Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for May, 12 2023

| May 12, 2023 12:00 AM

Notice is hereby given that: Lincoln Lanes Storage will conduct a public auction of the personal property in storage unit #8 - Rudy Dill at 12:30pm May 22nd, 2023,located at 138 East Commerce Way, Libby, MT 59923. Auction will be in front of the storage unit. Terms of the sales are cash. This notice is given pursuant to Section 70-6-420 M.C.A. PUBLISHED In The Western News May 9, 12, 16 & 19, 2023.

NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED  IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED PARTIES (REGARDING THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW) WHOSE CURRENT ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN:  FOTULA DASIOS P.O. BOX 473 TROY, MT 59935-0473 FOTULA DASIOS P.O. BOX 44 TROY, MT 59935-0044 FOTULA DASIOS C/O CHRIS DASIOS AND JIM DASIOS P.O. BOX 723 TROY, MT 59935-0723 LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER 512 CALIFORNIA AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 CURRENT OCCUPANT FOTULA DASIOS PROPERTY TR 1AB10 NHN BULL LAKE ROAD (HIGHWAY 56) TROY, MT 59935 ANY ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, DEVISEES OR BENEFICIARIES OF OR TO THE ABOVE PARTIES; AND ANY OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST, WHETHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. Pursuant to section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:  1.As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest (Lincoln County Tax Parcel/ID No. 12759):  Lincoln County Treasurer’s Abbreviated Legal Description: SECTION: 29 TOWNSHIP: 30N RANGE: 33W TR 1AB10 IN SWNESE *12759* GEOCODE: 56-4173-29-2-01-17-0000 Full Legal Description: THE SW1/4NE1/4SE1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 33 WEST, P.M.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA. EXCEPTING THEREFROM LAND CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF MONTANA FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN IRREGULAR PLATS 2159, 2160 AND 2161. 2.The 2019 property taxes (second half) became delinquent on June 2, 2020. 3.The property tax lien was attached on August 1, 2020. 4.The lien was subsequently assigned to: Eric Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108 5.As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is:  TAXES: $533.24 PENALTY: $10.66 INTEREST: $125.73 COST: $937.94 TOTAL: $1,607.57 NOTE: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 5/6 of 1% per month. 6.For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5, plus any additional subsequent taxes, penalties, interest and costs due, must be paid by August 1, 2023, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired.  7.If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the COUNTY TREASURER on or prior to August 1, 2023, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. 8.The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is:  Lincoln County Treasurer 512 California Avenue Libby, MT 59923 Telephone: (406) 283-2401 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN: 1) The address of the interested party is unknown.  2)The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance.  3)The interested party’s rights in the property may be in jeopardy.  Dated at Libby, Montana this 12th day of May, 2023. By:  /s/ Eric J. Bashore P.O. Box 80242 Billings, MT 59108 IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12 & 19, 2023. MNAXLP

NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED  IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED PARTIES (REGARDING THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW) WHOSE CURRENT ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN:  MICHAEL J. BROWN P.O. BOX 1444 LIBBY, MT 59923-1444 MICHAEL J. BROWN 420 PARMENTER AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 PARAMJIT K. BROWN 2210 WEST MAIN STREET, SUITE 107-409 BATTLE GROUND, WA 98604 PARAMJIT K. BROWN C/O SCOTT W. FARAGO AT GARLINGTON, LOHN & ROBINSON, PLLP 350 RYMAN STREET P.O. BOX 7909 MISSOULA, MT 59807-7909 LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER 512 CALIFORNIA AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 CURRENT OCCUPANT PARAMJIT K. BROWN PROPERTY 420 PARMENTER AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 ANY ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, DEVISEES OR BENEFICIARIES OF OR TO THE ABOVE PARTIES; AND ANY OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST, WHETHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. Pursuant to section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:  1.As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest (Lincoln County Tax Parcel/ID No. 8863):  Lincoln County Treasurer’s Abbreviated Legal Description: SECTION: 04 TOWNSHIP: 30N RANGE: 31W TR 6AA IN NWNWSW & TR 6 IN SWNWSW GEOCODE: 56-4175-04-3-04-01-0000 Full Legal Description:      THE NW1/4NW1/4SW1/4 IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, P.M.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA; AND THAT PART OF THE SW1/4NW1/4SW1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 31 WEST, P.M.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA, LYING NORTH OF THE SHADY REST SUBDIVISION. 2.The 2019 property taxes (second half) became delinquent on June 2, 2020. 3.The property tax lien was attached on August 1, 2020. 4.The lien was subsequently assigned to: Eric Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108. 5.As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is:   TAXES:       $754.21 PENALTY: $15.08 INTEREST: $184.38 COST: $979.81 TOTAL: $1,933.48 NOTE: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 5/6 of 1% per month. 6.For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5, plus any additional subsequent taxes, penalties, interest and costs due, must be paid by August 1, 2023, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired.  7.If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the COUNTY TREASURER on or prior to August 1, 2023, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. 8.The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is:  Lincoln County Treasurer 512 California Avenue Libby, MT 59923 Telephone: (406) 283-2401 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN: 1)The address of the interested party is unknown.  2)The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance.  3)The interested party’s rights in the property may be in jeopardy.  Dated at Libby, Montana this 12th day of May, 2023. By:  /s/ Eric J. Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108 IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12 & 19, 2023. MNAXLP

NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED  IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED PARTIES (REGARDING THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW) WHOSE CURRENT ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN:  JOE EDWARD MIDGETT CMR 467 BOX 3497 APO AE 09096-0035 JUTTA MIDGETT CMR 467 BOX 3497 APO AE 09096-0035 JOE EDWARD MIDGETT MAINZ AST UNIT 24240 BOX 298 APO AE 09185-2360 JUTTA MIDGETT MAINZ AST UNIT 24240 BOX 298 APO AE 09185-2360 LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER 512 CALIFORNIA AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 CURRENT OCCUPANT JOE EDWARD MIDGETT AND JUTTA MIDGETT PROPERTY TR 3B NHN IVOR CREEK ROAD TREGO, MT 59934 ANY ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, DEVISEES OR BENEFICIARIES OF OR TO THE ABOVE PARTIES; AND ANY OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST, WHETHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. Pursuant to section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:  1.As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest (Lincoln County Tax Parcel/ID No. 1570):  Lincoln County Treasurer’s Abbreviated Legal Description: SECTION: 34 TOWNSHIP: 34N RANGE: 26W NENW OR TR 3B GEOCODE: 56-4612-34-1-01-23-0000 Full Legal Description: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NE1/4NW1/4) OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 34 NORTH, RANGE 26 WEST, P.M.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA. 2.The 2019 property taxes (second half) became delinquent on June 2, 2020. 3.The property tax lien was attached on August 1, 2020. 4.The lien was subsequently assigned to: Eric Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108. 5.As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is:  TAXES: $270.09 PENALTY: $5.40 INTEREST: $62.24 COST: $945.64 TOTAL: $1,283.37 NOTE: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 5/6 of 1% per month. 6.For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5, plus any additional subsequent taxes, penalties, interest and costs due, must be paid by August 1, 2023, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired.  7.If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the COUNTY TREASURER on or prior to August 1, 2023, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. 8.The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is:   Lincoln County Treasurer 512 California Avenue Libby, MT 59923 Telephone: (406) 283-2401. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN: 1)The address of the interested party is unknown.  2)The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance.  3)The interested party’s rights in the property may be in jeopardy. Dated at Libby, Montana this 12th day of May, 2023. By:  /s/ Eric J. Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108 IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12 & 19, 2023. MNAXLP

NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED  IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED PARTIES (REGARDING THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW) WHOSE CURRENT ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN:  ZACHARIAH R. HARP P.O. BOX 5691 KALISPELL, MT 59903-5691 ZACHARIAH R. HARP 230 LAKE BLAINE DRIVE KALISPELL, MT 59901-7629 ZACHARIAH R. HARP 2231 WHITEFISH STAGE KALISPELL, MT 59901-6758 LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER 512 CALIFORNIA AVENUE LIBBY, MT 59923 CURRENT OCCUPANT ZACHARIAH R. HARP PROPERTY C.O.S. 1590, TRACT 1 NHN PARKISON LANE LIBBY, MT 59923 ANY ASSIGNS, SUCCESSORS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, DEVISEES OR BENEFICIARIES OF OR TO THE ABOVE PARTIES; AND ANY OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST, WHETHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW. Pursuant to section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:  1.As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest (Lincoln County Tax Parcel/ID No. 18458):  Lincoln County Treasurer’s Abbreviated Legal Description: SECTION: 17 TOWNSHIP: 26N RANGE: 28W C.O.S. 1590, TRACT 1 OR N2NWSENW OR TR 2A2 GEOCODE: 56-3692-17-2-01-15-0000 Full Legal Description:      THE N1/2NW1/4SE1/4NW1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 28 WEST, P.M.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, MONTANA, MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED AS TRACT 1 ON CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 1590. 2.The 2019 property taxes (second half) became delinquent on June 2, 2020. 3.The property tax lien was attached on August 1, 2020. 4.The lien was subsequently assigned to: Eric Bashore P.O. Box 80242  Billings, MT 59108. 5.As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is:  TAXES: $588.76 PENALTY: $11.78 INTEREST: $142.50 COST: $911.19 TOTAL: $1,654.23 NOTE: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 5/6 of 1% per month. 6.For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5, plus any additional subsequent taxes, penalties, interest and costs due, must be paid by August 1, 2023, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired.  7.If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the COUNTY TREASURER on or prior to August 1, 2023, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. 8.The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is:   Lincoln County Treasurer 512 California Avenue Libby, MT 59923 Telephone: (406) 283-2401. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN: 1)The address of the interested party is unknown.  2)The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance.  3)The interested party’s rights in the property may be in jeopardy.  Dated at Libby, Montana this 12th day of May, 2023. By:  /s/ Eric J. Bashore P.O. Box 80242 Billings, MT 59108 IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12 & 19, 2023. MNAXLP

C. Mark Hash Hash, O’Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP  Attorneys at Law  136 1st Ave. W. P. O. Box 1178 Kalispell, MT 59903-1178 (406) 755-6919  Attorneys for Personal Representative    MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In The Matter of The Estate of KATHRYN E. MALLY,   Deceased Cause No.  DP-23-50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate.  All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be either mailed to Patrick Mally, Personal Representative by certified mail, return receipt requested, c/o Hash, O’Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 1178, Kalispell, Montana 59903-1178, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED  May 3, 2023. s/ Patrick Mally, Personal Representative  Personal Representative’s Attorneys: Hash, O’Brien, Biby & Murray, PLLP  By s/ C Mark Hash PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12, 19 & 26, 2023. MNAXLP

Public Notice  The City of Libby will be removing a portion of aged playground equipment at Fireman’s park to make way for several new playground sets. The city asks that people please have patience as it will be closing a portion of the park down during this process. Work will commence starting on May 15th with clearing and leveling the site combined with moving the sprinkling system. Around the 20th of May, construction of the new playground should begin. Additional dates for completion and playground opening will be announced when determined.  For more information contact the City Administrator at 293-2731,, or stop by City Hall at 952 E. Spruce St. The city thanks you for your cooperation.  PUBLISHED In The Western News May 12, 2023. MNAXLP