Saturday, March 15, 2025

Families, freedom and fairness

| March 26, 2024 7:00 AM

Montana families deserve the financial freedom that comes from good health and a hard day’s work.

It is only fair.

Under Gianforte’s government the uninsured rate has increased by 127,000 Montanans of all ages. His approach to Medicaid redetermination has failed. We all will pay for Gianforte’s comedy of errors, but wait, there is nothing funny about human suffering. Or so most of us believe.

As a matter of fact, the Governor is hurting defenseless children, making it harder to work for their parents and further squeezing the small businesses who rely on these workers. AND the impacts are highest in rural areas. 

While campaigning I met a young father who spoke gratefully about visiting the dentist for the 1st time in his adult life.  After getting his teeth fixed, he was able to move from the back of the house to the front of the house where he now works as a waiter.   Medicaid Expansion has made providing for his family possible.

Once again, Gianforte is ignoring the promise of everyday Montanans.

Mary Caferro, Helena (D), has been in the Montana Legislature for 19 years and is Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.