Thursday, March 13, 2025

County seeks to increase landfill while debating haul costs

The Western News | October 29, 2024 7:00 AM

Waste disposal in Lincoln County took center stage at a recent county commission meeting as officials eye ways to cut costs amid a plan to expand the landfill outside Libby.

According to a news release from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, it is accepting public comment on a draft Environmental Assessment regarding a proposed expansion of the the county landfill on Pipe Creek Road.

The proposed expansion includes approximately 17.4 acres of property located southeast of the current landfill at 2501 Pipe Creek Road. An existing drive would be used to access the site from the main entrance off Pipe Creek Road via Libby Landfill Road. Of the 17.4 acres, 14.3 acres would be used for active landfilling activities. The remaining acreage would remain undisturbed.

The existing landfill is expected to reach capacity in 2027. In its application, Lincoln County explained that the expansion would allow for the continued acceptance of Group II, Group III and Group IV waste, all of which are accepted at the existing landfill, alleviating the need for this waste to be transported outside of the county for final disposal. 

The proposed expansion would extend the timeline for active landfilling in this area by about 29 years.

DEQ prepared a draft assessment in compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act to analyze potential impacts of the proposal. The agency is now accepting public comment on the draft EA, after which DEQ will review comments and make a final decision on the application. 

The public comment period closes Friday, Nov. 15. Comments can be submitted electronically or by mail.

To view the draft assessment or to submit comment, please visit the DEQ website at:

Mailed comments should go to Solid Waste Program, DEQ/WUTMB, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901.

During the meeting, county Health Department Director Kathi Hooper talked about the drastic increase in costs.

“We’re seeking direction from the commissioners about what to do,” Hooper said at the Oct. 16 meeting. “Our deal expires Nov. 9.”

Hooper said the county had sought a 1-year extension on its current contract, but Evergreen Hauling didn’t grant it. She also said the Hecla site may have to be closed and the remote site attendant in Troy will be removed. That cost $45,000 per year.

The county closed five Green Box sites in 2023 and more closures may still occur.

“A lot of single can sites will go away and we face the possibility of closing more remote sites,” Hooper said.

Sites that remain open include Libby Creek, Happy’s Inn, Fisher River, City of Troy, Hecla, Yaak Hill, Upper Yaak, Trego, Fortine, West Kootenai and Rexford.

Refuse assessments also increased $15 to $150 per year to support landfill operations in 2023. Hooper said the last refuse assessment increase was in 2008.

District 1 Commissioner Brent Teske said the county will have to look at taking over trash hauling operations.

“We’ll cover next year’s cost ($70,000) with money from PILT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes),” he said. “We knew it (the contract) would increase, but not to double.”

District 3 Commissioner Josh Letcher said it was time the county looked at ordering a new truck to handle roll-off containers, of which Hooper agreed.

Hooper did have some good news, though. She said a compactor they bought from Flathead County was working well and it helped in saving space at the landfill, which allows for three more years of use.

She also said the county was looking at getting its other compactor fixed and is minimizing the cover soil to make the available space last as long as possible.”

The commissioners will take up the matter again at the Oct. 30 meeting.

Landfills in Libby and Eureka are open six days a week and closed on Sunday. The Troy landfill is open five days per week while being closed Sunday and Monday. All are closed on holidays.

The Libby landfill is located at 2501 Pipe Creek Road and its phone number is 293-7146. The Troy landfill is at 273 Dump Road and can be reached at 283-1713. In Eureka, the landfill is at 653 Airport Road and may be reached at 889-5117.

All three landfills accept yard waste, general home waste, used appliances, scrap metal, wood products, concrete and batteries (auto or lead acid). Libby and Eureka accept motor oil and anti freeze, but Troy and Happy’s Inn do not those items.

For asbestos materials, call the Lincoln County Asbestos Resource Program at 291-5335.

For other questions, contact the county Health Department at 283-2442. Information may also be found at

Evergreen Disposal handles trash hauling in the county. In Libby and Troy, the number is 293-3711 and in Eureka, it’s 297-2777.