Friday, June 30
Legals June 30, 2017
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE To be sold for cash at a Trustee's Sale on August 28, 2017, 09:00 AM at the main entrance of the Lincoln County District Courthouse located at 512 California Avenue, Libby, Montana 59923, the following described real property situated in Lincoln County, State of Montana: The East 55 Feet of Tract 3 of Block D of JOHNSTON'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, Montana, as No. 2 of Irregular Tract Files. More commonly known as 117 West Spruce Street, Libby, MT 59923. Joan Sonju, also appearing of record as Joan D. Sonju, and Debbie Sonju, also appearing of record as Debra K. Sonju , as Grantors, conveyed said real property to Lincoln County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for U.S. Bank, N.A., its successors and assigns, by Deed of Trust on June 6, 2008, and filed for record in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder in Lincoln County, State of Montana, on June 11, 2008 as Instrument No. 212031, in Book 319, at Page 698, of Official Records. The Deed of Trust was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: U.S. Bank National Association Assignment Dated: June 24, 2013 Assignment Recorded: July 8, 2013 Assignment Recording Information: as Instrument No. 246094, in Book 348, at Page 693, All in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder for Lincoln County, Montana Benjamin J. Mann is the Successor Trustee pursuant to a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Montana, on March 3, 2017 as Instrument No. 267793, in Book 366, at Page 770, of Official Records. The Beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust due to Grantor's failure to make monthly payments beginning April 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable. The total amount due on this obligation is the principal sum of $51,035.06, interest in the sum of $3,572.52, escrow advances of $1,090.83, other amounts due and payable in the amount of $114.89 for a total amount owing of $55,813.30, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other fees and costs that may be incurred or advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale, and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed, without any representation or warranty, including warranty of title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The Grantor, successor in interest to the Grantor, or any other person having an interest in the property, has the right, at any time prior to the Trustee's Sale, to pay to the Beneficiary, or the successor in interest to the Beneficiary, the entire amount then due under the Deed of Trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Deed of Trust with Successor Trustee's and attorney's fees. In the event that all defaults are cured the foreclosure will be dismissed and the foreclosure sale will be canceled. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason. In the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the Trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated this 18th day of August, 2017. Benjamin J. Mann Substitute Trustee 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: 801-355-2886 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM (MST) File No. 48815 Published In The Western News June 16, 23, 30, 2017 MNAXLP

Eleanor Fraser Huntsberger Fransen
Eleanor Fraser Huntsberger Fransen, 97, passed away on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at Libby Care Center. She was born on August 31, 1919 at Glasgow to Theresa Borys.
Libby Library monthly book sale set for July 7
The Libby Friends of the Library monthly book sale will be held from 10:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, July 7 at the Libby Library.
How to bear proof your home or cabin
As people head to mountain areas for summer vacation and recreation, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is reminding people to be mindful of the presence of black and grizzly bears.
Fireworks not allowed on Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks property
It’s been a long-standing policy with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to keep fireworks off our sites to ensure the safety of our public and to protect our recreation and habitat resources from firedanger.
Local hunter, bowhunter education instructors honored at statewide workshop
Rich Hjort of Libby received a 40-year hunter education award at a statewide Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks workshop held June 23-25 at the fairgrounds in Helena, according to an agency news release.
Library 'Lemonade on the Lawn 2017' kick off is July 12 in Libby
Libby Friends of the Library invite you to join them on July 12 at noon for the Lemonade on the Lawn 2017 kick off, featuring local author Bruce Vincent sharing insights from his recently released book “Against the Odds: A Path Forward for Rural America.”

Libby therapy business has soft chairs, big plans
When Kirsten Koenig on Feb. 6 opened Mountain Rose Counseling in Libby, she made sure to have more than pillow-soft rocking lounges for her trauma therapy clients.

Medical center now offers 'concierge dining service' for patients
The River Rock Café at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center on June 12 introduced a new dining service for patients, according to a news release.
Watercraft inspection stations busy inspecting for invasive mussel larvae
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks staff at watercraft inspection stations across the state have so far checked nearly 10,000 watercraft for invasive mussel larvae this year, according to a news release.
County adopts public information policy
The Lincoln County Commission on June 21 unanimously voted to adopt a public information policy that sets guidelines for county departments to follow in disclosing public documents.
July events at Lincoln County public libraries
The Lincoln County Public Libraries will be presenting a full calendar of programs during the month of July. All events are free and open to the public.
Mountain lion special license applications available now
Applications for a special limited-entry mountain lion license drawing are available from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

James R. Johnson
James R. Johnson, 75, passed away on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at his home in Yaak of natural causes. He was born in Chicago, Illinois on June 14, 1942 to Roy and Pearl Johnson.
Fall turkey, sandhill crane hunting license applications available
Permit applications for hunters planning to pursue wild turkeys or sandhill cranes in parts of Montana this fall are available from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Prepare for fire danger
In the hot, dry weather of summer, campers, hikers and anglers statewide must prepare to prevent wildfires on public and private lands.

Curtis Wade
Curtis Wade was born at home on May 24. He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces. His parents are Benjamin and Dora Girod and he is welcomed by his sister Antonia and brothers Austin and Clayton. He was delivered by Joyce Vogel, a licensed midwife.
Thursday, June 29
Early childhood fair set for July 22
Families in Partnership is hosting its 11th annual early childhood fair Saturday, July 22nd from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Fred Brown Pavilion.
Libby Police Department seeks city funding for officer training
The Libby Police Department aims to fulfill a state mandate to give each of its six officers 40 hours of training every two years.

Amish community expanding Farm to Market store
Looking at the unfinished frame of the 6400-square-foot expansion at Farm to Market store, manager and coowner Leona Mast smiled big as the building-to-be.
Tuesday, June 27
1 bear dead following empty-tent attack near Troy
A pair of black bears attacked an empty camping tent at Bull Lake, south of Troy, early Wednesday morning, alarming several people in a nearby cabin who believed the tent was still occupied.
Legals June 27, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Clay Banks Timber Sale is located within Sections 14 and 24, T30N-R31W on the State's Libby Unit. Approximately 22,479 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on July 6, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a de¬posit of $21,490.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Libby Unit Office in Libby, MT (406-293-2711). Visit our website at forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published In The Western News June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2017 MNAXLP
Visit with self-help law representative in Libby July 13
A representative from the Self Help Law Program will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse law library from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 13.
Probable cause statement from Bob Henline's forgery case
The probable cause statement of resigning Libby Chamber President Bob Henline’s criminal case that led to a forgery conviction was outlined in a court document filed July 7, 2000, in the Salt Lake Department of Third District Court. The statement is as follows:

Busy weekend for Libby Loggers Legion baseball
Upcoming gallery displays at the Heritage Museum
The Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild display in the Tower Gallery of the Heritage Museum in Libby ends June 29.

Libby Loggers Days 2017

Resigning Chamber president falsified resume Financial misbehavior also resulted in forgery, identity theft convictions in Utah

Annual medical center fundraising golf tournament is July 15
The 25th Annual Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Foundation’s “Playing for Fundsies” Golf Tournament is Saturday, July 15 at Cabinet View Golf Club.

Tester's hypocrisy on 'dark money'
In April Senator Jon Tester joined an unsuccessful partisan effort to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court. To justify his actions, Tester said at the time, “With Judge Gorsuch on the bench, I am deeply concerned that dark money will continue to drown out the voices and votes of citizens.”
Upcoming bow hunter and hunters education courses
Libby bow hunter and hunters education classroom courses are open for registration.
Museum hosting grant-writing workshop July 21 in Libby
The Heritage Museum is hosting a free grant-writing workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, July 21, at the Lincoln County Public Library at 220 West 6th St. in Libby. Lunch will be provided.

Troy's annual disc golf tournament
The disc golfers who attended Troy’s 12th annual Timberbeast tournament on June 23-24 had stamina, “folfing” from early morning until 10:30 p.m. when deep dusk settled over the a crowd of 130 participants, who came from as far away as Calgary, British Columbia. Many were returning players.
Proposed act will erode health and safety protections
The Republican-led Senate’s recent inability to shore up enough votes to repeal a BLM rule restricting methane emissions from oil and gas operations represents a rare moment of sanity in an otherwise anti-science and anti-public health Congress bent on undermining science-based public health protections.

Danni Marie Fincher
Family Birth Services is pleased to announce the birth of Danni Marie Fincher, born on June 6, 2017, weighing 9 lbs. 1 oz. Danni is welcomed by parents Ryan and Heather Fincher and by her brother Nolan.

Robert Zimmerman
Robert Zimmerman, 75, died on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at his home in Libby. He was born on January 5, 1942 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho to Walter and Josie (Young) Zimmerman.
Stand-up paddleboards require on-board life jacket
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wants to remind persons using stand-up paddleboard (SUPs) that a life jacket is required to be on board.

Logan Marcs Yoder
Logan Marcs Yoder was born at home on May 29, 2017, weighing 7 lbs. 8oz. He is welcomed by parents Michael and Emily Yoder and siblings Kristi, Kendall and McKenzie.

John Heigel
John Heigel was born 3:44 a.m. June 16, 2017 to John and Tiffany Heigel. Delivered by Dr. Brian Bell, he weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long.
The portends of political meddling against the public interest
The Public Land/Water Access Association is very concerned by the recent removal of Yellowstone District Ranger, Alex Sankiewicz, from his position and more importantly the implications of how it was handled and what the action portends. Based of the available public information, the Forest Service’s action raises several significant and disturbing questions about the Trump Administration’s support of public access to the public’s lands and whether it will allow its field managers to do their jobs to protect the public interest or whether political meddling for the benefit of wealthy and powerful landowners will prevail.
Hiring practices at Hagadone Montana Publishing
When The Western News hired Bob Henline as a reporter in October 2014, Hagadone Montana Publishing, the newspaper’s owner, did not conduct background investigations on people applying for non-supervisory positions.

Chase Ferguson
The heavens exploded with riotous joy and laughter at the homecoming of our beloved mom and friend, Chase Ferguson, 80, on Monday, June 19, 2017 at 6:30 a.m. at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby. We who remain struggle to contend with the sudden and unrelenting void, but push past the pain, knowing with utmost confidence and peace that we will peer into those shimmering, love-filled eyes again.
Friday, June 23

Libby dentist retires after 46 years
Though dentist Dr. Dick Wood, one of Libby’s longest-serving professionals, retired in March, he said Monday, June 19 that he wishes he could work for 20 more years because “it’s so cool what we’re able to do in dentistry now.”

$25,000 BNSF certification could help Port Authority site
Kootenai River Development Council is applying for a grant through Big Sky Trust Fund to certify as an industrial site 200 acres of the 420 acres of Kootenai Business Park that border the railway.

Troy welcomes new police chief, patrol officer
Troy Mayor Darren Coldwell at Wednesday’s City Council meeting swore in new Police Chief Katie Davis and new patrol officer Travis Miller.
Legals June 23, 2017
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE To be sold for cash at a Trustee's Sale on August 28, 2017, 09:00 AM at the main entrance of the Lincoln County District Courthouse located at 512 California Avenue, Libby, Montana 59923, the following described real property situated in Lincoln County, State of Montana: The East 55 Feet of Tract 3 of Block D of JOHNSTON'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, Montana, as No. 2 of Irregular Tract Files. More commonly known as 117 West Spruce Street, Libby, MT 59923. Joan Sonju, also appearing of record as Joan D. Sonju, and Debbie Sonju, also appearing of record as Debra K. Sonju , as Grantors, conveyed said real property to Lincoln County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for U.S. Bank, N.A., its successors and assigns, by Deed of Trust on June 6, 2008, and filed for record in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder in Lincoln County, State of Montana, on June 11, 2008 as Instrument No. 212031, in Book 319, at Page 698, of Official Records. The Deed of Trust was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: U.S. Bank National Association Assignment Dated: June 24, 2013 Assignment Recorded: July 8, 2013 Assignment Recording Information: as Instrument No. 246094, in Book 348, at Page 693, All in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder for Lincoln County, Montana Benjamin J. Mann is the Successor Trustee pursuant to a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Montana, on March 3, 2017 as Instrument No. 267793, in Book 366, at Page 770, of Official Records. The Beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust due to Grantor's failure to make monthly payments beginning April 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable. The total amount due on this obligation is the principal sum of $51,035.06, interest in the sum of $3,572.52, escrow advances of $1,090.83, other amounts due and payable in the amount of $114.89 for a total amount owing of $55,813.30, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other fees and costs that may be incurred or advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale, and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed, without any representation or warranty, including warranty of title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The Grantor, successor in interest to the Grantor, or any other person having an interest in the property, has the right, at any time prior to the Trustee's Sale, to pay to the Beneficiary, or the successor in interest to the Beneficiary, the entire amount then due under the Deed of Trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Deed of Trust with Successor Trustee's and attorney's fees. In the event that all defaults are cured the foreclosure will be dismissed and the foreclosure sale will be canceled. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason. In the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the Trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated this 18th day of August, 2017. Benjamin J. Mann Substitute Trustee 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: 801-355-2886 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM (MST) File No. 48815 Published In The Western News June 16, 23, 30, 2017 MNAXLP
Women's golf league results
June 14: It was wonderful to see the return of so many golfers. Our game was “total gross score of Par 3s.”
Candidates file for area mayoral and city council races
With the passing of Monday’s deadline to file for local mayoral and city council races, a list of candidates has emerged.
Hey, Democrats: All politics is local
GETTYSBURG, Pa. — It’s a sunny Saturday afternoon, and Richard E. Frey, of neighboring New Oxford, sits alone behind a desk in the cheery office of the Adams County Democratic Party. No big election is coming up, but he is studiously making phone calls to area voters.

Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Foundation announces new board members
The Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Foundation on Wednesday announced four new board members — Kent Gustin, Zach Sherbo, Boyd White and Molly Woodruff — who joined the board in April, taking the seats of Kaide Dodson, Lora Ercanbrack, Amy Gustin and Dean Thompson.
Yaak School benefit on July 1
The fifth annual Yaak School Arts and Crafts Fair will take place 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 1. Organizers say proceeds will help fund student field trips.
Gianforte hires four 'key' staffers
The office of congressman-elect Greg Gianforte announced Monday the hiring of four staff members for his House office.

Libby held 10th annual MotoX event June 17
On June 17, the Libby Millpond MX Association held it’s tenth annual MotoX event, with almost 400 people coming through the gate to see the 74 races held on the day. Along with local competitors, participants came from as far away as Nelson, British Columbia and Great Falls.
More foster parents needed in Montana
With more than 3,000 children in the foster care system — an increase of more than 10 percent from last year — the number of foster homes has not kept up with the need, according to a news release from Youth Dynamics. As a result, many children in foster care will end up in group homes, shelter care or being placed out of the area in order to find placement.
Ignorance leads to moral decay
Philosopher Hannah Arendt once wrote a book about how outrageous behavior, if not evil, became normal in the society preceding and during the Holocaust. This “normality,” ignoring evil that is present, was how people would carry out unspeakable acts like doing the work that enabled the death camps to function. Of course, Arendt was writing a response to the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the “final solution” who declared that he was simply a railroad engineer doing his duty to his country. How is he to be blamed? Though fortunately most Americans today have not been faced with the horrors of genocide, there is reason to examine how many of us practice this ‘banality’ in our own country.
Tuesday night men's golf league results
Week No. 8 “Match and Medal” June 20, 2017
New boat validation decals required
Owners of motorboats, sailboats or personal watercraft need to get a new, free 2017-2020 validation decals for their watercraft soon. The blue decals expired Feb. 28.

Othelia Magdalena Schazenbach Weare
Othelia Magdalena Schazenbach Weare passed away in Kalispell on June 16, 2017 when her adventurous heart finally gave out at the age of 94. Othelia, whom everyone knew as “Toots,” was born in Akaska, South Dakota to Christian and Beatrice on May 22, 1923.

Ida May Sullivan
Ida May Sullivan, 88, passed away peacefully on June 15, 2017, under the loving care of the wonderful staff at Brendan House in Kalispell.

Cabinet Peaks Medical Center named in the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center on Wednesday celebrated its designation as one of the “Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals” in the nation, an achievement announced in late February.
Help VFW Post No. 1548 supply local students
The Western News
Harry Zurawick
Harry Zurawick, 99, died Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at the Libby Care Center. He was born June 7, 1918 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Walter and Stella Zurawick.
Tuesday, June 20
Legals June 20, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Clay Banks Timber Sale is located within Sections 14 and 24, T30N-R31W on the State's Libby Unit. Approximately 22,479 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on July 6, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a de¬posit of $21,490.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Libby Unit Office in Libby, MT (406-293-2711). Visit our website at forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published In The Western News June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2017 MNAXLP

Troy woman pleads not guilty to 3 drug charges
Audryana Allyn of Troy on Monday pleaded not guilty to three drug-related charges in 19th Judicial District Court.
Public comment sought on customer-generated electrical power
The Montana Public Service Commission has taken its first step towards resolving the protracted debate over net-metering in Montana. It seeks input on a set of draft criteria to be included in a cost-benefit study of customer-generators that will be conducted by NorthWestern Energy.
This is Montana justice?
Gallatin County Justice Court Judge Rick West has done a great disservice to equal justice under the law in coddling Greg Gianforte for his unprovoked attack on journalist Ben Jacobs. West said, “In keeping with my standards of the time I’ve been a judge, I thinks some jail time here would be appropriate.”
Libby prayer walk set for Thursday
Instead of the regularly scheduled Community Prayer Group meeting Thursday at First Montana Bank, churches will gather 5:30 p.m. that day for a community prayer walk meeting near the Old Band Shell on Mineral and 8th Avenues.
AARP Smart Driver course set for July 25 in Libby
Montana AARP will hold its monthly Smart Driver course from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 25 at Libby Christian Church at 100 Kootenai River Rd. in Libby.
Libby and Troy students make Montana State University honor rolls
Three Montana State University students from Libby and three from Troy made one or both of the university’s two undergraduate honor rolls for spring semester 2017.
Men's Tuesday golf league results
Week No. 7 Match and Medal was held June 13.
Heritage Museum installs new officers
The Heritage Museum of Libby on Monday announced its officers for 2017-2018.

The discovery of Mount Everest and its first ascent 64 years ago
This week we make another departure from our columns that portray Montana. We give a nod to another mountainous landscape, where climbers are taking advantage of a roughly two-month window of favorable weather to stake their claim on the world’s highest peak.

Michael Brinton Agather
Michael Brinton Agather was born in Libby on Jan. 15, 1940, to Alfons (Allo) and Isabel (Kienitz) Agather, He was the grandson of early Libby pioneers William and Blanche (Brinton) Kienitz and grandson also of Martha (Neils) and Alfons Agather of Kalispell. Julius (Mary) Neils, founder of J. Neils Lumber Co, was his great-grandfather.
In the weeds
Hey Chief Kessel thanks for informing the general public concerning the grass ordinance, didn’t know we had such an ordinance always thought it was there for us to complain about.
Volunteers needed to help spay, neuter and vaccinate pets
Appointments at two upcoming clinics in Libby to spay, neuter and vaccinate pets have filled quickly, yet organizers say they still need volunteers to help make it happen.

Eureka woman accused of embezzling from cemetery pleads not guilty

DuWayne Herbert Hamann
DuWayne Herbert “Ollie” Hamann, 80, of Libby passed away at the Libby Care Center on Friday, June 16, 2017 of natural causes. He was born Sept. 16, 1936 in Libby to Herbert and Esther (Eggert) Hamann. DuWayne was a Libby boy, being born and raised in the area. He attended the Libby Public Schools and graduated with the Class of 1954. It was while in high school that he acquired the nickname “Ollie” which stuck with him his whole life.
As I travel across Montana I listen
It is critical that Washington listens to Montanans during important debates about heath care, jobs, infrastructure, agriculture and veterans.
Troy honor rolls
Troy 7th Grade

Lawrence E. 'Larry' Mack
Lawrence E. (Larry) Mack, 65, died suddenly in Corvallis, Oregon on June 9, 2017. He was born December 5, 1951 in Big Timber to Virnie and Evelyn Mack. He attended schools in Big Timber and Libby before joining the U.S. Army and serving in Vietnam.

Trees, saws and ladders don't mix
In February 2016, a homeowner was seriously injured after falling from a ladder while trimming branches from a tree in Frederick, Oklahoma. The man was using a chain saw to trim broken limbs from the trees around his home. One of the limbs he severed fell into his ladder, knocking it over and causing the man to fall 12 feet to the ground. The man was discovered by a neighbor, lying face down in the yard beneath the tree. The badly bent ladder and chain saw were strewn on the ground nearby. He was taken by helicopter to OU Medical Center due to the nature of his injuries.
Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission seeks comments
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved several items for public comment at their June meeting. Comment on the following items will be accepted until 5 p.m. July 16. Final adoption of the proposed items will not be before the regular August commission meeting.
Monday, June 19
Troy City Council amends livestock ordinance to allow chickens
Troy City Council on May 24 completed the second reading of a proposed ordinance to allow chickens within city limits, meaning the ordinance will go into effect on June 24 after a 30-day wait period.
County to host suicide prevention talks
The Lincoln County Health Department is hosting two speakers who will discuss suicide prevention.
Troy food pantry expanding access to seniors
On July 1, the Troy food pantry will expand its services to clients over the age of 60 from one visit per month to two.

Fish, Widlife and Parks hosts kids fishing day in Troy
Troy held its 15th annual kids fishing day on Saturday, June 17. Hosted by Fish, Wildlife and Parks, about 50 people found a place beside the newly stocked pond to foster a love of fishing in kids.
Friday, June 16

Cabinet View Junior Golf Camp
Cabinet View Junior Golf Camp takes place this week from June 13-16. The free camp is hosted by Cabinet View Golf Club and organized by Director of Golf Jeff Dooley. The camp is staffed by volunteers including Libby High School Golf Coach Dann Rohrer, Mark Managhan, Dean Thompson and Jimmy Mee
Legals June 16, 2017
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE To be sold for cash at a Trustee's Sale on August 28, 2017, 09:00 AM at the main entrance of the Lincoln County District Courthouse located at 512 California Avenue, Libby, Montana 59923, the following described real property situated in Lincoln County, State of Montana: The East 55 Feet of Tract 3 of Block D of JOHNSTON'S ACRE TRACTS, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, Montana, as No. 2 of Irregular Tract Files. More commonly known as 117 West Spruce Street, Libby, MT 59923. Joan Sonju, also appearing of record as Joan D. Sonju, and Debbie Sonju, also appearing of record as Debra K. Sonju , as Grantors, conveyed said real property to Lincoln County Title Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for U.S. Bank, N.A., its successors and assigns, by Deed of Trust on June 6, 2008, and filed for record in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder in Lincoln County, State of Montana, on June 11, 2008 as Instrument No. 212031, in Book 319, at Page 698, of Official Records. The Deed of Trust was assigned for value as follows: Assignee: U.S. Bank National Association Assignment Dated: June 24, 2013 Assignment Recorded: July 8, 2013 Assignment Recording Information: as Instrument No. 246094, in Book 348, at Page 693, All in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder for Lincoln County, Montana Benjamin J. Mann is the Successor Trustee pursuant to a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Montana, on March 3, 2017 as Instrument No. 267793, in Book 366, at Page 770, of Official Records. The Beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust due to Grantor's failure to make monthly payments beginning April 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable. The total amount due on this obligation is the principal sum of $51,035.06, interest in the sum of $3,572.52, escrow advances of $1,090.83, other amounts due and payable in the amount of $114.89 for a total amount owing of $55,813.30, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other fees and costs that may be incurred or advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale, and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed, without any representation or warranty, including warranty of title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The Grantor, successor in interest to the Grantor, or any other person having an interest in the property, has the right, at any time prior to the Trustee's Sale, to pay to the Beneficiary, or the successor in interest to the Beneficiary, the entire amount then due under the Deed of Trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Deed of Trust with Successor Trustee's and attorney's fees. In the event that all defaults are cured the foreclosure will be dismissed and the foreclosure sale will be canceled. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason. In the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the Trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Dated this 18th day of August, 2017. Benjamin J. Mann Substitute Trustee 376 East 400 South, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: 801-355-2886 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8AM-5PM (MST) File No. 48815 Published In The Western News June 16, 23, 30, 2017 MNAXLP

Summer hiking with Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness is offering two series of family-friendly hikes this summer in both the Idaho and Montana portions of the Scotchmans, according to a news release.

Nancy H. Orr Adams
Nancy H. Orr Adams was born April 8, 1945. She passed away on June 7, 2017 in Moyie Springs, Idaho doing what she loved to do, gardening and planting flowers.

Young adults find ways not to move away
Assistant to the owner of a luxury guest ranch. Co-manager of a small town deli. Nail technician.

Helen Weinmeister Mueller
Helen Weinmeister Mueller, age 93, died peacefully on June 10th, 2017.
Libraries serve vital roles, deserve full funding
As the Board of the Montana Library Association, it is our responsibility to open a dialogue about the 2017 Executive and Legislative cuts to State Agencies including the Montana State Library. We must also speak out about HB 261 reductions to the state’s public libraries, and the real impact to the people in our state and more specifically, the library patrons in Montana.
Agencies announce fire season measures at Libby Superfund site
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Forest Service jointly authorized 2017 fire season measures at a portion of the Libby Asbestos Superfund Site that includes the former vermiculite mine, according to an EPA news release.
Logger Days 5K, 10K on June 24
On Saturday, June 24, Logger Days will hold its annual 5K and 10K fun runs to raise money for future Logger Days events.

University of Montana restoring gun from the USS Maine
The Center for Integrated Research on the Environment (CIRE) at the University of Montana has been tasked with restoring a gun from the USS Maine, the historic warship that sank in 1898.
County DUI task force being revived
Sindy Filler and other community members have been on a mission to revive the DUI task force in Lincoln County, a program that takes state funds gathered from DUI charges and distributes them to counties for use in drunk-driving prevention.

A.J. Cutter
A.J. Cutter was born 1:57 a.m. June 8, 2017 to Austin and Harley Cutter. He weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 18 inches long. He was delivered by Dr. Brian Bell.

Cabinet Peaks CEO Bruce Whitfield earns fellowship
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center CEO Bruce Whitfield recently became a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare, the nation’s leading professional society for healthcare leaders, according to a news release.
Preschool funds become available through state
For Troy parents, a lack of consistent and affordable childcare and preschool options over the last 10 years has left families with children under 5 struggling to find last-minute child care, and often suffering financially because of the high cost of child care.

Gallatin Valley Outlaws 8, Libby Loggers 1
Free Father's Day weekend fishing
Whether you’re tying on a salmonfly or threading a night crawler onto a hook, on Saturday and Sunday everyone in Montana can fish for free in honor of Father’s Day, announced Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Marlys Kay Zimmer
Marlys Kay Zimmer was born February 12, 1926 in Ekalaka to Robert and Lora Livingston, and passed away on November 29, 2016. She shared a birthday with her sister Hazel Pease.
Libby schools honor rolls
7th Grade

Serenity Tullis
Serenity Tullis was born 5:37 a.m. June 11, 2017 to Michael Tullis and Ashley Flud. She weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. She was delivered by Dr. Jana Hall.
Comments sought for highway project near Yaak
The Montana Department of Transportation seeks comments on its proposal to resurface about 5.7 miles of Highway 508 southwest of Yaak in Lincoln County. A news release states the project’s purpose “is to take a cost-effective action to prolong and preserve the existing pavement.”

Cabinet Peaks announces new manager for senior life solutions
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center has announced Kim Bourg as the senior life solutions program director. She has 22 years of experience in the medical field and 28 years of experience in management, including work in dialysis, home health, hospice and diabetes education, according to a news release.

Success for Libby Rock Crushers clay shooting team
Libby has fared well in state high school athletics this year, and now they’ve brought home medals in clay target shooting. The Libby Rock Crushers have been around for about six years now and are part of an organization called the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP), which includes the clay target sports of trap, skeet and sporting clays.
Tuesday, June 13
Legals June 13, 2017
NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Clay Banks Timber Sale is located within Sections 14 and 24, T30N-R31W on the State's Libby Unit. Approximately 22,479 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on July 6, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a de¬posit of $21,490.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Libby Unit Office in Libby, MT (406-293-2711). Visit our website at forest-management/timber-sale-information for upcoming sales and bid results. Published In The Western News June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2017 MNAXLP
Commissioners given update on area asbestos sites
Representatives from the EPA, DEQ and W.R. Grace attended the Lincoln County Commission meeting on Wednesday, June 7 to update the commissioners and public on asbestos sites around Libby, including the forested area and contaminated dam around the W.R. Grace mine.
EPA gives update on asbestos cleanup efforts and plans
The US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made significant progress in recent years understanding the extent of Libby Amphibole asbestos (LA) contamination at and near the former vermiculite mine. The purpose of this article is to provide an update on which forest-use activities pose ongoing risk, which don’t and how investigation results are being used to make decisions in this area, also known as Operable Unit 3 (OU3) of the Libby Asbestos Superfund Site.
Astronomy club meeting Friday in Libby
An astronomy club meeting will be held 6 p.m. Friday at 324 White Ave. in Libby.
Health screening July 28 in Libby
A health-screening event is scheduled for July 28 at VFW Post No. 1548 at 114 W. 2nd St. in Libby.
Kids in the woods
A serene quiet envelopes the Timberlane campground as the flora and fauna station instructor scouts his area. Along Pipe Creek, named for the Kootenai-Salish practice of collecting semi-soft stones from the creek bottom to carve smoking pipes, a pair of common mergansers hunt for fish in a backwater eddy. A spotted sandpiper cruises along the muddy bank, above the dipper tracks and the beaver chews. Warblers sing in the background.

Fresh face, produce coming to area food pantries
Change is afoot for Libby and Troy food pantries in the form of a new director for Troy and a move toward more fresh produce for both pantries. The latter echoes a national trend to use excess produce which may be misshapen or otherwise unsaleable yet wholly edible and nutritious.
Registration for game damage hunting roster begins Thursday
Registration to participate in “game-damage” hunts on private land or during possible management seasons this year begins Thursday, according to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. The deadline is July 15.
Committee hashes out rules for medical marijuana dispensaries
The Libby City Council resolution/ordinance committee on Thursday, June 8 held its second meeting to develop an ordinance governing the location and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries within city limits.
Kootenai Valley Christian School honor roll
Kootenai Valley Christian School has announced its fourth-quarter honor roll:
Libby City Council approves $60,000 loan for fire hall roof repair
The Libby City Council at its June 5 meeting unanimously approved a resolution to fund repairs to the roof of the Libby Volunteer Fire Department garage, which were finished June 8.
Medical center gets grant to improve discharge planning process
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Foundation and the medical center’s quality and discharge planning department were awarded a Montana Healthcare Foundation Grant in April, the center announced June 8.
Erectile dysfunction is 'the canary in the coal mine'
Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common urology issues affecting men in America and yet perhaps one of the most under-talked about topics. So let’s talk about it and how it can be a late sign of underlying health issues in almost 30 million men in the United States.

Dinner on the Diamond
About 125 people attended “Dinner on the Diamond” at Lee Gehring Field in Libby Friday night. A fundraiser for Libby Logger Legion baseball, it featured a prime rib dinner, live and silent auctions and entertainment by Steve Starkey. Logger players were on hand to help bring dinner to the tables beneath the tents and to serve dessert.

Stanford coach leads weekend wrestling camp in Libby
The Libby Wrestling Club held a two-day Greenchain Wrestling Camp Saturday and Sunday in the Libby Elementary School gymnasium. Featuring Stanford University Wrestling Coach Jason Borrelli, it taught technique and offered hard drilling and live wrestling for area students. Libby coaches Kelly Morford and John Love also participated.
Blood drive Thursday at VFW in Libby
The American Red Cross is holding a blood drive 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the VFW at 114 West 2nd St. in Libby.

Barbara Johnson
Barbara Ann MacDonald Denney - Seehafer – Johnson, 84, passed peacefully into her Savior’s arms June 8, 2017, in Kalispell at the Brendan House. She was born in Bonners Ferry, Idaho on January 21, 1933, to Howard A. and Dorothy (Sobo Graham) MacDonald. She was a resident of Eureka, California since 1945 until she moved to Montana in February of this year. She attended local schools graduating from Eureka High in 1950.
Marilyn M. Burgin
Marilyn M. Burgin, 84, died on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at her home in Libby of natural causes. She was born on Feb. 13, 1933 to Rolen and Eva Randolph at Stockton, California. She graduated from Stockton High School and Stockton Business College.
Libby Chamber of Commerce brings fresh ideas and passion
I have long been a Libby Chamber member and was honored to serve on the Board some years ago. During those late 1980s and early 1990 years, the Chamber was a great focal point for community interest and motivation – but that was before the collapse of the timber industry, the closure of the Troy Mine and the W.R. Grace legacy.

An 'Incredi-Bull' ride
The annual Libby Incredi-Bull bull riding event took place Saturday at J. Neils Park in Libby. While the main event began at 7 p.m., gates opened at 4:30 p.m. so people could visit vendors, grab a bite or splash someone in a dunking booth. Thirty riders came from as far away as New Mexico and Alberta. Organizers said they were grateful for the community and sponsors’s support.
Host families sought for foreign exchange students
ASSE International Student Exchange Programs seeks local families to host boys and girls from ages 15 to 18 from a variety of countries, according to a news release.
This week's chamber events in Libby
Noon Wednesday at The Venture Inn: Tina Oliphant, executive director of the Lincoln County Port Authority and Kootenai River Development Council, will discuss current projects and programs. A roast pork and mashed potato lunch will be available for $11, including a drink and tip.

Up for the count
Leave young animals alone, state agency says
As newborn wildlife begin to appear, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is urging the public not to pick up young animals, such as fawns or baby birds, even if they appear sick or in need of help.
Getting lost in the weeds could get you a citation
At the Libby City Council meeting on June 5, Libby Police Chief Scott Kessel reported that with the onset of warmer weather the department was busy enforcing ordinances dealing with seasonal public eyesores — more than two dozen pending cases regarding weeds, grass or garbage.
Tennis benefit Thursday at Libby brewery
A “Brews for Benefits” event will take place 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at Cabinet Mountain Brewing Company at 206 Mineral Ave. in Libby.
Sunday, June 11
Montana's wolf population still strong, state agency says
Wolf numbers in Montana “remained healthy in 2016 and more than three times the federally mandated minimums,” according to a Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks news release.
Friday, June 9

With close of animal cruelty case, animals can finally find new homes
Two poodles taken from convicted animal abuser Cathie Warren’s property last August are the 54th and 55th dogs Patti Carlson has fostered, yet their story stands out amongst all the others.

Ardeth Jean Larson Kvapil
Ardeth Jean Larson Kvapil, born June 18, 1930, died June 2, 2017, in Kalispell, in the presence of her children and Kim and Mark Larson. Kim and Mark were her family support when Ardeth resided at the Libby Care Center.
Service notice
A memorial for Daisy E. Jones Milner will be held 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 10 at the Door of Hope church in Troy. A fellowship will follow.
Legals June 9, 2017
C. Mark Hash Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP Attorneys at Law 136 1st Ave. W., P. O. Box 1178 Kalispell, MT 59903-1178 (406) 755-6919 Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In The Matter of The Estate of HUGH E. SWIMLEY Deceased Cause No. DP-17-45 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to Alison C. Swimley, Personal Representative by certified mail, return receipt requested, c/o Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 1178, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1178, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED May 31, 2017. Alison C. Swimley Personal Representative's Attorneys: Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP By s/C Mark Hash Published In The Western News June 2, 9, 16, 2017 MNAXLP
Gov. Bullock announces preschool expansion funds
A number of schools serving four-year-old students are now eligible for grants made possible by a new Montana preschool program, the governor’s office announced Wednesday.
Troy's summer meal program
Troy’s summer meal program begins Monday, June 12 and will run Monday through Friday until August 17.

Robert William Langton
Robert William Langton, 80, passed away Monday, June 5, 2017 in Kalispell. He was born October 24, 1936 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho to Roy and Pearl (Unruh) Langton. He spent his early years with his parents and was schooled in Napa, Idaho and Boulder, Montana, returning to his parents in Rathdrum.

Headstart library

Efren Coulee Garcia
Efren Coulee Garcia was born May 16, 2017 to Cathrine Cavazos and Anthony Garcia at Family Birth Services Birthing suite. He weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was delivered by Joyce Vogel, a certified midwife.
Why is Libby Cemetery unkempt?
I will just say how disappointed I am with the City of Libby, particularly those that are in charge of the Libby Cemetery. When my dad passed a few years ago, we purchased his and mom’s plots at the same time, specifically in the shade of a large pine tree. You could see the mountains still capped with snow, and it was close to Flower Creek. You could hear the water rushing by. No plots were to be placed past dad’s grave towards the water or shed standing near. It was very peaceful, tranquil, and helped quell the sorrow, each time we visited his grave.

Libby students on cleanup patrol
Libby Elementary School students and staff spent part of their Wednesday cleaning up their community as a show of appreciation to Libby and its residents. Students fanned out around town to pick up garbage, while third-graders also assembled a rock garden in front of the school. Organizers said the activity, which they hope will become an annual event, was intended to promote citizenship and instill in students a sense of pride in and respect for Libby. Change for a Dollar, a group from Libby Christian Church, rewarded students by giving each one a free ice cream cone from either CC’s Ice Cream Shop or Billy Goat Ice Cream at Burger Express.
Arlen Magill appointed to Libby Police Commission
The Libby City Council on Monday unanimously appointed Arlen Magill to the city’s three-person police commission. He replaces Marv Sather and joins Rob Dufficy and Bill Cunnane.
Will the wall be built or not?
I read the article where Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke was quoted as saying there was logistic problems with building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Libby tennis coach named 'coach of the year'
The Montana Coaches Association on Wednesday singled out Libby High School tennis coach Kyle Hannah when it released its annual “Coaches of the Year” list.

Jean Merlin (Tendrup) Tracy
Jean Merlin (Tendrup) Tracy, 84, of Libby passed away peacefully at her home on May 31, 2017.

Vanessa Rose Roy
Vanessa Rose Roy was born April 29, 2017 to Danielle and Levi Roy. Vanessa was 6 pounds, 6 ounces at birth and 19 inches long. She was delivered at Wyoming Medical Center in Casper. She joins older sister Annabelle, 2. Vanessa’s paternal grandparents are Steve Roy of Helena and Mary and Kurt Hanson of Missoula; her maternal grandparents are Cindy and Terry Cummings of Troy.
Zinke is no Teddy Roosevelt
I was at my reloading bench the day Ryan Zinke, wearing cowboy hat and jeans while on a rent-a-horse, rode up to his new office to start his first day as secretary of the interior. His first task was to sign an order revoking a gradual phase-out of lead ammunition on our National Wildlife Refuges. The phase-out was put in place by President Obama. Waterfowl hunters have been using non-toxic steel shot since the early 1970s.

Two-time state golf champ Ryggs Johnston swings for the future
Armed with a golf club since he was two — his first one was plastic — Ryggs Johnston, a sophomore at Libby High School and state champion golfer, was seemingly born to golf.

Bonnie Vesta Jenks
Bonnie Vesta Jenks, 76, our dear sweet Bonnie passed away June 1, 2017 in Libby due to complications after fighting an infection.

X-wing alighter
Local seniors awarded Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness scholarships
The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness awarded scholarships to two local high school seniors who won an annual essay contest, the group announced Tuesday.

Libby Loggers 21, Clark Fork Cougs 2

Cathie Warren sentenced, fined and told to repay county
Cathie Warren, found guilty in April of eight felony animal cruelty charges and one misdemeanor animal cruelty charge, was sentenced Tuesday, June 6 in 19th Judicial District Court in Libby.
Clumsy nesting osprey causes compressor fire at Libby water treatment plant
A nesting osprey that dropped a stick is thought to have set off a chain of events in late May that caused a compressor at Libby’s water treatment plant to catch fire. The city hopes it can replace the compressor’s motor, less than a year old, under warranty.
Tuesday, June 6
Senator vows to reform timber litigation laws
Montana’s junior senator vowed to reform laws governing environmental litigation that he blames for Montana’s flagging timber industry, speaking during a roundtable discussion with timber industry representatives and local government officials in Columbia Falls Friday morning.
Lincoln County completes, approves financial policy
The Lincoln County Commission approved on May 31 a series of county financial policy documents that define financial procedures from bill paying to expense accounting.

New business has slow name, fast turnaround
The Twisted Turtle, a custom printing business that opened in Libby June 1 was a long time in the making, as co-owners Michelle Barney and Jeff Holder spent five years discussing whether to expand Holder’s basement printing business into a storefront at 622 W. 6th St.
Legals June 6, 2017
CLOSED BID AUCTION Notice of intent to sell contents of storage units as listed below on 6/27/2017, at 10:00a.m., for past due rents owed to Bootjack Storage, LLC, Greg Sandon, owner, (406)261-3185. Unit #28, Judy Washington Published In The Western News May 30, 2017 June 6, 2017 MNAXLP

Opening day at Libby's Heritage Museum
Libby’s Heritage Museum’s annual grand opening on Saturday, June 3, featured panning for gold, rides on a Model T, demonstrations of mining equipment and more. There also was square dancing and a living-history performance from Greg Smith which kept crowds in fits of laughter. “This is a day for the community to enjoy,” said museum President Charles McFarland.”
Thank you from the Heritage Museum
I would like to thank the Kootenai River Development Council, Big Sky Development Trust Fund and the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation in Missoula for providing grant funding to complete a Strategic Plan for Libby’s Shay Locomotive No. 4 “Operating History” exhibit.
Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting is June 7
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold its bimonthly meeting starting 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 7 at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ Region 1 headquarters at 490 North Meridian Rd. in Kalispell.

Window of opportunity
Thoughts on climate change/global warming
There has been a lot in the news recently about the climate and the Paris agreement, so I thought I would try to leave the politics out of it and just find some facts! Now I am not a climate denier, I think the climate changes a lot. I think that people have something to do with it. You can’t put more and more people on the same piece of dirt and not have changes. So I started out at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website.

Congratulations to Libby and Troy graduates
A common theme emerged at Libby and Troy’s graduations, both held Saturday, June 3. All of the speakers shared their struggle to find a way to reframe the bittersweet initiation of graduation, a way to celebrate something that is both an end and a highly anticipated, unknown beginning.
Troy kids' fishing day is June 17
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are sponsoring the annual Troy Kids’ Fishing Day from 9 a.m. to noon on June 17.

Flying toward compromise
The skies above southern Lincoln County were clear May 30 as Bruce Gordon taxied his Cessna 210 and took off from Libby Airport, aiming for the Scotchman Peaks. On board were journalists and people whose aim is to get wilderness area designation for the jewel-like mountains southwest of Libby.
Free guided archaeology hike June 17 near Libby
Local historian and archaeologist Becky Timmons will lead a Lincoln County Archeology tour Saturday, June 17, the Montana Wilderness Association announced Friday. There is no cost to attend.
Grizzly bear update
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on June 1 provided an update on grizzly bear monitoring in the Cabinet-Yaak vicinity.
New program to help older adults with depression, anxiety
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center recently announced a partnership with Senior Life Solutions, whose mission is “to improve the quality of life of older adults living in rural communities.” Described as an intensive outpatient group therapy program, it will be located in Cabinet Peaks Medical Center’s St. John’s Lutheran Medical Complex at 350 Louisiana Ave. in Libby.
Where is the outrage now?
For the past eight years the country has been filled with the worst vitriol and hatred I have ever read. The president was called a Muslim who hates America, his wife and children referred to as monkeys, the first lady a transsexual and you listened and believed a self-promoting fool when he said he had proof the president wasn’t born here. Proof he never offered. I watched Republicans block every move President Obama made, good or bad, just because they could. You were fine when the Republicans shut down the government, until you realized it would hold up your government checks. Fine when millions of dollars were spent on never ending witch hunts and complained bitterly about the cost of vacations.

County commission requests seventh – and final – extension to Stinger Welding grant
When the Lincoln County Commission agreed May 24 to request for the seventh time an extension to a Montana Department of Commerce grant awarded to Stinger Welding in 2009, all three commissioners also agreed it would be the last time the existing commission would grant such a request.
Dog discrimination is racism
It’s 2017 already. We need to stop being racist against everything...
Friday, June 2
Legals June 2, 2017
C. Mark Hash Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP Attorneys at Law 136 1st Ave. W., P. O. Box 1178 Kalispell, MT 59903-1178 (406) 755-6919 Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In The Matter of The Estate of Richard Lee Nelson, Sr. Deceased Cause No. DP-17-39 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to JoAnne D. Nelson, Personal Representative by certified mail, return receipt requested, c/o Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 1178, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1178, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED May 10, 2017. s/JoAnne D. Nelson Personal Representative Personal Representative's Attorneys: Hash, O'Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP By s/ C Mark Hash Published In The Western News May 19, 26 June 2, 2017 MNAXLP

Martha June Phoenix
Martha June Phoenix, 65, of Libby died Sunday, May 28, 2017 at her home. She was born to Fred and June (Miller) Clark on Jan. 28, 1952.
Self Help Law Program coming to Libby June 15
A Self Help Law Program representative will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse law library in Libby from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, June 15.
Will Gianforte be broad-minded or divisive?
Greg Gianforte eventually apologized to the reporter he manhandled on election night. For some the apology was late and inadequate. For others Gianforte shouldn’t have apologized to the “liberal” reporter at all. Such is the divided nature of these times.
Vandals cause $10,000 in damages to Forest Service gates on Swede Mountain
Vandals caused an estimated $10,000 in damages to seven gates in the vicinity of Swede Mountain, the Forest Service announced Wednesday.
Independent Order of Oddfellows thanks Libby
On May 13, 2017, the Independent Order of Oddfellows Cabinet Lodge No. 68, Libby, Montana, held its annual German Dinner fundraiser. Thanks to the generous donations from numerous local businesses, this was our best and most entertaining fundraiser. All donated items were given away as door prizes. We want to identify these businesses and look forward to our fundraiser next year.

Montanore Mine faces setback after judge's ruling
Hecla Mining Company’s plans to expand an existing underground copper and silver mine south of Libby hit a roadblock Tuesday when a U.S. District Judge overturned the U.S. Forest Service’s approval of the project — a project Hecla estimates could eventually create 450 jobs.
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What happened to the Republican Party?

Von Lester Riddle
Von Lester Riddle, 78, of Dickinson passed away Thursday, May 11, 2017 at his home, with his wife by his side. A funeral service for Von was held 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, with Pastor Janel Kolar officiating. Burial followed at Pioneer Cemetery in Taylor, North Dakota.

Gov. Bullock visits Libby to sign bill combating invasive species
Gov. Steve Bullock, Sen. Chas Vincent, R-Libby, and Rep. Mike Cuffe, R-Eureka, met in Riverfront Park in Libby on Tuesday for a ceremonial signing of two bills — Senate Bill 363 (proposed by Vincent) and House Bill 622 — aimed at protecting Montana waterways from invasive species.
Jail air conditioning a 'high priority,' commission says
Citing a concern for inmate and staff health and safety, the Lincoln County Commission at its Wednesday meeting said inadequate ventilation at the Lincoln County jail was a “high priority situation.”
Young grizzly bear caught near Fortine
A three-year-old male grizzly bear “very habituated to human activity and being around homes” was captured in the Deep Creek drainage near Fortine May 23 and released in the Spotted Bear drainage May 24, according to a Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks news release.

Busy holiday for Troy VFW
Members of the VFW in Troy gathered first at Milnor Lake cemetery at 11 a.m., then at Troy cemetery at noon and onto Boyd Cemetery in the Yaak at 2 p.m. for memorial day ceremonies on one of the warmest memorial days on record.
Fish and Wildlife Commission denies 'Quiet Waters Initiative'
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission voted unanimously May 26 to deny the rule proposal based on the Quiet Waters Petition the commission heard in May 2016, according to a news release.
Whose face is red now?
My, how the cycle of political realities changes colors. During the Cold War red was the color ascribed primarily to the Soviet Union in particular, to its allies in general, and dimmed down to “pink” for any person, or entity, deemed sympathetic to any of the above. Today, states that vote primarily Republican are known as “Red States.”

Elmore B. Richey
Elmore B. Richey, 82, went home to be with Jesus Thursday, May 25, 2017. He was born Jan. 17, 1935 to Cecil and Eleanor Richey. He was a devout Christian, who read his Bible, prayed and listened to Gaither gospel music daily.
Mary Hebenstreit Memorial Garden dedication is June 7
Libby Friends of the Library will dedicate the Mary Hebenstreit Memorial Garden at the Libby Library 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, June 7, according to a news release.
Libby Dam to temporarily increase flow for sturgeon
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced Wednesday the second of two week-long flow increases at Libby Dam to improve conditions for the endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon downstream in Idaho.
Wrestling camp with Stanford University coach June 10-11
The Libby Wrestling Club is holding a two-day wrestling camp featuring Stanford University Head Coach, Jason Borrelli. The camp will be held at the Libby Elementary School 101 Ski Road in Libby on June 10-11, 2017.
Extremism casts shadow over Montana
Recently, President Trump signed an executive order instructing Secretary Ryan Zinke to review dozens of national monuments with an eye towards either shrinking the monuments or eliminating them altogether. The order involves all monuments designated in the last 21 years that are larger than 100,000 acres or those that Secretary Zinke decides were designated without enough local input.
Libby City Council fills vacant seat
The Libby City Council in a special meeting Tuesday appointed Angel Ford to fill the seat Allen Olson vacated in late April.