Sunday, February 09, 2025

Letter to Montana citizens and businesses that rely on Amtrak

| February 4, 2025 7:00 AM

Monday, Jan. 20, the Federal Railroad Administration released a report to Congress titled: “Amtrak Daily Long Distance Service Study.”

The study looked at restoring long-distance passenger rail routes that had been discontinued by Amtrak. On Jan. 22, KPAX and KBZK reported on this stor

Rep. Ryan Zinke’s press spokesperson quoted in part: “The Congressman is opposed to additional federal funding for passenger rail. The federal government already spends billions of taxpayer dollars a year on Amtrak and they can’t get it right. The Congressman believes now is the time to cut one wasteful government spending, not increase it.”

I’m unsure how Rep. Zinke thinks people along the northern route of Montana who rely on Amtrak’s Empire Builder and who do not drive or fly are going to be able to get to where they want to go.

Montanans need mobility options for various reasons and Amtrak fills that niche. Our government should look at cutting “wasteful spending,” however, Amtrak is not wasteful spending and should not be cut.

We need to keep what we’ve got and that’s Amtrak operating. We don’t want to eliminate a vital form of public transportation for localities that have limited travel options.

Contact Rep. Zinke’s offices and inform the Congressman that he needs to support Amtrak not only for his constituents in Montana but for the country as a whole.

- Barry E. Green, Council Rep. (MT) Rail Passengers Association Glendive, Montana