Thursday, June 30

Golf Johnston
Ryggs Johnston tees off on No. 1, Libby Invite April 29, 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Bramlet Lake
Bramlet Lake (Jennifer Hock/for The Western News)

Birth Gilder
Harrison Gilder

Baseball Carvey
Tim Carvey at pitcher with a pop-up fly for the second out top of third inning second of a double header vs. Lakers June 28. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)
Tuesday, June 28

Mike Munro, left,

Court Munguia
Fernando Munguia
Libby golfer signs with University of Great Falls team

Loggers finish fourth in hometown tourney

Nelson v. Evans
Kraig Nelson, left, tags Brandon Evans in the Bull of the Woods championship. Nelson took first place at the $500 cash prize. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Bull of the Woods champion continues family legacy

Libby man gets two-year deferred sentence on drug charges
Lincoln County Sheriff's Blotter - June 25-26

James Lyle Jones, 56, of Libby
Sharon Elaine Koehler, 74, of Libby

Former restaurateurs open new operation

Kambel Scrambel
Emily Leisinger, neice of the late Greg Kambel, gave the speech at this year's Kambel Scramble at the Cabinet View Golf Course. She described Greg's enthusiasm for family, sports and golf. "It made me realize that you don't want to wait to be awesome, because we can all be awesome, every day," she said. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Logger Riggles
Kraig Nelson, left, and Taylor Riggles earned the titles of Bull and Bullette of the Woods Saturday evening at J. Neils Park. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)
County commissioners begin budget workshop today
Libby man released after arrested for felony drug charges

Logger Nelson
Kraig Nelson, left, tags Brandon Evans in the Bull of the Woods championship. Nelson took first place at the $500 cash prize. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Community sends nutrition aid off with farewell meal

Kids come out to enjoy 58th annual Logger Days
Monday, June 27

Logger Masters
Danielle Masters, left, and Kimmy Green, Bullette of the Woods 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Birth Kateley
Haiden Kateley

Baseball Morford
Conference on the mound with shortstop Collin Johnson, left, pitcher Shayne Walker and Coach Kelly Morford vs. Lewiston Cubs. Big Bucks Tournament June 26, 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Baseball Thom
Braydan Thom pitching vs. Lewiston Cubs top of second inning during the Big Bucks Tournament Sunday, June 26. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Court Fehrs
Kimball Leland Fehrs

Logger Forster
Jeff Forster takes the checkered flag with his 20hp V-Twin Kohler in the open class 12-lap main followed by Kip Nixon and Darren Short Friday evening during Logger Days 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Logger Nixon
Jazlyn Nixon, left, takes the checkered flag over her sister Kiri Nixon in a 12-lap main powder puff race Friday evening during Logger Days 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Logger Tug War
Logger Days adult Tug-o-war with Alan Anderson, left, Sadie Hergesheimer, Jamesina Rawleigh, Alexis Peterson, Paul Kinder and Andy Hergesheimer. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Obit Jones
James Lyle Jones, 56

Logger Shumate
Julianna Shumate, left, and Isaac Lamere mix it up in the Wimp of the Woods contest Friday evening during Loggers Days 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Logger Hedge
Having a good time aboard Paradise Carnival's Ferris wheel with Charity Hedge and her son David Hedge Saturday during Logger Days 2016. (Paul Sievers/The Western News)

Logger Box Two
Logger Days boxing smoker

Logger Box One
Logger Days boxing smoker.

Whalen One
Liz Whalen
Friday, June 24

Carolann Foote, 76, of Troy

John G. Jellesed, 73, of Troy

Kenneth L. "Rich" Richardson, 84, of Troy
Grant funding provides Troy students with summer programs
County closes grant program on shuttered golf car manufacturer

Judge denies man's 'no contest' plea

Garden of Eatin' serves Pipe Creek community

Two involved in Pipe Creek roll over
Former editor authored petitions to recall Libby mayor
Thursday, June 23

Border Patrol
The "Border Patrol" from left, Brady Bateman, Shayne Walker and Seth Bateman, three Bonners Ferry baseball players who have joined the Libby Logger team this summer. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Birth Sarrett
Elizabeth Sarrett

Birth Wicka
Remington Wicka

Obit Foote
Carolann Foote, 76

Baseball Bateman
Third baseman Brady Bateman checks his runner, Tanner Johnson, on a throw from catcher Dylan Lane top of seventh inning vs. the Capitol Senators Wednesday, June 22. Loggers fall, 5-4.

Wreck Wuest One
MHP 255 Anthony Jensen studies the crash of a Polaris Ranger belonging to Walter and Darlene Wuest at the 5.4 mile marker of Pipe Creek Road Wednesday evening June 22. (vehicle was righted after found resting on its passenger side pinning occupant)

Wreck Wuest
MHP 255 Anthony Jensen studies the crash of a Polaris Ranger belonging to Walter and Darlene Wuest at the 5.4 mile marker of Pipe Creek Road Wednesday evening June 22. (vehicle was righted after found resting on its passenger side pinning occupant)

Crum Doug
Dean Thompson, left, Doug Crum and Kurt Spencer Jan. 29, 2015.

Junior Golf Too
back row left to right: boys 14-17 1st place Chase Maloney boys 10-13 1st place Cy Stevenson, 2nd place Eric Vinion, 3rd place Sam Rosling front row left to right: girls 10-13 1st place Elaine Folkerts, 2nd place Emily Managhan, 3rd place Ashley Freese

Junior Golf
back row left to right: 1st place Connor Benson, 2nd place Jack Nagle, 3rd place Brayson Orr front row left to right: 1st place Emmy Maloney, Alli Clemons, Paige Andreesen

Troy Summer Three
Talise Becquart, left, and Chloe Yeadon.

Troy Summer Two
Collin Stecher

Troy Summer One
Collin Stecher, left, Laura Guinard, Maizey Johnson, Delaney Duve, Chloe Yeadon, Talise Becquart and Cory Andersen.

Birth Urdahl
Lincoln Daniel Urdahl
Tuesday, June 21

Loggers beat Kalispell Lakers on the road
Finally, the stink is off.

Obit Jellesed
John G. Jellesed, 73, of Troy

Obit Richardson
Kenneth L. “Rich" Richardson, 84, of Troy
Johnny G. Jellesed, 73, of Troy

Sharon Ann Seekins, 73, of Libby

Bonners Ferry 'Border Patrol'
The "Border Patrol" from left, Brady Bateman, Shayne Walker and Seth Bateman, three Bonners Ferry baseball players who have joined the Libby Logger team this summer. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Loggers drop pair to Bitterroot

Bonners Ferry 'Border Patrol' adds depth to Logger roster

East Coast church group helps create carnival
Libby school seeking supervisor for renovation projects
Student intern program a positive push for careers
Northwest health center awarded $350,000

Man and wife plead not guilty to drug charges
Troy Police Department adding four new reserve officers
Petition to recall Libby mayor granted
Monday, June 20

Bird Feed
Time for the four o'clock feeding.

Birth Laycock
Evelyn Adele Laycock. She was born 6/15/16 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane WA to Rob and Lisa Laycock. Her Grandparents are Jim and Lisa Laycock of Post Falls ID, Mike and Sally Fuchs of Everett WA., Lee and Karen Disney of Cascade and Libby MT. Evelyn weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

Obit Seekins
Sharon Ann Seekins, 73

Court Conard
Deaven Ray Conard

Court Hart
Julia Nicole Hart

Upper Cedar Lake
Upper Cedar Lake

Court Norman
Charles Ray Norman

Baseball Bateman Seth
Second baseman Seth Bateman puts the tag on Jacob Scully trying to steal top of fifth inning, second of a doubleheader vs. Bitterroot Bucs June 17. Loggers fall 7-4.

Baseball Bateman S
Bitterroot Bucs' Bo Zeiler gets caught in a run-down, second baseman Seth Bateman with the tag, third out top of second inning June 17.

Baseball Walker
First baseman Shayne Walker checks his runner on a throw from catcher Brady Bateman top of sixth inning vs. Bitterroot Bucs Jue 17. (first of a doubleheader, Loggers fall 15-6)

Baseball Bateman
Brade Bateman doubles scoring Collin Johnson bottom of first inning vs. the Bitterroot Bucs June 17. (first of a doubleheader, Loggers fall 15-6)

Baseball Johnson
Line drive to shortstop Collin Johnson for the first out top of first inning vs. the Bitterroot Bucs June 17. First of a doubleheader, Loggers fall 15-6.

Fish Murer
Mara Murer caught this 13lb rainbow at the local pond with her dad Tony Murer. She caught the biggest fish during the kids derby.
Friday, June 17

Alberta man convicted of attempted murders for 2015 Eureka shooting

Summer meal program grows with new activities
Logger Days sees new events, schedule
Tester speaks on defense bill, Orlando shooting and VA service
Third draft petition to recall Roll filed
County library floats mill levy request

Libby Boys Tennis skipper named Coach of the Year
Thursday, June 16

Lake Upper Geiger
Upper Geiger Lake as it appeared May 17, 2016.

Hannah Kyle
LHS tennis coach Kyle Hannah.

Anitques Christie
Christie Kehn of Bighorn Antiques points to a beaver skin top hat circa 1811-1835.

Antiques Kehn
Robert and Christie Kehn of Bighorn Antiques.

Anitques Christy
Christy Kehn of Bighorn Antiques points to a beaver skin top hat circa 1811-1835.

Golf Tourney
Jonny Cielak, left, and Louis Cielak. Memorial Golf Tournament champions.

Court Ilk
Michael Gilbert Ilk

Court Pereslete
Hadassah Preeslete

Obit Powell
Joyce Hagen (Paliga) Powell, 86.

Obit Boswell
Tyler Boswell, Sr., 70.

Boot Drive Jaynes
"Boot Drive" for Cody Jaynes nets $3,200.
Tuesday, June 14

Lunch Smokey
Smokey Bear and Liz Whalen danced to the tunes of the Libby Pep Band during the summer lunch program at Asa Wood Tuesday.

Lunch Sarbaum
Ellen Mills, left, serves lunch to Haileigh Sarbaum during the summer lunch program kickoff at Asa Wood Tuesday.

Lunch LaFleur
Ellen Mills, left, Amaryah LaFleur and Viktorya LaFleur. Kickoff day for the summer lunch program at Asa Wood.

Lunch Sign
Summer lunch program at Asa Wood.
Monday, June 13

Orlando Shooting
Orlando, Fla., Mayor Buddy Dyer reads details of the fatal shootings at Pulse Orlando nightclub during a media briefing Monday, June 13, 2016, in Orlando, Fla. Looking on is Florida Gov. Rick Scott at right. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

Bull Boyer
Taylor Boyer of Billings, Incredi-Bull 2016

Bull Graham
David Graham of Great Falls parts ways with the bull known as "The Cow."

Bull Ford
Cody Ford aboard "Spitoon" for an 87 point ride Saturday at Incredi-Bull 2016.

Bull Ford Cody
Cody Ford of Stanfield, Oregon after his 87 point ride aboard the bull known as "Spitoon."

Baseball Lauer
First baseman Erik Lauer checks his runner on a throw from pitcher Dylan Lane top of third inning vs. Kootenai Valley Rangers May 31, 2016.

Bull Rich
Shadrick Rich of Columbia Falls exits the bull known as "Coal Train."

Bull Dorendorf
Marc Dorendorf of Columbus aboard "Lone Ranger."

Bull Swartz
Justin Swartz of Twin Bridges drew the bull known as "Strap Hanger."

Court Ilk
Michael Gilbert Ilk confers with his attorney, Sean Hinchey, Aug. 24, 2015.

Bull Tucker
Josh Tucker of Bonners Ferry and the bull known as "Gun It," Incredi-Bull 2016.

Bull Colclough
Jason Colclough exits the bull known as "Night Moves" Saturday during Incredi-Bull 2016.
Friday, June 10

Hike Fathers Day
Friends of Scotchman Peaks sponsor free forestry class June 19.

Leak One
Leak in the roof of the LVFD, northeast corner of building.

Obit Etienne
Dona Etienne, 82
Thursday, June 9

Birth Smith
Amerikah Smith

Election Three
Absentee ballots await processing as the election night crew dove through the ballots from Tuesday's primary election. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Election Two
Corky Watson prepares to run another batch of ballots through the vote-counting machine Tuesday evening Tuesday evening at the Lincoln County building in Libby. (Seaborn Larson/Daily Inter Lake)

Election One
Ray Eanes, center, reads a ballot in which someone wrote in Ronald Reagan for president of the United States as Dean Walston, left and Maryln Walston, right, look through over-vote ballots. Another voter wrote Mickey Mouse in for the presidential nomination. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)

Birth Schopp
Lavinia Schopp

Diagonal Park
Business District This view toward the railroad and the Kootenai River was shot during Crazy Days by Ken Miller of Miller's Studio. His observation point for this photo was the top of the ferris wheel of the Fun and Fancy Carnival. From the July 5, 1962, files of The Western News

Obit Sunell
Floyd Sunell

Baseball Carvey
Shortstop Tim Carvey checks the runner top of fifth inning vs. Missoula Pioneers May 13.

Obit Jensen
Joy Jensen
Wednesday, June 8
Primary election night 2
Ray Eanes, center, reads a ballot in which someone wrote in Ronald Reagan for president of the United States as Dean Walston, left and Maryln Walston, right, look through over-vote ballots. Another voter wrote Mickey Mouse in for the presidential nomination. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)
Primary election night
Absentee ballots await processing as the election night crew dove through the ballots from Tuesday's primary election. (Seaborn Larson/The Western News)
Primary Results: Bennett, Brooks, Cuffe win Tuesday election
State Rep. Jerry Bennett, R-Libby decisively won the primary election Tuesday with more than twice the votes cast for the next two candidates. With all 14 precincts reported, Bennett received 1,917 votes, 39 percent.
Tuesday, June 7

Vote Fuhlendorf
Carol Fuhlendorf, left, receives her ballot from Precinct 10 election judge Jake Kraft Tuesday at the VFW.

Attorney Chisholm
New Libby City Attorney Dean Chisholm was appointedd at Monday's city council meeting. Chisholm also practices at Chisholm & Chisholm a Columbia Falls law firm.
Monday, June 6

Obit Klein
Margaret Evelyn Haynes Klein, 87

Baseball Lane
Dylan Lane with the first pitch of the 2016 season. Broken bat, foul ball, strike one. Wood Bat Classic vs. the Missoula Pioneers Friday, May 13.

Birth Anderson
Ethan Anderson

Birth Hegge
Sara Hegge

Museum Model T
One of the many Model Ts on display Saturday during the Heritage Museum's opening day.

Museum Fire Truck
All aboard LVFD's '32 Chevrolet fire truck for a tour of the museum grounds.

Museum Fire
LVFD members offered rides to museum visitors in their '32 Chevrolet fire truck during opening day Saturday.

Museum T-Model
T-Model tours with Bob Castaneda at the wheel.

Bull Stuivenga
Bull fighter Casey Stuivenga keeps a close eye on "Ice Cream" after Dakota Beck's 83-point winning ride Saturday during Incredi-Bull 2015.

Bull Shafer
Ian Shafer of Columbia Falls has a not-so-graceful exit from the bull known as "Tom Cat" during Incredi-Bull 2015 at J. Neils Park Saturday night.

Bull Eash
Gerald Eash of Trego garnered 80 points for his ride aboard "Dairy Queen."

Engaged Maki
Kirby Maki and the late Carolyn Maki are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Kim Maki to Martin Schollo, son of John and Viola Schillo. A July wedding planned.

Court Cosgriff
James William Cosgriff confers with his attorney Alisha Backus Monday, June 6.

Grad Garrett
Troy High School Class of 2016 honorary speaker Debbie Garrett.

Grad Osterberg
Makayla Osterberg, left, and Tana Thill.

Grad Herrick
Jordan Herrick, left, and Zoe Lowry.

Grad Opland
Sean Opland, left, and Cheyenne Jordan.

Grad Tallmadge
Adam Tallmadge receives his diploma from Dr. Jacob Francom, principal of Troy High School.

Grad Faur
Valedictorian Kasey Faur, Troy High School Class of 2016.
Saturday, June 4

Museum Moe
Barrett Moe, left, and Bridger Moe learn the art of panning for gold Saturday during opening day at the Heritage Museum.
Thursday, June 2

Geiger Lake
Lower Geiger Lake

Baseball Walker
First baseman Shayne Walker with the first out top of sixth inning on a throw from catcher Brady Bateman vs. Rangers May 31.

Baseball Bateman
Brady Bateman pitching top of seventh inning vs. Rangers May 31.

Track Opland
Sean Opland, long jump, Libby Invite.

Track Mossburg K
Krysten Mossburg, senior, running the 4x400 relay.

Track Thorstenson L
Lauren Thorstenson, state track.

Track Thorstenson
Lauren Thorstenson running the 1600, she placed 6th at state and was the only freshman to place at state.

Track Mossburg
Emily Mossburg, second from right, fifth in the high jump.

Track Team Two
4x100 relay team of Trinity Wallace, left, Krysten Mossburg, Sidney Stevenson and Abigail Creighton.

Track Team
Krysten Mossburg, top right, Trinity Wallace, Abigail Creighton, Sidney Stevenson, 4x100 relay team took 6th at state.

Track Wallace
Trinity Wallace running the 4x100 relay

Track Voorhies
Dominic Voorhies, senior, running the 4x100 relay.

Kimberlee Rebo, RN, BSN has recently taken over as manager of the Cabinet Peaks Medical Center Acute Care Department

Obit Jones
Carol Jones, 74

Obit Harbst
Terry V. Harbst, 70

Obit Fackler
Leo C. Fackler, 80,

Obit Bass
Barbara M. Bass 72
Wednesday, June 1

Hecla Mining to acquire Mines Management
County acted improperly, review board says
Libby man facing 18 months in jail

Search and rescue retrieves sunken boat
Judge reinstates campaign limits
Heritage Museum to open this weekend with celebration
Trump hosts rally in Billings
In Brief
Troy man facing life in prison

Stinger to remove cranes from port authority
Libby native receives award from Butte Cares
Seat belt enforcement ramping up for holiday weekend
Senate to consider water compact ratification
Wildlife officials release game data
On to state