Wednesday, July 30
Larson appointed as county commissioner
Lincoln County commissioners Tony Berget and Mike Cole voted to appoint Greg Larson as the third county commissioner at a 3 p.m. meeting at the commissioner meeting room in Libby today.
Jo Ann Johnson, 82, of Boise
Jo Ann Alice Johnson passed away July 9, 2014, in Boise, Idaho. She was born March 7, 1932, in Waukesha, Wisc.
Tuesday, July 29

Kootenai River Rodeo results

Loggers players moving on
Judge dismisses case against Langston
On July 23, Lincoln County District Court dismissed Chrystal Stacy’s claims in Chrystal Stacy v. Stormy Langston and Lincoln County. The order was entered pursuant to the settlement reached in that case on July 15.
Letter to the editor: Glad to see clean campaigning
Letter to the editor:
Fracking: poster child for the corporate welfare state
Kevin Carson

John Garrison
John Roscoe Garrison was born Jan. 6, 1947, to Jack and Gladys Garrison.

Benjamin Scheer

Dolezal takes helm of KVCS
Former teacher, Ruthanne Dolezal, was hired on July 17 as the new Kootenai Valley Christian School administrator.
Decision on commissioner appointment pushed back to Wednesday
Lincoln County Commissioners Tony Berget and Mike Cole decided to reschedule the vote for a third commissioner appointment until Wednesday at 3 p.m.

Golden to bring a new hop into Libby's downtown
Abigail Geiger

Emergency crews prepare as more crude oil trains travel through county
Chances of a train derailment involving crude oil are minimal. But as the quantities of tank cars coming from North Dakota increase, so does the potential risk, Libby Volunteer Fire Department assistant chief Steve Lauer said.
Monday, July 28

Stop Sign
Lincoln County road crew member Joe Neisess leans a stop sign against a pine tree prior to installation at the intersection of Whitetail and Bobtail Cutoff roads Wednesday afternoon.

Tanker Fire Two
Libby firefighters joined fire crews from around the U.S. to train for the possibility of a train derailment in Colorado earlier this month.

Tanker Fire One
Libby firefighters joined fire crews from around the U.S. to train for the possibility of a train derailment in Colorado earlier this month.

Rodeo Warfield
James Warfield of Helena exiting the bull known as "Silver Lashes" Saturday.

Rodeo Redfield
Chase Redfield aboard "Counting Coup" in the bareback competition Saturday.

Rodeo Kardos
Jesse Kardos of Newport, Wash., has a close call with "Navajo Joe" Friday night.

Rodeo Hurst
Wyatt Hurst of Rigby, Idaho with 67 points in the saddle bronc event Saturday.

Rodeo Hamilton
That girl can ride! Mandy Hamilton of Manhattan, Montana turned in a time of 17.75 Friday evening in the barrel racing event.

Rodeo Chambers
Bridger Chambers of Stevensville with a time of 7.0 in the steer wrestling event Saturday.

Old Photo 7-29-14
Habitot Winner Habitat for Humanity made four kids very happy when it raffled off a playhouse during Logger Days. The lucky family was Joe and Colleen Wood and their children Matt, Brent, Brennan and Jourdan and the man who built the habitot, Gavin Glasson. Photo from the Aug. 5, 1994, files of The Western News.

Obit Garrison
John Roscoe Garrison

Dolezal, Ruthanne
Ruthanne Dolezal

Brewery Grant
Grant Golden

Birth Svendsbye
Erik Svendsbye

Birth Scheer
Benjamin Scheer
Friday, July 25
Loggers show end-of-season force
Council passes ordinances for businesses
county trims budget; some cuts will have impact next year

Rodeo overcomes fiscal challenges to deliver this weekend

Number of crude oil trains through county increases
Police Blotter
Rodeo competitor schedule
Remps win Men's League final
Men’s League Playoffs/Finals took place last night.(7/22/14)

Ryggs Johnston shoots big for Elks win

A life of racing, riding and rodeo

Libby Loggers lose to Mariners, Buc indistrict tournament
Jo Ann Alice Johnson, 82
Jo Ann Alice Johnson passed away July 9, 2014, in Boise, Idaho. She was born March 7, 1932, in Waukesha, Wisc.
Samuel E. Burk, 32
Samuel E. Burk, Jr., 32, died on July 18, 2014, at his home in Kansas City, Kan. He was born April 13, 1982, at Libby to Samuel E. Burk, Sr., and Arlene L. “Cricket” Fairbairn.
Carol S. Brumfield, 79
Carol S. Brumfield, 79, of Troy, passed away peacefully at her home with family by her side on Thursday, July 17, 2014, after a long battle with sarcoidosis. She was born on Feb. 28, 1935, in Hammond, Ind., to George and Vera (Bush) Blackburn. Carol loved her family and her Lord. Her greatest joy was found in her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Carol was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Donald P. Brumfield.
Benjamin Vaughn, 91
Benjamin Vaughn Sr., 91, a longtime Libby resident, died Sunday, July 20, 2014, at Libby Care Center. He was born Oct. 3, 1922, at Helena to William and Katie Heppner Vaughn.
Letter to the Editor: Divert attention and protection to veterans
Letter to the Editor:
Commentary: ISIS is the consequence of Western influence and ignorance
Last month, in a tone which might best be called unlikely insistence, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reassured the public that “we” — the UK and United States — “have to liberate ourselves from the notion that we caused” the destabilization of Iraq by the ISIS insurgency. Well, actually you did.

School kitchen nears
Letter to the Editor: Citizens should voice concern over commissioner seat
George Bernard Shaw once said, “If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience.”

Time, funds complicate Olsen lawsuit
County to regulate RV parks, sub-divisions
Four finalists selected for commissioner role

Obit Johnson
Jo Ann Alice Johnson

Yaak, parts of Troy powerless after storm hits county
The Yaak and some parts of Troy could be out of power through the weekend, following Wednesday night’s storm that leveled trees, closed roads and damaged power lines.

Rodeo Vincent
Two-year-old Kypton Vincent trying on cowboy hats Saturday night at the rodeo.

Rodeo Smith
Tyrell Smith of Great Falls takes a victory lap for his 90 point ride aboard "Hoot Wine" in the saddle bronc event.

Rodeo Gollaher
There are times when steer wrestling doesn't go quite as planned. And so it was for Mike Gollaher of Cascade Saturday night at the Kootenai River Rodeo!

Flyers Crum Norm
Norm Crum loads the bomb bay of his Telemaster RC plane in preparation for the candy drop Saturday during the second annual Kootenai RC Flyers Fun Fly. "Bombs" away!

Flyers Crum
Norm Crum loads the bomb bay of his Telemaster RC plane in preparation for the candy drop Saturday during the second annual Kootenai RC Flyers Fun Fly. "Bombs" away!

Flyers Anderson
Ron Anderson and his DC-3 complete with "smoke jumpers."

Comish Dolezal
Larry Dolezal

Comish Larson
Greg Larson

Comish Bennett
Jerry Bennett, (R-Libby), HD 1. Rep.

Comish Cargill
Rhoda Cargill

Birth Nixon
Twins Haylee and Jaymee Nixon

Baseball Dugout
Ryan Huffman, left, Will Reichel, Quincy Grupenhoff, Luke Haggerty, Dylon Lane and Asst. Coach Jack Helber.
Tuesday, July 22

Birth Miller
Janelle Miller

Birth Nixon
EmmaLane Nixon

Oil tankers being transported through Troy.

Rodeo Bugenig
Ad Bugenig of Ferndale, CA exits a short lived ride aboard "Mouse Patrol" in the sadde bronc competition Friday.

Rodeo Slade
Rodeo kiddo Slade Stubblefield, 2, tackles "Danger" for a winning time in the horse wrestling event the Kootenai River Rodeo. Slade is the son of Nick Stubblefield, steer wrestler from Choteau - another Montana family who have strong ties to rodeo.

Rendezvous Haycock
Joseph Haycock, 11, of Moscow, Idaho, takes a break from selling cast iron skillets.

Rendezvous Morain
Charlotte Morian and her son Andy step back in time to the days of the frontiersmen. Fawn Creek Campground was the place to be for the weekend time traveler during the 17th annual Two Rivers Rendezvous.

Rendezvous Gardner
Alfred Gardner of Columbia Falls, right, explains the proper way to load a muzzleloader to cousins Brendan Parkin, left and Nathan Parkin Saturday during the 17th annual Two Rivers Rendezvous at Fawn Creek Campground.

Old Photo 7-22-14
Western Auto Opens Wes Habeck, left, and Marsha and Ken Preston are shown during the opening day of LibbyÕs newest business, Western Auto, which is located in the building formerly occupied by Coast to Coast on Mineral Avenue. Grand opening of the store, which opened to residents Monday, is tentatively scheduled July 15. Photo from the June 27, 1974, files of The Western News.

Rendezvous Frederick
Jan "Medicine Woman" Frederick heads back to the encampment with her .50 caliber Thompson Center Hawken after time spent on the range.

Obit McBroom
Clayton Wayne McBroom

Junior Fair Shumate
Julianna Shumate second runner-up for her butterfly life cycle entry.

Junior Fair Lucas
From left, 2014 Junior Fair participants Savanah Lucas, outstanding exhibitor; Shelby Smith, first runner-up; Julianna Shumate, second runner-up and Colby Fleury, fourth runner-up.

Junior Fair Breeze
Junior Fair parade contestant Ashley Breeze.

Baseball Tammaro
Trace Tammaro pitching top of one vs. Sandpoint Lakers 7-20-14.

Baseball Lane
Third baseman Dylon Lane second out top of the sixth vs. the Sandpoint Lakers 7-20-14.

Baseball Grupenhoff
Homerun congrats for Oliver Grupenhoff from Coach Kelly Morford in sixth inning vs. Sandpoint Lakers 7-20-14
Friday, July 18
Police Blotter
Skies darken as smoke pours in from Northwest fires
Libby, Seeley Lake, Missoula, Helena, Bozeman, and Hamilton are all at moderate cumulative air quality. Hourly concentrations in Lewistown have reached moderate levels as smoke makes its way east. Conditions in Butte have improved in the evening.
Cabinet View championship golf results out
Jackie Mee was the Ladies Club champion, Joe Cielak was the men’s club champion and Wayne Haines was the Senior Club champion for the 2014 Cabinet View Golf Club Championship held on July 12 and 13.

Top shooters aim sharp for Shoot for Life
Abigail Geiger

Men's league results
After 11 weeks of regulation play, Remps Sand & Gravel and Advantage Seal & Stripe grab the top two spots to compete in the playoff for the win nextTuesday.
Commissioner interviews set
Gwyneth Hyndman

Mildred McCoig, 95
Mildred I. McCoig, 95, passed away on Thursday, July 3, 2014, at the Big Sandy Medical Center of natural causes.
Clayton Wayne McBroom, 71
Clayton Wayne McBroom, 71, of Libby, passed away Thursday, July 10, 2014, from pancreatic cancer. He was born in Polson on April 29, 1943, to Floy “Idella” (Howell) and Clifford (Cliff) McBroom.

Donald Hansen, 78
Donald C. Hansen, of Jenks, passed away in Tulsa, Okla., on Thursday, July 10, 2014, at the age of 78. Don was born Jan. 18, 1936, in Kila, to Harold R. Hansen and Clara (Iverson) Hansen.

Kootenai Valley Quilters ready to show some color
A colourful display of quilts will be taking over the Fred Brown Pavilion on the Kootenai River at Quilt Fest this weekend.
RC Flyers ready to soar through Libby
Gwyneth Hyndman

Chautauqua comes back to Libby
On Wednesday, July 26, 1922, a Chautauqua troupe opened in Libby.

Young Eagles to offer free flights to Libby youth

Highland Games return to Libby
According to myth, many years ago, in a boat race to establish the kingdom of Ireland, a man cut off his own hand, placed it on the shore of Ireland, pronounced himself king and established the kingdom of Ulster.

Elvis' visit remembered at Troy Museum officially becomes part of city
One of Troy’s landmarks is only now becoming part of the City of Troy, after a long, colorful history as an information point for tourists, a gathering place for the community’s history - and more than 50 years ago, a scenic hub that was a quick stop-off for Elvis Presley.

Shoot for Life
Drew Ginther, left, and al Kelly The 3rd annual Shoot for Life trap shoot hosted by Frontier Communications and the Libby Scatterguns Club was held June 29th at the Libby Shooting complex. Participating shooters paid a $10 fee per person and shot 25 targets and were treated to a bar-b-que lunch. All participating shooters we placed in a drawing for a 12 gauge pump shotgun donated by Frontier Communications which was won by Jay Sheffield. Top trap shooters of the day were Dan Ackerman, Al Corda and Mike Soppe. Kids from 12 to 17 participated in a small bore competition and each shooter was put in for a drawing for a .22 bolt action rifle also donated by Frontier Communications. The rifle was won byy Drew Ginther who also had four perfect rounds of shooting. Hundreds of clay pigeons donated by the Libby Scatterguns Club were sacrificed for this worthy cause and a great time was had by all. The event attracted 60 trap shooters and 6 kids shooter and raised $765. All proceeds for the event were donated to Lincoln County Relay for Life.

Soccer U14 Team
The U14 Kootenai Rapids soccer team had a successful season with 8 wins, one loss and one tie.Ê ÊBack Row: Austin Schwartzenberger, Ethan Hoff, Tyler Lucas, Jacob Wolfe, Coach Wolfe Front Standing: Colton Tubb, Andrew Freese, Isabelle Martineau, Abigail Creighton, Sydney Gier, Bella Hollingsworth, Chandler Sabine-Bower Front Kneeling: Manager Zeke Thompson, Shannon Reny, Tawnya Thompson. Not pictured is Landon Wilkinson.

Quiltfest Three
Kayley Robertson, Sue Meyers, Chloe Adamson, Marilee Brown (standing) Background band ÒFor God & CountryÓ

Quiltfest Two
Carlene Erlandson

Quiltfest One
Kayley Robertson, in the background Patty Evans (standing) Paula Darko-Hensler, Nancy Chalgren, Sibby Engebretson

Obit Willis
Robert E. Willis

Obit McCoig
Mildred I. McCoig

Obit Hansen
Donald Hansen

Museum Schweitzer
Beth Schweitzer, of Troy, in front of the old U.S. Postal Service boxes she found in an antique store in Idaho.

Golf Folkerts
Elaine Folkerts

Club Champs
Jackie Mee, left, and Joe Cielak 2014 club champions.

The New Old Time Chautauqua will be in Troy July 21 with the Fighting Instruments of Karma Marching Band performing 7-11-07

Bricks Pitcher
Larry Pitcher, left, and Doug Adams set bricks at the Veterans Memorial early Thursday morning.

Bricks Adams
Doug Adams set bricks at the Veterans Memorial early Thursday morning.
Tuesday, July 15
Local briefs for July 15
Police Blotter
County seeks stiffer penalties for drivers who damage roads
Drivers who do significant damage to Lincoln County roads could soon be charged with criminal mischief and face up to 10 years in Montana State Prison and a $50,000 fine if convicted.

Outdoor Life films Safari Challenge
Abolish the IRS
To aware citizens it’s crystal clear: The Internal Revenue Service must go. There is no place for an institution like the IRS in a society of free people such as the citizens of the U.S.
Common sense: once fairly common, today quite rare
Of all the elements of today’s culture versus what I observed a generation ago, I believe the most disparate is in the area of common sense. While this element used to be fairly common, today it seems to be quite rare.
Let the Constitution work
A push for the beverage industry

Kenneth Baeth, 92
Our beloved father, Kenneth Baeth, 92, passed away on July 8, 2014, in Billings following a short illness.

Elizabeth S. Baker, 96
Elizabeth S. Baker passed away at age 96 of July 4, 2014, at Libby Care Center. She was born July 24, 1917 on the family farm in Lewis County, Mo., to Jenny Isobel Reiter and Martin Lawrence Schaefer. She was the oldest of four siblings.

Obit Willis
Robert E. Willis

Robert Edward Willis, 60
Robert Edward Willis, 60, beloved son, friend, brother, father and grandfather passed away July 1, 2014 at his home in Missoula.
Investigation into pike discovery
Troy seeks annexation of museum
A public meeting is being held on Wednesday night to discuss the annexation of the Troy Museum.

Hunter education teaches everyone safety in the wilderness
Troy lighting to be voted on this week
Better lighting for one of Troy’s prime walking areas is being voted on at the Troy City Council meeting on Wednesday.
Group reports body floating in river

Changes at Libby Public Schools
Authorities say fires are suspicious
Spot fires in the Libby area are being treated as suspicious, a spokesperson for the Kootenai National Forest said yesterday.

Fire lookouts: destinations for campers, hikers
Air surveillance of forest fires may have eliminated the need for the lookout towers that still rise high above the trees, but these reminders of another era are gaining popularity in another industry altogether – tourism.
Freund pleads guilty after car chase, death threats
Jeffrey Neil Freund entered a guilty plea Monday morning to felony criminal endangerment and misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs three months after he was arrested on April 6.

Swede Two
Swede Mountain Lookout

Ardell Filler, left, Tim Thompson and Jay Moody.

Swede Three
View from Swede Mountain Lookout.

Swede One
Swede Mountain Lookout

Safari Two
Safari Rifle Challenge, 2014 World Championships.

Safari Three
Safari Rifle Challenge, 2014 World Championships.

Safari One
Safari Rifle Challenge, 2014 World Championships.

Safari Four
Safari Rifle Challenge, 2014 World Championships.

Old Photo 7-15-14
Barrier Broken The Mets played the Dodgers at Wollaston Field Monday evening, and the game of Little League baseball in Libby may never be the same. A girl, 11-year-old Linda Sverdrup, played third base. Photo from the June 20, 1974, files of The Western News.

Obit Baker
Elizabeth S. Baker

Obit Baeth
Ken Baeth

Obit Higgins
Sheila Higgins Markley

Firefighters Two
Austin Gelderman of Eureka, Rudy Geber and Matt Ferguson work on extinguishing a fire in the Sheldon Flats area north of Libby 7-29-08.

Firefighters work on extinguishing a fire in the Sheldon Flats area north of Libby 7-29-08.
Monday, July 14

Obit Jameson
George Jameson

Higgins Markley Sheila
Sheila Higgins Markley

Higgins Markley Motor
Sheila Higgins Markley

Old Photo 7-8-14
Medal of Merit Alden G. Barber, chief national executive of the Boy Scouts of America, presents the medal of merit to Pat Ryan, Libby Boy Scout, during a recent awards banquet in Great Falls. Pat won the prestigious Boy Scout award for his efforts in saving the life of fellow scout, Shayne Nelson, in the City of Libby swimming pool last summer. Photo from the June 13, 1994, files of The Western News.

Obit Keller
Susan Keller
Friday, July 11
Loggers sweep doubleheader at home
In a show of strength, the Libby Loggers swept the Missoula Mavericks with two doubleheader wins on Tuesday at Lee Gehring Memorial Field.
Eight vie for commissioner role
A varied list of applicants to replace Lincoln County Commissioner Ron Downey next month includes State Rep. Jerry Bennett.
ER physician joins Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
It was kindergarten when Kathryn Cockerham wanted to become a nurse. She never quite knew why, but regardless of the reason, she’s still going strong on her childhood dream.
Births: Elaina Grace Richter
Elaina Grace Richter was born at 12:04 p.m. on June 3, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.

Sheila Markley, 54
Sheila Markley was born Sheila Ann Higgins on Aug. 19, 1959, in Van Nuys, Calif. She grew up and attended schools in the San Fernando Valley; she attended classes at Pierce Junior College, in Woodland Hills, with a concentration in Botany.
Elizabeth S. Baker, 96
Elizabeth S. Baker passed away at age 96 on July 4, 2014, at Libby Care Center. She was born July 24, 1917, on the family farm in Lewis County, Mo., to Jenny Isobel Reiter and Martin Lawrence Schaefer. She was the oldest of four siblings.
George Russell Jameson, Jr - 76
George Russell Jameson Jr., 76, of the Yaak died from natural causes Friday, April 3, 2014, at his home. He was born Feb. 6, 1938, in Boulder, Colo., to George and Dorothy Jameson. George served in the U.S. Air Force for nine-and-a-half years and then was honorably discharged.
Mines Management hit with lawsuit
Copper and Diamonds this weekend
From Walmart parking lots to tents on the side of the road, Copper Mountain Band has gone from a young, scattered number at a Polson showcase to a local necessity.
Two sex assaults reported in Troy
Two sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement in the early morning of July 5, according to a Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Loggers go 2-1 in Polson
The Libby Loggers Legion Baseball spent their Fourth of July weekend at the Polson Fire Cracker Tournament where they took home two wins for the weekend.
New superintendent floats 90-day plan
At Monday’s Libby School Board meeting, recently-appointed Superintendent Craig Barringer presented a 90-day plan outlining his aim to understand, communicate with and introduce himself to the community.
Herrmann publishes "Everybody Comes to the Red Dog"
After 10 years of hard work, local author John Herrmann has published his second novel: “Everybody Comes to the Red Dog.”
Police Blotter
Cabinet Mountain Wilderness turns 50
From “Wild Yoga” to a backcountry horsemanship presentation, the 50th anniversary celebration of the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness has something for everyone in this weekend’s line-up.
Laura June Meyer, 79
Laura June Meyer, 79, passed away on July 1, 2014, in Troy. She was born on March 2, 1935, to William and Katherine Kortte Williams in Thompson Falls.
Gerald E. Dean, 80
Gerald E. “Jerry” Dean was born January 22, 1934, in Sedwick County, Kansas to Otis and Elsie Dean. He passed away June 26, 2014, at his home in Kalispell.
Susan Bissey Keller
Susan Bissey Keller of Libby passed away unexpectedly on July 1, 2014, just a few days before her 86th birthday. She was born July 5, 1928, in State College, Penn., to the late C. Van Dolah Bissey and Sarah Wright Bissey.
Carol Woods, 72
Carol Woods, 72, passed away on June 17, 2014. She was born Nov. 13, 1941, in Mobridge, S.D., to Glenn and Rose Woods.
Geiger joins the Western News
Reporter Abigail Geiger realized she was destined for photojournalism after seeing Robert Capa’s “The Falling soldier” at a photography exhibit in New York City when she was 14.
Libby community garden is more than just a hobby
It’s a hot day right after the Fourth of July and a light-haired head is bobbing above greenery next to Asa Wood Elementary School.
Proposed sidewalk and alcohol laws signal Libby is "open for for business"
A revised set of city ordinances that would allow Libby’s first brewery to serve alcohol at outdoor tables on Mineral Avenue sends the message that Libby “is open for business” a brewery co-owner told Libby City Council members on Monday night.
Wednesday, July 9
Two sex crimes reported in Troy after holiday celebration
Two sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement in the early morning of July 5, according to a Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Monday, July 7
Obama and the Patriot Act
When the Constitution of the United States was designed, there was serious debate about the need for and the danger of an executive branch of the government. It was finally decided that the inherent balance of powers put into the Constitution would prevent the executive branch from exceeding it’s authority. Woodrow Wilson, FDR and now Barak (Barack) Obama have (has) figured a way around these constraints and the balance of power between the legislative, executive and a judicial branch is weak if it exists at all. When Obama announced he “had a pen and phone” he was challenging the idea of whether judicial and legislative branches of government are even necessary. By selectively choosing which laws to enforce or ignore and by imposing executive orders, Obama is essentially running the government by fiat. With the power given the President by the Patriot Act, Obama can declare martial law any time he chooses and run the government without Constitutional restraint. I will argue he is doing this pretty much already without evoking the Patriot Act.
Worker exclusion zones at World Cup
Oil in Ground Drives up prices
Lawmakers in California recently advanced legislation that would temporarily prohibit hydraulic fracturing - or “fracking” - across the state. The moratorium would be a significant victory for environmental activists who have long advocated for energy policies that “leave the oil in the ground.”
Thursday, July 3
Loggers lose two at home
The Libby Loggers Legion baseball team was dominated by the Mission Valley Mariners 16-2 on Tuesday night at Lee Gehring Memorial Field.

Declan Hibbs
Declan Hibbs was born at 4:22 p.m. on June 9, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby.
Daniel Lee Pattie, 75, of Troy
Daniel Lee Pattie, 75, died on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, at his home in Troy.
Dean DeHart, 70, of Libby
Dean DeHart, 70, passed away Saturday, June 28, 2014, at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby. He was born on Jan. 17, 1944, to Nanny Shepard. He was raised in Kentucky.

$4.7 million grant goes to City of Libby for Flower Creek Dam replacement
The City of Libby will receive nearly $4.7 million in federal assistance to finally replace the Flower Creek Dam.
Yaak to keep Independence Day celebrations going on July 5
The Yaak River Tavern will offer an Old Fashioned Independence Day Celebration on July 5 by the banks of the Yaak River.
Em-Kayan show worthy of fireworks recognition
It is not often that a residential neighborhood puts on a firework show worthy of recognition, but for the Em-Kayan Village that is definitely the case.

Troy Fourth of July set to go off
Troy’s annual Fourth of July celebration will kick off Friday morning with a 9 a.m. church service at the Babe Ruth Ball Field followed by breakfast at the Roosevelt Cook Shack.
Eureka JP office to be eliminated
Lincoln County Commissioners have voted to eliminate the Eureka Justice of the Peace office, however the County Road Department will not face the $400,000 cut they had braced themselves for last week.

Fourth Two
Will Hedrick, driving, Tammy Hedrick and Carl Rogers aboard a 1920 Ford Model T

Fourth Six
July 4, 2012

Fourth Four
Cowboys are taller in Troy...maybe it's the water.

Comish Downey
Commissioner Ron Downey during the meeting to dissolve Cabinet View Fire District, June 13, 2012.

Birth Hibbs
Mother: Chelsea Baird Father: John Hibbs Baby boy: Declan Hibbs Date: 6-9-2014 Wt: 6 lbs 2 oz Ht: 19 inches Time: 4:22 pm Delivered by Dr. Jana Hall Parents from Libby, MT

Baseball Marshall
Right fielder Austin Marshall with the third out top of four vs. Mariners.

Baseball Lauer
Left fielder Erik Lauer third out top of one vs. Mariners.
Tuesday, July 1
Logger Days results

Logger Day royalty crowned
Royalty candidates Dylon Lane, Samantha Reagen-Nelson and Kasey Faur took center stage on Thursday evening during the annual Logger Days king and queen coronation.
Brothers earn AAU All-American honors
Johnston wins title at junior golf championship
Libby’s Ryggs Johnston won the 14-15 age division at the Montana State Golf Association’s State Junior Championships at the Laurel Golf Club on Tuesday, after shooting a 3-over-75 in the second round of the tournament. He shot a 2-over-74 on Monday, earning a combined score of 149.
New type of social warfare, 4GW
Americans lazy, victims of compassion
Through decades of “pretended” border control we have been welcoming hundreds, thousands, millions of new arrivals into our country and onto our free public service programs. Americans have turned a virtual blind eye to what has been happening, making inadequate demands upon our government which should have been protecting the interests of our citizens. Possibly we have been too focused on our own productive lives, educating ourselves, earning a living and enjoying the rewards of freedom, self-determination and self-sufficiency.

Libby native gives back
Sam Moreau, Microsoft design director, donated a total of $71,500 to organizations in Libby last week.
Wildfires: Who is really to blame?
Barbara Wilburn, 81, of Oregon
Barbara E. Wilburn, 81, of Grants Pass, Ore., died June 21, 2014, at Royale Gardens Health and Rehabilitation Center. A memorial service will be held in September 2014. Hull & Hull Funeral Directors are in charge of arrangements. Please sign the family guest book at

Clifford Dare, 81, of Troy
Clifford E. Dare, 81, passed from this life on June 24, 2014, at his home in Troy. He was born July 20, 1932, to Richard and Dorothy (Harris) Dare in Auburn, Calif. He was the oldest of four children.

New sidewalk, alcohol rules go to council
Libby businesses could be charged as little as $1 for a permit that owners need to have before they place items on the sidewalk.
Cole, Langston: financial analysis of JP consolidation needed
It was hoped that the consolidation of two justice of the peace roles into one would be a “smooth transition,” County Commissioner Tony Berget said last week, but a recent meeting of the commissioners indicated there were still rough patches.

Mud-bogging, rip-roaring lawn mower races
Racers who competed in the rain found it difficult to keep four wheels on the ground at the 2014 Logger Days lawn mower races on Saturday.

Old Photo 7-1-14
Logger Days Royalty Logger Days Queen Ann Youso, center, smiles soon after being named the queen contest winner at the coronation ceremonies Friday evening. Standing beside here are second runner-up, Roxy Bothman, left, and first runner-up, Pam Bauerschmidt. Photo from the July 18, 1974, files of The Western News.

Mineral Avenue
Mineral Avenue looking south.

Logger Vandenbos
Royce Pemberton, left, and pit crew member Dale VanDenbos remove a bent tie rod from the 16 hp racing lawnmower.

Logger Scott
Rodney LePoidevin, left and Andy Scott compete in the modified class. (both of Bonners Ferry)

Logger Pemberton
Royce Pemberton 77 of Troy, took an unexpected detour in the second lap of his race with Adam Kirschenmann Saturday night.

Logger Reatz
Xavier Reatz, 8, teamed with Casey Rusdal competing in the kids' double buck Friday night.

Logger Offenbecher
Jacey Offenbecher, 10, teamed with Athena Fischer, 11 competing in the doublebuck competition. Time 1:10.

Logger Morley
Caleb Swartzendruber, left, and Stuart Morley compete in Bull of the Woods 2014.

Logger KQ
Your 2014 Logger Days king and queen, Dylon Lane and Samantha Duran.

Logger Guerra
If you missed the Logger Days parade Saturday morning, then you missed seeing Girl Scout "cookie" Beckie Guerra.

Logger Bergman
Seth and Lauren Bergman finish with a time of 1:25.80 in the Ma and Pa Relay race Saturday.

Logger Berget
Not a bad day at the office for Dylan Berget and Janice Burns who each took home $500 for winning bull and bullette of the woods.

Logger Bache
Fun aboard Paradise Carnival's "Twizzler" with Gaige Bache, left and David Beck.

All American
AAU All-American honors to Jace DeShazer, left age 8, and Tristan DeShazer age 6.