Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
Former governor sounds off on property tax debacle
How did the largest percentage of Republicans elected in Montana history grow government at the fastest rate in st…
Montana SB 442 funding formula is not fair
In the case of SB 442, the mechanism for allocating county road maintenance funding is inequitable and fundamentally unfair to the vast majority of Montanans.
Laws, compassion and common sense
Solomon listens to the women, each of them claiming that she is the child’s mother. Solomon then has a sword brought to him. His decision is that the child will be cut in half and one half given to each woman.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
This week millionaires no longer pay into Social Security for the remainder of the year. That would change with passage of the Social Security Expansion Act and the Social Security 2100 Act.
Judge Lynch for Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court: No substitute for experience
Montana stands at a pivotal juncture, where the integrity and impartiality of its judiciary are paramount.
State misses the mark on grizzly delisting
There must be trustworthy and credible state assurances that adequate laws and policies to manage grizzly mortalities will remain in place after delisting.
In opposition to Snake River dam breaching
The agreement stated replacement power would be clean, renewable, socially-just energy sources.
In support of new library district
Now it appears the likelihood of Lincoln County Public Library services are on the brink of closure.
Did you know...
County commissioners are currently accepting written public comments regarding the library through March 4.
NorthWestern Energy plans protect Montana customers
Anyone who takes more than a cursory look at the steps NorthWestern has made over the last several years to diversify their portfolio and ensure supply reliability can easily see...
More than one way to interfere with an election
Therein lies the McConnell-Daines strategy; find a handpicked puppet that they can buy a Senate seat for and then completely control.
Losing patience while talking politics
It may sound dramatic, but I feel the fate of our nation hangs in the balance with the upcoming Presidential election and it’s my civic duty to open my trap, uncomfortable as it may be at times.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Between 2019 and 2021, 97 members of Congress, or their family members, invested in weapons contractor stocks; 25 of them sat on committees responsible for shaping national security while also trading and profiting…
Let’s keep our communities stable, safe and healthy
In 2023, Congress ended that protection and required states to redetermine eligibility for Medicaid recipients, increasing red tape and government hurdles for programs that keep our kids safe and healthy.
Concern over Gianforte’s property tax increases
Recently, a young friend reached out, concerned about his $100 monthly mortgage increase and he didn’t know why. That’s a lot of money - $1,200 a year.
Grizzly bears still trapped in their own end zone
On the whole, grizzly bears are still limited to about 2% of their former numbers and 2% of their former range.