Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Voicing opposition of 'Natural Asset Companies'

| January 16, 2024 7:00 AM

Please reach out to oppose and stop the Security and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) from proposing to create new types of companies known as, "Natural Asset Companies," (NAC). 

This new type of company, will in essence, place a monetary value on our natural resource processes, such as clean air, water, minerals and food to name a few.

They will virtually "own" the rights to the basic processes found in nature.

These new types of asset companies will seriously curtail or stop grazing rights, water rights, mineral rights, modern agriculture, logging and forest management, hunting and recreational rights and will also impact personal and public property rights. 

These new companies will also be open to the world markets. Foreign countries hostile to America can invest in and own our American natural assets and if they choose to do so, they can shut down, stop, or hinder our aforementioned rights.

This effort to control our natural resources would be a travesty to our American way of life not only in Montana, but the rest of the country as well.

Contact the SEC to oppose this new proposal titled: SR-NYSE-2023-09 (release #34-98665). 

We have until January 19th to make public comments. And  please call your state and federal legislators, governor and our attorney general, and protect Montana and our nation from this invasive proposal.

Thank you,

Paula Wesley, Libby