Friday, February 21, 2025

A memorable county fair for south Lincoln Co. 4-H clubs

The Western News | September 3, 2024 7:00 AM

The 4-H clubs of south Lincoln County made their respective marks at the Lincoln County Fair in Eureka.

Held Aug. 21-25, the 4-H Youth Livestock Auction, exhibits and the “Bull Thing” are the highlights of the annual event.

Members of the South 40 and Troy’s Kootenai Kids and Kritters clubs collected dozens of ribbons and showed animals that helped raise nearly $500,000 in the livestock auction.

That figure topped 2023’s total of $469,372.35 and was well ahead of 2022’s $330,000.

“It was an excellent year for them all, but I’m pretty proud of my grand champions,” said Kara Matthews, South 40 Club Organizational Leader.

Hailey Matthews was a two-time Grand Champion in market class beef and senior showmanship.

Leah Matthews was a Grand Champion with her hog in junior showmanship. 

Jayva Boehmler was a Grand Champion with her steer in Junior Showmanship.

Bailey Haugen was a Reserve Champion for her cow/calf pair.

Nick Harper was a Grand Champion for his beef breeding project, rabbit and dog showmanship. He also had the best photography entry in the youth category, some other photography awards and best pottery mug.

Harper also won the Round Robin for being a two-time Grand Champion in showmanship for dog and rabbit.

“Nick did great,” said proud Mom Svetlana Harper. “It’s a lot of work for the kids and everyone, but the rewards are great!”

Abby Kreutzer was a Grand Champion in the poultry category and a Reserve Champion for her rabbit.

Isabella Soileau collected four ribbons, including Grand Champion in Junior Showmanship - Rabbit, Grand Champion for her ewe, Best in Show for rabbit and Best Costume for a small animal.

Parker Olson was a Grand Champion for his breeding heifer.

“Even our little kids made it to the final drive,” Matthews said. “We’re so proud of them.”

The LOR Foundation was a major supporter of the South 40 club. It helped the club buy a portable pen system, which was used to house the lambs. It is also useful for swine and goats. The club also took its portable squeeze chute for safely handing cattle. LOR helped with that acquisition in 2023.

    Nick and Svetlana Harper show his cow/calf pair at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    Nick Harper's Grand Champion bunny at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    Having fun at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    Abby Kreutzer was the poultry Grand Champion at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    From left, are South 40 4-H club members Hailey Matthews, Jayva Boehmler, Bailey Haugan and Leah Matthews at the Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. All were Grand Champions in their respective events. (Photo courtesy Kara Matthews)
    The 2024 Lincoln County Fair's 4-H dog show saw some impressive canines. Troy's Nick Harper also won the Round Robin for being a two-time Grand Champion in showmanship for dog and rabbit. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    Rollins' Hunter Boggs competed in the Junior Bull Thing at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)
    Nick Harper and his dad, Chad Harper, show off his cow/calf pair at the 2024 Lincoln County Fair. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)