Stories for July 2006


Friday, July 28

July 28, 2006 midnight

Kootenai River Rodeo starts Friday night

Some 129 contestants are expected for this weekend's Kootenai River Rodeo in Libby.

Couple survives head-on crash with bull moose
July 28, 2006 midnight

Couple survives head-on crash with bull moose

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Gary Wells
July 28, 2006 midnight

Gary Wells

Gary C. Wells, 61, of Troy, died Wednesday, July 19, 2006, at his home from natural causes.

July 28, 2006 midnight

Stage 1 fire restrictions in place

Recent fires in the Kootenai National Forest and the hot, dry weather have resulted in fire restrictions being imposed in northwest Montana.

Marilyn Zwang Ryan
July 28, 2006 midnight

Marilyn Zwang Ryan

Marilyn Zwang Ryan, formerly of Libby, died unexpectedly Monday, July 24, 2006, in Missoula.

Daniel Goyen
July 28, 2006 midnight

Daniel Goyen

Daniel Robert Goyen, 65, died Friday, July 21, 2006, at his home on Libby Creek at the foot of Trainer Hill, a mile downstream from where he was born.

July 28, 2006 midnight

Ballot Initiatives

In addition to promises from the political parties to give tax rebates, tax breaks and other election year incentives, Montana voters are facing a number of constitutional initiatives on the November ballot.

Anna Lenora McCracken
July 28, 2006 midnight

Anna Lenora McCracken

Anna Lenora McCracken, 95, of Libby died July 23, 2006, at her home.

Wednesday, July 26

July 26, 2006 midnight

Libby's neo-Nazis are terrorists, just like Hezbollah

To the Editor:

July 26, 2006 midnight

Heat shatters records five days straight

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Buckskinners descend on Fawn Creek
July 26, 2006 midnight

Buckskinners descend on Fawn Creek

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Terrel Jones has opened an art studio and gallery in Troy.
July 26, 2006 midnight

Terrel Jones has opened an art studio and gallery in Troy.

Troy artist fulfills dream with new gallery

July 26, 2006 midnight

Neo-Nazis enter pleas in hate case

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Friday, July 21

Troy Scouts rename building to honor Jack Hett
July 21, 2006 midnight

Troy Scouts rename building to honor Jack Hett

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

KPFL working toward new shelter
July 21, 2006 midnight

KPFL working toward new shelter

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 21, 2006 midnight

Experts to assess revitalization efforts

Two experts on downtown revitalization will visit Libby next week to learn about Libby Revitalization Inc.'s efforts and to recommend a course of action.

Wednesday, July 19

July 19, 2006 midnight

Meth: Not Even Once

While methamphetamine is not the only illegal drug in Montana, it consumes a disproportionate share of Montana's law enforcement, social services, corrections and treatment resources according to Mike McGrath, Montana'a attorney general.

Teens paint anti-meth murals
July 19, 2006 midnight

Teens paint anti-meth murals

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Irving Ball
July 19, 2006 midnight

Irving Ball

Irving R. Ball, 90, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 44 years, died Tuesday, July 11, 2006, at Libby Care Center.

Police investigating rooster incident
July 19, 2006 midnight

Police investigating rooster incident

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 19, 2006 midnight

Blazes pop up around Kootenai

Firefighters have responded to a score of small blazes sparked by an electrical storm that traveled across the Kootenai National Forest early last Wednesday.

Frank Curl
July 19, 2006 midnight

Frank Curl

Frank E. Curl, 98, died Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at his son's home in Libby.

July 19, 2006 midnight

Two defendants get separate trial in Grace case

Former Libby vermiculite mine manager Alan Stringer and former W.R. Grace chief legal counsel O. Mario Favorito will be tried separately from the company itself and five other individual defendants, a federal judge in Missoula has ruled.

Casey Kieffer
July 19, 2006 midnight

Casey Kieffer

E. T. 'Casey" Kieffer, 94, of Stevensville, died Wednesday, July 12, 2006, at his home.

Friday, July 14

Massive garden tended by woman with kids' help
July 14, 2006 midnight

Massive garden tended by woman with kids' help

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 14, 2006 midnight

CGNW files suit against Army Corps

Communities for A Great Northwest has informed the Department of Interior and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that it intends to file a lawsuit regarding management of Libby Dam.

July 14, 2006 midnight

Check your pockets

Gov. Brian Schweitzer, a Democrat, has announced his intention to propose to the 2007 legislative session a bill to give a one-time property tax rebate to Montana homeowners. The proposal will give $100 million of the $500 million tax surplus back to taxpayers, or about $400 per homeowner. The governor's proposal would give the money to homeowners not to big corporations owning property in the state.

July 14, 2006 midnight

Two Neo-Nazis arrested for intimidation

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 14, 2006 midnight

MMI to open Montanore tunnel seal

The Montanore Mine tunnel south of Libby could see the light of day for the first time in more than a decade as early as next week, a Mines Management Inc. executive told the Lincoln County Commissioners on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 12

Jim Davidson
July 12, 2006 midnight

Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson, 71, a lifetime resident of the Kootenai Valley, died Friday, July 7, 2006, in Libby.

Dorothy Abrahamson
July 12, 2006 midnight

Dorothy Abrahamson

Dorothy A. Abrahamson, 75, of Libby, died Saturday, July 8, 2006, at St. John's Lutheran Hospital from natural causes.

July 12, 2006 midnight

Warex Fire declared contained

The Warex Fire on the Rexford Ranger District of the Kootenai National Forest was declared 100-percent contained as of 8 a.m. on Saturday with control by Tuesday.

July 12, 2006 midnight

Releases from Libby Dam drop slightly

Releases from Libby Dam were dropped Friday night from 18,400 cubic-feet per second to 17,000 cfs.

Francze Nordin
July 12, 2006 midnight

Francze Nordin

Francze Alice Nordin, 89, died in her sleep on June 28, 2006, at Western Arizona Regional Medical Center.

July 12, 2006 midnight

Libby becomes a second home for Provider Pals teacher

To the Editor:

Teatotaling clergyman and wife take over Dirty Shame Saloon
July 12, 2006 midnight

Teatotaling clergyman and wife take over Dirty Shame Saloon

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 12, 2006 midnight

Be Careful Out There

The violent thunderstorms that rolled through the area Thursday brought spotty precipitation to the county and a number of fires caused by the widespread lightning.

Addict says God helped him quit methamphetamine
July 12, 2006 midnight

Addict says God helped him quit methamphetamine

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Friday, July 7

July 7, 2006 midnight

Back payments from Social Security available for some Libby victims

Some residents in Libby who are sick from asbestos exposure are entitled to as much as $40,000 in back payments from the Social Security Administration, said Montana Sen. Max Baucus.

Maggie May "Susie" Cosgrove
July 7, 2006 midnight

Maggie May "Susie" Cosgrove

Maggie May (Susie) Cosgrove, 80, died Friday, June 30, 2006, at the Hewett House care facility in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

July 7, 2006 midnight

Temps running higher than normal

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 7, 2006 midnight

Wildfires begin breaking out on KNF

Firefighters are battling a blaze on Warex Mountain above Rocky Gorge that by Wednesday has spread to about 45 acres.

Nelson Morrow
July 7, 2006 midnight

Nelson Morrow

Nelson G. Morrow, 89, a resident of the Kootenai Valley for the past 40 years, died Tuesday, July 4, 2006, at his home in Libby.

Big, colorful gathering celebrates Fourth in Troy
July 7, 2006 midnight

Big, colorful gathering celebrates Fourth in Troy

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

Wednesday, July 5

July 5, 2006 midnight

Libby still beautiful

To the Editor:

July 5, 2006 midnight

State joins sturgeon lawsuit

The state of Montana on June 30 joined a lawsuit to protect Montana's resident fish including the endangered white sturgeon in the Kootenai River below Libby Dam.

July 5, 2006 midnight

Montana moving in the right direction on smoking

To the Editor:

Volunteers spruce up Troy
July 5, 2006 midnight

Volunteers spruce up Troy

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

July 5, 2006 midnight

New indictment issued against Grace

A grand jury has issued a new indictment against W.R. Grace and several company officials that reinstates charges dismissed by a federal court judge last month.

July 5, 2006 midnight

State to seek Swamp Creek bids next year

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

William Prause
July 5, 2006 midnight

William Prause

William E. Prause, 75, of Libby died from natural causes on Tuesday, June 27, 2006, at his home.