Friday, July 26, 2024


To find our opinion based editorials, see below. We'll share opinion based editorial articles regularly for interested viewers.

Updated 1 year ago

Former governor sounds off on property tax debacle

How did the largest percentage of Republicans elected in Montana history grow government at the fastest rate in st…

Updated 11 hours, 19 minutes ago
Keeping political power in check

It’s easy to succumb to temptation if nobody’s watching, but if there is someone else there, well, people behave a little better.

Updated 3 days, 11 hours ago
County commissioner candidate shares reasons for running

I have watched, with growing dismay as the county commission, under Mr. Letcher’s influence and “leadership” has become increasingly radicalized.

Updated 1 week ago
Biden’s track record keeps on getting better

Biden will eliminate Trump’s tax breaks for those making more than $400,000 a year.

Updated 1 week ago
Are we losing our wilderness and our Montana values?

They could not get multiple wildernesses through Congress in their lifetimes so they protected this gorgeous country so that final decisions could be made at a later date.

Updated 1 week, 3 days ago
Print the news and raise hell

Because without the press, the American Revolution may have never taken place.

Updated 1 week, 3 days ago
Why has Montana’s energy fallen behind?

Sen. Usher is correct that Montana’s electricity system has fallen behind, leaving us unprepared for modern technologies.

Updated 2 weeks ago
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond

His family and high-profile Dems have stood behind Biden staying in the race; he now needs to double down on proving he’s fit for the job.

Updated 2 weeks ago
It’s indisputable: Ol’ Joe’s gotta go

It was too painful to watch and many turned it off after the first 10 minutes.

Updated 3 weeks ago
A flood of misinformation

But this year’s presidential contest is already drenched in a flood of disinformation, and the problem is likely to get much worse.

Updated 3 weeks, 3 days ago
The religious underpinnings of one of America’s most sacred concepts, private property

America’s legal foundation for property law (possession), “anti-Indian law,” and the concept of nation-states is religious, not secular.

Updated 4 weeks ago
Sheehy, PERC and the future of public lands conservation in Montana

Particularly in Montana where checking the list of Superfund sites left behind by private industries and owners bears indisputable evidence of the myth that private ownership means better conservation of those reso…

Updated 4 weeks ago
In 2024, it’s a plodding geezer versus a grifting sleazer

When the people lose their faith in elections, democracy is finished.

Updated 4 weeks ago
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond

Under a new program requiring no receipts, over 300 House members were reimbursed $5.8 million for food and lodging for “official business."

Updated 1 month ago
The accessibility of our right to know

Unfortunately, our government can obstruct and effectively deny our Right to Know by charging exorbitant “fees” for completing requests.

Updated 1 month ago
Fire season is here - are you ready?

Recently we held three Fire Adapted Community Workshops, sponsored by the Kootenai Forest Stakeholder Collaborative, to help homeowners better understand their role in addressing the wildfire problem.