Friday, June 20
$10,000 presented at ceremony
A $10,000 memorial gift in honor of the late Heidy Switzer was announced during Libby Volunteer Ambulance’s ribbon cutting ceremony for its new barn Tuesday.
Local economy needs Rock Creek Mine
To the Editor:
Pieces of history returned to donors
Libby native Ken Baeth oversaw the construction of the old band shell back in the 1980s, so when it was torn down last week, it was only fitting that he pluck some of the handiwork from the structure to return it to those who made it possible.

Herb Neils' book signing a success
About 60 people showed at Cabinet Books and Music Store Tuesday night for Libby author Herb Neils book-signing of his latest novel, “The Greatest Trophy.”
ASW needs to be given another chance
To the Editor:

Tennis pros in the making at camp
June’s tennis sessions are under way at the Libby High School courts, with Corky Teska teaching youngsters and adults — just like he has so many summers past.
Super 8 Motel to become Rodeway Inn
The managers, heated pool and prices will stay the same when Libby’s Super 8 Motel at 448 U.S. Highway 2W changes over to a Rodeway Inn on July 8.
Motorcyclist in accident asks drivers to be careful
To the Editor:
Big Bucks Tournament Friday through Sunday
Big Bucks, which is the Libby Loggers American Legion tournament, will be held Friday, June 20, through Sunday, June 22, at Lee Gehring Field.

City council OKs Main Street project
Libby City Council unanimously approved the Streetscape project after members of Libby Main Street Program pressed council to decide whether or not the project should move forward.
Procedures at Mickelson auction questioned
To the Editor:
Asbestos contractor gets warning
ASW Associates Inc., a Remediation firm that was contracted to cleanup asbestos-contaminated sites for the Libby Superfund project, has been told it will lose its contract if things don’t improve.
Friday, June 13

Libby archery winners announced
The following are results from last weekend’s Libby Archery Club Pipe Creek Shoutout 2008:

Wickstrom follows the bread trail
Libby High School graduate Matt Wickstrom never thought an affinity for bread would eventually lead him to college and a soccer scholarship - but it did.
Libby businesses holding back on tomatoes
An outbreak of salmonella Saintpaul, a rare form of bacteria that causes diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps 12–72 hours after infection, has some restaurants and stores in Libby pulling tomatoes from their stock.

U-15 team takes first in Montana Cup
The Kootenai Rapids U-15 team claimed first in the Montana Cup on June 7 and 8 in Helena, while the Kootenai Rapids U-13 teams took third.

Spellers test knowledge
The “This” team, comprised mostly of St. John’s Lutheran Hospital employees, won Monday’s spelling bee at the Little Theater in Libby hosted by Lincoln County Public Libraries.

Basketball camp raises money, teaches skills
Libby’s basketball players have been busy honing their skills, with teams competing in last weekend’s Libby High School summer basketball tournament at the LHS gym and a basketball camp for all ages last Tuesday and Wednesday.
$8 million health-risk plan introduced
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and Environmental Protection Agency announced an $8 million health-risk research program to address gaps in the understanding of long-term health effects of exposure to asbestos in Libby.
Libby Dam flow on high
Libby Dam operations are on track despite higher than average rains.
Environmentalists sue DEQ for Rock Creek Mine operation
A set of environmental conservation groups have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Environmental Quality over the Rock Creek Mine operation.
Friday, June 6
Obama wins primary in county
Barack Obama, who declared victory on Tuesday night and is now the presumptive Democratic nominee, won in Lincoln County over Hillary Clinton.
Big Bucks Tournament June 20-22
The Libby Loggers will host the 2008 BIG BUCKS tournament June 20-22 at Lee Gehring Field.

Troy athletes honored
The following students at Troy Junior-Senior High School were recognized for:
Kenneth H. 'Ken' Noble
Kenneth H. “Ken” Noble, 54, died Friday, May 30, at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.
Bennett gets 76 percent of vote for state House nomination
Libby businessman Gerald “Jerry” Bennett defeated three candidates to win the Republican nomination for state representative of House District 1.
Steps taken towards Grace trial
On May 23, the Justice Department filed a response brief that might streamline the U.S. government’s trial against W.R. Grace over asbestos contamination in Libby.

Adult Troy softball gets going
The Lewis Meyer Memorial Softball Tournament will be held 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday at Roosevelt Park in Troy.

Berget wins GOP nomination
Libby Mayor Tony Berget won a six-way race by 42 votes to win the Republican nomination for Lincoln County Commissioner during Tuesday’s primary.
State may get $5.1M for asbestos cleanup
Montana Department of Environmental Quality and W.R. Grace have reached a proposed settlement that would provide about $5 million to the state for the cleanup of asbestos in Libby.