Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Kootenai Stampede organizer wants bull statue to stay at J. Neils

| August 27, 2024 7:00 AM

Hopefully this will be the LAST meeting on this subject.  

This is the meeting that we requested when asking for a postponement until AFTER the July 25-26 Kootenia River Stampede Rodeo. And it WAS a very successful event thanks to the area sponsoring businesses, volunteers, contestants and spectators!

Actually, the first request was that the Commissioners DISMISS the proposal as a NON-issue. It has never been made clear WHY this proposal was ever even addressed. Three times Dave Harman has been asked publicly WHO was behind this.  

Three times he has skirted around the question and never answered the question.  He was quoted in the July 3 newspaper article that he would never have proceeded if he hadn’t checked with “the KRS, the Rotary and the Libby Area Chamber of Commerce who all seemed to be in agreement for the removal.” 

At the Parks Board review, I stated, once again, that the Rotary (as emphatically declared by the local branch’s President) is a service group which would never take sides on an issue such as this. The same applied to the Chamber (who placed a letter in the newspaper stating the same message). ... and did anyone know who KRS is???  No one appeared to know so I informed them that KRS stands for Kootenai River Stampede!!!  And did ANYONE possibly think that I was in favor of removing that bucking bull statue!?!

For the Parks Board meeting, It was requested that my presentation be short, concise and address three points:

     1. Numbers

     2. Proposal

     3. Budget

1.  Since Mr. Harman keeps stating that “EVERYONE” wants the bull down (but can’t or won’t give one name), the request for numbers spurred my idea of doing a survey - gathering names, signatures, phone numbers and addresses for those who wanted the bull to remain where it has been for the last nearly 20 years.  

My “EVERYONE's" have names and have publicly gone on record as wanting the bull to STAY in place. Presently I have over 750 signatures. There are still surveys out gathering signatures that I will pick up Monday or Tuesday before Wednesday’s meeting.

2.  My proposal is - LEAVE the bull where it is.

3.  The BUDGET will be ZERO dollars 

As near as I can figure, the driving force behind Mr. Harman's actions is Christine Neils Lee who was the only Neils who objected to the bull being on the original sign when it was created. She claims it dishonors the Neils’ name.

The sign’s designer and construction supervisor states that the sign was never meant to be a “memorial,” that the Neils family never owned the property (it has ALWAYS been Forest Service property) therefore the Neils family DIDN’T donate it - nor have they ever put a penny into the sign or the Park.

Why she has resurfaced after all this time - I haven’t a clue. She has gone on record that “if the bull does not come down, she wants the Neils name removed from the sign.”

At a recent Neils family reunion, she did have family members sign a petition requesting the bull be taken down and replaced with a "suitable statue" - no mention as to WHO is going to pay for such an item! Their petition has name and signature only - no place of residency... since most DON’T live here?  

I haven’t seen but one page of the petition yet but it apparently has been submitted to Commissioner Brent Teske’s office. I will request a complete version Monday.  

My questions are:

1. Did she tell the family that the Park was NEVER Neils property - that they DIDN’T donate it? (SHE didn’t know that prior to the Parks Board meeting).

2.  Did she tell the family that she has gone on public record stating that she wants the Neils name off the sign if her wishes aren't granted - that the bull be taken down?

3.  WHO do they think is going to pay for the requested “more appropriate statue???" On their petition, I saw no offer on their part to participate financially.

IF you haven’t signed the "Keep the Bull in Place" survey, please contact me or go to the 4B’s Restaurant. They still have surveys on a clipboard at their cash register!

IF you can attend the Commissioners' meeting Wednesday morning, Aug. 28 at the Courthouse - PLEASE do so. Everyone’s support at the past two meetings has been greatly appreciated.  

The Bull discussion is scheduled 11:00-11:15 a.m.

Patty Rambo, Libby