Friday, March 14, 2025

It's OK to be nice

| December 27, 2024 7:00 AM

An open letter to my Trump supporting friends and neighbors.

Your guy won. I imagine you are feeling less threatened, at least I hope so. No more worries about the government taking your guns, or any of the myriads of other freedoms you enjoy as an American. 

No more concerns about communism or woke mobs infringing on your rights or undocumented immigrants taking your jobs. You voted for him because you are concerned about these things. Of course, maybe, you voted for Trump to “own the Libs,” if so, the best way to do that is to show us, by your actions, what good people you are.

So, now it's OK to be nice, it is safe to be compassionate. It's right to be concerned for the less fortunate and it's downright patriotic to be generous. This is not sarcasm. 

This is the straight up truth, now you 'all have the chance to prove Hillary wrong when she called you deplorable. Be admirable, be credible, be honorable, not just to your neighbors in your town, not just to all Americans, but to all human beings on the planet. If you do this, I promise, the “libs” will be “owned’ in the best possible way.

To my fellow progressives,

Let us try to be less judgmental, let us take notice of our Trumpian neighbor's kind actions. Let us focus on the little things, the small offers of help, the smiles, the everyday acts of generosity, and forget, for now, issues of national policy, just now for the holiday season, let's be the good neighbors and friends we imagine ourselves to be.

We Americans are a blessed people. We can become examples of generosity and compassion for the world, or we can continue to be the examples of ignorance, selfishness and greed that we currently are. 

It's up to all of us to take that high road, regardless of political party or lack thereof. To me that is the meaning of making America great again.

Moira Blazi, Libby