Friday, August 30
Local sports schedule
Troy, Libby at Libby Invitational, Cabinet View Golf Course, 10 a.m.

Officials urge safe boating on Labor Day weekend
Based on Montana’s Boating Accident Report Database, between 70 and 75 percent of Montana boating fatalities occur on non-motorized watercraft. These include rafts, kayaks, canoes, stand-up paddleboards and row boats.
Libby Senior Center September menu
Also, to reserve a meal, folks are asked to call 293-7222 for aa meals 24 hours in advance.

Libby's Adamson pens book about 'Easy' statue
The song inspired a tribute park in Winslow to the Eagles and the song because...
Montana Chamber of Commerce proud to endorse Supreme Court candidates
That endorsement comes after a committee of attorneys and retired judges interviewed all the candidates, evaluated their temperament, applicable rulings and ability to be fair and unbiased in the decision-making process.

Mineral Avenue wreck
One person was taken to the hospital after...
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
But, “Trump mocks his supporters. He calls them basement dwellers. I love my country more than my party. Kamala Harris tells the truth. She respects the American people and she has my vote.”
Agencies eye project to improve Kootenai River
Bonneville proposes to provide funding to Fish, Wildlife and Parks for implementation of a pilot study intended to enhance depleted nutrient levels in the Kootenai...
Commission sets wolf hunting regulations, quotas; units tweaked near Yellowstone
The commission agreed to increase the statewide wolf quota to 334 for the upcoming season, up from 313 last year.

Mary Michelle Manning
Mary Michelle Manning
Clash of the Carvers returns to Libby
2024’s event features 20 of the world’s best carvers who will compete for $15,000 in prizes.

Ron Kelly
Ron Kelly

Area man accused of drug trafficking, endangerment
Dunsing is accused of four offenses, including three felonies.
Sheehy's stance on public lands is scary
The sheer size of that transfer would overwhelm the state and counties, leading to selling lands to private owners. Over half the lands given to western states at statehood have been sold.
Don’t be fooled by “public” charter school deception
A rapidly-changing world means our schools have been asked to do more and more and more, but without additional support, and that’s a recipe for making the system fall apart.
Legals for August, 30 2024
Tuesday, August 27

Libby man pleads guilty to trespass in dog napping case
If Ringsbye avoids any further legal issues during his probation...

Local crews tackle six new Kootenai wild fires
The OU3 Tub Fire, on the Libby Ranger District, occurred in the Operable Unit 3 superfund site area. Resources were able to contain the fire at one-quarter of an acre.
Kootenai Stampede organizer wants bull statue to stay at J. Neils
Did she tell the family that the Park was NEVER Neils property - that they DIDN’T donate it? (SHE didn’t know that prior to the Parks Board meeting).
Body of missing mountaineer found in Glacier National Park
Cause of death is still under investigation, but traumatic injuries and the location of the body are indicative of a fall.
Sheriff's Office blotter
A noise disturbance involving a woman screaming at a man was reported in...

Libby man pleads guilty to criminal child endangerment
Steven Wayne Kelley, 52, initially pleaded not guilty in June in...

Diana Marquez
Diana Marquez
Spots still available on Libby, Troy government study commissions
Some local officials have said that there was confusion of what the government study commissions were meant to do.
Fall sports kick off this weekend in Lincoln County
The Libby Loggers cross country teams will host an invitational Friday at 10 a.m. at Cabinet View Golf Course.
Independent states her case for Public Service Commission
These commissioners don’t need a code of conduct. They need to be voted out of office.
No more time to debate climate change
I’d like to remind my fellow Montanans that there is overwhelming consensus within the scientific community on these fundamental points regarding...
Property tax proposal will raise taxes
Don’t be fooled by Governor Gianforte’s rebate and the multiple marketing materials reminding...

Voices in the Wilderness: Ice climbing A Peak
After 5 hours of skinning, stepping over downed logs, and several creek crossings we were finally rewarded with our first views of A Peak.
Legals for August, 27 2024
Friday, August 23
Hunter education classes offered in northwest Montana
All in-person classes are free. Students must be at least 10 years old to take a Hunter Education class.

Troy contractor accused of large-scale theft
According to court documents, Hubbard operated a business under the names of MAV Built Better or MAV Construction LLC.
Big Sky Memorial Ride brings endurance equine event to Lincoln County
Trail riders from several states and Canada competed in the sport of endurance horse riding...

Beach resigns from Libby Council; city seeks applicants for vacant seat
Beach’s resignation was announced by Mayor Peggy Williams during...

Birth announcement
Family Birth Services as well as Mark and Madeline Vogel are pleased to announce...
Forest officials consider East Fork Fire logging project
The project area includes the area burned by the 2023 East Fork Fire. The East Fork Fire started on July 30, 2023, from a lightning strike. The fire burned approximately 5,259 acres on both the Kootenai and Flathead National Forests.

Richard (Dick) Olsen
Richard (Dick) Olsen

Study finds mining-related pollution 350 miles downstream of Canadian coal mines
Regulators in the U.S. say the study shows that dangerous levels of selenium are entering the waterways of Montana and Idaho.
CARD Clinic gets new federal grant
The grant will fund the CARD Clinic’s ongoing asbestos health screening and lung cancer screening programs...

Cattle-killing griz euthanized in upper Blackfoot Valley
FWP wildlife specialists reported that the conflicts began in mid-July east of Lincoln...
Legals for August, 23 2024
Tuesday, August 20

Patricia Louise (Peschel) Mikulecky
Patricia Louise (Peschel) Mikulecky
State Rep. Regier says high court aligned with radical left
However, it is disconcerting, to say the least, hearing former Montana Supreme Court Justice...
Senator Tester is one of us
Apologies to F. Scott Fitzgerald: “The very rich are just different...
Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild show to feature patriotic theme
The 2024 show will feature a special patriotic quilt exhibit...

Kootenai Valley Quilt Guild names Pankey quilter of year
Pankey clearly has a heart for giving and has continued her community work with the guild.
Dead men don't own anything!
This group plans to change the names of 263 species, 45 of which are in Montana.
WILD ART-Riverfront Blues Festival
Blues fans enjoyed the music of...
Troy appoints trio to police commission as it narrows chief search
Veteran chief Katie Davis worked her last day with the department on July 5.

Troy woman pleads guilty to running over man
Palmer said during a June 6 court hearing...
Heritage Museum not getting mixed up in bull statue situation
It is not within the scope of our mission statement to have an opinion on the removal of the bull from J. Neils Park.
Tester attacks Montana businesses, we build Montana businesses
Over nine years, our veteran management team built a business ecosystem that created hundreds of new Montana jobs...
Why you cannot trust the Montana Chamber of Commerce
Sadly, they have a penchant for endorsing extremely partisan, unqualified...

Libby man headed to prison after new drug charges, probation violations
Ty Reed Orsborn, 36, was originally charged and pleaded...

Dale Henry Berg
Dale Henry Berg
Our threatened outdoors
Elsewhere, PERC called for “selling off millions of acres of (public) grazing lands.” The underlying agenda—commercializing and reserving wildlife for the benefit of the wealthy—should be obvious.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
Last week a federal judge ruled that Google is a monopolist, in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act. Repercussions could include breaking up Google, The Lever wrote.

Libby's Filler named 2024 Montana Notary of the Year
Filler said she initially became a notary nearly three decades ago...

Ignite the Nites 2024 results
Vehicle registrations increased substantially from 2023 with 326 owners entering their works of art.
Legals for August, 20 2024
Friday, August 16
Black bear killed near Red Lodge after attacking girl inside tent
FWP wardens found garbage, a cooler and human food surrounding and inside the tent where the girl was attacked, FWP said.
It’s time to remember respect
If anything can be said to describe the people of the county that I live in it is that we are individualistic.

Elizabeth E. Nelson
Elizabeth E. Nelson

At 80, Smokey Bear's message is timeless
His story is not a new one, but it bears repeating.

New-look Cedar Creek forest project seeks public comment
But a new part of the current proposal would allow for the construction of a new trailhead and parking area for horse trailers as well as an increase in the time FS roads 4727 and 402 are open.

Upper Yaak Fire Service hosting Labor Day weekend rummage sale
For those wishing to donate items for the sale, two drop-off dates are scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 17, 8 a.m. to noon and Saturday, Aug. 24, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Upper Yaak Fire Station, Yaak.

Patricia Holzer
Patricia Holzer
Montana property owners eligible for tax rebates
The property tax rebate is a rebate of up to $675 of property taxes paid on a principal residence.

Officials make changes to northwest Montana Stage I fire restrictions
Fire danger remains high to very high because of the potential for wildfire threat, especially following recent lightning events.
Montana federal judge hears arguments about grizzly killings
They also debated whether the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services did a thorough enough review when it...

Constance “Connie” (Smith) Philbrick, 77
Constance “Connie” (Smith) Philbrick, 77
Dawn Marie Harvey
Dawn Marie Harvey
Legals for August, 16 2024
Tuesday, August 13
Washington man pleads guilty to drug possession
A Washington man accused of illegal drug possession after he thought he suffering from an overdose...

Julius W. Robertson
Julius W. Robertson

Montana State summer program gives Yaak teacher new ideas
Alderete said she, herself, is always trying to learn.

Larry Glenn Stroklund
Larry Glenn Stroklund
Gianforte, FWP say grizzly translocations shows Montana ready for delisting
On Friday, Gianforte and Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon – both Republicans – announced their administrations had successfully translocated two subadult grizzly bears from remote areas of the Middle Fork Flathead River to Wyoming.
Bits n’ pieces from east, west and beyond
House Republicans have opted for a six rather than four-week break. Prior to leaving they “failed to pass several mandatory spending bills,” The Wall Street Journal said. The result will be a scramble in the fall to avoid a government shutdown.
Montana should lead the charge For PTSD treatments
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to vote on the approval of MDMA-assisted therapy (MDMA-AT) to treat PTSD in the next few days.
Community briefs
The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive Thursday, Aug. 15, in Libby.
Judge sides with FWP in elk management lawsuit
Elk populations, public hunting access form key pieces of initial rulings in lawsuit.
Libby man jailed on accusations of assaulting girlfriend
According to a probable cause statement...
Sheriff’s Office blotter
A deputy warned a group of people about having a camp fire during...

WILD ART-Guns and Hoses
Members of the Guns and Hoses softball teams played for...
Trump and Sheehy train attacks on Tester in Bozeman
The rally was Trump’s sixth in Montana since 2016, the most of any American president.

Ray Eudell Knight
Ray Eudell Knight

State officials say wolf population strong despite increased harvest
Both trends indicate a moderate decline in wolf numbers FWP biologists expect to be illustrated in the 2024 wolf report that will come out during the summer of 2025.
Northwest Montana conservation easement up for approval at Aug. 16 meeting
The first phase includes forestlands in the Salish and Cabinet mountains between Kalispell and Libby.
Legals for August, 13 2024
Friday, August 9

County won't split elections from clerk and recorder
Election Administrator Melanie Howell was hopeful her department could work better with the Clerk and Recorder’s Office, led by Corinna Brown.
Ray Eudell Knight
Ray Eudell Knight

Former county resident gets prison time for sex offense
Cody Hosko, 60, of Victor, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to...
$52,000 available from Lincoln County Community Foundation
This year LCCF has $52,000 available for distribution.

Libby man accused of beating, choking woman
Moss is scheduled to appear in court Sept. 9 for...
Sheriff's Office blotter
A nude, adult woman was reported on the roadway in the...

Libby High School grad still serving his military community
Carpenter was on active duty for six years in the Marine Corps...
Montana’s plan to curb opioid overdoses includes vending machines
Drawing on a pool of behavioral health funds set aside by lawmakers in 2023, health officials within Gov. Greg Gianforte’s administration have proposed installing two dozen naloxone...
Sex assault case dismissed against Libby man
In the motion for dismissal, Boris wrote that the alleged victim...
Local back-to-school supply drive for youth in welfare system
The event runs from Monday through Friday at the Lincoln County campus.
Former Oregon hotshots help quell Libby blaze
The couple, who have lived in Libby since 2017, were more than prepared to tackle....
Legals for August, 9 2024
Tuesday, August 6
County ponders major increases for hauling waste
The last deal with Evergreen Hauling was for $292,000 for the current fiscal year, but the new proposal...
Fraud alert for Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser
U Serve Libby, Inc., the 501(c)3 non-profit organization that built the Libby Community Tennis Courts...
Possibility of wildlife-to-human crossover heightens concerns about CWD
Montana has a high concentration of positive testing for the disease, despite weak sampling rate
Questioning the idea of separating county elections from clerk and recorder
In considering this request, the commissioners should explain to the public why Ms. Howell and the commissioners failed to comply...
Heritage Museum moves from art to photography exhibit
On Thursday, Aug. 1, the Tower Gallery exhibit changed to photography.
Montana wildfires
While wildfire and smoke risks are increasing across the nation, endangering and taking lives, there are people fighting for corrective action.

State says New Jersey man accused of arson is fit to proceed
Eutsler’s attorney, Ben Kolter, told the court he has requested a new budget to have a new evaluation hearing.
Bull Lake paddle boarders
Paddle boarders, anglers, water skiers...

Libby High School Educational Trust supports local students
Each received a $1,000 scholarship from the trust and will be furthering their educations...
Legals for August, 6 2024
Friday, August 2

Libby Food Pantry gets a big lift from LOR Foundation
In 2023, they served more than 3,000 households, providing nearly 140,000 pounds of food to local Libby families.

Arrest warrant issued for Libby man accused of stabbing woman
According to a court document filed July 26, Reid was at...
Don’t forget the everyday goodness that still exists in America
I have always been fascinated in history and family history, asking them to stretch their minds back to the details of people I didn’t know.

Eureka man gets 30-year term for killing father
Sauls was first charged with deliberate homicide after...
Bits n' pieces from east, west and beyond
The Wall Street Journal reports that Elon Musk, who is worth $250 billion, plans to...
Highway 37 bridge work begins Aug. 5
The first is at mile marker 13.8 where the...

Libby woman gets prison time in meth possession case
District Judge Matt Cuffe sentenced Styles on July 15 to...

Campfire time comes to a stop in northwest Montana
Because 80 to 90% of wildfires are human-caused, restrictions help reduce fire risk and prevent wildfires during periods of very high to extreme fire danger by decreasing potential sources of ignition.