Friday, March 14, 2025

Another Lincoln Co. grizzly euthanized

by The Western News
| October 13, 2023 7:00 AM

A grizzly bear was captured and euthanized after multiple conflicts with people in the Eureka area in Lincoln County.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks received reports of an adult female grizzly bear with three cubs getting into buildings, cabins, chicken coops and outdoor freezers in search of food sources. The female was previously captured and moved after conflicts with people in Lincoln County.

FWP bear specialists captured the adult female and two of the cubs in early October. Based on reports, the bears were severely food conditioned. The decision was made to euthanize the adult bear in consultation with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and by Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee guidelines.

FWP was unable to capture the third cub and transported the two cubs to the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center for temporary placement. Both cubs will be going to ZooMontana, a zoological/botanical garden, accredited arboretum and educational facility in Billings.

Food-conditioned bears are those that have sought and obtained unnatural foods, destroyed property, or displayed aggressive, non-defensive behavior toward humans.

Once a bear has become food-conditioned, hazing and aversive conditioning are unlikely to be successful in reversing this type of behavior. Food-conditioned and habituated bears are not relocated due to human safety concerns.

People are asked to report bear conflicts immediately to FWP or your tribal wildlife management agency. Addressing conflicts promptly can help avoid bears from becoming severely food conditioned or habituated.

In northwest Montana, contact:

  • North portion of Flathead County and Eureka area - Justine Vallieres, 406-250-1265

  • South portion of Flathead County - Erik Wenum, 406-250-0062

  • Cabinet-Yaak ecosystem and Sanders County – Jennifer Wissmann, 406-291-1320

  • Flathead Indian Reservation - Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Wildlife Management Program, 406-275-2774

For livestock conflicts, contact USDA Wildlife Services at 1-866-4USDAWS.

Montana is bear country with populations of grizzly and black bears. Bears are increasingly active and seeking food in the fall months before denning season. Bears typically enter their dens for the winter beginning in late November.

Tips in bear country

  • Carry bear spray close at hand and know how to use it.

  • Properly secure or remove food attractants, including fruit, livestock, livestock feed, garbage and bird feeders.

  • Travel in groups whenever possible and plan to be back to your vehicle in the daylight hours.

  • Avoid carcass sites and concentrations of ravens and other scavengers.

  • Watch for signs of bears such as bear scat, diggings, torn-up logs and turned over rocks, and partly consumed animal carcasses.

  • Make noise, especially near streams or in thick forest where hearing and visibility is limited. This can be the key to avoiding encounters. - Most bears will avoid humans when they know humans are present.

If you are attacked by a bear and you are without a deterrent or the deterrent hasn’t worked, stay face down on the ground, protecting your face and neck with your arms. Stay still until you’re certain the bear has moved away.

  • Never approach a bear.

A properly constructed electrified fence is both safe for people, livestock and pets and has proven effective at deterring bears from human-related resources such as beehives, garbage or small livestock. For assistance or more information, contact your local FWP bear management specialist.

Learn more about bears at