Thinking out loud
Apparently, I missed a few High School classes on American History/Civics.
I was wondering if the 13 colonies….oops, sorry….the 50 States had the opportunity to enact (ratify, or approve) the new Constitution…….oops, sorry again….Project 2025.
I do not remember reading, hearing or seeing anything about elected officials from the 50 States appointing deligates (from the citizenry) to meet in Philadelphia, or anywhere else, to discuss (ala Constitutional Convention 1787), the ratification of this new Constitution (or whatever the title).
As a veteran, I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law, and to honor and respect the American flag - olde Red, White and Blue. As did my family and old friends who served in World Wars I and II.
Speaking of the Bill of Rights, will they be attached to the new Constitution? All 10? Thought so.
How about our Four Freedoms? Every American loves and cherishes the Four Freedoms.
How about anchovies on pizza? Oops! Got side tracked.
“If you can start arguing over something and get enough publicity, and keep the argument going, you can divide our nation overnight as whether spinach or brocolli are the most nutritious.” Will Rogers.
John Adams said (to paraphrase), I can not see killing anyone over their ideology.”
Today, ideologies have become caustic. We have Republicans vs. Democrats, Liberals vs. Conservatives, Red State vs. Blue State, Packers vs. Bears, Regular Fries or Supersize….silly, isn’t it? I’ll go with the Bears (freedom of choice).
Note: There are no Red States. There are no Blue states. There is only the United States.
Ideology is nothing more than having hopes and dreams of a perfect world; a Paradise, Utopia, Garden of Eden, a chicken in every pot. Each American has their own personal dreams. It’s called Freedom. Freedom of Choice. Basically we are all alike, only different.
I grew up in a time when “the Federal Government was responsible to enforce a social contract in which the right to pursue happiness includes the right to a job.” I read that. It was also the Golden Age of Knowledge and Wisdom. (JFK era).
Historians say, “You must go back to the beginning; from there the path forward is clearer.” Granddad called it hindsite. So I did. I went back to a few our Founding Fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, James Madison. These were the people who made America!
I have the greatest admiration for this entire group. The Knowledge accrued by these gentlemen was astounding. From their Knowledge and Wisdom, the Founding Fathers found the path to America’s success is through Knowledge.
Every American should read books on Government, Philosophy and Poetry. The Philosophy helps you interpret what you read. The Poetry helps you articulate your thoughts.
Sure worked for Abraham Lincoln. Even Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (he liked to add a little Sherlock Holmes to the mix).
Note: The Founding Fathers were all alike, only different. (Some Federalist. Some Antifederalist.)
Thomas Jefferson said, “America is based on Christian values.” That I believe. Following the wisdom of the Prophet has merit. Around the mid 1980 a change was taking place. Prophet was being substituted to Profit. - Capitalist Theology, American Theocracy. Their is no Wisdom, only Profit. I don’t see a chair at this table for many Americans.
This is a little ditty from a respectable periodical (from years ago): Democracy hasn’t failed us; we have failed Democracy.”
I believe the author is right.
Lastly. Will Citizen’s United stay on the books? Thought so.
Time to get off the soap box and go have a beer. Yes, Wisdom in a bottle.
If you want to know how the Founding Fathers discovered all their Knowledge and Wisdom, you’ll have to go back to the beginning.
I suggest you start at your local library.
You will definitely make the spirit of Benjamin Franklin quite happy.
Roger Larson, Libby