Friday, March 14, 2025

Vern Brue

| January 3, 2025 12:00 AM

Vern Brue was born on July 10, 1953, in Livingston and lost his battle to cancer on Dec. 9, 2024. After a long misdiagnosis with much pain and suffering, he is finally at peace. 

My dad has been mentioned many times as a character and he was, a unique individual that always had a joke to tell or a prank to pull. He was a very basic man that lived simply and loved the outdoors. Most of his life was spent right here in Libby. This area and all of its beautiful surroundings is what my dad lived for. 

In his younger years he rode his motorcycle, hunted, fished, cut firewood, water skied and scuba dived. He was an accomplished woodworker and whatever he put his mind to do, he did it very well. He wasn’t much for crowds or anything of today’s technology-driven world. I’m so thankful for that. He raised me in old school. He taught me to hunt, fish, drive well, change a tire, shoot a tight 5 shot group and pay my bills on time. His memory was remarkable. He kept my childhood alive for me by re-telling stories of the two of us adventuring in the woods. His most fond memories were always his time growing up in old Warland with many shenanigans and ample game to hunt. We are really gonna miss him.

Vern is preceded in death by his parents Glen and Cathy Brue. He is survived by his daughter, Loni Harmon (Jason), grandkids (Emily and Levi), brother Richard Brue (Vicki), sister Georgia Thompson (William), uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, and special longtime friends Bruce Little and Mike Potter.

Arrangements are under the care of Schnackenberg Funeral Home of Libby. Online condolences and memories may be shared by visiting