Tuesday, February 28
Edna Rice
Edna A. Rice, 97, a longtime Libby resident, died Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006, at a Billings nursing care facility.
Diverse group meets on Kootenai WUIs
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher

Emily McBride and Christian Haugen show their best moves during Libby Middle School's annual jitterbug dance contest on Friday.
Richard "Dick" Parkinson
Richard "Dick" Parkinson, 70, of Libby died Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at St. John's Hospital after a long battle with lung cancer.
Suit filed against deputies, county
A woman arrested on drug charges two years ago has filed suit against Lincoln County and two former deputies, arguing that she was the victim of false imprisonment, malicious prosecution and civil rights violations under the federal and state constitutions.
Libby men to help rebuild destroyed church
A group of volunteers is headed from Libby to Waveland, Miss., to help rebuild a church destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Thursday, February 23
Troy transplants experience "impressive" emergency response
To the Editor:

Trustees stand fast on $350,000
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
Such a Deal
I'm not sure what the school board has in mind by flatly turning down ConoverBond's offer for a partnership: The Spokane-based company really isn't asking for anything but time to develop a project that could save the old Libby High School.
Carole Smith
Former resident Carole Jane Smith, 84, died at home on Jan. 31, 2006 in Reno, Nev.
Walter Martin
Walter Raymond Martin, 85, of Plains, died Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006, at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital.
Libby board OKs grade moves
Fourth-grade classes will be moved to Libby Middle School, kindergarten classes will be at Asa Wood Elementary and high school students will have more stringent graduation requirements next year following action Tuesday by the Libby School Board.
FAIR faces big hurdle in Senate
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Glenn Stevens
Glenn A. Stevens, 46 died Monday, Feb. 20, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Americans failed to make right choice at polls in recent elections
To the Editor:
Tuesday, February 21

Turner Lodge Dedication
"Our motto here at Turner is we only need one guy who knows what he is doing and the rest of use are volunteers," said Bruce Zwang, president of Kootenai Winter Sports during dedication of the new lodge on Saturday. "That man was Lonnie Hansen."
June Hileman
June Hileman died early Monday morning.
Group files lawsuit vs. KNF projects
A Missoula environmental group has filed a lawsuit seeking to halt nine logging projects in the Kootenai National Forest approved since June 2004 and involving 90 million board-feet.
Law officers deserve better treatment by public
To the Editor:
County-wide effort looks at stewardship tool
A series of meetings on stewardship will kick-off next week with goals of replacing lost timber jobs, building economic development, re-training workers for a different type of work in the woods and bringing diverse groups to the table to work on forest restoration and reducing the fire hazard in the urban interface.
Letter writing causing school woes
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
George Stebbins
The grandfather of a Libby man, George F. Stebbins, 99, formerly of Kalispell, died on Feb. 4, 2006 in Vancouver, Wash., just short of his 100th birthday.
Pitiful Pirates penant purloined
To the Editor:
ESA fix provides remedy for failing federal policy
To the Editor:
June Hunter Hileman
June Hunter Hileman, 82, died at home on Feb. 20, 2006.
Thursday, February 16
Turner lodge
There are a plenty of reasons why the entire community should be up at the Turner Mountain Ski Area on Saturday for the dedication of the new day lodge.
Scotty Mustard
Kevin Scott Eugene (Scotty) Mustard, 33, died Monday, Feb. 13, 2006, at Libby.
An open letter to the punks in the Honda
To the Editor:
Resch's actions warrant commission
To the Editor:
Shame on Racicot
To the Editor:

Turner lodge dedication set Saturday
There will be a special dedication on Saturday, Feb. 18, for the new day lodge at the Turner Mountain Ski Area.
Lorelai Barnett
Lorelei R. Barnett, 74, of California, died Monday, Feb. 13, 2006, at her daughter's home in Libby from complications of COPD.
Jeannette Hagerty
Elsa Jeannette Peeso Hagerty, 90, died Monday, Feb. 6, 2006, at the Libby Care Center, where she had been a resident for several months.
Proposed sell-off includes 5,000 acres on Kootenai
A Bush administration proposal to sell off more than 300,000 acres of federal lands across the United States includes around 5,000 acres on the Kootenai National Forest.
Developer offers old school proposal
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
NAFTA, CAFTA unconstitutionally abdicate power to an international body
To the Editor:
Cheney should be sent to Iraq with shotgun
To the Editor:
FAIR hits vote snag in Senate
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Tuesday, February 14
Forest Service decision puts The Last Best Place up for sale
To the Editor:
Racicot-led group opposes FAIR
Former Gov. Marc Racicot represents one of the many organizations opposing the existing Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005.
Council decision on tax break prompts thoughts of elections
To the Editor:
BPA rate proposal could bump local rates 6 percent
Energy retailers and politicians throughout the Northwest are decrying a Bush Administration budget proposal that could see a 10 percent rate increase to help offset the growing federal deficit.
Higher costs
It's interesting to find out that while information is unraveling and becoming public about a proposed electrical wholesale boost by the Bonneville Power Administration, the Bush administration is also looking at giving oil companies $7 billion worth of royalty free oil from public lands.
Industrial district moving to sell land
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter

Steve Lethrud as Bluebeard, Rich Burns as Redbeard and Shanda Jennings as Nobeard are among the Pitiful Pirates, a group of washed out, worn out and wanna-be pirates who hatch a scheme to kidnap a local princess for ransom. The play will be staged Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17-18 and 24-25 at the Little Theatre at 7 p.m. All seats are $10 for adults and $5 for students. The cast includes 17 area residents.
Robert Lundvall
Robert H. "Bob" Lundvall, 68, died Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2006, at his home in Libby from natural causes.
Don't understand worries about CIA listening in on phone calls
To the Editor:
Thursday, February 9
Vernon Byrer
Vernon J. Byrer, 90, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 53 years, died Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, at the Libby Care Center.
City OKs initial lease with KPFL
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
Bill Crill
William "Bill" DeHale Crill, 67, former Libby resident, died Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006, at his home in Willard, Utah, of cardiac arrest.
Walking path
The walking path approved by the Lincoln County Commissioners is a more significant economic development tool than most people realize.
George "Lefty" Young
George Joseph "Lefty" Young, 81, a long-time U.S. Forest Service employee and Navy veteran, died on Feb. 8, 2006, at his home.
New city council won't let mayor continue illegal position
To the Editor:

Staff Sgt. Tina Resch of Libby
Resch cited for heroic actions in Iraq
Burns, Baucus take Libby fight to Senate floor
Montana's two U.S. Senators took the fight to the Senate floor on Wednesday urging support for the Libby provisions in the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2006 and challenging their collegues to find another community that faces similar environmental and health challenges.
Amelia Kieffer
Amelia "Millie" Weigand Kieffer, 93, died at her home Jan. 29, 2006.
YVFC saluted for efforts
To the Editor:
Politicians are magicians drawing attention from issues
To the Editor:
Tuesday, February 7
Darrell Lind
Darrell J. Lind, 69, of Libby, died Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.
County OKs motocross subdivision
The Lincoln County Commissioners gave preliminary approval to a subdivision earmarking a portion of the former Stimson mill site for use as a motocross facility.
Lobbying continues for Libby lung test provision
Two days after returning from Washington, D.C., Dr. Brad Black of Libby was continuing to lobby on Monday for a lung diffusion capacity test provision being added to proposed federal asbestos legislation that could benefit Libby vicitms of asbestos-related disease.

Libby High School wrestlers won their fourth consecutive divisional championship and fifth in six years on Saturday at Whitefish. The wrestling team had a season dual record of 22-1 with the lone loss coming to Class AA Kalispell. Fourteen wrestlers qualified for the state wrestling tournament which begins Friday at the Metra in Billings.
La Nina back say federal forecasters
On the heels of a wetter than usual January, La Nina is back to bring more of the same to the Pacific Northwest through the summer, reports the climate forecasters for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Mary Katheryn Dye Hveem
Mary Katheryn Dye Hveem, 87, died Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006, at the Libby Care Center.
Elva "Bean" Detjens
Elva E. "Bean" Detjens, 87, longtime Libby resident, died Wednesday, Feb. 1, at the Libby Care Center.
Carroll Smith
Carroll K. Smith, 82, died Thursday, Feb. 2, at the Libby Care Center.
Evelyn Beverly Lewis
Evelyn Beverly Lewis, 74, of Troy, died Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, at her home at Angel Island from natural causes.
St. John's makes makes transition easier to having child in hospital
To the Editor:
Commissioners OK Libby walking path
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
About time
Imagine this: It's taken over four years and who knows how many bucks before a federal judge in New York City has cleared the air — no pun intended — that city residents were misled about air quality after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.
Thursday, February 2
County tables road standards
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter
Black heads east to lobby for amendment
By ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Ellen Gardner
Ellen Gardner, 92, died on Monday, Jan. 30, 2006 at the Libby Care Center.
Public accountability pleaded for economic development
To the Editor:
Diverse group offers unique package for forest
BY ROGER MORRIS Western News Publisher
Libby mayor, city attorney show flagrant disrespect for rule of law
To the Editor:
We don't live in a representative democracy, it's total hypocrisy
To the Editor:

Todd Berget makes some adjustment to his latest steel sculpture mounted in the dining room at McDonald's Restuarant in Libby.
Commissioners OK nine-member planning board
By BRENT SHRUM Western News Reporter