Chamber Winners
February 6, 2013
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February 6, 2013 5:45 p.m.
Big Winners at Chamber Banquet
DuMonts, Gilmores are final members standing
It was a packed Memorial Center on Satruday night as 188 people jammed the building for the annual Libby Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet and Fundraiser. The DuMonts — Barb and Dennis — and the Gilmores — Tom and Noelle — were the big winners in the drawing that paid $4,000 to the couples. The two couples agreed to share the pot, regardless of the outcome. Another big winner was Kit Clark, who spent “hundreds of dollars on tickets” for the bald eagle drawing. Clark is pictured at right with Kyle Svendsbye, who drew Clark’s ticket from the drum over Clark’s shoulder. Svendsbye, 7, gave $23 from his piggy bank for the eagle effort, too.