Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Letters to the Editor

Want to read a letter to the editor of The Western News? See below to view their letters.

Updated 5 years, 4 months ago

Battling substance abuse requires collaborative effort

Two and a half years ago, Attorney General Tim Fox and I stood on the steps of the state capitol with other lawmak…

Updated 1 week ago
Thinking out loud

“If you can start arguing over something and get enough publicity, and keep the argument going, you can divide our nation overnight as whether spinach or brocolli are the most nutritious.” Will Rogers.

Updated 1 week ago
Is the U.S. back sliding?

Or America herself by the invasion of millions of illegals jeopardizing our national security and the safety of our communities all for the goal to influence our electoral college?

Updated 1 week ago
Taking from the poor, giving to the rich

The Trump administration needs to re-think its priorities and stop helping the very rich at the expense of the very poor.

Updated 1 week, 4 days ago
Not a fan of current administration

The letter to the editor that Tom Horelick wrote is...

Updated 1 week, 4 days ago
A Reality Check

Sadly, the house cleaning that really needs doing at big government agencies may or may not get done.

Updated 2 weeks ago
Lawmakers float pay-to-play ideas for Montana’s outdoors

This would encourage a pay-to-play approach at a time when Montana is already struggling to maintain public access as wealth pours into the state and open space is developed.

Updated 2 weeks ago
Libby resident displeased with response from commissioners

Apparently, Mr. Duram has already forgotten the names of all the private companies with their sustainable jobs that have rolled through Lincoln County in the past 30 years.

Updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Libby should embrace change, growth

Partnering with forestry, mining and construction would create direct pathways to stable jobs, keeping workers, families and revenue in town.

Updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago
America's new ally

Putin’s Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, primarily for its agricultural and natural resources.

Updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Retired Forest Service employee shocked at Trump/Musk firings

The loss of these jobs is yet another hit to the economy and tax base of Lincoln and Sanders counties.

Updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Ticked-off Libby Logger displeased with Sen. Daines

As always, I look forward to your generic and meaningless response written by some paid staffer.

Updated 4 weeks ago
A few words about the bull at J. Neils Memorial Park

As you said: mining has not been good for our economy and his timber based economy has been destroyed.

Updated 1 month ago
Lincoln County's CASA grateful for Flathead Electric's Roundup for Safety

Thanks to the Roundup for Safety grant awarded to CASA of Lincoln County, we have been able to fund fingerprint-based background checks for our volunteers ensuring all those who work with the children we serve are …

Updated 1 month ago
Ode to Ye Ole' Clearcut

Popsicle sticks, matches, toothpicks, pencils - credit clearcuts.

Updated 1 month ago
The courage to face political threats

Scotten could not make a deal with the devil by following orders he knew were wrong.