Tuesday, October 15, 2024

CI 126 & 127: Trojan Horses

| October 15, 2024 7:00 AM

Alaska learned the hard way. They voted for ranked choice voting and now they are trying to get rid of it. Montana Constitutional Initiative 126 and 127 are billed as an effort to ‘make Montana elections more competitive.’ 

In reality THIS is just an euphemism for ranked choice voting. THIS is a thinly veiled effort to tinker with and manipulate our elections. ”If it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” applies here.      

THIS is a scheme to disconnect elections from issues and allow candidates with marginal support from voters to win elections. In the end, it is all about political power, NOT about what is best for Montana. 

IT also disenfranchises voters, because ballots that do not include the two ultimate finalists are cast aside to manufacture a faux ‘majority’ for the faux ‘winner.’

So-called reformers want to change process rules so they can manipulate election outcomes to obtain power. Most of the funding for CI 126/127 comes from OUT OF STATE DARK MONEY SOURCES - ie, George Soros...why would that be?  

VOTE NO on CI -126 & 127.

C.A. Disney, Libby