Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Montana VA will support Libby Stand Down

by The Western News
| September 26, 2023 7:00 AM

Western Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke is proud to announce that for the first time the Montana Veterans Affairs will join the Spokane Veterans Affairs in hosting the 23rd annual Libby Veterans Stand Down in Lincoln County.

The event will take place Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1 at the Memorial Center in Libby. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.

Resources will support hundreds of veterans in Northwest Montana and statewide.

Stand Downs are typically one- to three-day events during which VA staff, veteran service organizations, and volunteers provide free food, clothing and health screenings to homeless, low income and at-risk veterans.

Veterans will be able to receive haircuts, military surplus clothing, refreshments and lunch as well as food boxes at the Libby Stand Down.

In addition, veterans also receive referrals for health care, housing solutions, employment counseling, substance use treatment, mental health counseling, a service officer for the VA Clinic and other essential services.

Veterans are asked to bring their DD214 Discharge VA Card or a military ID.

A civilian clothing giveaway open to the public will be held in the parking lot.

This year's collaboration between veterans’ groups – particularly the participation of Montana VA - will significantly enhance the event's impact.

Due to Lincoln County being in the Spokane region for the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Libby Stand Down has historically only been serviced by the Spokane VA. This year’s Stand Down marks the first visit of the MTVA to Libby in efforts to ensure Montana’s veterans will receive comprehensive support regardless of where they reside within the state.

“Montana is one small town with really long roads and the long-term success of the Stand Downs in Montana reflects that small town feeling and the respect we have for our veterans,” said Congressman Zinke. “I’m happy to announce MTVA’s participation in the Libby Stand Down this year. As a nation, we have not lived up to our promise to veterans. As veterans, we are not victims. Many of the people who helped organize this event are veterans or family of a veteran and they recognize how important it is that we continue the brotherhood we developed on the battlefield once we transition into civilian life.”

Cinnamon Davis who oversees community outreach for the Northwest Montana Veterans Food Pantry Stand Down worked with Congressman Zinke’s office to coordinate support for the upcoming event.

“I want to thank Congressman Zinke and his staff for working with the Montana VA and the Spokane VA this year 2023 to make it happen that both Montana VA and the Spokane VA will have resource providers at the 23rd Annual Libby Stand Down," Davis said.

"This is the first time we will have Montana coming and supporting the local veterans. It will be wonderful to have both VAs on site helping the NW Montana Veterans Stand Down and food pantry do this once a year outreach for all veterans. I sincerely appreciate your assistance. See you in Libby on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.”

For more information, call Allen Erickson Sr. at 406-756-7304 or 406-250-0698 or go to