Saturday, February 08, 2025

CI-128: Another Trojan Horse

| October 25, 2024 7:00 AM

It is indeed sobering to observe the HUGE amounts of out of state $ pouring into Montana in support of the three Constitutional Initiatives on the ballot. 

Much of it is from George Soros connected groups and Planned Parenthood. Montana is being targeted.

Pretty scary stuff.

CI-128 is chalk full of problems from start to finish:

- It denies the fact that there are no rights without responsibilities. That means that there are responsibilities that go with a woman’s rights regarding her body.

- It denies the fact that babies and their mothers have the same rights. This is obvious if one considers the law, re: injury or death of pregnant mothers and/or their babies due to murder, vehicular manslaughter, etc. The mother and the baby are considered two separate persons and thus the perp is charged on two separate counts. 

This indicates that the baby is not just some ‘appendage’ of the mother to be ignored but an individual with the same rights and protections as the mother.

- The very language of this initiative has been ‘doctored’ by the OFTEN over-turned Montana Supreme Court...which has NO Constitutional authority to do so. But so anxious are they to share in the bounty of out of state funding rolling in to support CI-128, they just couldn’t keep their dirty hands out of things...Constitutional or not. 

THIS is called legislating from the bench. It is the Constitutional duty of the MT Secretary of State & the MT Department of Justice to sign off on the language used in any Constitutional Initiative...which they did...on the original document. 

BUT the always meddling MT Supreme Court INTERFERED to make sure that CI-128 was deceptively benefit certain parties like Planned Parenthood, et al.

- Finally, MT already allows abortion SO WHY the push to introduce a radical replacement?

Here’s one explanation: MT is known as ‘a cheap date’ - out of state ‘influencers’ see us as an easy way to push their radical national agenda & influence national elections. It would be both foolish & dangerous for MT to acquiesce to such out right manipulation.

Moral issues aside, there are plenty of reasons to VOTE NO on CI-128.

C.A. Disney, Libby, Montana