Tuesday, April 30
Curry no longer part of group seeking to redevelop old Libby High School
The collapsed section of the roof and bowed-out wall on the Memorial Center side of the building are also scheduled for repair this year.
Forest intends to prepare an over-snow travel plan
This proposal aligns with travel management regulations aiming to improve recreational opportunities while ensuring environmental protection.
Libby man honored by state health department
Foster parents, youth and child protection workers among those awarded.

Heritage Museum seeks copies of old photos; readies for May 18 opening
The museum opens for the season at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 18, with the annual “Opening Day Celebration.”

Birth announcements
Killian David Collier was born to...
More fur flies in Lower Yaak Zoning District discussion
Many are concerned about the precedence that could be set if a zoning district is established.

School trustee ballots due in county election office May 7
The elections are mail-in only. Ballots must be returned to the county Election Office by 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 7.
Incident at park lands Washington man in jail
County dispatch told Brabo that a drunk and disorderly man was yelling profanities...
Legals for April, 30 2024
Sunday, April 28
Lincoln Co. resident dies in structure fire
Fire crews from Lincoln County Rural Fire District 1 responded to a small home off MK Road a little before 4:30 p.m.
Friday, April 26

Lincoln Co. participating in annual drug take back day
Locally, prescription drugs may be dropped off at the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office on California Avenue in Libby or at the Law Enforcement Center in Eureka.
Outdoors briefs
The new Montana Mule Deer Citizen Advisory Committee will meet twice this spring and help the department identify important issues in mule deer management and goals for the new mule deer management plan.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
But astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson had words for that 10 years ago: “If you had the power to transform Mars into Earth, then you have the power to turn Earth back into Earth.”
James is not part of operations at Energy Keepers and while the lake should reach full pool, no promise was made to keep the lake at full pool for the summer.

Libby softball endures three-game losing streak
Libby owns wins against Eureka, Ronan (19-18) and Browning (27-0) on April 13.

Jury: BNSF contributed to two deaths in Libby where asbestos sickened thousands
The jury awarded $4 million each in compensatory damages to the estates of the two plaintiffs who died in 2020.

Beagle, Andersen win titles at Libby Tennis Invitational
More than 100 players from Troy, Ronan, Whitefish, Cut Bank, Bigfork, Loyola, Stevensville, Columbia Falls joined the Loggers at the Community Courts April 19-20.
Betty S. Longo
Betty S. Longo

Richard Leroy Bailey
Richard Leroy Bailey
Tester's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act brings $4 million to Lincoln Co.
Funding for the Secure Rural Schools program comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service and will be delivered...
Libby's Martin honored by Montana State Air Force ROTC
The Air Force ROTC at Montana State University bestowed 20 awards...
Truth in sentencing
I recently read of a criminal sentencing, though more serious in nature...
Retired justices back Jerry Lynch for Chief Justice
His is a distinguished legal career: he became a magistrate judge by merit selection, recommended by his peers.

Cabinet Peaks' Paint it Pink Program receives $10,000 grant from Glacier Bank
This grant is part of the FHLB Des Moines Member Impact Fund, which has disbursed a total of $190,000 to 17 deserving area nonprofits.

Jamie Delano Lockman
Jamie Delano Lockman
Legals for April, 26 2024
Tuesday, April 23
Intervenors support Energy Keepers on Flathead Lake levels
Their latest forecast of inflows and outflows and Flathead Lake level projects that the lake level will be at 2,893 feet for the entire summer recreation season.
Override poll for Gianforte’s veto of pot revenue redistribution bill fails
Just 24 senators and 41 representatives voted in favor of overriding the veto, which needed the support of two-thirds of both chambers in order to pass, and 68 lawmakers did not cast a ballot.

Injured trooper thankful for A.L.E.R.T. air ambulance
His experience with their team was highlighted during the 46th annual A.L.E.R.T. banquet in Kalispell...

Edward (Ed) L. Moe
Edward (Ed) L. Moe

Group sues DOJ over withheld communications with Canadian coal company
Suit seeks to force DOJ to turn over records, privilege log
Put voters back in charge of election system
That’s why we, alongside a broad coalition of Montanans from around the state, are working hard to qualify CI-126 and CI-127 for the ballot this November to put voters back in charge of our election system and our government.
County to host candlelight vigil April 25 for crime victims
This event will be in support of all victims/survivors of crime and the many volunteers who support...

Eureka man accused of burglary, theft spree pleads not guilty
According to charging documents filed in the case, Lee is facing three felony counts of burglary, three felony counts of theft of a light vehicle...
Lincoln Co. CASA will honor its volunteers
CASA volunteers advocate for the best interests of children before the court due to allegations of abuse or neglect.
Legals for April, 23 2024
Friday, April 19
Man found guilty of trying to kill state trooper
Miller is facing the potential of serving the rest...

Large conservation easement proposed for northwest Montana
The deadline to comment on this proposal is May 15.

Perry Thomas Scott
Perry Thomas Scott
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Some history of foreign interference with gas prices...

Asbestos victim’s dying words aired in wrongful death case against Buffet’s railroad
Portions of Wells’ deposition were replayed Monday in a federal courtroom for a jury hearing a wrongful death case against Warren Buffett’s BNSF Railway.
Jurors hear trial testimony of state trooper run over by Eureka man
Tpr. Lewis Johnson suffered life-threatening injuries in the incident near Rexford and is still recovering after returning home to Chester, Montana in October 2023.
City officials back down on water, sewer rate increase
City Administrator Sam Sikes, Mayor Peggy Williams and city councilors have caught a lot of flak for the rate increase plan it put forth at a March 4 council meeting.
Edward L. Moe
Edward L. Moe

Deferred sentence for Yaak man accused of kidnapping, assault with weapon
Cuffe said probation officers indicated O'Day was a low risk of offending.

Construction company owner charged with defrauding Libby firm enters plea
Lincoln County authorities allege Tobiness failed to pay a local contractor more than $200,000 in invoices for work it had done through the end of October 2023.

Kootenai Valley Rotarians return to Guatemala
In another school, Rotarians had built a library, pump and outside bathrooms for the students.

Brandon Murer
Brandon Murer

Martha L. McLean
Martha L. McLean
Legals for April, 19 2024
Tuesday, April 16
Local libraries essential cornerstones for Eureka, Libby and Troy
Libraries bridge the gap for those who lack access to technology and the internet.
SB 442 meant to benefit rural Montana counties
The intent was not to give tax dollars based on population, but rather used a formula to put the dollars where hunting, fishing and recreation existed.
Securing our borders
It is an absolute shame the Biden administration will not do the same and is allowing an unsecure southern border in our very own country.

Elk hunting access agreement application deadline is May 1
The licenses/permits issued through this program may be designated to an immediate family member or an authorized full-time employee of the landowner valid only on the landowner’s property or private land leased by the landowner for agricultural purposes.
Sheriff's Office blotter
A deputy responded to the 35100 block of U.S. 2 after someone called about minor children throwing rocks at each other. One child was hit in the leg.
Lincoln Co. receives two grants from Glacier Bank
Grant program supports affordable housing and community development.
Libby woman admits stealing mail while working as a contract carrier
Haley Rushel Hickman, 24, pleaded guilty to...
Sheehy says he lied about accidental discharge, gunshot wound incident in Glacier
The report published Saturday, which includes contributions from eight Washington Post journalists, is the first to detail Sheehy’s October 2015 citation for illegally discharging a weapon in a national park.
Rocky Mountain ADA Center supports south Lincoln Co.
Our team is easily accessed through our 1800 number: 1-800-949-4232 or website https://rockymountainada.org/ or various social media outlets from Facebook, to TikTok to LinkedIn and others.
City resident seeks more info on water, sewer rate plan
I attended the meeting via Zoom. Unfortunately, the transmission, both visual and audio, were of poor quality.
Time running out for Montana legislators to override pot tax veto
Only a few days remain before legislators must submit their mail poll by 5 p.m. Thursday, April 18.

Ruphina "Tina" Nitschke
Ruphina "Tina" Nitschke

Andersen paces Libby Loggers at track and field invitational
Andersen won the javelin with a throw of...

Nancy (Pival) Heyne
Nancy (Pival) Heyne
Bruce T. Moog
Bruce T. Moog

WILD ART-Prescribed fire
A member of the Kootenai National Forest Libby District team uses a drip torch...
Montana trapping licenses now on sale
To purchase a Montana resident trapping license, residents must complete a Montana trapper education course or...
Legals for April, 16 2024
Friday, April 12

Flathead fire crews battle massive blaze at local hotel
Flames had engulfed a large portion of the structure...
No support for sewer, water rate increase in Libby
Business owners, landlords and renters shared their concerns passionately with city councilors, Mayor Peggy Williams and City Administrator Sam Sikes.
Senior commodities distribution April 9 at VFW
Distribution will be between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon.

Eureka man gets suspended sentence on drug charge
Shane Michael Coursey, 56, was first accused of possessing fentanyl, methamphetamine and Xanax after...

Troy senior class hosting family fun fundraiser April 21
The senior class is hosting its annual Family Fun Fundraiser, which includes a chili feed, climbing wall, hoop shoot and 3-on-3 tournament, on Sunday, April 21 at the Troy Activity Center.

Sandy Michelsen
Sandy Michelsen
Eureka student wins 2024 Montana Junior Duck stamp contest
A panel of judges selected the entry of Emily Housen of Eureka as the “Best of Show.”

Eureka man accused of burglary, theft spree in north Lincoln Co.
According to charging documents filed in the case, Lee is facing three felony counts of burglary and three felony counts of theft.
Libby tennis sweeps season opener over Bigfork
Tyler Andersen took care of Andrew Kingery in short order, 6-0, 6-1, at No. 2 singles.

Libby man pleads guilty to meth possession; woman faces trial
Sheasby initially pleaded not guilty, but on March 18, he pleaded guilty to possession of meth. The other charges were dropped as part of a plea deal between Sheasby's attorney S. Charles Sprinkle and county Attorney Marcia Boris.
Ruphina Nitschke
Ruphina Nitschke

Groups go to court to get wolves relisted in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming
Coalition of 10 organizations say that bad science and aggressive hunting is endangering wolves.
The record is clear: The GOP can’t govern
Closer to home, the list of GOP failures to govern is even more stunning. For a political party that won every statewide office in the last election, the extent of its dereliction of duty is shameful.

County commissioners OK cost of living pay increases
The county received a total of $12 million in federal money from the Local Consistency and Tribal Fund in fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Some of the money from it was used to help balance this year’s budget. Hammons said the hope for the rest of the money is to invest it.
FWP accepting applications from landowners for Block Management Program
Through the Block Management Program, landowners and FWP work together to help manage wildlife and public hunting activities on enrolled lands.

Spring means its time to start being "bear-aware"
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Wildlife information Specialist Danielle Oyler will host a virtual bear aware presentation at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 4.
Legals for April, 12 2024
Tuesday, April 9
Kalispell woman dies after being struck on U.S. 2
According to the report, the driver was traveling west on U.S. 2 when the car struck the deceased on a dark stretch of road that wasn’t in a designated crosswalk.
Man jailed after pointing AR-15 at Troy residents
According to charging documents, Frederick blamed his wife for being unfaithful to him as the reason for his actions.

Montana asbestos pollution victims take BNSF to court
The vermiculite was shipped by rail from Libby for use as insulation in homes and businesses across the U.S.

Graeme L. Baker
Graeme L. Baker

John Dinkins
John Dinkins
Sheriff's Office blotter
Deputies handled two reports of threats being made in Libby. One was on Crossway Avenue and the other in the 500 block of California Avenue.

Libby man accused of fraud pleads not guilty
Benjamin R. Swanson, 38, is accused of three felonies, including two counts of exploitation of an incapacitated person or vulnerable adult, and theft by embezzlement.
Feds seek injunction against former Libby man accused of fraud in Washington
The complaint, filed April 2 in the District Court for the Eastern District of Washington, is against Donald J. Taylor, a former IRS revenue agent and registered enrolled agent.
NW Montana Job & Opportunity Fair April 11 at Flathead Co. Fairgrounds
The fair kicks off with a high school and college student career fair from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Birth announcement
Family Birth Services is pleased to announce the birth of...
Feds approve Montana’s plan to expand broadband access
The plan is intended to serve as a guide for the state’s efforts to narrow the digital divide. Montana ranks lowest in the country in internet access, with rural communities struggling with access the most.
Montana Supreme court rules voter restriction laws passed in ’21 unconstitutional
Laws would have restricted Election Day voting, college and university ID, ballot collection.
Legals for April, 9 2024
Friday, April 5

Troy's Tender Lovin' Quilters hosting 101 event
Doors open at 9 a.m., welcoming guests with coffee and snacks.
The value of libraries
More than a collection of books, libraries promote functional and digital literacy, provide a safe-space for kids, as well as adult learning, computer classes and community outreach.

George “Bill” William Schachle III
George “Bill” William Schachle III
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Nearly half of senior Congressional staffers contemplate leaving, primarily due to safety concerns.
Highway projects planned in south Lincoln Co.
According to information from the agency, it and construction partner Thompson Contracting will be clearing rock from the recent rockslide on a portion of Highway 37 in the Libby Dam area.

Brian D. Sylvia
Brian D. Sylvia
Local, federal crews prevent pile fire from destroying local homes
The fire spread behind and around one side of the man’s house, which had an attached garage. The fire climbed a pine tree next to the garage and lit some pine needles on the metal roof.
City officials feel justified in seeking water, sewer rate increase
City officials will hold a public hearing in council chambers at the city building at 7 p.m. Monday, April 8. The hearing will give Libby utility customers to hear the city’s recommended changes.

Former Libby resident pleads guilty to theft
The second theft occurred on March 31 when a man from Libby Christian Church called and reported a theft after someone cut a lock in the mission donation storage and took some donated clothing.

Kootenai National Forest plans spring prescribed burns
The Libby Ranger District and the Three Rivers Ranger District began conducting prescribed fire operations on Tuesday, April 3.

Troy man pleads guilty to drug possession
Jesse David Rebo, 42, was charged with felony...
Legals for April, 5 2024
Tuesday, April 2
Libby Loggers softball enjoys home-opening win over Eureka
In the circle, Paislee MacDonald struck out nine Lady Lions, walked just one and allowed only two runs on three hits.

Libby man facing federal charges for alleged drug dealing
Scott Gilbert Apgar, 41, was arraigned on...
DOJ imposes $9.9M penalty for Montana man who targeted communities with robocalls
Scott Rhodes, who lived in Libby and in Idaho, had the judgment imposed against him last Tuesday – three years after the Federal Communications Commission imposed the $9.9 forfeiture penalty against Rhodes and after the Department of Justice sued him to collect the money.

Troy woman sentenced on animal cruelty charge
She was ordered to pay a total of $1,085 in fines and fees and she is prohibited from owning or possessing any animals.
Sheriff's Office blotter
An officer took a call about littering at the Bear Creek Cross Country Ski area.
CASA announces opening of a new program in county
CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to provide a voice for children who are in the foster care system or whose families are at risk of court involvement. They work to ensure children receive the necessary services and support to help them thrive and find a safe, permanent home.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 calls for firing most of the U.S. government workforce, to be replaced with loyalists to a right-wing U.S. president.
Fraud schemes target older Montanans
The victims of fraud fall into no particular category, age or educational background, but those over the age of 60 are most vulnerable.

WILD ART-LIBBY Easter egg hunt
More than 18,000 candy-filled plastic Easter eggs were...
Libby Friends of Library book sale set for April 5
This month’s specials include some favorite authors’ series, a new expanded section of World War II books and some great music books for pianists.
Taxes, taxes, taxes
While president, Trump proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare in every single budget he released. Every Republican on the House Budget Committee recently voted to create a closed-door (secret) commission to cut Social Security and Medicare.
County commissioners back passage of Senate Bill 442
Marijuana revenues are new to Montana, and the bill’s thoughtful distribution of this higher-than-expected new revenue stream included some funding for county roads.