Truth in sentencing
April 26, 2024 7:00 AM
To the Editor:
About a year ago, I was cast into the dark underside of the law when I was issued a $50 citation for my dog trespassing on a private property.
I recently read of a criminal sentencing, though more serious in nature (involving gun play, recklessness and other infractions) where the offender’s charges were amended and even dismissed for having a “college degree in forestry.”
Not one to question the wisdom of Lincoln County jurisprudence; with a degree in forestry myself (UM 1976), I was puzzled as to what the hell this had to do with anything?
With that in mind, I then wondered if I too could be shown some leniency and be reconsidered as a respectable citizen and get my fifty bucks back?
Tom Horelick, Libby