Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Kootenai Outdoor Adventurers host youth ski program

by The Western News
| February 4, 2025 7:00 AM

The Kootenai Outdoor Adventure Program wrapped up its ski program last week at the South Flower Creek trails.

Ski day was Thursday, Jan. 30, and program leader Bill Moe said there were nearly 50 students in fifth through eighth grades. Two high school students and two teacher-coordinators helped lead the event.

“We had a great season and also lucked out with the snow up South Flower Creek this year, due to a little elevation and a north slope,” Moe said. “It sure is a magnificent cross country ski course under Treasure Mountain that we have.”

Moe also credited his coaches, including Dr. Rice, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Ostrowski, Ms. McBride, Faith Everest, Joe Taylor and Erin Taylor.