Friday, March 30
County jobless rate climbs to 18.1 percent; rise 2.6 percent
While Montana’s state unemployment rate again dropped by 0.1 percent to 6.5 percent in January, marking six straight months of decreases, joblessness in Lincoln County has ballooned to 18.1 percent, up from 15.5 percent from January numbers.
School Board drafts five-year plan
Libby Schools Superintendent K.W. Maki is expected to recommend at the April board meeting approval of a new five-year Strategic Plan for District 4 Schools that will steer education for the next generation.
Agencies plan dam warning system test
Alarm, at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 2, will coincide with monthly exam
The Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), with coordination from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s 911 Dispatch Center, is planning a test of the Flower Creek Dam Warning System siren.

Jordan Williams

Standoff 34
Sheriff Roby Bowe, center.

Standoff 48
Heading for the house.

Standoff 10
Turret gunner

Standoff 03
Sheriff Roby Bowe, left.

25 pound pike caught by Richard VanSchoiack of Libby on MIddle Thompson Lake,

Bledsoe Mac
Mazzy Hermes gets a bit of advice from Mac Bledsoe Tuesday.

Bledsoe M
Mac Bledsoe passes on some valuable parenting advice during his GEAR UP presentation at the Troy Activity Center Tuesday.

Mac Bledsoe addresses a crowd of parents Tuesday during his presentation of GEAR UP at Troy Activity Center.
Thursday, March 29
Iola E. Calkin, 88, of Libby
Iola E. Calkin, 88, of Libby passed away Wednesday March 14, 2012, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital of natural causes.
Outfitters react to Appeals Court ruling
Missoula decision upholds Congress' delisting of wolves from ESA
Reaction from local outdoor suppliers and outfitters to the 9th District Court of Appeals upholding of Congress’ removal of the wolf from the Endangered Species Act list has ranged from relief, to applause, to overall statements of overbearing standards that adversely affect logging, mining and overall human well-being.
Kootenai Pets for Life elects new officers for 2012
Kootenai Pets For Life elected new officers recently, and Eileen Carney is the new president.
Thomas E. Garvey, 83, of Libby
Thomas Eugene Garvey, 83, died on Friday, March 9, 2012, at his home in Libby.

People Profile: Cathy Jenks
DEQ accepting comments on Noble quarry expansion
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting public comments on an application by Noble Excavating, Inc. for an operating permit under the Metal Mine Reclamation Act.
Council sets forum on water rates
Libby City Council members on Monday approved a $2.6 million Engineering Services Agreement with Morrison Maierle, Inc., the Kalispell engineering firm that is assisting the city with work to be performed on the new Flower Creek Reservoir Dam.
Tuesday, March 27

Weather 100 Years 32812
From the Thursday, April 4, 1912 files of The Western News.

Talent 78
Hannah Talmadge of Troy, accompanied by Tony Smith and Ty Nagode, sang "Take it All" and "Saving All My Love for You."

Talent 92
Bryce James, left, and Amie Henley sang "American Honey" by Lady Antebellum.

Talent 61
First place winner Mary Elisabeth Foote, right, gets a hug from third place winner Laure Troyer during the fourth annual Talent Show at the Memorial Center Thursday evening.

Talent 52
The flag dancing of Mary Elisabeth Foote won first prize during the fourth annual Talent Show at the Memorial Center Thursday evening.

Talent 56
Bruna Cardosa and Dylan Berget performed "Smooth Criminal" from Michael Jackson's 1987 "Bad" album.

Talent 27
The brother-sister team of Laure and David Troyer took third place for their rendition of Taylor Swift's "Ours" Thursday at the Memorial Center during the fourth annual Talent Show.

Talent 05
Darbi Brooks on the piano singing her rendition of "My Immortal" by Evanescence.

Talent 11
Josh Broderick, left, and Michael Curtiss nailed down second place with their original arrangement of "This Girl," during Thursday's fourth annual Talent Show at the Memorial Center.

Talent 21
The flag dancing of Mary Elisabeth Foote won first prize and a standing-O during the fourth annual Talent Show at the Memorial Center Thursday evening.

Talent 02
The Memorial Center was packed Thursday evening for the fourth annual Talent Show. Here's Josh Foote, Jessica Robbins and Jesse Nelson in "Fergalicious."

John Navarro Stone
John Navarro Stone

Old Photo 3-28
DECA Trophy Winners The three trophy winners of LibbyÕs Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) have the seats of honor as other members of the class at Libby High School gather around. The three trophy winners are, Connie Bornschein, left, who placed second at the state meet in the Food Industry Marketing contest; Cathy Hogan, who placed first in Window Display judging, and Robyn Letz, who placed second in the Student of the Year competition. Standing behind are Patty Munro, left, Don Kuipers, DECA teacher-coordinator, Connie McElmurry, Dixie Marchant, Paula Bundrock, Nancy Pomeroy, Cindy Phillips, Linda Anderson and Rose Dudley. Photo from the March 9, 1972, files of The Western News.

Birth Anderson
Aspen Anderson

Troy Mayor Don Banning
Friday, March 23

Rose fails to appear; Warrant issued for his arrest
Is vocal opponent of Montanore Mine Project
It appears Sam Haley Rose is on the lam — again.
School District begins to crunch budget figures
The Troy School District must evaluate ways to trim its budget because of a decline in enrollment numbers, which means decreased funding from the state of Montana.
Thursday, March 22

Man, 69, killed; identified; was known sex offender
Dies of blunt-force trauma
School Board race heats up; four secure applications
Self-nominating applications for the Board of Trustees of Libby School District No. 4 need not be returned to the board office until March 29, but already four people — two of them incumbents — have taken applications to secure one of three seats whose terms expire.
Asa Wood demolition hits a snag
EPA evaluation reveals walls need not come down
Libby School District’s plans to raze about two-fifths of the former Asa Wood Elementary School has hit a snag this week as it has received word the walls contaminated with asbestos can be cleaned without their destruction.

Jordan Williams
Jordan Williams

Softball Preview Too
Shovels in hand, Coach Dean Thompson and his team members prepare to clear Remp Field of ice and snow in preparation for the 2012 softball season last Thursday.

Softball Preview
Freshmen Devon Gallagher and Auria Benefield team up in clearing the softball field of ice and snow last Thursday in preparation for the 2012 season.

LGW Peterson
Libby's David Peterson gets the best of Troy's Aayden Pattie of Troy at Saturday's Little Guy tournament in Eureka.

LGW Marshall
Libby's Tanner Marshall takes control of his match with Fisher Billsborough of Columbia Falls

Crazy Day 64
Mike Cuffe (R) HD 2 speeds down Turner Mountain during Crazy Day last Saturday

Crazy Day 35
Cy Stevenson finishes the cardboard sled race the hard way Saturday during Crazy Day at Turner Mountain.

Crazy Day 30
The ghostly image of lift chairs as they pass through the fog near the summit Saturday during Crazy Day at Turner Mountain.
Tuesday, March 20

Weather 100 Years

Turkey Shoot Smoke

Turkey Shoot Lineup

Trap High Scorers 1

Shoot Off

Shoot Off 2

Skeet Winner Crum


XC Ski Club

Old Photo 3-21
Wearing of the Green In literature, a leprechaun is a little man who reveals the location of a hidden crock of gold to anyone who catches him. In the McGrade school yard, at recess on St. PatrickÕs Day, students ÒcaughtÓ their very own leprechaun (building custodian Rick Hunting), whose crock (hidden by the crowd) was filled with gold and white jelly beans, which were as good as gold to these children. Some thought the leprechaun looked very much like last yearÕs Easter bunny. Chuck Blair photo from the March 20, 1992, files of The Western News.

Ron Adamson

Obit Calkin

Chaos in the Clinic

Chaos in the Clinic 2

Bedside EHR

Crazy Day 95
Lacking the proper attire one can always die the beard green.

Crazy Day 84

Crazy Day 91
Big Pants Team 3 anchor man Paige Chapel crosses the finish line with a first place winning time of 3:40.

Crazy Day 77

Crazy Day 70
Three-year-old pirate Logan Cuffe of Eureka found a slope all to himself.

Crazy Day 69
Shannon Ostrowski readies herself for a dose of Pneumonia during Turner Mountain's Crazy Day 2012

Crazy Day 54
Turner Mountain ski lodge amidst the trees.

Crazy Day 63
Sydnee Ehlenfeldt hams it up at the summit during Crazy Day 2012 at Turner Mountain

Crazy Day 48
Ethan Beck hits the slopes sporting a ghillie suit during Crazy Day 2012

Crazy Day 39
Chad Munro, left, and Pat Grotjohn arrive at the summit Saturday during Crazy Day 2012 at Turner Mountain.

Crazy Day 29
Jeri Ann Chapel as "Lady Luck" readies the course for the cardboard sled races during Turner Mountain's Crazy Day 2012

Crazy Day 22
Sam Fisher, left, and Cierra Stewart found the ski lift chairs a bit colder than expected during Crazy Day 2012 at Turner Mountain ski hill Saturday

Crazy Day 21

Crazy Day 10

Crazy Day 11

Crazy Day 07
"Emy Lou Who" abandons here English heritage and becomes an Irish springer spaniel during Crazy Day at Turner Mountain.
Friday, March 16

People Profile: Pam Peppenger
Recognition: Active civic participant

Asa Wood demolition hits a snag
Libby School District’s plans to raze about two-fifths of the former Asa Wood Elementary School has hit a snag this week as it has received word the walls contaminated with asbestos can be cleaned without their destruction.
Libby Rod and Gun Clun: Scattergun Scores - March 10
Libby Scatterguns Scores
Lincoln Lanes Leagues: Feb. 29 & March 7
Granny and Grandpas
Despite setbacks, coach lauds effort
The 2011-‘12 Libby Logger boys basketball JV team ended the year with four wins and 12 losses.

SJLH welcomes new Emergency manager
All the way from Kodiak, Alaska, Mike Julius, RN has accepted a position as the Emergency Department Manager at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital.
Payne Letter is right on, reader says
Letter to the Editor,
Jobs are important, but protect lands
Letter to the Editor,
Reader enjoyed the Irish Fair
Letter to the Editor,
We're too trusting, reader contends
Letter to the Editor,
Rehberg revises record on taxes, reader contends
Letter to the Editor,
Reader advocates citizen representatives
Letter to the Editor,
Resident grateful for volunteers to help others
Letter to the Editor,
Get right, America: Otherwise financial mess will be our undoing, reader says
Letter to the Editor,
State senator cautions Montanans of Big Labor influence in government
Letter to the Editor,
Police Department plans extra patrols on St. Patrick's Day
Everybody may be a little Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, but that’s no excuse to drive impaired this weekend or any day of the week.

Engagement: Grove-Bramante
Monte and Sabrina Grove of Lewistown, Mont., would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristen Grove, to Jacob Bramante, son of Frank and Katie Bramante of Bigfork, Mont. and the grandson of Rita Bramante of Libby, Mont.

Joan Lee Jensen 72, of Libby
Joan Lee (Harwood) Jensen passed away at her home in Libby from a long illness of heart disease on March 13, 2012, at the age of 72.


Elk in Pasture

Obit Jensen

Kirby Maki

LGW Marshall
Libby's Tanner Marshall takes control of his match with Fisher Billsborough of Columbia Falls

LGW Peterson
Libby's David Peterson gets the best of Troy's Aayden Pattie of Troy at Saturday's Little Guy tournament in Eureka.

New ER Manager


Engaged Bramante

Thursday, March 15
Stop bullying and cyberbullying
Parents are encouraged to recognize the signs their child might be a victim of bullying, cyberbullying and/or sexual harassment:
Birth-Option Questions
Sherry Bushnell, LM, CPM, of Lavender & Roses Birth and Mothering Center in Libby presented common questions women ask:

Sherry Bushnell, LM, CPM

At-home births no longer have stigma; on rise in Montana
Mothers-to-be may ask: “What’s best for me and baby?” Understanding the options available, locally, could help women answer this question.
School Board race heats up; 4 secure applications
Self-nominating applications for the Board of Trustees of Libby School District No. 4 need not be returned to the board office until March 29, but already four people — two of them incumbents — have taken applications to secure one of three seats whose terms expire.
School District begins to crunch budget figures
The Troy School District must evaluate ways to trim its budget because of a decline in enrollment numbers, which means decreased funding from the state of Montana.

K.W. Maki

Pam Peppenger

Free-Flowing Creek
Recent freezing and thawing have not adversely affected Flower Creek, according to Emergency Management Director Vic White. White was asked about the creek during a Libby City Council meeting when he presented a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, which Council members approved. However, the EMA office will test sirens at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 2. White urged residents to step outside and listen for the new siren and to listen to Radio 530 AM for instructions. Persons may also view the Website at
Law-Enforcement Blotter: March 7-12
Lincoln County

St. John's Health Fair scheduled for April 14
St. John’s Lutheran Hospital’s Annual Road to Health Fair will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 14 at the Memorial Center in Libby, and the public can once again receive free and discounted health screening tests before the fair.

CARD to send representative to NIH conference
The Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) has received a scholarship to send a representative from the Libby community to participate in the National Institute of Health’s Annual Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH) conference.
Program aids veterans' job search
Montana Conservation Corps (, is seeking veterans for its Veterans Green Corps, a summer job skills training program that combines public land conservation, technical training, and education.
DNRC program offers various grants
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) is accepting applications for two grant and loan programs that promote the conservation, development or reclamation of natural resources in Montana.

Kootenai Karachters: 'Chaos at the Clinic'
Members of the cast of “Chaos at the Clinic” prepare for their performance this Friday and Saturday at the Little Theatre. In addition to shows this weekend, the cast will perform next Friday, March 23 and 24, also at the Little Theatre. Tickets are $9 each and are available at Copy This, Send That and the Chamber of Commerce. Cast members in the front row include, from left, Jon Spencer, Jordan Stephenson, Jolee Holder and Gabee DeLeo. In the middle row, from left, are Shanda Jennings, Trish Emmert, Mindy James, Cynthia Curtiss, Roxanne and Pam Peppenger. In the back row are Makana Shriner, Steve Lethrud, Robert Lethrud, Kyle James, Keith Ivers, Sheri Edwards and Jeromie Walton.
DEQ orders cleanup of PCBs at Stimson site
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) said last week it will require Stimson Lumber Co. to remove additional pollution discovered at the cleanup site in Bonner, Montana.

Celebrating Irish Heritage

Honoring A Firefighter
Libby Volunteer Fire Department Assistant Chief Bill Watt was recognized for his 32 years of service to the department during the Feb. 18 awards dinner. Fellow firefighter Jason Place, a hobbyist woodworker, constructed the elaborate plaque for Watt who accepted it with his wife Verna. LVFD Chief Tom Wood presented the plaque to Watt, who retired last year. Since 1979, Watt rose through the ranks during his 32 years to the position of assistant chief and fire marshal. “As a firefighter, Bill was one the hardest working firefighters who always did an excellent job and was a good manager,” Wood said. “You would not find a more honest firefighter in any department.”
Birth: Milo P.C. Heyne
Milo Payton Clifford Heyne, son of Tehanah and Kurtis Heyne of Troy, was born on March 7, 2012.
Birth: Elianna M. Jones
Elianna Marie Jones, daughter of Melissa Berke and Brent Jones of Libby, was born on March 6, 2012.
Birth: Shianne Allen
Shianne Nicole Allen, daughter of Nikki and Shane Allen of Libby, was born on March 5, 2012.

John T. Flaten 72, of Libby
John T. Flaten, 72, died on March 10, 2012, at Libby Care Center.
Wednesday, March 14


Accused burglar released
Ryan J. McKee, one of two young men accused of two felony burglaries of the Dale and Catherine Kinniburgh home, was released on his own recognizance last Wednesday after an omnibus hearing.

Commissioner hopefuls are abundant
When Presiding Commissioner Marianne Roose announced she would not seek another term, it was expected there would be interest in filling the post she’s held for 18 years. However, even Lincoln County election officials are surprised by the number of candidates seeking to be Eureka’s Commissioner.

EPA nears risk assessment
A final Risk Assessment of Libby Amphibole Asbestos for those living in Libby appears a bit closer after the Libby Team Leader for the EPA said the analysis should be “within a year.”

Assistant principal details tactics for dealing with bullies
Editor’s Note:
Tuesday, March 13



Weather 100 Yrs 3-14-12
From the March 21, 1912, files of The Western News

Kootenai Karacters Chaos in the Clinic

Bill Watt Recognized

Flower Creek

Solitude at Lake

Yvonne Resch

Back Yard Fence

Ross Creek in Winter

Ross Creek Cedars

Old Photo 3-14
Grand Opening

Obit Flaten

Raptors at Libby Dam

Irish Fair 98
Libby's Brian Sherry sits in with Floating Crowbar Saturday evening during Libby's 17th annual Irish Fair.

Irish Fair 87
Flotating Crowbar's Don Thomsen on banjo and James Hunter on uilleann pipes, complete with safety belt and air bag.

Irish Fair 81
Moriah Probert, left, and Emily Wilson of the Sole Expressions Dancers

Irish Fair 80
Multi-instramentalist Don Thomsen of Floating Crowbar during the 17th annual Irish Fair.

Irish Fair 61
James Hunter, left, and Rick Rubin of Floating Crowbar during Libby's 17th Annual Irish Fair.

Irish Fair 56
Lisa Rios and Nathaniel Miller

Irish Fair 35
Moriah Probert of the Sole Expressions Dancers kicks up her heals during Libby's 17th Annual Irish Fair Sunday evening at the Memorial Center.

Irish Fair 05
James Hunter, left, and Rick Rubin of Floating Crowbar during Libby's 17th Annual Irish Fair.

Jim Germany

Shamrocks for Sale

Shamrock Ring Making

Shamrock Hat

Face Painting


Chamber Booth

Antler Carver
Friday, March 9
Lincoln Lanes Leagues: Feb. 22
Granny and Grandpas
Libby Rod and Gun Club: March 3
Libby Scatterguns Scores

Johnston wins regional tournament
Ryggs Johnston participated in the Elks Regional Hoop Shoot on Saturday, March 3.
Blames stalemate on Mayor Banning
Letter to the Editor,
Grateful for ski course, volunteers
Letter to the Editor,
Thankful for great health care
Letter to the Editor, I wanted to say, “thank you.” We have had to call the ambulance on two occasions — first for my mom at the end of January and for myself at the end of February. The ambulance crews were tops! The doctors and the nurses at SJLH are the best! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the best care in the Northwest. — Tina Brewer & family Libby
Financial woes: Why are we waiting?
Letter to the Editor,
Steve Hawkins recovering; we enjoy his book on the outdoors
Libby High teachers turned out a very talented author, artist and outdoorsman, but they probably didn’t expect anything other than the outdoor part, the LHS grad recalls.
New resident, COPD patient, thankful for St. John's, Libby's kind people
Letter to the Editor,
Birth: Brendyn D. DeShazer
Brendyn Dale DeShazer, son of Elizabeth Pittsley and Gary DeShazer of Libby, was born on Feb. 29, 2012.
Birth: Griffin E. Cole
Griffin Ellsworth Cole, son of Carrie L. and Seth E. Cole of Libby, was born on Feb. 25, 2012.

Damon celebrates his first birthday
Damon Mysse, son of Louie and Kristen Mysse of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, celebrated his first birthday on Feb. 24, 2012.

Lester S. Coffman 97, of Troy
Lester S. Coffman, 97, a lifelong resident of Troy died Wednesday March 1, 2012, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.

People Profile: Bonnie Larson
Recognition: President Larson Lumber, Troy

Local wrestler gets 2nd in nationals
After years of wrestling in Little Guy and high school, Kyle Sweedman, 19, of Libby finished second in the nation in the National Junior College Athletic Association championship on Feb. 25.

Math teacher is chosen to attend education summit
Troy High School math teacher Cliff Bara was invited by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to attend a recent summit on the federal government’s role in education.

Moving forward
City Council members on Monday took the first step of improving Libby’s water infrastructure by giving a green light to the city’s engineering firm to proceed with dam and water-system improvements that could cost $11.045 million.
Thursday, March 8
LHS Chorale Concert to be rebroadcast
LHS Chorale Concert to be rebroadcast

Ryggs Johnston
Ryggs Johnston also received the Best Male Shooter award for 25 of 25 hoop shots. The award was presented to Johnston by Elks National Director Cam Cronk. The trophy is symbolic for excellent shooting. The contest took place in Rapid City, S.D.

Obit Coffman

Sweedman 2

Sweedman 3


Nursing School

Bonnie Larson

Frank Chiaverini
Frank Chiaverini

Alyce M. McLeod 87, of Troy
Alyce M. McLeod, 87, of Troy died Friday, March 2, 2012, at the Libby Care Center from natural causes.
John D. Cormier 59, of Baton Rouge
John Daniel “JD” Cormier, 59, died Tuesday Feb. 21, 2012, onboard the Norwegian “Spirit” Cruise Ship.
Wednesday, March 7
Jobless benefits extended
There is good news for Lincoln County’s unemployed who find themselves at the end of their jobless benefits — the federal government has approved an extension that could go as long as the end of the year.
Commission OKs 90-day provision to enforce kennel statute
Lincoln County Commissioners have approved a 90-day emergency ordinance that permits a penalty for operating a kennel without a license or an unsanitary kennel, an action requested by Environmental Health Director Kathi Hooper.
Pamida-Shopko merger complete; renovation coming next
The merger between two of the nation’s leading Midwest-based general merchandise retail chains, Shopko and Pamida, is now complete, creating one of the largest U.S. retailers focused on serving smaller, rural communities.

EPA to begin fish testing
Since 1999, the Environmental Protection Agency has been assessing and remediating properties in and around town for Libby Amphibole Asbestos (LAA). Beginning next month, the agency will take those examinations to the water world that is so much part of life in northwest Montana.

Credit cards to be accepted as payment
Paying taxes and license fees are not a pleasurable experience for anyone, but just in time for real estate and property tax season there will be a little perk that makes it a little less painful.

Girl Scouts mark 100th anniversary with a special cookie
After 100 years, the Girl Scouts will celebrate its anniversary in 2012 with the “Year of the Girl” on March 12.
Annual meeting is set; officers will be elected
The Flathead Electric Cooperative’s 75th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Members’ Meeting will be held March 17 at the Christian Center, located at 255 Summit Ridge in Kalispell.
Tuesday, March 6

100-years of the girl

Lady Loggers Divisional Tournament, ends season

Wrestling enthusiasts mix it up during daylong extravaganza
During the Little Guys Wrestling Tourney there were 551 bracketed matches with an estimated 2,000 attendees.
Roads are closed to loaded trucks for breakup
With temperatures last weekend abnormally high, Lincoln County Roads Department Supervisor Mark McCully has closed county roads because of the spring thaw known as breakup.

Kenneth A. VanHoose 2 months, of Libby
Kenneth Alexander VanHoose, 2 months, passed away peacefully at his home in Libby Feb. 28, 2012, of natural causes.
Libby Rod & Gun Club: Feb. 25
Libby Scattergun

Bear hunting requirements
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reminds all black bear hunters it is their responsibility to avoid mistakenly shooting a grizzly bear during the state’s upcoming spring black bear hunt.
Turkey permits; season begins April 14
Montana’s spring male turkey hunting season begins April 14.
Hunters' education course online
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks offers hunter education on the Internet to anyone 18 years and older.

Turner Mt. Customer Appreciation Day
Students enjoy Turner Mountain Skier Appreciation Day
On President’s Day last Monday, Turner Mountain offered a Skier Appreciation Day.
Libby Elementary School Honor Roll
Second Quarter
Law-Enforcement Blotter: Feb. 21-24
Lincoln County

SJLH employees select DTSAR for 'Jeans Day'
Employees at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital are once again reaching out into the community and giving back to help local not-for-profits.
Health providers react to patient poll
In August 2010, St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, in partnership with the Northwest Community Health Center and other community organizations, conducted a health-needs assessment to better understand the health and wellness needs of South Lincoln County.
Former Troy Councilman critical of new Councilman; says Mayor must go
Letter to the Editor,
Reader asks: Why do we apologize for our military action at war
Letter to the Editor,

Odd Fellows present FVCC with scholarships
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Cabinet Lodge No. 68 in Libby has presented two $300 scholarships to Flathead Valley Community College Lincoln County Campus students Sarah Lyons and Josiah Schertel.
State confirms flu cases here
The Montana Public Health Laboratory in Helena has confirmed influenza in Lincoln County.
John F. Ward 73, of Troy
John (Jay) F. Ward, former major-league baseball player, hitting coach and minor-league manager, passed away unexpectedly on Feb. 24, 2012, at the age of 73.

Marlene Nelson 81, formerly of Libby
Marlene Nelson, 81, formerly of Libby, died Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012, at a Missoula hospital.

Water rights questioned
The state of Montana proposed a resolution for off-reservation water rights claims for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes in Polson on Wednesday, Feb. 29 and Commissioner Tony Berget was there.

City, county team in dam construction
The February issue of “Public Works” magazine features a growing partnership nationwide between city and county governments in accomplishing tasks for the betterment of residents of both entities.

DC Orr

Ex-councilman Orr guilty of careless driving charge
D.C. Orr, the Libby businessman and former City Council member who was ticketed for careless driving in September, was found guilty Tuesday of the infraction during a bench trial in which Justice of the Peace Stormy Langston presided.

People Profile: Marianne Roose
Recognition: Lincoln County Presiding Commissioner

Weather 100 Years 3-7-12

Swinging Bridge

Rob Quist
Rob Quist performing at the Hot Club Friday, March 2

One Year Old Mysse

Old Photo 3-7
Treasure Tones Ellen Frazer, back row left, Dan Thede, Bob Sandman, Pierre Petreau, third row, Louis Kuennen, Cliff Christenot, Janean Bender, Joel Nelson, Diane Rewerts, Linda Nelson; second row, Betty Kuennen, Sharon Mills, Kay Larson and Arche Minde; first row, Jon Dahlberg, Linda Rumelhart, Lee Dexter, Claire Johnson, Paula Sandman, Lee Chandler; front Phyll Minde, director. Photo from the Feb. 26, 1992, files of The Western News.

Obit VanHoose

Obit McLeod

Bryson Thompson
Coach and father Tim Thompson, offers a few words of encouragment to his 6-year-old son Bryson during the Kootenai Klassic Little Guy Wrestling Tourney Saturday.

Bransen Holzer
A tearful Bransen Holzer shakes hands with his opponent Saturday at the Kootenai Klassic Little Guy Wrestling Tourney.

Lukas Fritts
Troy Peewee wrestler Lukas Fritts, 4, takes on Kalispell's Patrick Sullivan 5, at the 2012 Kootenai Klassic Little Guy Wrestling Tourney Saturday.

Colten Clemons
Colten Clemons escapes from Terran Winebark of Troy at Novice C, during the Kootenai Klassic Little Guy Invitational Wrestling Tournament Saturday. There were 551 bracketed wrestlers competing in Saturday's tourney.

Coach Josh Chapel
Coach Josh Chapel offers a few words of advice to Peewee wrestler Lukas Fritts Saturday at the Little Guy Wrestling Tourney.

Rick Hill

CARD Fortner

Jerry Bennett Water

Health Fair

Girl Scouts

Whitlock Vibert Box


Nature's patterns are perfectly replicated in this fish as the color spectrum runs from head to toe on this oversized Westslope.

Fish Cage
Saturday, March 3

Donald I. Maltby, 82, of Libby
Donald I. Maltby (Gramps), 82, of Libby died Monday Feb. 20, 2012, at St. John’s Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.
Friday, March 2
Water rights concerns
Lincoln County Commissioners received an 11th-hour advisory from an informant within the Department of Natural Resources of a meeting that could grant water rights of local streams to the Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
Group supports good use of forests
Letter to the Editor,
Wake up, America, a reader urges
Letter to the Editor,
Thursday, March 1

Cyberbullying: A pervasive issue leading to higher rates of depression
Sexual harassment is a term most adults are familiar with in the professional world — the concept of children imposing or being victims of sexual harassment may seem uncommon.

Patsy R. Hackett, 87, of Libby
Patsy Ruth Hackett, 87, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012, at her home in Libby surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Alleged Savage assailants plead not guilty; bond is denied
Ordia Rollin Leaming, 26, and Dereck Joel Smith, 26, pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated assault by accountability for the alleged beating of a Troy disc jockey.
Low-level asbestos delays local logging efforts
Despite the discovery of Libby Amphibole Asbestos in bark and duff in the Upper Flower Creek timber set aside by the Department of Natural Resources to be logged, the local DNRC official is confident the operation will proceed.
Stretch of river closes to anglers
Kootenai River anglers whose preference it is to frequent the waters below Libby Dam to the Highway 37 Bridge will have to wait longer than a month during this year’s trout spawn, according to new guidelines released by Fish Wildlife and Parks.
Libby High School: Honor Roll
Libby High School
Lincoln Lanes Leagues: Feb. 15
Lincoln Lanes
Veterans' health protected
Senator Jon Tester is making sure veterans’ health care is protected in the face of potential budget cuts.
Libby Rod and Gun Club: Scattergun Scores, Feb. 18
Libby Scatterguns Scores
Avalanche advisory issued for northwest Montana
An urgent avalanche warning was issued Wednesday afternoon for mountain ranges in Northwest Montana.

Annual Bee held at the Troy Auditorium Feb. 21
Olivia Kapan, a fifth-grade student from the Libby Elementary won the Lincoln County Spelling Bee by spelling the words jambalaya and mortgage.
Agency seeks tourism nominations
The Governor’s Tourism Advisory Council (TAC) is currently accepting nominations for the 2012 Montana Tourism Awards.
Communists take exception to stance
Letter to the Editor,
City should honor its commitment, reader says
Letter to the Editor,
Cabinet View department is capable, necessary, former firefighter contends
Letter to the Editor,
Grateful mother is thankful for son's recovery, burn specialists, nurses
Letter to the Editor,

Kootenai Kiwanis Dinner
Revett Minerals marks safety milestone, makes plans for more
Revett Minerals, Inc., celebrated its one-year anniversary Feb. 15 since a lost-time accident at the Troy Mine, and it will focus on ways to ensure safety for the future.

Taryn L. Schulte celebrates first birthday
Taryn Louise Schulte, daughter of Timber and Sommer Schulte of Libby, celebrated her first birthday on Nov. 15, 2012.

Hudson W. Hannah celebrates first birthday
Hudson William Hannah, son of Kyle and Samantha Hannah of Libby, celebrated his first birthday on Feb. 8, 2012.
Birth: Eli A. Rayome
Eli Alan Rayome

Walter E. Mason, 85, of Libby
Walter Elvin Mason, 85, a longtime Libby resident died Wednesday Feb. 8, 2012, at the Libby Care Center in Libby from natural causes.

Richard D. Johnson, 86, of Libby

Richard Duane Johnson, 86, of Libby
Richard Duane Johnson died at his home in Libby with his wife Laura and family beside him Sunday evening Feb. 19, 2012.

Stinger opens doors for Job Service tour
Twenty-six guests saw first-hand on Tuesday the inner workings of Stinger Welding, the local bridge-span fabricator.
Paul Verdon, former TWN owner and publisher dies
Paul Verdon, former owner, editor and publisher of The Western News, has died. Verdon, who was 85, died Friday, Feb. 17.

Roll: Costs escalating
Construction of the new Libby Reservoir Dam officially was not on the City Council’s agenda Tuesday, but nonetheless, it still was the 500-pound gorilla in the Chambers that affected much of the dialogue.

People Profile: Dan Wendt
Tenure: Eight months.

Tribal Meeting

One Horse Town



Luke on the Go

Odd Fellows
Charlotte Woods, left, and Arthur Baxter, right, members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Cabinet Lodge No. 68 in Libby, present Lincoln County Campus Director Pat Pezzelle the $600 scholarship award.

Lift Line

City County Coop

From Lift

SJLH David Thompson Search and Rescue
During St. John’s most recent Jeans Day, employees collected $250, which the hospital matched for the benefit of David Thompson Search and Rescue.
