Saturday, August 31

Hav A Java
Friday, August 30

Hospital move-in date scheduled for Jan. 30
St. John’s Lutheran Hospital will become Cabinet Peaks Medical Center with the move on Jan. 30 — two months ahead of schedule — and Plant Operations Manager Tony Rebo couldn’t be happier.

Judge apologizes for comments in teen rape case
BILLINGS — A Montana judge apologized but said he had no plans to resign after his remarks about a 14-year-old rape victim — and the 30-day jail sentence he handed the perpetrator — sparked outrage.
Grouse season begins Sunday
Grouse season opens this Sunday, Sept. 1, in Lincoln County, and for many hunters it’s a bridge to deer and elk seasons.

Walker, Stindt score aces at Cabinet View Golf Club
The rarest of golfing’s feats — the hole-in-one — was accomplished twice in four days at Libby’s Cabinet View Golf Club.

Trojans optimistic about playoff potential
Football is a numbers game. Four downs to get at least 10 yards on a battlefield of 100 yards. Two teams with a total of 22 players on the field at a time.

Libby furniture store expands, consolidates downtown
Next time you go shopping at Managhan’s Furniture, make sure to compliment Mark and Amber on their new hole in the wall. Ripping through a couple of feet of concrete was, after all, the most difficult part of expanding their business.

Marilyn Howard, 68, formerly of Libby
Marilyn Jannusch Howard, 68, passed away Aug. 27, 2013.

Mary Smith, 78, of Libby
Mary Keturah McMackin Smith, 78, died on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013, at Libby Care Center.
Rebecca Martin, 63, of Troy
Rebecca “Becca” D. Martin, passed away Aug. 19, 2013, at her home in Troy.
Expect property taxes to increase
Cut in forest funds means higher taxes
Call it trickle-down economics in reverse.
County conspiracy case defendants pared down
Two summary judgments handed down Aug. 5 in Rob Hubbard’s lawsuit against Lincoln County excused two defendants due to legal immunity.

USFS keeps busy with fires
Crews active with 16 fires since Sunday
As many as 60 firefighters from the Kootenai National Forest have been battling as many as 16 small, start-up fires in the forest since Sunday.

Regional Rape Case Judge
This undated photo shows District Judge G. Todd Baugh presiding at a hearing in Great Falls, Mont. Protesters are calling for the resignation of Baugh, who said a 14-year-old rape victim was "older than her chronological age" and had "as much control of the situation" as her rapist.(AP Photo/Billings Gazette, Larry Mayer)

Golf League Champions
The Cabinet View Golf Club Men’s League champs for 2013 were sponsored by Remp’s Sand & Gravel. Team members include, from left, John Graham, Dennis Woody, Wayne Haines, Gary Peck and Jerry Michels.

Regional Belton
This World War II-era photo provided by Heritage Funeral Home of Spokane shows veteran Delbert Belton. The 88-year old Belton was beaten to death last week in Spokane, Wash. (AP Photo/Heritage Funeral Home of Spokane)

Regional Fire Tower
In this August 2013 photo, Ray Brown, of Helena, speaks inside the Strawberry Butte Lookout near Montana City, Mont. Brown spent the summer of 2011 manning the lookout, which is not staffed this summer. (AP Photo/The Great Falls Tribune, Kristin Inbody) NO SALES

Mark Managhan
Owner Mark Managhan and employee Logan Appelgate moved bedroom sets in the new mattress showroom on Mineral Avenue.

Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
The new facility is taking shape — Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

Football Troy Offense
Troy's offensive line with Gabe Hickman at QB during practice Tuesday afternoon.

Football Troy Dasios
Head Coach Jim Dasios speaking with junior quarterback Gabe Hickman during practice Tuesday afternoon.

Football Team
Your 2013 Trojan football team with Assistant Coach Dallas Carr, left, and Head Coach Jim Dasios during practice Tuesday afternoon.

Fire Nenemay
A helicopter drops water on the Nenemay fire.

Football Scott
Receiver Pate Scott on a pass from quarterback Gabe Hickman during practice Tuesday afternoon.

Back to School Troy McCann
Brand new fifth grader Ben McCann checks out his desk in Mrs. Winslow's room Tuesday evening during open house at Morrison Elementary.

Back to School - Troy
W. F. Morrison Principal Diane Rewerts, beginning her first year as the top administrator at the school, talks with Dawn and Michael Pattie during an open house Tuesday night at the elementary school. Rewerts isn’t the only new feature at the school, as a fresh exterior coat of Trojan school colors grace the walls of the school. Classes resumed the next day at W.F. Morrison, as they did in Libby.
Tuesday, August 27

Golf McNew
Kyle McNew

Golf Jager
Libby golfer Erin Jager tees off Wednesday at Whitefish Lake Golf Club.
Lolo fire makes move toward power line
LOLO — Fire managers at the Lolo Creek Complex of fires near the town of Lolo focused on the northern edge of the fire that’s heading toward a Bonneville Power Administration power line.

Bailey wins Scatterguns' Ironman competition
Every marksman excels in one event, but then there are those who excel at all shotgun events, and that person for the Libby Scatterguns is Tom Bailey.

Loggers hope to run into postseason
Libby begins football season on road Saturday at Bonners Ferry
After Friday night’s Libby High School football scrimmage, Head Coach Neil Fuller was a happy man. His 2013 team will have a distinct advantage over last year’s team — a running game.

The times, they are changing: Summer fades, autumn looms
As the summer paints its final palette of colors in the sky, cooler mornings telegraph the coming of fall. For many, their favorite season. Sure, it is not easy to let go of the hot days and cool swims at the lakes, the barbecues, vacations and the summer socializing scene.
Help Montana children by supporting legislation
In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy, on Jan. 31, Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota submitted a bill in Congress, SB195, The Mental Health in Schools Act of 2013, which amends the Public Health Service Act to revise a community children and violence program to assist communities and schools.
Emmett J. Lisle, 89, of Libby
Emmett J. Lisle, 89, of Libby died Friday, Aug. 23, 2013, at his home in Libby from natural causes.

Richard Robertson, 40, of Spokane, Wash.
Richard (Rick) Robertson, 40, of Spokane, Wash., went to be with his Lord and Savior, on Aug. 22, 2013 at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Libby High School students' average ACT score drops
District's participation in Gear-Up program allows all juniors to take tests
Libby High School students dropped below the state average on ACT testing during scoring this spring.

Two injured in mountainside accident
Two motorists, a 30-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman, were taken to separate hospitals Sunday afternoon after this 1999 Dodge pickup went off the road through a guardrail on the Forest Development Road about two miles north of the Libby Dam Visitor’s Center. The two people were travelling south in the truck when it went off the road. The man was transported by helicopter to Kalispell Regional Medical Center to be treated for head and neck injuries. The woman was transported by Libby Volunteer Ambulance to St. John’s Lutheran Hospital. Sgt. Sean Finley, the investigating officer with the Montana Highway Patrol, said the injuries did not appear to be life threatening. Finley measured skid marks for about 200 feet, as seen in the photo at right. Finley said he could not yet release the names of the accident victims, but he said excessive speed and alcohol were factors in the accident that was reported at 3:49 p.m. Sunday. The vehicle traveled about 100 feet down the mountainside before stopping.
Libby City Council expected to OK dam payment to engineering firm
Libby City Council members, at their next meeting on Sept. 3, are expected to approve one of two outstanding payments to the engineering firm that is handling virtually all phases of the application process for the construction of the $8.4 million Flower Creek Dam.
County OKs $15.4 million budget
Approved tally is $2.64 million leaner than the year before
Lincoln County commissioners went beyond their preliminary budget proposal for 2013-14 and cut another $146,547 to come up with a final budget of $15.419 million.

Tennis Thrasher
Troy's Kiara Thrasher, 6, works on her backhand Wednesday during summer tennis lessons at Libby's community tennis courts.

Lolo Fire
The Lolo Complex of fires sends up a large smoke plume Tuesday evening, August 20, 2013, as the fire gained strength toward the end of the day, making what one fire official called "a rather spectacular run," and forcing more evacuations in the Lolo Creek drainage near Lolo, Mont.(AP Photo/Missoulian/Kurt Wilson)

Old Photo 8-27-13
Garden Varieties These impersonations of common garden vegetables and an insect are really the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jacky in disguise for the Lincoln County Junior Fair parade Saturday. They are from left, Brian as a sunflower, Steve as a bug, Barbie as a carrot and Susan as a tomato. This seasonal entry won a blue ribbon and grand champion ribbon in the parade. Photo from the Aug. 2, 1973, files of The Western News.

Football pass
On the first day of football practice, Logger receivers were out there working. It’s a new season and Libby lost just about all its starting receivers.

Top Guns
Five marksmen emerged from the recent Ironman competition sponsored by the Libby Scatterguns. From left, Dick Brown was recognized as skrap champion, Robert Soppe was skeet champ, Tom Bailey won the distinction as Ironman, who excelled in all phases. Dameon Kelch was the five-stand champ, and Mike Cirian was the trap champion for 2013.

Editorial Baxter Column
Wetlands class participants examine a tree marked by a black bear.
Monday, August 26

Idaho Fire
Fire creeps slowing down the western canyon wall above the Wood River in Hailey where firefighters continue to battle the Beaver Creek Fire Saturday Aug. 17, 2013. (AP Photo/Idaho Statesman, Darin Oswald)

Old Photo 8-20-13
Pastime Earns Berth The Pastime softball team placed second in the state tournament last weekend in Conrad qualifying for a berth in the regional tournament scheduled for Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 27-29. Members of the Pastime softball team include, front row: Ken Foss, Byron Phillips, Don Walker, Dean Thompson, Tom Caldwell and Rod Jackson. Back row: Bruce Foss, LeRoy Thom, Keith Thompson, Robbie Nelson, Rich Darsow, Al Schad and Kelly Koke. Photo from the Aug. 20, 1993, files of The Western News.

Birth Kellogg
Mother: Cassie Doubek Father: James Kellogg Baby: Rebel Jo Kellogg Time: 9:01 AM WT: 6 lbs 5 oz Date: 8-2-13 HT: 19 inches
Friday, August 23
Logger golfers begin season at Whitefish
For a first outing of the year, Libby golf coach Dann Rohrer said his team looks better than it did at the conclusion of last season.
School board to seek planning grant for LES ductless heating
Libby School Board members on Monday unanimously agreed to pursue a $25,000 planning grant that will study the feasibility of adding ductless heating units to Libby Elementary School.
Chester Jellesed, 60, formerly of Troy
Chester Lee Jellesed, 60, passed away May 29, 2013, in Las Vegas, ending his battle with cancer. He was born in Stanley, N.D., on Jan. 14, 1953, to Earl and Ethel (Sarff) Jellesed.
Thomas J. Kelly, 68, of Post Falls, Idaho
Thomas “Tom” Jay Kelly of Post Falls, Idaho, was born July 2, 1945, in Twin Falls, Idaho, to John and Nevelyn Kelly.
Kay Alex, 87, of Libby
Kay Alex went peacefully to be with her loving Lord and Savior on Aug. 20, 2013. She was in the presence of her family.
Shanda Jennings, 45, of Libby
Shanda Dee (Teske) Jennings joined her father, Barzia (Bart) Teske and her beloved son, Tyler Steven, on Aug. 20, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital in Libby.
Baucus: 'Someone will step up' for Libby
When Sen. Max Baucus retires from the Senate next year, somebody will get elected to his position and somebody will fill his seat as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.
Pilot program to be expanded
Medicare official vows broader benefits by year's end
When Marilyn Tavenner met with Sen. Max Baucus earlier this year to solicit his support for her confirmation hearing in the U.S. Senate, Baucus gave her a photograph of a well-known man from Libby who died of asbestos-related cancer several years ago. The photo came with strict instructions to keep it on her desk as a constant reminder that the people who were exposed to asbestos in Libby need her help.
Grizzly timber harvest gets the go-ahead
After three years of legal wrangling, the Idaho Forest Group of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, has won the right to harvest the 9.8 million board feet of timber from the Grizzly Project in the Kootenai National Forest.
Tuesday, August 20
Large Montana wildfires now number five
The number of Montana wildfires has grown to five from two last week, according to the National Interagency Fire Center website.
Additional crews called to fight Ketchum, Idado, fire
BOISE, Idaho — Fire managers expressed optimism Sunday in their battle against a wildfire that has scorched nearly 160 square miles and forced the evacuation of 2,300 homes near the central Idaho resort communities of Ketchum and Sun Valley.

Quilter of the Year
Maxine Kelly started quilting to make a graduation present. Years later she is the Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild Quilter of the Year.

Kelly picked at Quilter of the Year
What started as a desire to make something unique as a graduation gift grew into a passion.

2013 Peoples' Choice
For Rick Blomdahl of Troy, restoring this 1935 International truck has been a labor of love. The process was slow, he said. The color is an orange glow over a sterling silver base.

Peoples' Choice: Troy couple take home show's top prize
1935 International favored by most enthusiasts
A man’s passion for his car — or truck — is for the making of a country song, especially if you do most of the restoration work yourself.
Thompson Lakes changing
String of lakes likely to benefit from full FWP leadership
There is change coming to the Thompson string of lakes, and the public likely will be the beneficiary.
The results of 9/11 have cost our nation dearly
Letter to the Editor,
New Libby Middle-High School principal looks to serving
As the new principal of Libby Middle/High School it is my sincere pleasure to become a member of this school community.
Sen. Baucus has come to know Libby well
By now, Sen. Max Baucus has almost certainly memorized the route from the Libby cemetery to the Center for Asbestos Related Disease Clinic. Those two spots, for obvious reasons, have been mainstays on the Baucus Tour de Libby for more than a decade.
Saturday, August 17
Friday, August 16

Wildfire Research
In this Aug. 14, 2013, photo, members of the Idaho City Hotshots work on burnout operations around Pine, Idaho, where the Elk Complex lightning-caused fire continued to burn. (AP Photo/The Times-News, Ashley Smith)

Football Preview
Pass complete to senior Will Davey for a TD during Polson's lopsided 44-0 victory over Libby October 12, 2012.

Bear Graphic
Figure 1. Movements of female grizzly bear 725 during 2011-13 following her release in the Cabinet Mountains as part of the augmentation program.

Landowners blast EPA cleanup
Before Judy Lundstrom finally agreed to let the Environmental Protection Agency remove asbestos from her property, she wanted to know what her yard would look like after cleanup workers dug up the soil and removed the contaminated material.
County Health Board to pursue $48,500 grant
The Lincoln County Health Board is looking toward the future — after the EPA leaves Libby — and has begun steps to independently determine safe asbestos levels in Libby.

Emergency Management takes over communicable disease duties
After a three-year absence, responsibility for reporting Lincoln County’s communicable diseases has returned to the county’s Emergency Management Agency.
Crucial part of fire season upon forest
To hear the Kootenai National Forest’s acting forest fire management officer tell it, after a July where not a drop of rain was recorded by the agency, the forest has been fortunate to have only the recent lightning-strike ignitions.
Grateful for growth of the community garden
Letter to the Editor,
Collaboration is now they key to our forests
Lincoln County continues to have a stubbornly high jobless rate, hurting families and our entire community. One thing seems clear: We have to work together as a community to find ways to get work done and get people to work. Refighting old battles will not move us forward.
An animal's cough, just like humans, can be a harbinger or something worse
One of the most frequently treated health problems in the pet animal world is the cough.

Polson is preseason favorite to lead area football squads
The five teams that make up the Northwestern A Football Conference have made adjustments and are beginning to feel the anticipation that comes with the treasured Friday night lights.

Grizzly bear is released in Cabinets
Bear Biologist Wayne Kasworm of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and his crews have released another young male grizzly bear in the Cabinet Mountains just west of Spar Lake.

Thursday, August 15
Managhan's Furniture
Wednesday, August 14
Pro-fracking documentary showing on Thursday
The Montana chapter of Americans for Prosperity will be presenting a free screening of
Tuesday, August 13
County trims $2.5M from budget
Lincoln County Commissioners have teamed with Lincoln County Clerk Tammy Lauer to hammer out a $15.566 million 2013-14 budget that is $2.5 million leaner than the one submitted last year.

Class of '73 donates to food pantry, issues challenge
Some of them have achieved retirement status, others will within the next seven years, and they are the Libby High School Class of 1973.

Lennard's work will do the veterans proud
The only word that describes Scott Lennard’s work is awesome.
Diligence will bring about an honest risk assessment
Letter to the Editor,

Four cycling to benefit veterans
The summer days are becoming shorter, and another school year is approaching.
Law-Enforcement Blotter
Lincoln County
Central School registration Aug. 15
Registration for students attending Central High School, the alternative school, is Thursday, Aug. 15.
Libby Middle-High signup this week
Registration for Libby Middle-High School students will be Thursday and Friday, Aug. 15 and 16, at the school.
Libby Elementary registration begins this week
New student registration at Libby Elementary School begins Tuesday, Aug. 13, and continues Wednesday, Aug. 14, at the school.

Wreck Two
Libby volunteer firefighter Scott Beagle spreads absorbent during the cleanup process following the accident Monday morning between a Dodge Nitro, left, and a Pontiac Grand Am just north of Hwy 2 on California Avenue.

Libby Police Officer John Powell gathers information Monday following the accident between a Dodge Nitro, left, and a Pontiac Grand Am just north of Hwy 2 on California Avenue.

Regional Tribal Corruption
Assistant U.S. Attorney Carl Rostad stands before a wall marking the prosecutions to date in the Guardians Project in Great Falls, Mont., Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013. The two-year-old project seeks to curb theft of federal funding on Montana's seven Indian reservations, and 25 people have been indicted to date. (AP Photo/Matt Volz)

Old Photo 8-13-13
T-Bone and Chuck Roast Megan Williams, left, owns an 800-pound Chuck Roast. But sheÕs not alone. Amber Wamsley owns an 800-pound T-Bone. Williams and Wamsley are raising the polled Hereford steers as 4-H projects for this weekendÕs Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. They have raised the steers since last October and have been responsible for their watering, feeding and grooming. Joe Chopyak photo from the Aug. 11, 1993, files of The Western News.

Obit Ring
Miriam F. Ring

Le Tour Two
DTSR member Susan Ague, left, points out the food and hydration stops to early birds Suzi Olson, center, and Paige Smith who were riding in memory of Smith's son, Derek Nelson.

Le Tour One
Janet Grachal, left, Jim Williamson and Dennis Ratcliff await the start of the third annual Le Tour de Koocanusa Saturday morning on the David Thompson bridge below Libby Dam.

Le Tour Three
Bart Klika, left, and Aaron Gingerelli approach the turnout on the Forest Development Road overlooking Libby Dam Saturday during their first climb of the third annual 83-mile Le Tour de Koocanusa.

Chopyak Big Fish
A group of us went to west port Washington last weekendÊ joe Chopyak had the winning long cod in the local fishing derbyÊ he won four hundred dollars with a whopper of forty one pounds one ounce.
Monday, August 12
Life of an Athlete meeting Thursday
Libby High School athletes and their parents are invited to attend the Life of an Athlete meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 15, at Ralph Tate Gymnasium on the Libby High School campus.
Friday, August 9
EPA: Risk assessment due in 2014
The EPA outlined a new timetable to produce the results of three studies that will determine nearly every decision the remedial team in Libby will make during the remaining years of the asbestos cleanup.
Engineers: City knew about permit problem in March
The Kalispell engineering firm under contract to build a new Flower Creek Dam spoke up at the Aug. 6 Libby City Council meeting to explain that the city knew as early as March that the project was in jeopardy due to the lack of a permit.
School district considers kitchen, approves 2014 budget
Libby School Board members are studying the benefits of constructing a district kitchen and will discuss the issue during a meeting on August 19.
Gruber started the discussion; let's keep it going
Jeff Gruber recently wrote a series of columns focused on Libby’s economic trajectory from the boom years of the timber industry to the present-day situation in which large-scale logging has ceased, big private employers have absconded and our community is struggling mightily to discover a new economic identity.
Unions go too far when they force per-diem workers to pay dues
I recently received a letter, literally threatening my ability to serve my community.
Libby residents expect more from city leadership
Libby citizens expect more.

Engaged Makeever Lee
Matthew John Makeever and Kira Jane Lee

Birth Schneider
Alivia Rose Schneider
Wednesday, August 7

Riverfront Blues concert this weekend
Tuesday, August 6

Firefighters respond to Idaho Avenue blaze
A passerby noticed smoke billowing from the home at 311 Idaho Ave. about 10:30 a.m. Sunday and notified authorities.

65 attend Riverfront ceremony
The transformation of Riverfront Park is nearly complete, Mayor Doug Roll told the estimated gathering of about 65 people who attended the dedication Saturday.

Relay for Life raises nearly $16,000 to help fight cancer
The Libby Relay for Life event continued through the rain Friday and Saturday at the Libby High School track, as patrons went lap after lap to tunes like, “I’m Walking on Sunshine.”

Allyn P. Buff, 64, of Libby
Allyn Paul Buff, 64, of Libby died Wednesday, July 24, 2013, at his home.

Big Sky Business Supply to reopen
Any marketing strategist will say there are three things important to a successful business: location, location, location.

DeShazer wins two national wrestling titles in only second season
Last year, Jace DeShazer joined a sport that doesn’t always receive glamorous attention. But when you’re this good, it’s hard not to get noticed.
Lincoln County jobless rate surges after big mine layoff
Nearly 13 percent of job seekers in Lincoln County were out of work in June as the county’s unemployment figure rose by 1.4 percent, compared to the previous month.
Sen. Baucus has a big job ahead in tax overhaul
Sen. Max Baucus has taken on the gargantuan task of reforming our nation’s tax code.
Ringworm, not really a worm, is an infection of hair follicles
At the mention of ringworm, we think of a little worm that causes itchy circles in our skin and scalp.
Establishing a routine for bedtime makes for healthier children
Parents know that good sleep is important for their children. It increases the retention of learning, improves children’s behavior and energy levels, and improves general health.
Law Enforcement Blotter
Lincoln County

Libby Care Center celebrates 'Gorgeous Grandmas'
Twenty-seven ladies were honored recently at Libby Care Center as “Gorgeous Grandmas,” an annual event to recognize the matriarchs of their families.

Loggers finish season 38-22, district title and fourth at state
After an outstanding run at the state title, the Loggers concluded their season with a 38-22 overall record, finishing 13-5 in their final game against the Belgrade Bandits.

Old Photo 8-6-13
Ground Breaking PPrincipals in the ground-breaking ceremony, initial step in construction of the new Lincoln County Free Library, are shown at the construction site west of the present library Tuesday morning. Taking part in the brief ceremony were contractor Dale Collins of Collins Construction Company, left, Mrs. Robert Herrig, county librarian; Leo Collar, Eureka, chairman, Board of Commissioners; Ruth O. Longworth, Missoula, state librarian; James Sloan, Troy commissioner; and Sandy Fraser, Libby commissioner. Photo from the Sept. 5, 1963, files of The Western News.

Fire Two
LVFD firefighter Brady Fiscus sends a stream of water onto the house fire at 311 Idaho Sunday morning.

Fire Three
Nick Whiteman, left, Brady Fiscus and Jason Sunell, house fire at 311 Idaho, Sunday, Aug. 4, 2013

Fire One
Jason Place, left, Neil Benson and Timothy Kim at work on the house fire at 311 Idaho Sunday.

Baseball State Three
Jared Winslow at the plate.
Sunday, August 4
Loggers fall out to Belgrade in semifinal
The Libby Loggers lost another heart breaker against the Belgrade Bandits, falling 13-5 after losing the lead in the 8th inning of the semifinal game Sunday evening.
Friday, August 2
Loggers beat up on Helena Reps in first round of state tourney
The Libby American Legion baseball team saw its first-round game at the state tournament rained out Thursday, but the well-rested Loggers went to work Friday as they beat up on the Helena Representatives, 14-8.
Joyce S. MacDuffie, 88, of Troy
Joyce S. MacDuffie, 88, of Troy passed away on July 30, 2013, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital in Libby.
Glenda M. Gibson, 66, of Post Falls, Idaho
Glenda Marie Gibson, of Post Falls, Idaho, passed away July 25, 2013.

Luschers celebrate golden anniversary
James and Yvonne Luscher will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Aug. 3.

Clint and Susie Taylor of Libby, and Audrey Stineburg of Alaska, announce the engagement of their daughter, Terri Jo Taylor, to Lucas Lee Lampton, son of Linda and Lee Lampton of Libby.

Lookout towers and huckleberry power
Now, the rocky ridge was finally in sight.

EPA initiates cleanup of previous locations
Homes that have been surveyed, excavated and cleared by removal and restoration may be subject to another inspection according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new amphibole asbestos standard.

Firm knew of USFWS denial
The engineering firm under contract to oversee the permitting process for the Flower Creek Dam project was notified in February that an environmental study would be needed to secure a permit, although another three months passed before the city publicly acknowledged that the project was in jeopardy.

Two-time cancer survivor takes aim at Relay
To say Jerry Madill is a fighter is like saying Muhammad Ali liked to skip rope. Fast.

Park Restroom
Mike Thorne, left , and Ryan Sadewasser of Riley Excavating, remove the concrete forms from the newly-poured Riverfront Park restroom sidewalk early Thursday morning.

Engaged Taylor-Lampton
Lucas Lee Lampton and Terri Jo Taylor
A tale of Schroon Lake, New York, that sounds a little like Libby, Montana
Letter to the Editor,
Law-Enforcement Blotter
Lincoln County