Let’s keep our communities stable, safe and healthy
In 2015, Democrats and Republicans in the Montana legislature put aside their partisan and ideological differences, and taking advantage of the federal Affordable Care Act, expanded Medicaid coverage to more than 90,000 low income Montanans, almost 10 percent of the state’s entire population.
That was a decision from which Montana would profoundly, and proudly, benefit. It meant that 90,000 of our neighbors would now get the regular and preventative health care that most Montanans enjoy, rather than having to wait to get sick and wait in a hospital emergency room when they needed care.
It also meant that parents didn’t need to worry about going broke when they took their kids to the doctor. It meant that health care providers, rural hospitals and Indian Health Service clinics, struggling to keep their doors open as costs went up and revenue lagged, were given much needed relief.
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