General News
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Deer Lodge man pleads guilty to rape
A plea deal calls for Brickey to receive a...
More fur flies in Lower Yaak Zoning District discussion
Many are concerned about the precedence that could be set if a zoning district is established.
Curry no longer part of group seeking to redevelop old Libby High School
The collapsed section of the roof and bowed-out wall on the Memorial Center side of the building are also scheduled for repair this year.
Forest intends to prepare an over-snow travel plan
This proposal aligns with travel management regulations aiming to improve recreational opportunities while ensuring environmental protection.
Heritage Museum seeks copies of old photos; readies for May 18 opening
The museum opens for the season at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 18, with the annual “Opening Day Celebration.”
Birth announcements
Killian David Collier was born to...
School trustee ballots due in county election office May 7
The elections are mail-in only. Ballots must be returned to the county Election Office by 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 7.
Lincoln Co. resident dies in structure fire
Fire crews from Lincoln County Rural Fire District 1 responded to a small home off MK Road a little before 4:30 p.m.
Cabinet Peaks' Paint it Pink Program receives $10,000 grant from Glacier Bank
This grant is part of the FHLB Des Moines Member Impact Fund, which has disbursed a total of $190,000 to 17 deserving area nonprofits.
Lincoln Co. participating in annual drug take back day
Locally, prescription drugs may be dropped off at the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office on California Avenue in Libby or at the Law Enforcement Center in Eureka.
Outdoors briefs
The new Montana Mule Deer Citizen Advisory Committee will meet twice this spring and help the department identify important issues in mule deer management and goals for the new mule deer management plan.
Libby's Martin honored by Montana State Air Force ROTC
The Air Force ROTC at Montana State University bestowed 20 awards...
Tester's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act brings $4 million to Lincoln Co.
Funding for the Secure Rural Schools program comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service and will be delivered...
Beagle, Andersen win titles at Libby Tennis Invitational
More than 100 players from Troy, Ronan, Whitefish, Cut Bank, Bigfork, Loyola, Stevensville, Columbia Falls joined the Loggers at the Community Courts April 19-…
Jury: BNSF contributed to two deaths in Libby where asbestos sickened thousands
The jury awarded $4 million each in compensatory damages to the estates of the two plaintiffs who died in 2020.
James is not part of operations at Energy Keepers and while the lake should reach full pool, no promise was made to keep the lake at full pool for the summer.