Friday, October 31
The Western News should take stronger stance against closed city meetings
As our sole source of news in Libby, I would think you would be a little stronger in your stand about access to an illegally closed meeting on your the first page (October 21, 2014).
Short has work ethic, experience and a good measure of common sense
With the world in turmoil, federal and state governments mired in scandals, corruption and incompetence, our borders wide open, drug addiction rampant and lawlessness on the rise, it is crucial that we make the right decision on our local sheriff race.
Libby Food Pantry wants to fulfill 'Bird in Every Basket' this holiday season
The Libby Food Pantry is making its annual appeal for help in fulfilling our goal of a “Bird in Every Basket,” for our Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday baskets.
Lauer showed fortitude, integrity during over-taxation debacle
I support Tammy Lauer for Clerk and Recorder.
Benson should remove partisan signs, even though not technically illegal
A front-page article in Saturday’s
Bowe shows quiet integrity and genuine love for our communities
A little more than 10 years ago, while teaching at Libby High School, I witnessed something that will stay with me all the days of my life. Roby Bowe had the task of comforting the students, following the tragic death of one of their own. This student was loved by freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and the staff. Her family is well-loved in the community and we felt their loss as our own.
Benson clarifies stance on use of floating mills in county taxation
I feel there are a few misunderstandings as regards Menga Miller’s letter of Oct. 24.
Langston agrees experience and good judgement are important
My opponent says experience matters.
Flathead County clerk and recorder says Lauer is right choice
As the current Flathead County clerk and recorder, I’m well aware of the challenges in providing good governance to Flathead County taxpayers.
Bowe puts community first - not agendas or politics
I have worked at the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for nearly 25 years. In that time, I have worked for three different sheriffs. For most of my career, I have served you as the records clerk, and my office has been right next door to the sheriff, undersheriff, and their administrative assistant.
Inmate freed in landmark case
Charges unsealed on ex-tribal leader
HELENA — A federal court has unsealed new theft and tax evasion charges against a former chairman of Montana’s Chippewa Cree tribe who already planned to plead guilty to theft and bribery in a previous indictment.
Death penalty sought for trooper ambush suspect
LORDS VALLEY — A survivalist accused of ambushing two state troopers, killing one and seriously wounding the other, was captured on Thursday by U.S. marshals in an abandoned airplane hangar, ending a seven-week manhunt that had rattled the nerves of area residents, authorities said.
2 men die in 3-vehicle crash near Somers
Wolf-like creature seen near northern Arizona

Former Troy man earns special honor
Josh Anderson, formerly of Troy, was recently named Athlete of the Year by Special Olympics Montana. The award was announced on Sept. 20 in conjunction with the organization’s annual Fall Leadership Conference.
Thirteen polling places to open for Election Day
The following provides information for where registered voters in Lincoln County may vote on Nov. 4.
Area briefs
Veteran says VA screwed up records
Wyoming governor eyes congressional fix on wolf delisting
Legion donates to Search and Rescue
Homegrown candidates tout roots, but do voters even care?
Native-born Montanans have a deep sense of pride. But if you’re one of the 54 percent of Montana residents born elsewhere, you might wonder why that seems to be such a big deal in the state’s election campaigns.
What exactly is a local government study commission?

Late start to school day leaves some parents looking for help
Swapinski ordered to pay legal fees
District Judge Jim Wheelis rejected resident Dale Swapinki’s claim that the legal fees being assessed to him following an unsuccessful lawsuit were excessive and unreasonable on Oct. 29.
Police blotter
Mines Management financing set
Mines Management, Inc. shareholders approved a $3.6 million financing Tuesday. By a 92 percent majority, shareholders approved a provision that a University of Montana finance professor called “risky.”
Courts will not block campaign law
HELENA — A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected a request that would have allowed certain tax-exempt groups to release campaign-related ads in Montana before Tuesday’s election without disclosing their donors or spending.
Federal agency sides with pharmacists
Expanding discount drug program to multiple pharmacies 'a significant benefit to patients'

Troy Mine workers honored for safety
Zinke thanks Libby for warm welcome
Montana’s next congressman will soon be chosen, and it is vital that our next representative will fight to do what is best for our state and for our nation. The challenges we face — our $18 trillion national debt, rising healthcare costs, and threats to our national security are real — and to continue to ignore them puts our county and our way of life at risk.
Candidate says state misinformed her about campaign signs
Prior to using the word “Republican” on any of my campaign materials, I as well as others did call the Commissioner of Political Practices for advice. I was assured at that time there was no law that would prevent me from doing that.
Bowe is a dedicated sheriff who deserves your vote
Our goal: Provide hard facts on candidates
This election cycle has been exciting from the moment it began, with hotly contested races for several county offices and congressional midterms that could cause a political shift at the highest levels of government.

Havynn Foote
Havynn Foote was born at 11:20 a.m. on Sept. 17, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.
Lynnette Kortte, 50, of Libby
Lynnette G. Kortte, 50, of Libby, passed away from natural causes on Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014.

Winifred Canavan of Libby
Winifred Canavan died Oct. 13, 2014, surrounded by her family at the Libby Care Center.
Jerry Eller of Noxon
Jerry Eller from the Blueberry Farm passed away on Oct. 22, 2014.

Troy Mine Safety Award
Picture from the NMA awards. From left to right is Clint Jensen (Mill Maintenance Foreman and member of employee safety committee), Justin Beard (Underground Miner and member of employeesafety committee) and Austin Wilson (Safety Manager).

Old Photo 10-28-14
Libby’s Company L Yesterday Company L of the Montana National Guard, had the distinction of being one of the two first companies located at Camp Donahue to witness the workout of the four rapid-fire Maxim guns. At 12:45 p.m. Company L accompanied by Company A and the First and Second Machine Gun Platoon left for the Rocky Mountain Gun Club’s range where they spent the balance of the day in trying out the new guns. The guns, firing at the rate of 500 bullets per minute, made things look like a battle field for the afternoon. Photo from the Oct. 1, 1914, files of The Western News.

Hoop Shoot Elks
Ryan Beagle, Caden Williams, Billie Jo Moeller, Jay Beagle, Samantha Bradeen (not pictured Emma Yeadon)(kneeling runner-ups) Cyril Stevenson, Trevor Collins, Gabriella Fantozzi, Chandler Sabine-Bower, Jessika Jones

Obit Canavan
Winifred Canavan

Attorney: Signs violate elections law

Birth Foote
Mother: Brandy Foote Father: Chris Foote Baby Girl: Havynn Foote DOB: 9/17/14 Time: 11:20am Wt: 7lbs 7.5oz Ht: 20.5 inches long Delivered by Dr. Jana Hall

Athlete of Year
Special Olympics Athlete of the Year Award with Josh Anderson, right.
Wednesday, October 29

Volleyball Gallagher
Dayln Germany, left, Coach Cindy Ostrem-Johnston and Coach Tom Gallagher react to the Lady Loggers' sweep of Frenchtown in three Saturday: 26-24, 25-17, 25-13.

Obit Pittsley
Dale Pittsley

One Yr Old Elletson
Jacqueline Elletson turned one on September 9 . she has a older brother Aidan. Her parents are Rodney and Marie Elletson of Denver Co. Her Paternal grandparents are Rodney and Arlene Elletson of Libby. Maternal grandparents are Pete and Loreto Lopez of Denver Co.

Obit Carlson
Steffi Carlson

Gun Winner
Robb MacDonald, left, presents Tom Paulsen with a Savage Model 11 rifle chambered in .243 Winchester and topped with a 3x9 variable power Nikon scope. Paulsen was the lucky winner during JB's Tire customer appreciation days celebrating their 27th anniversary.

Head Start Rayome
Peggy Rayome, Director of Kootenai Valley Head Start.

Football Miller
Michael Miller punt return third quarter vs. Mission Oct. 24.

Football Curtiss
Senior Michael Curtiss returns a kickoff in the second half of Friday's game at Whitefish.

Deer Thrasher
Hannah thrasher 3x2 whitetail Savage youth model in .243 caliber at fifty yards about 9:30 a.m. Sunday.

Cross Country Mossburg
Krysten Mossburg runs in Whitefish Oct. 11.

Cafe Two
Dave Teska, left, and Ella Teska in front of their newly acquired Big Sky Cafe.

Cafe Three
Big Sky Cafe's Denver omelet.

Cafe One
Troy's Big Sky Cafe with Amy Farmer, left, Marsha Stindt and Dave Teska.
Tuesday, October 28
Clark campaign leads fundraising
$14.5K dwarfs opponents, more than any local candidate
Troy Cafe brings owners' family home

Hunting season records 'solid' start
Saturday marked the opening of the 2014 general hunting season for deer and elk. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Wildlife Manager Jim Williams characterized the opening as “solid,” with 3,154 hunters checking in with 150 whitetail deer, 33 mule deer and 11 elk at six northwest Montana check stations in Region 1.
Jacqueline Elletson
Jacqueline Elletson turned one year old on Sept. 9, 2014.
Dale Pittsley, 71, of Libby
Dale E. Pittsley, 71, of Libby died Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014, at Libby Care Center.
Friday, October 24
Troy netters dropped by TFalls squad

Troy football hopes for miracle playoff berth

Wedel digs way to record as Libby spikes Whitefish
The Lady Loggers evened up their conference record at 3-3 with a four-set victory against Whitefish, featuring a record-setting performance by Mahalah Wedel, who recorded 52 digs in the contest.
Former Mountie hailed as hero
OTTAWA, Ontario —
Ebola: A crash course in the danger of fear
WASHINGTON — Ebola is giving Americans a crash course in fear.
Libraries post November events

Hunters look forward to general season

Sheriff candidates respond to critics
In the final edition of a series of interviews with all candidates seeking elected office in contested races on the county level,
Area briefs
May you all get to heaven before the devil knows you are there
To all the good citizens of Libby and beyond that have shown their appreciation towards my good deeds, may you all go to heaven before the devil knows your there. That is of course if there is such a place.
A few thoughts on the upcoming general election
Here are a few thoughts concerning the upcoming election:
Lauer deserves our support, not flack from Benson
Re-elect Tammy Lauer. We the voters in Lincoln County voted a few years ago to make county positions non-partisan, so question: Why did Robin Benson have her party affiliation on some of her signs? Maybe she thought this would get her more votes.
Many veterans thankful for Libby's VA clinic
I do not want to hear any more bad-mouthing about the Libby VA Clinic.
Montana stockgrowers: Consider stakes of reform
In response to beef industry stakeholder concerns about the structure and proposed reform of the national beef checkoff program, Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) encourages cattle producers to consider what is at stake for the industry research, education and promotion efforts.
Candidates increase spending as campaigns near end

Karen Stensaas of Marion
Karen Dee Stensaas was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and passed away peacefully in Kalispell. She was a resident of Marion. She lived in Modesto, Calif. most of her life.

Ethel Lisle, 91, of Libby
Our dear mother, Ethel Fay Lisle, 91, of Libby, passed from this life on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2014, to join her loving husband, Emmett J. Lisle.
DEQ sued on wastewater permit

Henline joins The Western News as reporter

Hunt Tab Seven
Dave Kneller, left, and Scott Lennard hold up two adult male gray wolves they trapped Feb. 17, 2013.

Deer Howard
Colton Howard had a very good day Friday, Oct. 17.

Hunt Tab Four
Tanner Wood

Hunt Tab Three
Tom Lawson with a 4x4 mule deer Nov. 21, 2012.

Hunt Tab One
Checkpoint Highway 37 State wildlife biologist Jerry brown of Libby measures a whitetail’s antlers at the Canoe Gulch checkpoint on Sunday. Roger Morris photo from the Nov. 13, 1992, files of The Western News.

Hunt Tab Two
Brad Mohr is all smiles Monday morning after downing a moose in Area 101 with a 30-06. Nov. 12, 2012

Randy Hutchison rattled in a 6x7 whitetail Tuesday (11-22-11) morning near the reservoir. Shot at 100 yards with a .270.

Darren Short, write-in candidate for sheriff.

Volleyball Moe
Hailley Moe kill shot first set vs. Flathead Oct. 18.

Obit Stensaas
Karen Dee Stensaas

Obit Lisle
Ethel Lisle

Moose Hageness
Khalyn Hageness, age 14. She drew a moose tag for the Fisher and shot this moose on October 13, 2014. She was with her dad, Jeremy Hageness.

Robert Henline

Candidate for sheriff of Lincoln County Bill Clark during Logger Days parade June 28, 2014.

Cross Country Friss
Olivia Friss cross country divisionals at West Glacier Oct. 18
Thursday, October 23

Congressional candidate Ryan Zinke speaks with Mick Shea during a meet and greet at the Venture Motor Inn Monday morning.

Volleyball Craig
Hailey Craig kill shot vs. Flathead Oct. 18.

Soccer Cano
Giovanni Cano, left and Daniel Skinner Oct. 4 vs. Columbia Falls.

Mark Peck, candidate for commissioner.

Old Photo 10-21-14
Pressing Project The Rainbow Girls at Troy held their second annual Ironing Bee in the Masonic Hall all day Saturday and successfully eliminated those stacks of ironing that have been wearing on the conscience of the housewives in town. They kept the boards and irons steaming hot all day as more and more stacks of wrinkled garments arrived at the Hall. Shifts of members were arranged so that the crews could rest their aching backs. Shown on the job left to right are Worthy Adviser Jean Gresham, Fidelity, Doreen Mossey and Nature, Sue Reynolds. Doreen Roth photo from the Nov. 12, 1964, files of The Western News.

Obit Stensaas
Karen Dee Stensaas

Obit Habeck
Orville Habeck

Football Lauer
Sophomore Erik Lauer on the carry vs. Columbia Falls Oct. 17.

Birth Shulze
Gavin Shulze

Birth Friss
David Friss
Tuesday, October 21

Mark Peck interview

Russ Bache interview

Closed city meeting raises questions
Attorney: Closed meeting should have 'absolutely' been open
A public meeting of the Libby City Council was improperly closed Tuesday according to a pair of attorneys who focus on media law.
Area briefs
Congressional candidate Zinke visits Libby to talk issues
Congressional candidate Ryan Zinke stopped Monday morning at the Libby Venture Inn. With Election Day only two weeks away, polls show Zinke with a slight lead against Democrat John Lewis. The race for the U.S. House is believed to be the closest federal race in the state.
Libby needs a 'John Wayne' sheriff
Libby needs a “John Wayne” sheriff - someone who has the skills, motivation and courage to face the lawless among us.
Daines knows Montanans care about their weapons
I am glad to see Congressman Steve Daines’ strong support of our Second Amendment rights. He is an outdoorsman and sportsman that knows the residents of Montana care about their guns.
The issues are too important to ignore; go vote
As the elections draw closer, it’s time again to engage in the voting process and to speak our collective minds as a citizenry.
GOP groups different, despite common goal
Recently, two different ads appeared in local papers that have caused some confusion. One ad was from the Lincoln County Republican Club, and one ad was from the Lincoln County Republican Central Committee.
Cuffe's work at Legislature aids ag producers
Federal and state wildlife officials have indicated that the federal government will likely seek to delist from the Endangered Species Act grizzly bear populations around Yellowstone Park in 2015 and around the Northern Continental Divide by 2016.
Poll: Daines running away, Zinke ahead slightly
The top races in Montana look like they’re going red according to the state’s only public opinion poll released Friday, with the U.S. House race much closer than the Senate.
Troy walkway brighter under new light posts
Troy recently completed the installation of 13 new light posts along the town walkway. Mayor Darren Coldwell said the $42,000 cost was split three ways: a $22,000 grant from the state, $10,000 from Lincoln County and $10,000 from Troy. Coldwell said most of the Troy money comes from an economic development grant.
Karen Stensaas of Marion
Karen Dee Stensaas was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and passed away peacefully in Kalispell. She was a resident of Marion. She lived in Modesto, Calif. most of her life.
Orville Habeck, 72, of Libby
Orville Jerome Habeck, 72, passed away on Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014, at his home in Libby.

Libby spikers fall in CFalls, down Flathead JV
The Lady Loggers were looking to upset league leading Columbia Falls on Thursday, but the Wildkat front line shut down the Logger attack to pull out the four set win.

After trip behind woodshed, Libby football looks for silver lining
In the locker room, after a shutout loss in which they allowed 73 points and 480 yards, the Libby Loggers did what they always do: mention the positives they saw in their teammates’ play. One Logger, after the physical, merciless defeat, stood up and praised 175-pound defensive end Bryce Moeller. Then another Logger stood up and said the same thing. Then another.

Libby soccer season ends in Corvallis
The Libby Loggers lost their first-round playoff match Saturday in Corvallis, 4-2.
Libby runners head to state
The Libby Loggers cross country team competed Saturday at the divisional tournament in Columbia Falls.
Slow seconds, long drive buries Trojans, 37-36
The Troy Trojans traveled Friday to Thompson Falls as masters of their own playoff fate. A 99-yard drive and an assist from the home field clock operator sent Troy home as the most ardent Plains Horsemen fans in Montana.
Friday, October 17

After years in the gutter, home sales trending upwards
The Libby housing market is on a four-year upswing yet the scene remains decidedly in the buyer’s favor. Area real estate agents and brokers are happy to report that the housing market is the strongest it has been since the bubble burst in 2008. All told, 87 houses sold in Libby last year, up from 76 sales in 2012 and 71 in 2011. This year, 81 homes have sold during the last three quarters.

Lauer, Benson answer tough questions
Candidates and voters alike are eager for Election Day to get here already. With 18 days to go, campaigns are in high gear.
Police blotter

Dorothy Peterson, 84, of Libby
Dorothy J. Peterson, 84, of Libby died from natural causes on Monday, Oct. 13, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.

Zaiden Johnson
Zaiden Johnson was born at 7:51 p.m. on Sept. 30, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

River Golden Taylor
River Golden Taylor was born at 4:42 a.m. on Sept. 24, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

As temperatures fall, construction season nears completion
A busy construction season for the City of Libby is nearing an end as winter weather approaches. City Administrator Jim Hammons said he expects current water main and road construction projects on Fourth Street and Sixth Street to be completed by Oct. 24. A water main replacement in an alley between Minnesota Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue and the installation of a few new water meters are all that remain on the city construction agenda. Those projects will be completed in early November.
Libertarian Roots runs for Senate
The paths people take to end up on the ballot are hardly ever the same, but few include being a high school dropout, convicted felon and former racist. Then again Libertarian candidate for the U.S. Senate
Darren Short seems like best choice for sheriff
I was born and raised in Libby, and that is where I started my law enforcement career at the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office. I have since retired from a sheriff’s office in Washington State after an almost 30-year career.
Blue or red, they are still all about the green
American political dialogue often overlooks the difference between “pro-business” and “pro-market.” Failure to observe the implications of this difference leads both pundits and voters to believe that if a candidate is pro-business, naturally he or she is a zealous crusader for free markets.
Montana celebrates Forest Products Week
This week marks the fourth-annual Montana “Forest Products Week.”
Area Briefs
Mines Management financing awaits approval
UM professor of finance characterizes move as 'risky'
A Mines Management, Inc. shareholders meeting to approve what experts call a risky financing approach was postponed Tuesday after too few shareholders participated. The meeting asked owners of Mines Management stock to vote on approving a full ratchet anti-dilution provision that would net $3.6 million for the owner of the Montanore Mine.
Zinke smokes Lewis in fundraising
HELENA — U.S. House candidate Ryan Zinke raised $1.9 million for his campaign in the three months between July and September.
Yellowstone bison to stay in Montana
HELENA — Montana wildlife officials decided Thursday against shipping 145 bison captured from Yellowstone National Park to the Bronx zoo and other locations across the nation, choosing to send them to an American Indian reservation within the state.

Lady Loggers volleyball outlasts Thompson Falls
The Lady Loggers bounced back from a tough weekend in Missoula to take down the Thompson Falls Lady Blue Hawks in five sets Tuesday night.

Troy football one win from playoff berth
As one area high school team prepares for their first playoff contest, another enters the weekend hoping to a clinch a postseason berth of their own.

Volleyball Time Out
Time out during first set. Libby takes it 25-18.

Soccer Yakovenko
Junior defender Bohdan Yakovenko, left, and Alex Garate of Columbia Falls Oct. 4

Obit Peterson
Dorothy Peterson

Real Estate For Sale

Football Opland
Sean Opland on the carry vs. Bigfork Oct. 3.

Loggers soccer looks for playoff upset
The Libby Loggers soccer team enters the playoffs with four wins in their last five matches. In a down then up season, Libby struggled midseason while adjusting to a new formation. The growing pains nearly cost the team a playoff berth, but Coach Charlie Webster said the Loggers are now playing as well as any team in the state.

Lauer Benson
Clerk and Recorder candidates Tammy Lauer, left, and Robin Benson.

Construct One
Noble Excavating's Shad Haugen at left in the grader and Bill Boykin in the roller.

Construct Two
Noble Excavating's roller operator Bill Boykin.

Birth Taylor
Parents: Cody and Ryan Taylor Baby Boy: River Golden Taylor Date: 9-24-14 Time: 4:42 AM Wt: 9 pounds Ht: 21.25 inches long Delivered by Dr. Erin Rose Medina

Birth Johnson
Mother: Zandra Baker Father: Kyle Johnson Baby Boy: Zaiden Johnson Date: 9-30-14 Time: 7:51pm Wt: 6 lbs 8 oz Ht: 19.5 inches long Delivered by Dr. Jana Hall
Tuesday, October 14

Hunting opportunities abound as general season nears
The general antelope hunting season opened Saturday along with pheasant season. The addition of the new hunting opportunities means most of the year’s big-game seasons are open. Only the fall mountain lion season and general deer and elk season remain. Both open Oct. 25 with the general rifle season.
Area briefs
Wildlife groups sue for wolverine
BILLINGS — A coalition of advocacy groups on Monday challenged the government’s denial of federal protections for the snow-loving wolverine, arguing in a lawsuit that officials disregarded evidence a warming climate will eliminate denning areas for the so-called “mountain devil.”

JP candidates respond to criticisms
With Election Day less than a month away, there is not much left to discuss on the campaign trail. Interested voters are aware by now of candidates’ stump speeches and platforms. There are only so many times a candidate can recite their resume or answer the same softball questions.
Cheap drugs net CHC $83K in revenue
Details continue to emerge in a disagreement between Northwest Community Health Center and area pharmacies concerning participation in a federal discount drug program.
Wheat, VanDyke clash over partisanship in Supreme Court race
The Montana Supreme Court could have decided one of this year’s election campaigns long before November – a race for a seat on that very court.
Zinke is right choice for Montana
I recently read an editorial from an individual in Bozeman criticizing Ryan Zinke’s recommendation of imposing a “no-fly” zone between Iraq and Syria. As a recently retired Navy captain, I was taken aback by the comments.
Benson would tackle any situation handed to her
Vote Robin Benson for Lincoln County clerk and recorder.
Here is one reason I am voting Republican
I am opposed to any expansion of Medicaid because of the massive costs that Montana will face in the future.
Here are six reasons I am voting Democratic
Sometimes I have to wonder what the heck people are thinking or even if they are thinking.
Mountain keeps more secrets than it shares
This mountain will keep more secrets than it shares. Enveloped in an ethereal fog, the power of the sunlight of dawn slowly dissipates the blanket revealing the steelhead red of foliage, the bright orange of mountain ash and the gold of alpine larch.

Herbert challenges Rice for state Supreme Court seat
David Herbert estimates his chances of beating incumbent Justice Jim Rice for a spot on the Montana Supreme Court are one in ten, and then he shrugs. No time for discouragement. David W. Herbert has a message to spread.

Ella Gullingsrud
Ella Gullingsrud was born at 2:56 p.m. Sept. 17, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.

Kenley Mae De La Rosa
Kenley Mae De La Rosa was born at 11:05 a.m. Aug. 23 at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.
Zona Brink, 92, of Libby
Zona Mae Brink, 92, died on Oct. 4, 2014, at her home in Libby.
Elizabeth Riggles, 85, of Libby
Elizabeth K. (Liz) Riggles, 85, of Libby passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.
Police blotter

Libby spikers stumble in Missoula
The Libby Lady Loggers volleyball team traveled to Missoula with high hopes. Despite competing against AA teams, Libby historically fares well at the annual invite. Entering with a 5-2 record, Libby stumbled during the first day of competition Friday.

Libby soccer rolls into playoffs
The Libby Loggers (5-3, 6-6) ended the regular season on a roll Saturday, downing the visiting Polson Pirates, 4-0.

Loggers lose on Senior Night, 48-14
The Libby Loggers football team dropped their last home game of the season Friday to the Polson Pirates, 48-14.

Troy volleyball drops a pair at home
The Lady Trojans (0-14) remain in search of their first victory after a competitive homecoming match Saturday against Plains. Troy fell 25-19, 25-15, 22-25, 25-22.

Troy edges Eureka for homecoming win, 27-26
Breakout runs and just enough defense led the Troy Trojans football team past the Eureka Lions, 27-26.
Monday, October 13

Volleyball Team
Lady Trojans react after taking a 25-22 third match vs. Plains with Tana Thill, left, Sami Rohrich, Aurora Becquart, Olivia Roach and Rebecca Rotolo.

Volleyball Johnston
Pregame warmups vs. Troy Sept. 16.

Volleyball Downey
Kaitlyn Downey passing second match vs. Plains Oct. 11.

Turkey Hock
Jennifer Hock tagged a turkey Oct. 1. (girls hunt too)

Spirit Stick
Troy High School student body president Zoe Lowry, right, presents the spirit stick to homecoming king and queen seniors Pate Scott and Brenna Garrison Saturday evening at Troy's Activity Center.

Soccer Briones
Two goals on the day for senior forward Walter Briones vs. Polson.

Old Photo 10-14-14
Troy Homecoming Amelia Clark and Jackson Garrison (center) were named homecoming queen and king at half-time of the Saturday homecoming game. Runners-up Leslie Kern, Justin Sell, Charity Cain and Rob Cantrell stand with them. Photo from the Sept. 28, 1994, files of The Western News.

King Queen Troy
Troy homecoming king and queen Payton Scott and Brenna Garrison.

Football Seniors
Last time on the home field for these seniors with Zach Crace, left, David Winter, Cooper Brown, Gage Cichosz, Dylon Lane, Michael Curtiss, Isaak Jones and Austin Marshall.

Sophomore Erik Lauer kickoff return third quarter vs. Polson.

Football Crace
Senior Zach Crace to the Libby 39-yard line with Polson's Walter Wood and Jacob Harrod on the tackle first quarter.

Cross Country Mossburg
Krysten Mossburg runs in Whitefish Oct. 11.

Birth Gullingsrud
Mother: Jennah Gullingsrud Father: Chad Gullingsrud Baby Girl: Ella Gullingsrud Date: 9/17/14 Time: 2:56pm Wt: 6lbs 8oz Ht: 19 inches long Delivered by Dr. Anne Camber Parents reside in Libby, MT

Birth DeLaRosa
Mother: Amanda De La Rosa Father: Dustin De La Rosa Baby Girl: Kenley Mae De La Rosa Date: 8/23/14 Time: 11:05AM Wt: 7lbs 0.01 ounces Ht: 19.5 inches long Delivered by Dr. Jana Hall
Mines Management meeting under way
UPDATE: The Mines Management shareholders meeting was adjourned due to a lack of a quorum. The meeting will reconvene at 2 p.m. PDT Oct. 28 at the company's headquarters on 905 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 311, Spokane, Wash.
Friday, October 10
Court orders new rape trial for Kalispell man
HELENA — The Montana Supreme Court has reversed the 2012 conviction of a Kalispell man found guilty of raping an 11-year-old girl and ordered a new trial.
Court upholds Blixseth contempt-of-court ruling
BILLINGS — A federal appellate panel on Thursday upheld a contempt-of-court finding against real estate developer Tim Blixseth for violating a judge’s order by selling a luxury property in Mexico while it was tied up in a bankruptcy dispute.

Prep teams face busy weekend schedule
After a quiet week for high school athletes, the kids return to the playing fields en masse this weekend. Here’s a look at what is ahead for Libby and Troy teams.
Vote could end Election Day registration
Voters face only two ballot issues this election, and the one getting the most attention is about voting itself.
Discount drug program sparks debate
Pharmacists: Exclusive contract a pain for patients, business
A long-running disagreement between the Northwest Community Health Center and pharmacists from across Lincoln County concerning participation in a federally funded drug program came to a head Tuesday when pharmacists peppered the health center’s director with questions during an economic prosperity forum.
No, Amanda, Montana does not need to look more like New York
Youth, ‘freshness’ and handsome looks are not sound reasons for supporting a candidate for any office, especially the office of U.S. senator for the State of Montana.
Out of luck at the Libby, Spokane VA clinics
I read with interest the letter from Greg Ohland about his disrespectful treatment at the Libby VA clinic and lack of help from the Spokane VA center.
Thanks again for painting the big 'L'
After a number of conversations among past Libby High School students who have long since graduated, it was suggested that a letter of appreciation be written to commend some outstanding community-minded people. Please know how very much we enjoy the restoration of the big “L” on the steep hillside facing town.
What's ahead for the Supreme Court after refusal to hear marriage case?
Every year, on the first Monday in October, the U.S. Supreme Court begins a new term. This year it began with a bang. The court refused to hear the largest number of petitions requesting certiorari — all of which raised the question of traditional marriage vs. same-sex unions.
Newspaper readers victims of USPS closings
The U.S. Postal Service should evaluate the impact of slower service to newspaper subscribers before proceeding with 2015 closings of mail processing plants.

Clare Hafferman, 84, of Kalispell
Barbara (Clare) Belshaw Hafferman, 84, of Kalispell passed away at her home on Sept. 30, 2014. Her husband Bob and her daughter-in-law Kathy were with her when she passed.

Larry Ferda, 75, of Libby
Larry Michael Ferda, 75, passed peacefully at his home in Libby Oct. 6, 2014.

Lee Bennett, 74, of Montana
Lee Grant Bennett, 74, passed away Sept. 21, 2014.
Area briefs

Lady Loggers look for second-half boost
If history is an indicator, the Libby volleyball team is primed to improve their already strong play. The Lady Loggers compete Friday and Saturday in the Missoula Invitational, an event at which the team has enjoyed success in recent years. No one is exactly sure why the team’s annual trip to the tournament typically brings out the team’s best, but players and coaches have a few ideas.

W.F. Morrison celebrates 50 years of education
Thinking back to her times with her former father-in-law, Ellen Johnston describes Walter F. Morrison as a man with a youthful heart. Known for his practical jokes and commitment to community involvement, it is fitting Morrison had an elementary school named after him 50 years ago.

Volleyball Bench
Ashley Walker, left, Bailie Rosling and Devon Gallagher vs. Troy Sept. 2

Obit Hafferman
Clare Hafferman

Soccer Briones
Walter Briones, right, gets a celebratory hug from Cody Wood after scoring with 34:50 remaining on the first half clock vs. Bigfork.

Obit Ferda
Larry Ferda

Obit Bennett
Lee Bennett

Morrison Two
The Troy High School Band, directed by Larry Luke, played three numbers during the Morrison School dedication in Troy Saturday. Photo from the Oct. 15, 1964, files of The Western News.

Morrison Three
The front of the Walter F. Morrison School at Troy provides interesting geometric patterns. The school was first occupied in September 1963 and was dedicated Saturday. Photo from the Oct. 15, 1964, files of The Western News.

Morrison One
Morrison Elementary Dedication Troy Superintendent of Schools, R.J. Souhrada, speaks at the dedication of the Walter F. Morrison School Saturday. Seated left to right are Mrs. Larry Reynolds, chairman of the board of trustees who made the dedication talk; State Superintendent of Schools Harriet Miller, the Rev. Sam Slack, who gave the benediction; Don Waldron, elementary principal, Sue Morrison and Mrs. Dorothy Morrison, daughter and widow respectively of the man for whom the school was named; and Harry Schmautz, architect with the firm of Brinkman and Lenon, Kalispell. Photo from the Oct. 15, 1964, files of The Western News.
Tuesday, October 7
Polson editor arrested on the job
The editor of the
Mee wins MSU-B golf tourney
Carroll College senior Jackie Mee defeated MSU-Billings’ Haley Shackelford on a playoff hole to win the individual title at the MSUB Yellowjacket Fall Invitation at the Pryor Creek Golf Course in Huntley.

Boys beat CFalls 4-2; Reny earns girls scoreless draw
A hat trick from Cody Wood propelled the Libby Loggers soccer team past Columbia Falls (1-5, 2-8) at home Saturday.

UM commit leads Bigfork past Troy, 42-13
The Troy Trojans (1-1, 2-3) lost at home to Bigfork, 42-13.

Homecoming blues: Libby falls 60-0 to Frenchtown
Libby Loggers Coach Neil Fuller did not mince words after his team’s 60-0 homecoming loss to Frenchtown (2-0, 3-3).

Troy nearly finishes Noxon comeback
The Troy Lady Trojans transformed from helpless to hopeful to dominant before wilting to injury at home against Noxon on Thursday.

Phyllis Hogue, 70, of Libby
Phyllis R. Hogue, 70, a long-time Libby resident, died Oct. 4, 2014, after a valiant battle with cancer, at the Libby Care Center surrounded by her loving husband, daughter-in-law and numerous friends.
Ekaterina Snegirev, 68, of Troy
Ekaterina R. Snegirev, 68, of Troy, died of natural causes on Sept. 19, 2014, at her home in Troy.

Judith Wagner, 80, of Libby
Judith L. (Judy) Wagner, 80, of Libby, beloved wife of the Balloon Man, passed away Oct. 2, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

Larry Morkeberg, 72, of Troy
Lawrence “Larry” R. Morkeberg, 72, passed away peacefully at his home in Troy, Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014, from natural causes.

After stellar season, Cielak takes 16th at state golf tourney
Libby junior golfer Jonny Cielak had a season to remember. A streak of four consecutive tournament wins preceded his third-place finish at the divisional tournament. Heading into the state tournament, Cielak had his sights set high.
Area briefs
Police blotter
Troy moves from fuel oil to wood
Eight years after its elementary became one of the first schools in the state to use biomass as heating fuel, Troy Public Schools is in the process of converting its high school to wood pellets.

Volunteer street cleaner leads simple life
Libby’s most dutiful volunteer street cleaner rolls out of bed every morning knowing there is trash to collect and weeds to pick.
Eureka candidate forum attracts strong attendance
Two weeks after her opponent lambasted her behavior and bemoaned her absence at a candidate forum in Libby, incumbent Justice of the Peace Stormy Langston had her chance to respond Saturday in Eureka. Langston addressed statements made by fellow incumbent Jay Sheffield, while Sheffield parried questions written by audience members.
Audit reveals new county tax error
Lauer says she followed instructions; taxes already fixed
An audit reviewing the county’s finances during the 2012-2013 fiscal year reveals a new count-wide taxing error. Lincoln County Clerk and Recorder Tammy Lauer said tnhis one was not her fault.
Monday, October 6

Golf Cielak 10-7-14
Jonny Cielak studies the green on No. 2, a 356-yard par four during Libby Invite Sept. 12

Golf Feeback
Lily Feeback watches her tee shot on the second hole at Meadow Lake Sept. 25.

Volleyball Ace
Bench explodes on a fifth set ace with Rebecca Rotolo, left, Tana Thill and Sami Rohrich vs. Noxon Oct. 2.

Soccer Reny
Keeper Shannon Reny was first through the tunnel after a hard-fought battle with the Wildkats that ended in a 0-0 tie Saturday at Logger Stadium.

Homecoming royalty with Travis Burrell, left, Auria Benefield, Isaak Jones and Dayln Germany.

Obit Wagner
Judy Wagner

Obit Morkeberg
Larry Morkeberg

Obit Hogue
Phyllis Hogue

Football Lauer
Erik Lauer, left, and Logan Nelson go high and low tackling Frenchtown's Cole Allen in fourth quarter.

Football Johnson
Junior Cody Johnson charges down field after intercepting a Bigfork pass in the first quarter Friday night.
Friday, October 3
Nez Perce Trail siting gets another look
ENTERPRISE, Ore. — The Nez Perce Trail running from Wallowa Lake to 40 miles from the Canadian border in Montana commemorates the months-long flight for freedom of Chief Joseph and his people. This fall, the U.S. Forest Service invites public comment on the siting of the 1,700-mile trail.
Yellowstone bison to leave Montana
BILLINGS — State wildlife officials have dropped from consideration a private wildlife reserve in north-central Montana that was seeking to receive relocated bison from Yellowstone National Park.
Vanishing support led to Pierson's quick exit
WASHINGTON (AP) — One lesson from Julia Pierson’s short tenure as director of the agency that protects the first family: The Secret Service can’t keep secrets from the president.
76M households hit by JPMorgan data breach
LOS ANGELES — A huge cyberattack against JPMorgan Chase & Co. this summer compromised customer information for about 76 million households and 7 million small businesses, the bank said Thursday.
Bears, attracted by garbage, roaming Whitefish
Sean Lohr was heading to town for a crepe Saturday when he came across the unexpected. On the corner of Central Avenue and Railway Street was a black bear casually strolling past the Great Northern Brewing Co. building, making its way toward the Oktoberfest tent in Depot Park.
Protesters pack meeting on education changes
GOLDEN, Colo. -- Students and teachers fighting a plan to promote patriotism and downplay civil disobedience in some suburban Denver U.S. history courses packed a school board meeting Thursday where the controversial changes could face a vote.
Probe sought of Flathead County Attorney
Alleging unethical and criminal activities by county prosecutors and a drug enforcement officer, three local attorneys have asked the Montana Attorney General’s Office for a full investigation.

Lady Loggers tie Bigfork soccer
A last ditch effort earned the Libby Lady Loggers soccer team a tie Tuesday in Bigfork. For much of the contest it looked like Libby keeper Shannon Reny was going to will her team to a scoreless draw. Reny finished with 20 saves, but a strike by Alauna Weilacher put Bigfork ahead in the 70th minute. However, Libby (0-4-1, 1-7-1) was able to come back in the 77th minute on a goal from Callan Peel assisted by Anna Carlson. The remaining minutes — high school matches in Montana are 80 minutes — ticked away and the Lady Loggers picked up their first non-loss in conference play.

Lady Loggers down Eureka for homecoming victory
It wasn’t a work of art, but the Lady Loggers opened the week’s homecoming festivities with a three-set win over the Lady Lions from Eureka.

Lady Trojans fall to Thompson Falls
The Troy Lady Trojans (0-4, 0-11) hosted District 7-C leader Thompson Falls (3-0, 4-4) on Tuesday. The Bluehawks proved too much to handle as they left victorious in straight sets, 25-9, 25-20, 25-6. The Bluehawks remained undefeated in league play this season.
String Trio playing Memorial Center
The International String Trio will perform at the Memorial Center in Libby tonight.
Police blotter
We need to stop intimate partner violence now
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a designation that serves to raise awareness and dialog about domestic violence. Intimate partner violence is one type of domestic violence. It is best understood as a pattern of abusive behaviors, including physical, sexual and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion used by one intimate partner against another to gain, maintain or regain power and control in the relationship.
Look closely at Mines Management's finances
Respectfully, I would invite The Western News readership to log on to Mines Management’s website and search for a news release that says “Mines Management Corrects the Record Regarding Montanore Litigation”
Pastor says train collision photo was in poor taste
The photo on the front page of the Sept.30, 2014, edition of The Western News was in very bad taste.
Protect Election Day voter registration
Montana’s election system has been a shining example of ease and accessibility in allowing everyone to have their voice heard. This November, LR-126 seeks to place unfair hurdles in front of students, veterans, seniors and rural Montanans by eliminating Election Day registration.

Five generations
Five generations of the Maynard family got together for this photograph. From left: Izabell Maynard, Dolly Maynard holding Lacee Lynn Read, Sonya Lynn Maynard Kurle and Jeannie Maynard McGary.

Spirit stick evokes pride at Troy High
Troy High’s homecoming week will include a new prize beginning Monday. An elk antler carved by local artist Scott Sorenson will serve as the school’s spirit stick. Each student class will vie for the stick while competing in events during the week.
Richard Lang of Libby
Rev. Richard Lang of Libby passed away on Sept. 26, 2014.

Barbara Hafferman, 84, of Kalispell
Barbara (Clare) Belshaw Hafferman, 84, of Kalispell passed away at her home on Sept. 30, 2014.

Mary Lou Brown, 76, of Libby
Mary Lou Brown, 76, passed away peacefully at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby on Sept. 26, 2014. She was born June 12, 1938, in Queens, N.Y., to George and Louise Mueller. She attended school at Jamaica Vocational High School for Girls and graduated with her high school diploma and her degree in cosmetology on June 22, 1956.

Donald Hawkins, 66, of Troy
Donald T. Hawkins, 66, of Troy died on Friday, Sept. 26, 2014 in Troy. He served in the United States Marines in Vietnam and then got into a lifelong career of telecommunications. During his career, he also served several years as a volunteer on the Lake Stevens Fire Department in Washington.
Health Center receives $200K grant
A $200,000 grant from the U.S. Health and Human Services will eventually lead to the addition of six employees at the Northwest Community Health Center. Executive Director Maria Clemons said she plans to hire a medical provider, a pharmacist and ancillary staff.
Area Briefs

Revett to start partial production in November
Limited milling operations at the Troy Mine are expected to begin November. Underground crushing began Wednesday when drilling discovered mineralization. The find is the first in several steps that Revett executives hope will lead to the return of full-scale production by the middle of next year.

Libby High homecoming royalty crowned
A pair of Libby Logger athletes were crowned homecoming king and queen Thursday during the high school’s coronation ceremony.

Volleyball Becquart
Sophomore Aurora Becquart third game vs. Thompson Falls Sept. 30. (9-25, 20-25, 6-25)

Volleyball Moe
Hailley Moe, left and Staci Regh preparing to block vs. Whitefish Sept. 13.

Soccer Creighton
Freshman stopper Abigail Creighton second half vs. Whitefish 9-20-14.

Obit Hawkins
Donald Hawkins

Obit Hafferman
Clare Hafferman

King and Queen
Dayln Germany and Isaak Jones

Obit Brown
Mary Lou Brown

Five Generation
left to right, Izabell Maynard, Dolly Maynard holding Lacee Lynn Read, Sonya Lynn Maynard Kurle and Jeannie Maynard McGary

Cross Country Rice
Alan Rice, Eureka cross country meet Friday, Sept. 5, 2014 at Indian Springs Ranch.