Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of The Western News? See below to view their letters.
Battling substance abuse requires collaborative effort
Two and a half years ago, Attorney General Tim Fox and I stood on the steps of the state capitol with other lawmak…
In appreciation of the musical, "Annie"
What a big project put on by the Kootenai Karacters and the Libby Schools. It never ceases to amaze me of how much talent there is in our small town of Libby, Montana.
Families, freedom and fairness
Under Gianforte’s government the uninsured rate has increased by 127,000 Montanans of all ages. His approach to Medicaid redetermination has failed.
Letter writer says Lynch not fit for Montana Supreme Court
This is the "Lynch" campaign: baseless claims and inflammatory language.
Held vs. Montana
The Montana district court ruling in Held vs. Montana wandered beyond constitutional directive into policy making.
Lincoln Co. 4-H clubs provide youth a place to learn
It’s fair to say for most of these kids it’s their first real interaction with the business world, managing money to sell something for profit and they are learning it as early as age of 8.
Montana SB 442 funding formula is not fair
In the case of SB 442, the mechanism for allocating county road maintenance funding is inequitable and fundamentally unfair to the vast majority of Montanans.
In opposition to Snake River dam breaching
The agreement stated replacement power would be clean, renewable, socially-just energy sources.
In support of new library district
Now it appears the likelihood of Lincoln County Public Library services are on the brink of closure.
Did you know...
County commissioners are currently accepting written public comments regarding the library through March 4.
Losing patience while talking politics
It may sound dramatic, but I feel the fate of our nation hangs in the balance with the upcoming Presidential election and it’s my civic duty to open my trap, uncomfortable as it may be at times.
Grizzly bears still trapped in their own end zone
On the whole, grizzly bears are still limited to about 2% of their former numbers and 2% of their former range.
Montanans can pick our own candidates
We want fair and honest elections not selections.
Montana is now officially for Californians
The governor then sought a shady procedural loophole to veto the bill. This shady loophole has now been found to violate the Montana Constitution.
Securing the southern border
Where have you been for the last three years, Jon?
New companies coming to Montana
One may ask, WHY aren’t Libby (or Eureka) on that list?