Friday, March 14, 2025

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness plans 2023 trail projects

The Western News | May 26, 2023 7:00 AM

You can join Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness this summer as we continue the work to ensure that winter tree fall is removed, that dangerous rock fall is rerouted around or the trails width is maintained against the constant battle against flora’s encroachment.

It is hard work, in a variety of weather conditions, working with traditional manual tools. It also is extremely rewarding to work alongside other volunteers that love nature enough to donate “sweat equity” to ensure that these trails remain navigable for all hikers to enjoy.

Visit our website and select a few dates that fit into your schedule and join us for trail projects in 2023, which are planned through the end of September.

The link to the sign-up page is

Here is a partial list of projects planned through June.

May 27: Star Peak #999

Contac Joel Thompson at

Join us on a trail project where you can break a sweat, meet new friends, and give back to our wild backyard. You’ll help to clear downed trees, repair tread, enhance trail by trimming back plants and reduce user-created shortcuts on the trail.

June 2: Scotchman Peaks: National Trails Day

Contact Joel Thompson at

Join us on a trail project the Friday before National Trails Day, where you can break a sweat, meet new friends, and give back to our wild backyard. You’ll help to clear downed trees, repair tread, enhance trail by trimming back plants and reduce user-created shortcuts on the trail.

June 3: Adventure with Us!

Contact Juli Thurston at or 903-440-2250.

Looking for outdoor recreation opportunities this summer? Come join the Cube Iron Cataract Coalition, Friends of Scotchman Peaks, Kaniksu Land Trust, Wild Horse Plains Backcountry Horsemen, Wild Montana and Thompson Falls Community Trails on National Trails Day for maps, group hike and trail project opportunities, fun events and prizes at the Wayside Bar & Grill at 5 p.m.

June 10: Ross Creek Cedars #142

Contact Joel Thompson at

Join us on a trail project in the beloved Ross Creek Cedars trail area, where you can break a sweat, meet new friends, and give back to our wild backyard. You’ll help to clear downed trees, repair tread, enhance trail by trimming back plants and reduce user-created shortcuts on the trail.

June 12: Hiking with Kids

Contact Juli Thurston at or903-440-2250.

Friends of Scotchman Peaks, Kaniksu Land Trust and Mountain Mamas are excited to host Rebecca Sanchez for a fabulous Hiking with Kids presentation and trek into the Scotchman’s up Morris Creek. You won’t want to miss her stories and insight on hiking with kids in the backcountry or anywhere for that matter!

June 24: Scotchman Peak #65

Contact Joel Thompson at

Join us on a trail project on the iconic Scotchman Peak trail #65, where you can break a sweat, meet new friends, and give back to our wild backyard. You’ll help to clear downed trees, repair tread, enhance trail by trimming back plants and reduce user-created shortcuts on the trail.

June 25: Dry Creek Wildlife ID/Tracking Hike

Contact Juli Thurston at

Join us for a fun early summer hike along the Bull River and learn about local wildlife (hopefully we’ll even see some tracks). There is one creek to cross at the beginning. It’s pretty easy but wear water proof gear. Trail is mostly flat with a few hills and beautiful summer scenery.