Saturday, March 15, 2025

Libby Assembly of God Church hosting noted author

by The Western News
| March 22, 2024 7:00 AM

Libby Assembly of God Church is hosting a few events next month about redemptive compassion.

The first is an inaugural celebration fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 12. The “Dessert Extravaganza” will feature keynote speaker, Lois Tupyi, author of “Redemptive Compassion.”

Tickets are $25 each and may be purchased by calling 334-2016 or at 

The second is a free workshop and training, held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 13 at the church. The special live event will be led by Tupyi.

The events are being sponsored by Love Inc. of south Lincoln County.

To register, go to 

According to her bio, Tupyi is the author of Redemptive Compassion and three other books. She has dedicated over twenty-three years trying to better understand the biblical call to wholistic help and educate others through her years of hands-on experience. Her passion is to see everyone move into the fullness of life God has offered to all by helping in ways that lift people out of need, rather than sustaining them in their need.

Tupyi, an Idaho native, served as Executive Director of Love in the Name of Christ of Treasure Valley for 23 years before stepping down to further her efforts with Redemptive Compassion.

Low income housing event set for April 11

The Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana is holding an event April 11 about low income housing.

It will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 11, at the Libby branch of the Lincoln County Library for existing and prospective Housing Choice Voucher landlords.

Participants will be able to learn more about the program and get information about Section 8 rental properties.

To RSVP, email or call 406-758-5462.

County victim/witness hosting candlelight vigil April 25

The Lincoln County Victim/Witness Advocate will hold its second annual candlelight vigil at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 25, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in front of the Lincoln County Courthouse, 512 California Ave., Libby.

For those interested in setting up a table for their organization, please let us know at In case of rain, we are working on an alternate location.

Libby Volunteer recruitment drive set for May 11

The Libby Volunteer Recruitment Drive will be on Saturday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Libby Memorial Events Center. Setup will be from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the day of the event.

The event promotes the organizations that do so much in our community and highlights interests that are desirable to community members looking to volunteer. 

It is encouraged that your organization provide interactive experience for attendees, to showcase the benefits of becoming a volunteer. 

There will be coffee, breakfast pastries and hourly prize drawings. The final date to reserve a table is Friday, April 19.

For more information, contact LOR Community Officer Tabitha Viergutz at 406-250-5218 or at