Monday, March 10, 2025

Troy, Libby 4-H clubs show well at Lincoln Co. Fair

The Western News | September 5, 2023 7:00 AM

The 2023 Lincoln County Fair is in the books and the market livestock auction sales were nearly one-half million dollars.

According to Kara Matthews, of Libby, the auction sales were $469,372.35. In 2022, the sales were about $330,000.

Youths from Libby and Troy 4-H clubs brought home several ribbons for their animals.

Libby’s Leah Matthews, a member of the South 40 4-H Club, won the Little Chief Award for her written essay to Western Outdoors. She received the Silver Buckle Award from Gordon Pirrie, of Kalispell. One youth in the county is honored for outstanding volunteer community service, citizenship and demonstrated leadership.

She also had the reserve champion in the beef breeding category.

“We are incredibly proud to be apart of such an amazing group of parents, youth and volunteers in Lincoln County. Every year my kids come home with the best memories from the fair that are all derived from good old fashioned hard work and fun. It was great to see all of the kids in Lincoln County compete together while providing each other with encouragement and support,” said Kara Matthews, South 40 4-H club leader.

Svetlana Harper, the dog leader for Troy’s Kootenai Kids and Kritters 4-H, was extremely happy for the kids’ performances and the support from the local community.

“We all very much appreciate all the county businesses who made it to the auction and who bought 4-H market animals for their continued support of hard-working 4-H kids,” Harper said.

“Also, thanks to Guy and Jennifer Johnson for their 4-H and beef leadership and for continuing to support the kids, Svea Vermilya-Jorgenson, Wes D’Aponti and Rocky.”

Chris Noble of Noble Excavating and F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber Co. were awarded Supporters of the Year.


Showmanship Grand Champion-Brooklyn Reid, of Troy.

Reserve Champion-Abby Kreutzer, of Troy.

Breeding project Grand Champion-Dayton Johnson, of Troy.


Showmanship Reserve Champion-Hailey Matthews, of Libby.

Breeding Grand Champion-Brevin Williamson, of Troy, Western Montana Stockmen’s Association heifer

Breeding Reserve Champion-Leah Matthews, of Libby


4-H and Open Class Grand Champion, Abby Kreutzer, of Troy.

4-H Reserve Champion, Sylvia Hofer, of Troy.

Open Class Reserve Champion Nick Harper, of Troy.


Junior Grand Champion-Elizah Kreutzer, of Troy.

Junior Reserve Champion-Styrk Storkson, of Troy.


Grand Champion-Hailey Matthews, of Libby.


Grand Champion and Overall Grand Champion-Nick Harper of Troy.

Best Grooming Team-Dayton Johnson and Piper of Troy.


Grand Champion in Junior Showmanship-Aryanah Borgmann, of Troy.


Grand Champion in Market Goat-Michael Gillespie, of Troy.


Members of the Libby South 40 4-H Club performed well at the 2023 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Kara Matthews courtesy photo)


Troy's Brevin Williamson, a member of the Kootenai Kids and Kritters 4-H Club, had the Breeding Grand Champion, Western Montana Stockmen's Association heifer, in the Beef category at the 2023 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)


Troy's Brooklyn Reid, a member of the Kootenai Kids and Kritters 4-H Club, had the Showmanship Grand Champion in the Hog category at the 2023 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)


Libby South 40 4-H Club member Leah Matthews won the Little Chief Award for her written essay to Western Outdoors as well as having the Breeding Reserve Champion in the Beef category at the 2023 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Kara Matthews courtesy photo)


Troy's Abby Kreutzer, a member of the Kootenai Kids and Kritters 4-H Club, had the Showmanship Reserve Champion in the Hog category at the 2023 Lincoln County Fair in Eureka. (Photo courtesy Svetlana Harper)