Thursday, November 30

Tree board making progress
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Nelson enters plea in Eureka shootout
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor
Coliform gone from Emkayan water system
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Centenarian to light Troy's community Christmas tree
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Tuesday, November 28

Family, friends chip in to restore classic Chevy
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

New student choir to debut at tree lighting
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Colleen Woodward
Colleen Woodward, 77, died Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
James Purves
James J. Purves, 76, of Libby died Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006, at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash.
Harrison Eugene Thompson
Harrison Eugene Thompson, 87, of Libby died Thursday, Nov. 23, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.
Mary Risley
Mary Janett Risley, 85, of Liberty Lake, Wash., and formerly of Libby, died Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006.
It's God's job, not yours, to pass judgment on what others do
Editor's Note: The following letter is a response to a letter to the editor from Freeman Johnson that appeared in the Wednesday, Nov. 22, issue of The Western News.
Carl Lundstrom
Carl Lundstrom, 79, of Libby died of natural causes at home on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006.
Turner Mountain opening planned Friday, Dec. 15
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Like a lot of other hunters around northwest Montana, I filled my deer tag last week. It was the first time for me in years, and it brought on a familiar, complicated and primal mix of emotions.
Dorothy Smith
Dorothy D. Smith, 80, of Libby died Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.
Arctic blast follows heavy snowfall
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Mary Hilliard
Mary B. Hilliard, 85, of Libby died Thursday, Nov. 23, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.
James Brown
James N. Brown, 82, died in his sleep on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006, at his son's home in Gadsden, Ala.
County officials:uncounted votes not human error
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor
Glenn Johnson
Glenn Mahlon Johnson, 66, died Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital in Libby.
Tuesday, November 21
Who will be held responsible for 44 million abortions?
To the Editor:

Residents, businesses honored at mayor's banquet
Nearly two dozen Libby residents and businesses were honored with awards Friday night at the annual Mayor's Thanksgiving Banquet.
Hot video game briefly in stock at local store
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Emkayan water system treated to kill coliform
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Recount upholds outcome of treasurer's race
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor
Mail-in ballots might help take back democratic system
To the Editor:
Keith Hughart
Former Troy resident Keith E. Hughart, 81, died Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006, in an Ogden, Utah, hospital of complications from heart surgery and emphysema.
Thanksgiving reflections
I recently had the pleasure of meeting two very remarkable ladies - Elsie Kessel of Libby and Hazel Walch of Troy.
Area merchants prepare for big shopping day
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Maria Fraser
Maria B. Fraser, 92, of Libby died Monday, Nov. 20, 2006, at Libby Care Center from natural causes.
Thursday, November 16
David Malcheski
David Malcheski, 61, of Troy, died Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital.
Alcine Lien
Alcine Lien, 80, a longtime Troy resident, died Friday, Nov. 10, 2006, at Henderson, Nev.

Big game harvest reported lower than normal so far
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Two area women turning 100
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Clearing the Air
I was encouraged to hear from Ron Anderson of the county environmental health department this week that all of the vouchers for the second phase of the Libby-area woodstove changeout program have been distributed and that most of them have been redeemed.
Officials dispel rumors of election glitch
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor
Old school appraisal anticipated
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Tuesday, November 14
Young hunter shoots mountain lion in self-defense
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Tobacco users invited to take part in Nov. 16 Smokeout
To the Editor:
Earle Winfrey
Former Libby Mayor Earle D. Winfrey, 80, died Friday, Nov. 10, 2006, at his home in Boise, Idaho.
Charlotte Orr
Charlotte E. Orr, 87, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 64 years, died Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006, in Libby.
Fallen tree blamed for power failure
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Logger football players enjoy support from community
To the Editor:

Welcome home planned Sunday for Libby soldier
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Local teen to make debut with symphony
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Kudos to county crews for flood response
To the Editor:
LHS football, volleyball teams make us proud
To the Editor:
Thursday, November 9

Rains bring isolated flooding
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
City considers grant proposal for old mill
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor
Heinert holds off Carney in tight state House race
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Nine votes determine winner in county treasurer contest
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor

Magazine connected teen with grandfather
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Williams picked to fill city council vacancy
Peggy Williams was sworn in Monday to fill a vacancy on Libby City Council.
Volunteer ambulance levy increase approved 2-1
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Tuesday, November 7
Mae Richards
Mae E. Sickels Pulley Richards, 94, died Friday, Nov. 3, 2006, at Libby Care Center.
Dayton Hill
Dayton W. Hill, 81, died Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2006, at Libby Care Center.
Hilda Rolseth McCallum
Hilda Rolseth McCallum, 90, formerly of Libby, died Saturday, Nov. 4, 2006, at the Sunshine Gardens nursing home in Spokane Valley, Wash., where she had lived since falling in August.
Businessman accused of taking $425K from employer
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Editor

Local tackle makers see market for women's rod
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Economy benefits from playoff games
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Work moving ahead on mine
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Thursday, November 2

Ballot measure would raise ambulance levy
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Volunteers stand 10 feet tall in eyes of those they serve
To the Editor:
Absentee ballot numbers up
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Vandals shoot up business park
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Share the blame
On Election Day a few years ago, I was putting gas in my car and noticed the fellow on the other side of the pumps looking at me intently. It turned out he was reading the "I voted in Lincoln County" sticker on my jacket.
Letter of support for ambulance levy fails to make case
To the Editor:
Flood study recommended for proposed development
By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter
Terry Tyndall
Terry L. Tyndall, 64, of Troy died Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006, at his home from natural causes.
Red Ribbon Week finale was a really impressive event
To the Editor:
Harry Tripp
Harry P. Tripp, 89, of Libby, died Monday, Oct. 30, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.