters.

Troy schools receive two U.S. flags flown over Kandahar, Afghanistan
A MC-12W Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) plane flew over Kandahar Airfield in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan on August 19.

VBL Wepprecht
Senior Lauren Wepprecht winds up a kill in her last-ever high school game, a 3-0 loss to the Columbia Falls Wildkats.

Soccer Nash
Senior striker Sarah Nash

Old Photo 11-7
Counting Votes Glena Young prepares the computer to tabulate election results as Leigh Mills feeds the punch cards from Precinct No. 20 into a new card reader which will count them. Photo from the Nov. 6, 1992, files of The Western News.

KRR Palmer
Kootenai River Rhythm's Ben Palmer on bass guitar.

KRR Smith
Kootenai River Rhythm director Tony Smith at the piano.

KRR Nagode
Ty Nagode plays the saxophone and guiro instrument.

Men of Troy singers Steve Prieve, left, Tony Smith and Chris Richert.

KRR Meyer
Kootenai River Rhythm's Tony Smith and Julie Meyer.

KRR Kuntz
Linda Kuntz performed on the violin.

KRR Lennard
Patti Lennard performed a solo during the event Saturday.

KRR Anderson
Logan Anderson sang impressively.

GAL Raffle
Larry Hebenstreit spins tickets for a prize raffle Saturday.

GAL Model T
Shoppers at the Heritage Museum Holiday Bazaar peruse wares in front of bits and pieces of Libby’s history. The Bazaar is the major fundraiser for the museum, helping to pay for insurance, heating costs and other essentials to keep it afloat.

GAL Crowd
A large crowd showed up at the Heritage Museum.

GAL Cookhouse
The faces behind the food at the cookhouse prepared warm, tasty food for Bazaar-goers Saturday afternoon.

GAL Cookhouse One
Folks lined up at the heritag Museum’s Cookhouse to get some delicious food before shopping for crafts in the adjacent building. Pulled pork, sausages and burgers could be slathered with grilled onions for hungry patrons.
America has become a 'creaky vessel, this ship of liberty,' reader says
Letter to the Editor,
Surviving and thriving in hard times: We have choices, Maki says
Sometimes during our lives, each of us will face difficult times. Some of us seem to have more of them, and some of our hard times are harder and last longer than others. However, there is no escaping the rough spots in the road we walk as we live our lives.

Polar Bear Plunge was invigorating experience for all
Last Sunday afternoon, under the Libby Creek Bridge on Farm to Market Road, in a pool sufficient enough to successfully immerse myself, I took the plunge — that shallow little dive that made me wish for such creature comforts as a warm fire, hot chocolate and a large woolen blanket for which to wrap myself like a caterpillar in a cocoon.
Birth: Lawson William Purdy
Lawson William Purdy, son of Kelli and BJ Purdy, was born Sept. 19 at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Birth: Timori Haugen
Timori Haugen, daughter of Jennifer Lee and Jason Haugen of Libby, was born Sept. 21 at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Army Spec. Guthneck graduates training
Army National Guard Spec. Nicholas R. Guthneck has graduated from basic infantry training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga.

Lyndsey A. Shaw, 29, of Parker, Colo.
Lyndsey Ann Shaw, 29, was unexpectedly welcomed into Heaven by Jesus Christ on Oct. 26, 2012.
City begins addressing water leaks
The City of Troy has been meticulously measuring the amount of water being lost on a monthly basis from leaking pipes since April 2009. The results were alarming.

102-year-old woman is oldest voter in the county
Libby Care Center resident voted for FDR
Fern Crystal couldn’t recall the name of the Democratic presidential candidate for whom she first voted in 1932, but she does know it was the man who opposed Herbert Hoover.
Large turnout is expected for Election Day Tuesday
County precincts will stay open until 8 p.m.
Lincoln County voters will go to the polls Tuesday not only to elect a president, but to determine who will represent them in county and statewide offices as well.
Saturday, November 3

People Profile: Tony Smith
Recognition: Founder of Kootenai River Rhythm
Friday, November 2

Polar Alan
While the air temperature was 42 degrees, the water temperature was 44, hardly a consolation. However, that difference didn’t make a person want to stay in the water any longer.

Julie Meyer, singer with Kootenai River Rhythm to perform Nov. 3 2012

Drug Drop Off
Principals involved in the new drug drop-off program include, from left, Mark Clark, clinical service coordinator at the Flathead Valley Chemical Dependency Clinic, Vel Shaver, FVCDC prevention specialist, Undersheriff Brent Faulkner, Sheriff Roby Bowe, and Maggie Anderson, Unite for Youth Coalition representative. Boxes have been placed at the Sheriff’s office and at Troy Dispatch center.

KRR T. Smith
Tony Smith singing with Julie Meyer during 8th annual Kootenai River Rhythm concert 11-13-10

KRR Trio
Ty Nagode, from left, Brenda Nagode and Tony Smith performing at 8th annual KRR concert 11-13-10.

KRR Smith Meyer
Tony Smith and Julie Meyer perform during 8th annual Kootenai River Rhythm concert 11-13-10

KRR Smith
Tony Smith at the piano KRR 2010

KRR Meyer
Julie Meyer singing with Tony Smith during 8th annual Kootenai River Rhythm concert 11-13-10

KRR Men of Troy
Men of Troy perform during 8th annual Kootenai River Rhythm concert 11-13-10

KRR Lane
Alan Lane performs during 8th annual Kootenai River Rhythm concert 11-13-10

Hotel Third Floor
Sandra Sanderson waves hi from the sidewalk three floors below. It was a steady stream of trick-or-treaters for two hours Wednesday night and young and old alike were lined up around the corner and all the way down to the alley for a chance to enter Hotel Libby for the first time in over 30 years.

Hotel MacDonald
Six-year-old Paislee MacDonald showed up in what had to be the the most adorable costume of the evening!

Hotel Libby Crowd
Sixty visitors were expected Wednesday for Hotel Libby's trick-or-treat night, but at final count there were 865. All manner of ghosts and goblins lined the sidewalk on both sides of the hotel and all the way to the alley on the north side. And when all was done at 9 p.m. there were still people trying to get in for a peek.

Hotel James
Susan James was on hand to show you to your room.

Hotel Holder
It was a spooky night at Hotel Libby and most, but not all, declined what was on the menu. "You want some?" (Jeffrey and Jacey Offenbecher left and center)

Hotel Graham
Sue Graham signs the guest register Wednesday during Hotel Libby's trick-or-treat night.

Hotel Gordon
No Halloween fraidy cats here, Devon Neal-Gordon was brave enough to try the Hotel Libby Halloween special. Are you sure you don't want some?

Hotel Cox
Heidi Cox shows off her pigtails that defy gravity.

Hotel Chandler
Four-year-old Jairdan Chandler searches for a toy in Hotel Libbys straw pile Wednesday evening.

Christopher Michael Haines

Hotel Abrahamson
Gaige Abrahamson, 7 months, reaches for a's what's for dinner!

Francom Curry Flag
Troy High School Principal Jacob Francom and Troy senior Michaela Curry hold one of the two flags.

Crace Bull
Zach, left, and Cody Crace hold a bull they shot. Its rack measured 319-6/8 inches.

Buck Walters
Tyler Walters age 13, son of Jay and Tricia Walters of Libby. First hunt, 4X4 whitetail taken with 7mm out Doe Creek Saturday afternoon October 20th 2012

Troy gets third, faces Mission in Divisionals
Eureka proved to be the big cats in conference by slipping past Troy and Thompson Falls for the District 7-B volleyball title.

Sprinkle pleads to misdemeanors
Gloria Lee Sprinkle has served her last day in jail, providing she meets the terms of her probation agreement reached Monday in Judge James B. Wheelis’ 19th Judicial District courtroom.
Senior Menu - November
Police Blotter: Oct. 24 - Oct. 27

Yuletide shoppers get on the ready: Holiday Bazaar is set this weekend
Shoppers can get an early start on their Christmas shopping at the Holiday Bazaar this weekend.
Kootenai River Rhythm is set Nov. 3
Kootenai River Rhythm, produced and directed by Tony Smith, will return for a 10th performance following a year’s hiatus.

Peggy Eveland, 35, formerly of Libby
On Oct. 25, 2012, Peggy Jane Bowker-Eveland, 35, passed peacefully at her home in Spokane, Wash. from this earth into heaven.
Wilma Dennis, 95, formerly of Troy
Wilma Hudlow VanNote Jenson Dennis passed away Oct 23, 2012.

Ioma E. Denton 82, of Marble Hill, Mo.
Ioma E. Denton, 82, of Marble Hill, Mo., died Oct. 21, 2012, at St. Francis Medical Center in Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Thursday, November 1
Biologists are optimistic about bull trout spawn
Bull trout spawning surveys in the Flathead Basin were completed by FWP between Sept. 24 and Oct. 9, and the results indicate a secure bull trout population.
Baucus visits CARD Clinic, warmly met
Meets, tours with board members for about 90 minutes Wednesday
U.S. Sen. Max Baucus received what amounted to a hero’s welcome Wednesday when he visited a CARD Clinic that has benefited immensely from funding the senior senatorial Democrat help to acquire.
Police Blotter: Oct. 9 - Oct. 23
Church part of international effort
This holiday season, Libby residents are working to brighten the lives of millions of needy children around the world.
Equestrian club grateful to sponsors for its successful season
Letter to the Editor,
Support, passage of the Fair Tax will jump-start our economy, reader says
Letter to the Editor,
They're making a big deal about 47 percent; it's just the facts, reader says
Letter to the Editor,