Saturday, September 07, 2024

County commissioner candidate shares reasons for running

| July 23, 2024 7:00 AM


A growing number of folks have asked me why I would leave a nice quiet retirement where I control my own schedule to run for the office of Lincoln County Commissioner, District 3. 

There are two reasons behind this decision. These reasons form the core structure of who I am and are equally important to me.

First, I strongly believe that for our democratic republic to survive we must all step up and be heard. Being a “keyboard warrior” is not enough. For many years I have preached that we need to show up, stand up and advocate for what we believe is true and just. The more people that write letters, attend meetings and speak up, at all levels, the stronger our society becomes.

Just before he passed, Congressman John Lewis was asked by a young person, “What can we do?” His response “Make a good noise!”

By running for commissioner, I hope that I will make a good noise while upholding my first core belief.

My second core belief is that good governance starts at the local level. From the local level comes the impetus to influence state and federal decisions. 

Over the past 5 1/2 years, as a member of Eureka Town Council, I have watched, with growing dismay as the county commission, under Mr. Letcher’s influence and “leadership” has become increasingly radicalized.

As a result, many senior citizens that I have spoken with have been afraid to come forward and speak their truth. Additionally, many younger citizens have simply given up, feeling that their voices don’t matter.

In my America, every voice matters and can and should be spoken without fear. What is funny, in a way, is that I find the concerns of our young citizens frequently match those of our elders. It is my fervent hope that by running, and winning a seat as commissioner, I can begin building the bridges which bring all our residents together in a common desire to create a community where everyone matters, and all feel free to express their opinions. 

I believe that the phrase “It takes a village” is the unvarnished truth. Together there is nothing that we can’t accomplish.

If you have questions, comments or wish to donate to my campaign, I can be reached at my personal email

Doug Davies, Eureka