Friday, March 31
Man allegedly responsible for fatal car crash arrested
After almost a year, a Lincoln County man allegedly responsible for the death of a Libby woman, has been arrested and held on bond of $150,000.
Legals March 31, 2017
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mark H. Hedahl 114 Woodlin Lane Thompson Falls, MT 59873 Telephone: (406) 827-4232 Fax: (406) 827-0192 Email: Personal Representative In Re: The Estate of: ALTON E. HEDAHL aka ALTON HEDAHL aka TONY HEDAHL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to MARK H. HEDAHL, the Personal Representative, certified with return receipt requested, to 114 Woodlin Lane, Thompson Falls, MT 59873 Dated this 17th day of March, 2017 /s/ Mark H. Hedahl Personal Representative Published In The Western News March 17, 24, 31, 2017 MNAXLP
Tuesday, March 28
Brewery proposes expansion

Community channeling grief into renovations Local elementary school dedicating improvements to lost loved ones
Troy’s elementary school is improving it’s playground for the benefit of the students and to remember lost loved ones.
Lady Loggers come home with their first win
A 22-3 victory has the Lady Loggers softball team’s season off to a terrific start.
Spring black bear hunting season opens April 15
Hunters may purchase black bear hunting licenses online at, at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks license providers, or print a paper license application and mail it in to FWP. Licenses issued through the mail may take two weeks to process.
Self Help Law Program coming to Libby
The representative from the Self Help Law Program will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse, second floor, in the law library on Thursday, April 13, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to provide free forms and information on legal resources to self-represented litigants in the areas of divorce, name change, stepparent adoption, custody, child support, debt collection, eviction and more. Walk-ins are accepted but appointments are encouraged. Please call (406) 758-2496 to schedule an appointment to see the Representative.
Montana's special drawing deadlines
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ deadlines to apply for special license drawings is May 1 for bison, moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat; and June 1 for the elk B, deer B and antelope license drawings.
Planned Water Outage
The City of Libby is planning a water shutdown in the early morning of Friday, March 31. The scheduled time to shut down the entire water system will begin at 12 a.m. (midnight). This shutdown could take from 1 to 2 hours for the installation of two new valves at the pressure regulating station in preliminary work for the installation of a new power generator. After the water system is back on line, customers should run all taps for several minutes to remove air and rusty water that may have accumulated in the water lines.
Norvell pleads no contest
Brian Thomas Norvell pleaded no contest on Monday to assault and assault on a police officer.
No headline
Mar. 22, 10:00 a.m. — A caller reported a male wearing a grey sweatshirt looking into vehicles on 10th and California Avenue.
Man and wife sentenced for drug charges
A Eureka man and his wife on Monday were sentenced on Monday for drug charges from last year.
Poetry contest just around the corner
Lincoln County’s annual poetry contest will open Tuesday, April 4 and close Saturday April 29, with entries being accepted at all county librarys - Libby, Troy and Eureka. Youth entries can be submitted to the front office of participating schools.
Birds: a sign of early spring
By Bruce Auchly
Open Fields enrollment is now open
It’s time for landowners to enroll in the state-sponsored “Open Fields for Game Bird Hunters.”
Spring turkey season opens April 8
Montana’s spring male turkey hunting season begins April 8 this year.
Montana gas prices fall
Average retail gasoline prices in Montana have fallen 0.9 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.33 per gallon yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 615 gas outlets in Montana. This compares with the national average that has fallen 0.9 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.28 per gallon, according to gasoline price website
Libby little guy wrestling places second at state
March 24 and 25, 2017 Little Guy State Wrestling in C. Falls Results for Libby:

Heidrun Heidi Drake
Heidrun “Heidi” Drake, 72, passed away on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at Libby Care Center. She was born April 13, 1944 in Czechoslovakia to Fritz and Maria Linke, the younger of two daughters. Her family moved to Germany when Heidi was young. She resided there until she met and fell in love with a handsome American soldier named Fred Drake. Heidi flew to the United States where she and Fred were married on Nov. 11, 1963 in Libby.
Be bear aware as bears emerge from dens
Grizzly and black bears are emerging from dens, based on radio collar locations, track reports, and observations. Biologists say that males tend to emerge earlier than females; with the warming weather and increasing day length, more bears will be emerging in the coming weeks. As grizzly and black bears emerge, they will be moving to lower elevations to take advantage of the green-up of vegetation.
Davidson pleads not guilty, requests jury trial
Richard Davidson, the man allegedly responsible for a two-vehicle crash in Lincoln County that left Troy woman Laura Cooper dead, pleaded not guilty to negligent homicide or the alternative vehicular homicide while under the influence, in court on Monday.
Mark Wick's reply to Rob Quist's tax liens
Recently it was discovered that Rob Quist had tax liens filed against him by the State of Montana and it was turned into political fodder. I am not going to condemn Mr. Quist. Like many working Montanan’s not everything has gone as planned in his life. Sometimes no matter how you plan the world just doesn’t cooperate. Unexpected bills can happen at any time and expected payments usually are farther away than anticipated. Welcome to the real world folks. This is where most working Montana families live all the time.
Museum gets ready for opening day
With the Heritage Museum’s opening day scheduled in a little over a month, volunteers are already busy getting everything in order — including a few new exhibits.
Can our social institutions catch up to science and technology?
H.G. Wells, one of the most prolific and prominent novelists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, consistently warned his contemporaries that social institutions were not evolving fast enough to cope with rapid changes in science and technology.

Paul E. Sikes
Paul E. Sikes, 94, passed away on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017 at Libby Care Center. He was born Nov. 17, 1922 at Elvins, Missouri to Tom and Bertha (Bayless) Sikes, one of 10 children. Paul went thru the fifth grade in a one room country school in Oklahoma and then entered the work force doing odd jobs until he joined the Army on March 9, 1943.

Kenneth Ray Alkire
Kenneth Ray Alkire, 85, passed away at his home in Libby on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2017 of natural causes. He was born Nov. 8, 1931 in Ural, Mont. to George Ray and Julia (Smith) Alkire. He grew up and attended school in Libby, graduating from Libby High School. Over the years, Ken held a number of jobs including the Owner/Manager of Alkire’s Saw Shop; custodian for Libby Public Schools and worked security for the Environmental Restoration. Ken served our community as an EMT; past president of the Libby Volunteer Ambulance and was a Senior Citizen Board Member. He was also a member of the Libby Jaycees. He was married to Helen J. Morey and later married Mary Beth Davidson. Ken will be dearly missed by the many lives he touched over the years. He was preceded in death by his wife Helen Alkire; his parents, George and Julia; his sister, Sandra DeShazer; his grandson, Nathan Alkire; and a baby daughter.
New personal use firewood permits available April 1
Current National Forest personal use firewood permits expire on March 31. Persons interested in gathering firewood for their personal use will need a new permit beginning April 1, 2017. When you visit a Forest Service office to purchase your firewood permit, please bring a picture identification for pertinent information to fill out the permit.
Big changes coming to the Chamber
The Libby Area Chamber of Commerce is making significant changes to the structure and operation of the Chamber in effort to improve the delivery of service to members. The first of these changes is the creation of five new member-driven committees to assist with management of the chamber.
Mother's death: a tragedy that could've been prevented
The entire community is devastated by the slaughter of this mother, allegedly at the hands of yet another repeat drug offender behind the steering wheel of a car.
Friday, March 24
Former city attorney faces censure for buying client's property
Kalispell attorney faces censure for buying the property of two clients after filing liens for failure to pay attorney’s fees

Local after school programs brace for budget cuts
The Federal government’s new budget proposal would cut funding to after school programs financed through 21st century grants, which come under an umbrella grant program called Community Development Block grants, and also partially fund some Meals On Wheels programs.

City Council member resigns
During the city council meeting on Monday, Libby Mayor Brent Teske announced that Janelle Campbell, who’s served on the Libby City Council for almost six months, will be resigning.
Mail ballot gains commissioners' approval
On May 15, the Lincoln County Commissioners signed a resolution to hold a mail ballot election for the Special Federal Election to replace U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke if Senate Bill 305 is approved.
Board of Health forms committee of superfund cleanup liaisons
Two members of the Libby City-County Board of Health have been appointed to be Focus Area Liaisons for both Libby Superfund Sites including the Libby Asbestos Superfund Site, according to a press release issued Wednesday.

City councilman's residency comes to a vote
Libby Archery Club meeting Wednesday
Libby Archery Club will be holding a meeting Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7 p.m. at the Lincoln Lanes bowling alley in the archery range.

One big family
An experienced coach, experienced players and a shared love of the game is only part of the reason this year’s Lady Loggers softball team work like a well-oiled machine.

'The team to beat'
With a team that can’t wait to win, tennis Coach Kyle Hannah said he’s looking forward to a good year.

Shovelling to victory
Coach Milo Rogers is working with new students in the spring rain, as they practise double handed hits. “Try it” he urges “it will feel awkward at first, but just try it.”

A collaborative effort
Due to high snowfall this year, the Trojan softball team have started their spring practice on the field behind the elementary instead of their home field at Roosevelt park until the field is clear of snow. Inside a half moon of mounded up snow from a recent plowing, the team is immersed in catching drills.
Stand with the collaborative Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act
Earlier this month, Senator Jon Tester introduced the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act in Congress. This prospective piece of legislation is the result of a decade long collaborative effort amongst local timber interests, conservationists, snowmobilers, mountain bikers and wilderness advocates. The BCSA will protect the headwaters of the Blackfoot River by designating 80,000 acres of new wilderness in the Scapegoat, Mission Mountain and Bob Marshall Wilderness Areas. In addition to protecting critical fisheries and wildlife habitat, the act will open 2,000 acres of new snowmobile terrain via the Otatsy Recreation Area and enhance backcountry mountain biking opportunities in the Seeley - Ovando area. Sounds like a monumental bill, right? With all the talk of tweets, vacations and supposed wiretaps, you’d be forgiven if you didn’t hear the news.
Local basketball players selected to All State
7B Boys Basketball 2017

Dinner and parenting presentation coming to Troy Elementary
Co founder of the love and Logic Institute and successful author and speaker Dr. Foster Kline will be presenting in the Morrison Elementary gym on Thursday, March 30 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
No headline
Mar. 19, 10 a.m. — A caller reported losing his Toyota key with fob and red Toyota tag in case someone turns it in.
Ruth A. Choate
Ruth A. Choate, 69, of Libby, died on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at her home in Libby of natural causes. She was born February 26, 1948 at Spokane, Washington.
Experiencing grief and the challenges it causes
The loss of Laura Cooper was tragic, devastating, concerning and frustrating all at once.
Legals March 24, 2017
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mark H. Hedahl 114 Woodlin Lane Thompson Falls, MT 59873 Telephone: (406) 827-4232 Fax: (406) 827-0192 Email: Personal Representative In Re: The Estate of: ALTON E. HEDAHL aka ALTON HEDAHL aka TONY HEDAHL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to MARK H. HEDAHL, the Personal Representative, certified with return receipt requested, to 114 Woodlin Lane, Thompson Falls, MT 59873 Dated this 17th day of March, 2017 /s/ Mark H. Hedahl Personal Representative Published In The Western News March 17, 24, 31, 2017 MNAXLP
Wednesday, March 22
Man's body recovered from Kootenai
Around noon on Wednesday, the body of Trevor Applegate was recovered from the Kootenai River near Troy. Fish, Wildlife & Parks employees working in the area located the body in the water and called 911.
Tuesday, March 21

Man allegedly responsible for fatal crash held on $150,000 bond
Richard Gene Davidson is being held on $150,000 bond after a two-vehicle accident that resulted in three injuries and one fatality.

March showers bring flood threats
After a snow-packed winter, the recent rise in temperatures had residents bracing for the inevitable.
Daylight saving time sparks debate in Lincoln County
Most are accustomed to daylight saving changes in the spring and fall. Some grumble about the jet lagged feeling and time confusion that comes with the change, but accept it nonetheless.
Michael A. Wagner and Elizabeth G. Wilson
Michael A. Wagner and Elizabeth G. Wilson and their families announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Michael is employed as a Union Millwright and Elizabeth is employed by Northern Energy in Libby.
No headline
Mar. 16, 5 a.m. — A caller reported a mudslide across the road on Highway 37 MM 38.
Fish and Wildlife Commission to hold teleconference on watercraft
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold a special teleconference meeting on Wednesday, March 22 to consider special watercraft rules at Canyon Ferry and Tiber Reservoirs.
Annual egg hunt on the way
The 16th annual Youth Court Services Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 15 at 1 p.m.
Memorial service for Hugh E. Swimley
A Celebration of Life Memorial Service is planned to commemorate the life of Hugh E. Swimley, formerly of Libby.
Ducks Unlimited celebrating 80 years
Conservation organization Ducks Unlimited [DU] is celebrating it’s 80th year this year, and the Libby chapter will hold its much anticipated 32nd annual conservation dinner on Saturday, April 29, at 5 p.m. at the Ponderosa room in the city hall complex.
Come one, come all:
Submitted by Kate Stephens
No headline
There is a Libby Rod and Gun Club Meeting tomorrow night, March 21st at 7:00 pm at the range. Come join the fun. It’s been a busy season so I’m sure there is news to learn and information to share.

Enviromental assessment on Callahan Creek complete
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP), Region One, has completed an environmental assessment (EA) for the Callahan Creek Unconsolidated Fill Removal Draft EA for the purpose of issuing a 124 permit to Lincoln County for the removal of unconsolidated sand and gravel placed by the county in January 2016.

Heritage Council to finish season 'Everything Fitz' promises spirited music and dance
Submitted by Patty Rambo
Gunderson: Why I voted against Senate Bill 72
In one of my committees this week, we heard a bill that would create a law requiring the state to take on the liability and treatment costs for firefighters with lung disease. There was a lot of passionate testimony given as well as very technical testimony given by a specialist in epidemiology of diseases of the lungs that explained the definition of lung cancer.
Kootenai Pets for Life seeking volunteers
Being responsible for 50 animals all at once can seem overwhelming, but for animal-lovers the task can be uplifting and relaxing. For those who enjoy spending time with animals, Kootenai Pets for Life in Libby is currently looking for volunteers.
Ruth Marie Magee
Ruth Marie Magee, 90, passed away peacefully at her daughter’s home in Pennsylvania, March 10, 2017. She was formerly of Libby, Mont. and Crestview, Fla.
Fine Arts to meeting Thursday
The Libby Fine Arts will meet from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 23 at the Treasure Manor meeting room, 610 Treasure Ave.
Rob Quist is the man for lovely Montana
I think all Montanans are artists. I have lived here nearly 20 years, so I am still a “newbie” to the state. I love Montana! It is not only a beautiful place to live, work and play, but it is a “state of mind”; because creative, independent folks live here.
Prayer group to meet Thursday
The Community Prayer Group will meet Thursday, March 23, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs community room at First Montana Bank, 504 Mineral Ave., Libby.
Gasbuddy update
Montana, MT, March 20- Average retail gasoline prices in Montana have risen 1.4 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.36/g yesterday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 615 gas outlets in Montana. This compares with the national average that has fallen 0.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.29/g, according to gasoline price website

Laura Christine Cooper
Loving wife, mother, sister, daughter, auntie and friend, Laura Cooper was taken suddenly on Tuesday morning, March 14, 2017, in an automobile accident on Highway 56. She leaves behind her husband and son, Dave and Holden Cooper of Troy, her sister and brother-in-law Jennifer and Jason Williams of Hayden, Idaho and their two children, her parents, Ned and Bonnie Miller of Crestline, Calif., and many other family members and close friends.
Friday, March 17
Update on dam flow
By Elka Wood
Legals March 17, 2017
C. Mark Hash Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP Attorneys at Law 136 1st Ave. W., P. O. Box 1178 Kalispell, MT 59903-1178 (406) 755-6919 Attorneys for Estate MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF Luther Metz Krupp, Deceased Cause No. DP-17-13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representa-tive of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to Kristine Krupp Lucas the Personal Representative, by certi-fied mail, return receipt requested, c/o Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 1178, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1178, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED this 15th day of February 2017 Kristine Krupp Lucas Personal Representative Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP By s/ C Mark Hash Published In The Western News March 3, 10, 17, 2017 MNAXLP
No headline
Mar. 9, 12:45 a.m. — Dispatch received a 911 call regarding neighbor stealing meds on Swanson Lodge Road.

Grain train derails in remote, steep area near Moyie
MOYIE SPRINGS — Emergency responders struggled to access a derailed southbound Union Pacific grain train early Wednesday morning, after an estimated five cars derailed near a 100-foot embankment just above the Moyie Dam.

EPA nears conclusion of years-long project
The sight of emergency shower trailers parked outside houses and crews shrouded in chemical protection masks working in yards and attics has become commonplace in Lincoln county.

Churches raises $500 for Pregnancy Crisis Center
What started as a youth abortion awareness demonstration has become a community project which involves church groups from Libby, Troy and the Yaak.
Rain sets off slides, flooding
Lincoln County has declared a state of emergency, with the potential for minor flooding to worsen as rain and warm temperatures continue over the weekend.

Libby logger cuts across the grain
In 1984, Bruce Vincent was a logger in Libby, working the family business in a town with five vigorous mills in operation. Now, after seeing through “the timber wars” of the 1990s, Vincent is a public speaker who travels the world with his message, and whose book, “Against the Odds: a Path Forward for Rural America” with co-authors Nicole J. Olynk Widmar and Jessica Eise, was published on March 13.

Stair Climb
Thursday, March 16

Brooke Thornton Jaqueth
Brooke Thornton Jaqueth passed away on March 6, 2017, in Missoula, due to complications from pneumonia. She was born in Libby, on Dec. 27, 1961 to Bob and Wanda Jaqueth, the fourth of five children. Brooke attended school in Libby; she was the Salutatorian of the class of 1979; just second in a class of 208 students.
David Rolfson
David Rolfson, 67, of rural Watford City, passed away, Monday, March 6, 2016 at his rural Watford City residence.

Foundation raises money to help families cope
When a family has a child who is ill or injured, or loses a child, there is very little the community can do to help them, though we may badly want to help.
Health Department improves access to vaccinations
The County Health Department is “filling the gap” to ensure everyone in Lincoln County has access to the vaccinations they need, and for the right price — free.
Troy mom dies, two children injured in head-on crash
A two-vehicle crash on Montana 56 in Lincoln County west of Libby left a Troy woman dead and three injured Tuesday morning.
Tuesday, March 14

'He should have never been out of jail'
Friday, March 10
Legals March 10, 2017
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CITY OF LIBBY ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of Libby, MT, is requesting proposals for engineering services for Water and Wastewater PER updates. Copies of the detailed Request for Proposals (RFP), including a description of the services to be provided by the respondents, the minimum content of responses, and the factors to be used to evaluate the responses, can be obtained by contacting City Administrator, Jim Hammons PO Box 1428, Libby, MT 59923. Telephone (406) 293-2731, ext. 4, e-mail All responses to the detailed RFP for engineering services must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. 3rd day of April, 2017. BY Brent Teske, Mayor Published In The Western News
Misinformation about Zinke's ban on lead bullets
In response to Gary Armstrong:
County is pacesetter on weed control
Who knew Lincoln County was leading the state with its successful and respected weed program? The head of the county weed department, Dan Williams, says a combination of seeking grants to enlarge the program, using innovative bio control techniques and having supportive commissioners has contributed to the success of the program.
Charged for assault with beer bottle
A Troy man has been charged for assaulting his neighbor with a beer bottle and driving a vehicle without permission.
Health care proposal would preserve Libby care
The U.S. Congressional Republicans’ repeal-and-replace bill that throws out core provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act preserves special provisions for Libby asbestos victims, Sen. Steve Daines’ office said Tuesday.
Libby man charged with meth
A Libby man has been charged with possessing 3.5 grams of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.

Call it 670 miles – or perhaps more precisely 674 miles – but either way, the Yellowstone River remains the nation’s longest undammed waterway. It’s a great river that meanders through some of the finest mountain and prairie topography on the planet – peaks reaching past 12,000 feet in elevation, the largest high-mountain lake on the continent, dense evergreen forests, buttes, colorful badlands, deep canyons, and sweet-smelling sage and juniper covered hills. A good portion of this wondrous river flows in Wyoming, but Montana claims most of it and gives it a home.

Sen. Tester says he'll hold Trump accountable
We are halfway through President Trump’s first 100 days in office, and during my travels across the state and here in Libby, I hear both eagerness and uncertainty from Montanans.
Montana agriculture provides abundance all year
As the days get longer and the weather warms, many of us begin to plan and dream of the upcoming growing season. Warmer seasons for many mean connecting with the land and enjoying the fresh produce from our efforts. This connection to our food and how it is produced is a fundamental aspect of our nature. For those in Montana on the nearly 25,000 family farms and ranches, their connection is year-round. Whether they are feeding their livestock or protecting newly born calves from extreme weather and wildlife, ranchers are always on the clock. For farmers, they too are busy in winter months maintaining equipment for the upcoming season and monitoring global markets to decide when to move recently harvested crops to shipping points.
We Montanans can protect our own backyards
The legislative session brings one of Montana’s most powerful and widely held values into question, our public lands. Some aim to transfer management and ownership of our public lands heritage, and this is unacceptable.
Thursday, March 9

Former Libby woman murdered in Coeur d'Alene
COEUR D’ALENE — A former Libby woman was found in a car parked at Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with a gunshot wound to her head and died on Wednesday, according to police.
Tuesday, March 7
Legals March 7, 2017
Lincoln Conservation District P.O. Box 2170 Eureka, Montana 59917 NOTICE The Lincoln Conservation District (LCD) is requesting proposals for a project manager to assist LCD in the completion of a stream restoration project near Eureka, Montana on the Tobacco River. Phase I has been funded under a Department of Environmental Quality 319 grant. Phase II funding is being sought under a Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Resource Development Grant Program grant. This request for proposal (RFP) consists of implementing both phases. The project manager will be responsible for managing all aspects of the projects including final design, construction, construction oversight and monitoring. The RFP, including a description of the services to be provided by respondents, the documents to define the scope of work, the minimum content of responses and the factors to be used to evaluate the response can be obtained on the Lincoln Conservation District website at Responses to the (RFP) must be submitted by March 20, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. Published In The Western News February 10, 2017 March 7, 2017 MNAXLP
Opposes Zinke's move to allow lead ammunition
What is wrong with Ryan Zinke, eliminating the ban on lead ammunition? Every hunter and sportsman/woman that I know have no problem keeping lead out of the environment for the safety of wildlife. I checked the local gun shop and found that the price of lead ammunition is half that of the lead-free. Is that really so onerous? I have seen wildlife that has been lead-poisoned, and it’s an awful sight. I implore all Montanans to write to Mr. Zinke and demand that he take back this brutal move. I only hope that this isn’t merely the first of many stupid decisions to come from our new Interior Secretary, but given who his boss is, I’m afraid it is just that. For shame, Ryan Zinke. You’re no outdoorsman, but most assuredly, you are a puppet.

Velma Irene Rosendahl Birge
Velma Irene Rosendahl Birge, 91, passed from this life to the next, Thursday, March 2, 2017 at Libby Care Center. She was born Oct. 25, 1925, in Vancouver, British Columbia, to Henry and Teckla Nelson Rosendahl, the younger of two daughters.

Rosalie Racheal Wenholz
Rosalie Racheal Wenholz (Ecklund) passed away peacefully in her home with her husband by her side on Jan. 25 in Libby, Montana. She was born Feb. 10, 1939 in Kenmare, North Dakota to Roy and Veronica Ecklund. At the age of 3 she traveled with her family by train out west to Kitsap County making a home in Port Orchard, Washington.

Deferred sentence in shooting incident
David Charles Striplin pleaded no contest on Dec. 28, 2016, to two felony counts of criminal endangerment and one misdemeanor count of criminal mischief after allegedly firing a rifle at his wife’s vehicle.

Jane Eloise Morgan
Jane Eloise Morgan was born on Feb. 20 to Cassandra and Edward Morgan.

Sarenity Vanhook
Sarenity Vanhook was born on Feb. 16 at 3:47 p.m. to Alia Carver and Justin Vanhook. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth at was 19 inches long. Sarenity was delivered by Dr. Greg Rice.

Troy juvenile facility most likely to close
Last Friday, Lincoln County Sheriff Roby Bowe announced that the Troy Juvenile Detention Facility will most likely close.
Community Prayer Group meeting Thursday
The Community Prayer Group will meet Thursday, March 9, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the upstairs community room at First Montana Bank, 504 Mineral Ave., Libby.
Budget cuts equal cuts in quality of life
The quality of life we enjoy in Montana is directly connected to the public investments we make in our communities – modern schools and quality education for our children, safe roads, updated water and sewer systems, and an affordable college education for our future workforce. However, with the Montana legislative session halfway complete, legislative leaders have made deep and devastating cuts to the state budget that impede our state’s ability to continue to prosper and will impact some of our most vulnerable families and neighbors.
In response to letter supporting Trump
In response to the unhinged comments by Mr. Barney, from Polson, BTW, Russia DID interfere in the elections. 1) Trump has already issued enough ideas and orders to seriously shrink employment and lower wages for everyone making less than $100K per year. 2) Criminal illegal aliens, as well as criminal non-aliens, are routinely prosecuted according to existing state/federal law. 3) Trump’s tax “reform” is a giveaway to the wealthy at the expense of the working class. 4) Democrats, when in office, enforce immigration laws that already exist. 5) Trump’s order to ban immigrants is aimed at all of the wrong countries, if you take the time to consider where the majority of terrorists DO come from; residents and citizens of the USA. 6) Trump’s elimination of regulations opens the door to more rapid climate change, more wealth to the wealthy, and favors to special interests. 7) Repealing ACA will kill thousands of people. 8) Balancing the federal budget is a senseless objective when the country needs to deal with infrastructure that has been ignored by the previous Republican administrations and blocked during Democratic ones. 9) Trump’s idiotic thoughts for infrastructure are unobtainable unless the tax code forces the wealthy to pay their fair share. Talking points from Breitbart and Fox will always make a poor argument in fact, but one attractive to those who have drunk the right-wing cool-aid. Don’t worry, Trump will get his chance, but he will mess it up. Count on it.
Troy has no official animal control entity
Should you have a stray, aggressive dog on your property in Troy, a call to dispatch may yield little result. Since the last City Council rewrote the codes, an animal control officer is no longer part of the budget.

Griffin Macy
Griffin Macy was born on Feb. 20 at 5:43 p.m. to Nicole and Beau Macy. He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth and was 21 inches long. Griffin was delivered by Dr. Jana Hall.

Ophelia Nichole Raines
Ophelia Nichole Raines was born on March 1 at 8:26 p.m. to Dejon and Nick Raines. She was 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth and 20.5 inches long. Ophelia was delivered by Dr. Brian Bell.

Gabriel Pyle
Gabriel Pyle was born on Feb. 24 at 2:06 p.m. to Samantha and Noah Pyle. He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth and was 22 inches long. Gabriel was delivered by Dr. Jana Hall.

Schools' charter program receives grant
Submitted by Craig Barringer
Notes from Helena
Efforts to keep the infestation of aquatic invasive species away from waters west of the Continental Divide will create many seasonal jobs. Details are below.
Friday, March 3

Jail 'beyond crisis state'
With detention officers at the Libby Jail working nearly double the hours of a full-time job in an overcrowded facility, the Sheriff’s Department is looking at every possible path, but there are few easy solutions.

Sen. Vincent lists future, sponsored and approved bills
A recent bill was passed 50-0 in the Montana Senate that provides further structure and funding to operations and management for Libby’s superfund site.

Libby man pleads not guilty to meth possession
Brently Camden Jones, 28, pleaded not guilty on Monday to his second offense of criminal possesion of dangerous drugs, a felony.

The Pine Tree Plaza: Eyesore or an old man's dream?
LCSO Blotter Feb. 20-28
Feb. 20, 3:30 p.m. — An individual requested a welfare check on a friend who isn’t answering their door on Florence Avenue.
Help your co-op spread the wood chips
Flathead Electric tree crews are running short on places to dispose of wood chips and are in the process of updating a “chip list” for members.
Deadline to apply for tax credit program approaching
Landowners have until March 30 to submit applications to Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks for enrollment in a new program called Unlocking Public Lands that may qualify a landowner for up to $3,000 in annual tax credits. Through this program, a landowner who enters into a contractual agreement with FWP to allow public recreational access across private land to reach a parcel of otherwise inaccessible state or federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or United States Forest Service (USFS) land is entitled to receive a $750 annual tax credit per contract, with a maximum of four contracts per year.
Co-op has banner year for energy efficiency
Submitted by Wendy Ostrom Price
Woman facing drug charges
Troy man arrested for fourth DUI
The Western News welcomes new reporter
Readers of The Western News may have noticed a new name.
Surgery department at CPMC recieves new equipment
Submitted by Sydney Williams
Rising mineral demand must spur new mining approach in U.S.
A new government report suggests we must revisit the regulatory regime that restricts hard rock mining in the United States. A surge in demand is coming for the minerals and metals needed in every sector of our economy, and we are woefully unprepared to meet it.

Annual health fair: calling all vendors to CPMC
Submitted by Kate Stephens
Paul Edward Sikes
Paul Edward Sikes, 94, of Libby passed away Friday, Feb. 24, 2017 at the Libby Care Center of natural causes. Services for Paul will be held at a later date and a full obituary will appear at that time. Arrangements are under the care of Schnackenberg & Nelson Funeral Home of Libby.
Legals March 3, 2017
C. Mark Hash Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP Attorneys at Law 136 1st Ave. W., P. O. Box 1178 Kalispell, MT 59903-1178 (406) 755-6919 Attorneys for Estate MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF Tyler Roland Boswell Deceased Cause No. DP-17-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representa-tive of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to Brenda D. Goe, the Personal Representative, by certified mail, return receipt requested, c/o Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 1178, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1178, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED this 23rd day of January 2017 s/Brenda D. Goe Personal Representative Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP By: s/C Mark Hash Published in The Western News Feb. 17, 24 and Mar 3, 2017 MNAXLP
Wednesday, March 1

US Senate confirms Montana Rep. Zinke as Interior Secretary
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The U.S. Senate has confirmed Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke as Secretary of Interior, making him the first person from the Treasure State to serve in a White House cabinet.