Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
Former governor sounds off on property tax debacle
How did the largest percentage of Republicans elected in Montana history grow government at the fastest rate in st…
More thoughts on the Flathead Water Compact
The Montana Water Court just completed the objection phase of the Flathead Compact’s preliminary decree.
Groups say wolf hunting, trapping regs are unlawful
WildEarth Guardians and Project Coyote sued the State of Montana, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, and the Fish and Wildlife Commission because the state’s extreme anti-wolf hunting and trapping policies violate the…
Walkers happy with plowing at J. Neils Park
Thank you again for the prompt and careful plowing.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
The difference between the 2007 Great Recession and the 2020 Covid Recession: it took 75 months to recover from the private sector jobs lost in the Great Recession, according to the Economic Policy Institute. The C…
Murder victim's mother thankful to Libby community
Thank you all so much for saving another little boy.
Sen. Daines is thankful for Montana
I’m thankful for our Montana farmers and ranchers that put food on our tables.
Time to set aside hyperpartisanship
In a day where partisanship seems inevitable, where party politics demand that we must fight, I’d ask that we reject this belief.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Presidents who voluntarily testified in front of Congress include Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Gerald Ford and Harry Truman.
Concerns over local ambulance service
We were told the Libby Volunteer Ambulance can no longer transport patients to Kalispell.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
It’s often the case that the president’s party does poorly in the mid-term elections, but the Nov. 8 outcome has been a big question mark.
Seeking help to keep child killer in prison
The legal process to keep Robert Hornbach in jail is a long one.
Libby resident supports Teske for county commissioner seat
I am writing this letter to inform the citizens of Lincoln County, that Brent Teske is an excellent choice for County Commissioner Dist 1.
For our posterity
Currently, the Department of Energy has failed American big time.
Tranel says Montanans have fueled her faith
What have I discovered? I have discovered you. I have discovered how much we all have in common – shared values, shared sense of place, shared challenges.
Vote for Sustainable Climate Policy
We can’t develop sound policy if every two years we reverse course. There is a clear and very important choice this election.